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Apostasy 1.

The state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes) ROME 64 C.E. (Music by Nergal) It was during the reign ov Nero Claudius Caesar (3 !"# C.$.) that the first docu%ented case ov i%perially!supervised persecution ov the christians in the &o%an $%pire began. In "' C.$. The great fire bro(e out in &o%e that devastated large portions ov the city and econo%ically ruined the capitol. Nero accusing christians for this %assive act ov arson successfully capitali)ed on the already!e*isting public suspicion ov this religious sect. +ccording to Tacitus, different for%s ov e*ecution used by the &o%ans included syste%atic %urder, crucifi*ion, and the feeding ov christians to lions and other wild beasts. +s this idea sprang to %ind for the %ain the%e I sensed it was to beco%e so%ething big. I couldn-t resist the i%perial vibe coursing through the %ere few chords and %ilitary dru% arrange%ent. .nce we co%pleted the piece I was already certain that this was our instru%ental opener. /earing the albu% title in %ind I thought it would re0uire a strong ideological bac(ground to perfectly envisage the whole albu% concept. SLAYING THE PROPHETS OV ISA (Music and lyrics by Nergal) Ascend as empires burn Conquistadors ov the promised land Like the sons ov Anak They shall rise from beyond the dawn Rise as victorious trumpets call Chimera !eryon and Thee oh "phin#$ Accompanied by %ars &upiter's rays in fearless eyes unrestrained Astareth$ (rin) forth the iron rain$ *ekate$ (rin) forth pla)ues on an ever failin) race$ Lead+ ,er)al Thou shalt restore the splendor ov "odom -ersonification ov !ommorah art Thou .ron/willed marchin) on ahead 0ith passion enra)ed threats torn asunder 1ill my veins with liquid iron Armor chest and head with shinin) )old

That . may shake the fra)ile earth %ay my will forever be unrestrained Astareth$ (rin) forth the iron rain$ *ekate$ (rin) forth pla)ues on an ever failin) race$ !reat architect Charlatan ov fairy tales Thou hast failed "ince the hour bastard spawn 0ho was vomited forth 1rom a )aspin) wound ov a whore 1ather for)ive me not 1or . have sinned ,ow tremble and fear And mercy have not upon me (e)otten son . am not Adversary ov Thy love The outcast ov Thy paradise 2espised333 ,emesis$ As one we stand$ 2ivide and conquer$ And we shall own this fuckin' earth$ Lead+ ,er)al Lead+ "eth 4L5 A6.%4C*$ 4L5 ALC*A%4T*$ 4L5 A6.%4C*$ *AR."/4L/"4%A$ 1ree will brou)ht us to the threshold ov the universe but public ostracism is not the worst punishment for bein) autonomic and a free thinkin) individual3 0e are who we are no more no less3 The outsiders ov society the 7filth ov democratic illusion83 (ut does that bother us9 ,ot at all3 2o we even care9 1uck no$ ,othin) can darken our bri)ht vision that leads us to illumination to redefinition3 To this sacred place where we can recreate our ethics that from now on are based on instinct knowled)e ov the true nature and life e#perience3 Re:oice my brethren$ 0e;ve never been closer to the truth3 0e are free to pro:ect ourselves the way we want on the map ov infinity3 PROMETHERION (Music and lyrics by Nergal)

*ark$ The all prophetic incantation . was here before the be)innin) came And . am the one to come after all myths and )ods Remain . shall beyond the end ov days . pity Thee not oh self despisin) slave Thy self contempt filled with dis)ust Cast aside Thy scorn ov the earth 5ntil . lay my wrath upon the Thee . shall333 4at the weak$ 1uck the flesh$ "lit the throat$ Consume the dead$ Lead+ ,er)al Lead+ "eth 2rowned in empty black Attempt to embrace my universe . learnt how to crawl throu)h knives and thorns 2rowned in alienation . dra) myself throu)h the mud *atred in:ected abhorrence accepted 0hen mankind fall prey . shall arise$ Lead+ ,er)al And !reat 2ra)on from my mouth emer)ed And all the treasures ov this world belon) to me .n the sweetest inor)anic embrace ov my devotee . pled)e my da))er unto Thee (lessed with the promethean rain Tranquility . may find in bottomless pits . shall carry this darkness on my back 'till the day all the suns eclipse . shall333 4at the weak$ 1uck the flesh$ "lit the throat$ Consume the dead$ <nce visitin) =r>ys>tof's lair in London . found 7-rometheus 5nbound by -3&3 "helley in his library and . was literally blown away3 (ein) inspired by %ilton's prose throu)hout most ov (ehemoth's history . found somethin) thematically so

