The Eckel Post Xmas Letter 2013

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The Eckel Post-Christmas Letter 2013

Well, the holidays have come and gone again, and now there is time to reflect back on the year that was. Hold on to your hats. We send this letter to you on a bad weather day in January. Bill is still working at EPA, at least part-time, thanks to Congress. The sequestration-related furlough wasnt as bad as it might have been, in time lost, and it did provide some time to go fishing (see FB post: Furlough Friday Fishing! Fabulous!) Then there were sixteen days off for the new fiscal year, in early October, during which he located and began to yell at C-SPAN on the radio dial. But just before we went back to work, he was able to attend the Keck Futures Initiative Communications Awards at the National Academy of Sciences, where USA Today won the On-Line Communication award for their series based on his dissertation. He was nudged into standing up for a bow.

Bill was again asked to read the satirical letters to Santa at the office holiday party, which was again a smashing success. Earlier in the year, Bill was surprisingly elected to the vestry of Grace Episcopal Church. His duties as assistant treasurer have led him to give up trying to balance his own checkbook. In early December, Bill portrayed St. Nicholas on his saints day, which meant wearing red bishops garb and passing out candy canes to young and old in both English and Spanish. By all accounts, this was a success. (Parenthetically, the possibility of being asked to portray St. Nicholas has kept Bill from shaving for several years now.) Bill also helped to organize a joyful Thanksgiving Day dinner at church for folks who otherwise would have been solo on the Holiday. Jennifer contributed cranberries, pies, rolls, and the last minute a smashing gravy. Also, early in the year, was a sad trip to New York for the funeral of Bills aunt, Helen Mizer. Even though a sad occasion, it was good to see all the siblings, and cousins, and second cousins, etc., and to remember his childhood through her. Of course, we have to mention the Red Sox winning the World Series (what, again?), the Shrine Mont weekend, and this years successful vgetable garden as particular pleasures. We made sauces out of our tomatoes, but alas no pumpkins for pie. Jennifer has spent some time knitting baby clothes for other peoples children and grandchildren, and cooking up a storm on the usual holidays. This year, it included Thanksgiving dinner on a

Wednesday to accommodate the afore-mentioned church dinner organized by Bill. After 30 years or so in church choir, the last 10 or so as a soprano Jennifer hung up her choir robes. But the fat lady hasnt sung and it aint over till it is over so choir may not be an event of the past. We shall see. We are also seeing a thinner Jennifer. Portion control, fewer carbs, and some exercises for the core resulted in dropped sizes (ALL OVER!) She remains employed with her law firm, and traveled this year to San Diego for the SLA conference, and expects a journey to New York as well. In a sad event Jennifers only uncle passed away at the end of 2013. There was a short trip to Lake Charles, Louisiana, and a visit with the siblings in Baton Rouge over the New Year. Again cousins reconnected with cousins. Jennifers scandalous college life returned to haunt her. Her time on the P&V (thats politics and values) floor at George Washington University introduced her to one David Wildstein of New Jersey and Chris Christie fame. She enjoys recounting college tales to interested listeners. This political connection beats meeting economist Jared Bernstein on the DC metro. Margaret, or Maggie, visited the colonies twice during 2013. The first visit was in April, where she was a bridesmaid for the wedding of high school classmate Christine, nee Chrissy Toole Maggies young Englishman, Michael Warren, came along, and even consented to wearing a tie (one of Bills) for the wedding. The very nice reception was at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Maggie visited again over Christmas, in fact her first in the U.S. in five years. For a short time, all four of the Eckel kids were in the house. My God, how they have grown, though Margaret is the shortest. She remains employed in childrens publishing, and her work travels take her around the UK with authors. She was personally responsible for sending a publication birthday gift to HRH Prince George. (The collective revolutionary ancestors are spinning in their graves)

Peter is now a junior at T.C. Williams High School, where he is taking several AP courses, and continues playing guitar in the jazz band (which means early rising for Dad twice a week). Peter has discovered drama and acting, and was in a prize-winning one-act play at T.C. There is a big part in a Shakespearean play coming, but more about that in next years letter. Ah yes, the braces came off this year. And Peters new moustache and chin whiskers, along with the long hair, make him resemble Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. Look for his selfies on Twitter. Malcolm graduated from both elementary school(5th grade) and from Cub Scouts in the spring. Like his brothers before him, he joined Boy Scout Troop 135, and has been on several camping and canoeing trips. We can watch the George Washington birthday parade next year, instead of being in it, and missing the whole thing. Malcolm played baseball in the spring, and truly enjoyed the camaraderie. He continues as an acolyte, but his voice change exited him from childrens choir. He says he is taller than his mom, but she disputes this. Next year there will be no dispute. Malcolm went to St. Georges camp in the Virginia mountains again this summer, and as usual thoroughly enjoyed it. We hope the remainder of 2014 brings you much health and happiness. Peace to you and yours Bill, Jenn and all the Eckels (large and small)

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