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Where are research problem foun ! Everywhere except personal problems Especially from agriculture, chemistry, economics, education, electronics, engineering, health science, languages and literature, medicine, music, politics, science, physics, sociology, zoology, etc

Problem " en#"f"ca#"on TOR Terms of reference RFP Re uest for proposal! Problems are identified based on the strengths, wea"nesses, opportunities and threats encountered in the process of conducting day#to# day operation of the business! Problems are identified by the higher authority or management and researcher is as"ed to conduct the research!

Problems are identified by other agencies$organizations and researcher is as"ed to conduct the research following the ob%ectives and scope of wor" as mentioned in the terms of reference &TOR'$RFP! Charac#er"s#"cs of researchable problem: There must be a mental struggle on the part of the researcher to force the facts to reveal their meaning (omparison problem are not research )t must demand an interpretation of data leading to a discovery of fact The statement of the problem* (lear statement Expressive, sharp, indispensable, definite words for the problem statement (omplete grammatical sentence Easily readable and understandable and can be reacted to that without benefit of presence (omplete and accurate expression of thought +bsolute honesty and integrity in every statement of researcher Editing the statement if re uired

,uidelines for expressing problems* Expressing thought with the least number of words possible -sing thesaurus to find out exact words Economizing on syllables, preferably one or two syllable in straight forward discussion .eeping the sentence length short, varying the length and brea"ing up the long contorted sentences into shorter /oo"ing critically at each thought as it stands on the paper 0eing alert to modification (haracteristics of subproblems* Each subproblem should be a completely researchable unit! Pseudosubproblems are not researchable subproblems! )nterpretation of the data must be apparent! 1ubproblems must add up to the totality of the problem! Proliferation of subproblems is circumspect! 0eware of unrealistic goal! 2ow to locate the subproblems*

To begin with problem itself To write the problem itself, then to 3box off4 the subproblems areas (omponents comprising the setting of the problem* 5etermining the problem 5efining the terms 6a"ing assumptions 5eveloping hypothesis Focusing on the importance of the study

H$po#hes"s Formula#"on +t this stage by 2o we mean the assumption of the researcher about the characteristics of the phenomenon under study!

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