close stylistically similar yet very fresh and inspirational3 .t;s obvious that 7-rometheus 5nbound made a )reat impact on me durin) process ov writin) lyrics for 7The Apostasy3 The term 7-rometherion is a neolo)y and is a combination ov two words+ -rometheus and Therion3 Lyrically the son) envisions the way people deal with harsh conditions and difficult situations3 it's shockin) how much human bein)s can be sub:ected to yet still find release from the chains ov taboos do)mas and paradi)ms to see the li)ht in complete darkness3 2etermination mi)ht be the most drivin) and inspirational force in life3 AT THE LEFT HAND OV GOD (Music by Nergal1 lyrics by 2r)ys)tof +)arewic) and Nergal) < "erpent and Lion$ . invoke Thee$ .nside the shrine called life (y the seven wonders (y myriad mortals That )one And are to come <utside$ <utside desert ov restriction .n act ov rebellion <n the sea ov motion "tability ov matter (y serenity stren)th and beauty (y the mi)hty chant ov every breath .n serpentine dance ov blood cells .n simplicity ov spells 2ivine names meta/)ames . )reet Thy presence <h "nake$ Thou art !od$ Coiled underneath my throne 0ith Thee . reunite 0ith blood we make this covenant %yself . redefine Look in and above+ There is more than the flesh Look careful and Thou may see The une#tin)uished flame The nectar ov Thy ra)e . taste from the cup ov fornication And woman by my side And scarlet is her skin "he;s ea)er to rise And so ea)er to please Another day

Another eternity )one And on the stairway to salvation . walk alone amon) the fallin) stars Lookin) for company 0here art Thou9 <h lacerated ones$ (ass lead+ <rion Lead+ ,er)al Lead+ "eth Arise$ %y sweetest friend <r be forever fallen 0e have finally arrived 1rom prison ov this life To =ali's womb 2own to the earth As an)els ov almi)hty )od/ Chaos$ 'Tis our last fall To touch our mother whore The harlot ov the saints That spits on the rotten cross .ncinerate the icon The symbol ov all loss To stand strai)ht At the left hand ov )od "amael$ (e Thou my ally$ &oin me amon) the bri)ht hosts 0onderin) neither way ov li)ht ,or darkness ov which seed "prouts dispassionately .n the summer ov my life 3a%a Marg, The 4eft 5and 6ath, involving the %agical use of wo%an as the hu%an e%bodi%ent of the 7upre%e 8oddess3 =3 !rant 7Cult of the "hadow 3a%a Marg approach in Tantris% regarded as a dangerous orientation, which leads those who are i%pure to ruin3 !3 1euerstein 74ncyclopedia of ?o)a .t;s quite easy to see parallels between occidental and oriental mystical traditions3 (oth conceal the same essence covered by different forms ov art and aesthetics3 2uality becomes illusion3 %ind relatively e#pands itself and is able to comprehend not only the whole planet but even a solar system3 *owever there's still a need for more basic ma)ickal work so to speak3 *umans need to be e#orcised from the possession by the bi))est sect ov this world @

christianity3 To do so let us e#plore other points ov view ancient civili>ations where )ods are still walkin) in the hearts )o beyond ourselves beyond impure monotheistic A patriarchal byproduct ov the western thraldom and remember that the only sin is restriction3 And for those who think we betrayed our roots a)ain here's quote from 7The Confessions ov "ri !uru %ahatma -aramahamsa "hiva:i (commonly known as333 Aleister Crowley)+ day I went to 2alighat and sacrificed a goat to a goddess. 7he appeared to %e and inspired %e to write a poe%, 2ali. This is i%portant as foreshadowing %y final solution of the proble% of evil and sorrow, the interpretation of illusion by the initiate and its trans%utation into truth 3 &ust think333 KRIEGSPHILOSOPHIE (Music and lyrics by Nergal) 1rom lon) for)otten aeons At sunrise Thou shouldst come 2esired for so fuckin' lon) Ascend at my command "urmount the sea Throw open portals ov life And scale this endless mountain ov )race and ov tears <h voice unspoken mourn unheard Abandoned heart so desolate Rise$ (ow down before the kin)less throne 0hen sun is yet to rise Consume this putrid sphere$ 1orever and beyond333 0hen heavenly chants mute Thy apparition did . behold <h Benus the sweetest ov them all Let me bathe in Thy divinity 2escend$ And Thou hast descended 2epart not yet$ . crave for warmth ov blissful rays And fateless eyes encoura)e me The ancient dreamin) The wolf's unchained 2isobedience has such a victorious taste333 Rise$ (ow down before the kin)less throne 0hen sun is yet to rise Consume this putrid sphere$ 1orever and beyond333

