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February 22, 2013 Honorable Jeffrey C. Cohen Acting Secretary, NYS Boar of !lectric "o#er $eneration Siting an !

n%iron&ent 'hree !&(ire State "la)a Albany, Ne# Yor* 12223+13,0 Re: Case 12-F-0410 Cape Vincent Wind Power, LLC -ear Secretary Cohen. 'he 'o#n of Ca(e /incent ha0 been 0truggling #ith ho# to be0t en0ure that all of the (otentially negati%e en%iron&ental, health, 0afety an #elfare i00ue0 are (ro(erly an thoroughly a re00e by B" in their "reli&inary Sco(ing State&ent. 'o ate our atte&(t0 to i entify an i0cu00 i00ue0 #ith B" #ere un0ucce00ful. 1hene%er #e 0ought an0#er0, re0(on0e0 fro& B" generally o not co&e at all. 2n tho0e fe# occa0ion0 #hen B" re(re0entati%e0 ca&e to our to#n, their re0(on0e0 to e%en our &o0t ba0ic in3uirie0 #ere i0&i00i%e, e%a0i%e an i&(atient in their tone. 2ur concern i0 that B"40 inattention in the (a0t #ill carry o%er into their "reli&inary Sco(ing State&ent that &ay o%erloo* &any of the (otential a %er0e i&(act0 the 'o#n ha0 i entifie . B" clearly un er0tan 0 the nature of our concern0 a0 e%i ence by the language inclu e in their 0o calle $oo Neighbor Agree&ent. 5n the0e agree&ent0 B" i entifie &any of the (otentially a %er0e en%iron&ental i&(act0 to lan o#ner0 #ithin an near the foot(rint of their (ro6ect (ro(o0al. Ho#e%er, for B" to act in their ealing0 #ith the 'o#n a0 if the0e a %er0e i&(act0 are not (ertinent, not rele%ant or unti&ely, 0ho#0 no trace of goo faith in their (reten e (ublic in%ol%e&ent an (ublic outreach effort here in Ca(e /incent. "lea0e note the o(ening (aragra(h an fir0t (art of B"40 71in Far& Neighbor !a0e&ent Agree&ent an -eclaration of 8e0tricti%e Co%enant09 a0 0ho#n belo#.

1. 1in Far& 2(eration0 !a0e&ent. 2#ner grant0 $rantee an e:clu0i%e ea0e&ent in , on, o%er, acro00 an through 2#ner40 "ro(erty, for the (ur(o0e of allo#ing any au io, %i0ual, %ie#, light, noi0e, %ibration, 0ha o#, flic*er, air turbulence, #a*e, ice, electro&agnetic, electric an ra io interference, ice thro# or other #eather create ha)ar 0 or other effect of any *in #hat0oe%er re0ulting irectly or in irectly fro& any con0truction, e%elo(&ent, re(air, &aintenance, re(lace&ent, or o(eration of $rantee40 1in (o#er Facilitie0 or other of $rantee40 acti%itie0 on the 1in Far&, that coul interfere #ith the 2#ner40 (eaceful en6oy&ent an u0e of the 2#ner40 "ro(erty.9 By inclu ing the i00ue0 of 7; any au io, %i0ual, %ie#, light, noi0e, %ibration, 0ha o#, flic*er, air turbulence, #a*e, ice, electro&agnetic, electric an ra io interference, ice thro# ;9 in their agree&ent, B" i entifie the0e a0 0ignificant a %er0e i&(act0 that &ay negati%ely i&(act the en%iron&ent, health, 0afety an #elfare of the 72#ner9 an therefore by inference the entire co&&unity. B"<0 $oo Neighbor Agree&ent (ro%i e0 a far &ore co&(rehen0i%e li0ting of (otentially a %er0e en%iron&ental i&(act0 for 'o#n of Ca(e /incent re0i ent0 than #hat B" e0cribe0 in their re+ %i0e an a((ro%e "5". For e:a&(le, their "5" i entifie0 noi0e, 0ha o# flic*er, ecrea0e (ro(+ erty %alue0 an lo00 of #il life an habitat a0 the only a %er0e i&(act0 that 0houl be i0cu00e #ith the 'o#n. 'he to#n conten 0 that B"<0 "reli&inary Sco(ing State&ent of (otentially a + %er0e i&(act0 0houl be a0 co&(lete an con0i0tent a0 that #hich B" re3uire0 in the $oo Neigh+ bor agree&ent0. 2ur belief i0 that B" ha0 no intention of being tran0(arent an fully infor&ati%e a0 they (re00 for#ar #ith thi0 (ro6ect. 'heir (a0t hi0tory #ith u0 0ugge0t0 thi0 #ill be the ca0e. 2ur re3ue0t of the Siting Boar an ca0e 0taff i0 for you to &a*e e%ery effort to in0i0t that B" (ro(erly an fully a re00 each of the i&(act factor0 in their 0co(ing 0tate&ent that they e:(ect their coo(erating lan o#ner0 to #a%e. 'han* you for continue attention to our concern0. 8e0(ectfully your0, =rban Hir0chey > 'o#n Su(er%i0or Broo*0 Bra gon > -e(uty Su(er%i0or John Byrne > 'o#n Council

Cliffor Schnei er > 'o#n Council ?ichelle 20#al > 'o#n Council

We the undersigned appointed officia s fro! the "own of Cape Vincent endorse and fu # support this "own $oard etter to the Pu% ic &er'ice Co!!ission regarding the (rtic e 10 app ication for the Cape Vincent Wind Power pro)ect proposa *
8ichar ?ac0herry > "lanning Boar Chair&an 8obert Bro#n > "lanning Boar Cyril Cullen > "lanning Boar "aul -octeur > "lanning Boar 8. -enni0 Faul*nha& > @oning Boar of A((eal0 Chair&an ! Hlu )in0*i > @oning Boar of A((eal0 Aeith 1al*er > @oning Boar of A((eal0 He0ter Cha0e > @oning Boar of A((eal0 Ja&e0 ?illington > @oning !nforce&ent 2fficer

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