Lead+ ,er)al Lead+ "eth 1orever abandoned amon) )ods 333since . have been made flesh And yet . challen)e Thee$ Canst Thou hear my battle cry9 ,on serviam my friends3 There are no )ods beyond those made ov human flesh3 There is no more divine potential than a human potential and let this be the mi)htiest ov all laws$ BE WITHOUT FEAR (Music and lyrics by Nergal) (ack)round lead+ ,er)al (ehold the throne ov burnin) )old And all the evil that it shelters ?et . be monarch myself <fferin) more than others )ive %ateriali>e the ashes ov 4lysium burned ,ot even an)els dare to bid farewell Annihilate this 4den now (lasphemy )ives birth to divine 1eed my flame$ Leviathan Rape these wounds$ Asmodeus Raise me hi)h$ (elial Throu)h Thy ra)e my will manifests Lead+ "eth Lead+ ,er)al . truly am my own redeemer (lindly . follow none but myself 0ithout fear . am 5nhallowed be my name %yself am hell and hell . shall unleash . lau)h at Thee to scorn %ock Thy ma:esty -our forth my chalice ov victory

*ear my call$ Leviathan (less my path$ Asmodeus lift me up$ (elial Throu)h Thy wrath my will manifests Lead+ ,er)al Lead+ "eth 1eed my flame$ Leviathan Rape these wounds$ Asmodeus Raise me hi)h$ (elial Throu)h Thy ra)e my will manifests *ear my call$ Leviathan (less my path$ Amodeus Lift me up$ (elial Throu)h Thy wrath my will manifests 7To conquer fear is the be)innin) of wisdomC (ertrand Russell ARCANA HERETICAE (Music by Nergal1 lyrics by 2r)ys)tof +)arewic) and Nergal ) (ack)round lead+ "eth Lead+ ,er)al 0hat fool are ye$ 1rom >enith to nadir Throu)h e#ternali>ed purity 2e#terity "ealed ye )ates ov your own paradise "kakti =ali %a 2ur)a %a Thou art pure in Thy sinistry 1or those who cannot see The 5ncoditioned <ne$ Creatri# %atri# 2evourer$ Lead+ "eth

Thee who spits out sun 1rom thy mouth in endless momentum / =amala's menstruum <n road to immortality 0e )o a)ainst current To the womb ov =ali Throu)h the mouth ov (hairavi To the final dawn ov Chaos *ow come we're still alive9 .n these kin)doms ov filth 0hen heaven's so abstract And hell is so real333 Lead+ ,er)al ,epal summer DEEF e3v3 it's somewhat stran)e feelin) to visit the same places which ,er)al saw about year a)o3 ,arrow streets of =athmandu %onkey Temple funerary smoke of -ashupatinath3 *owever our path is leadin) us farther toward tibetan plateau the Roof ov the 0orld3 on our way there's 2akshinkali Temple / pure soul ov the cult ov (lack !oddess3 the serpentine road coiled around massive mountains is leadin) up hi)her and hi)her333<urobourous Ananda coiled serpent "hakti333risin) ener)y333 concentration and cultivation help to break throu)h veils ov i)norance A to establish C<,TACT3 it's a holy day ov =aliG hundreds ov devotees from all over the "outh Asia and :ust one priest skilled in the art ov sacrificin) )oats A roosters3 heads fall down every HE seconds and the whole floor is covered with blood3 Ramakrishna once said 7Is 2ali, %y 9ivine Mother, of blac( co%ple*ion: 7he appears blac( because she is viewed fro% distance, but when inti%ately (nown she is no longer so. The s(y appears blue at the distance but loo( at it close by and you will find that it has no colour and then words from 7The (ook of the Law+ 7 My colour is blac( to the blind3 re)ardless ov what they say censorship A crusades a)ainst us in the name ov the only one true )od we'll be continuin) our :ourney3 forever we'll be holdin) the banner ov freedom individuality and the :oy ov e#istence to banish fear ov death and sorrow ov crucified ones3 7Arcana *ereticae is our covenant sealed in blood ov life e#perience3 LIBERTHEME (Music and lyrics by Nergal) (ack)round lead+ "eth .n my church ov disbelief .t canst )et no better 0hen days turn from black to )rey

.n church ov indifference "o innocent in their )uilt -erfect in their imperfection Let my children play Lead+ "eth .n my church ov liberation 0hen doubts and fears wither away . stand alone vs3 the world .n the church ov man 0here )od is trapped in human flesh . never pray .n church ov pain . spoil none but myself ?et my monolo)ue's unheard Lead+ "eth .n my church ov hope ?earnin) for Thy sweet embrace The waters ov "ty# . have crossed .n this church ov sulphur rain 1lamin) mouth ov "heol .n my church ov broken word .t;s so little that . ask The bri)htest ov the days The darkest ov the ni)hts Lead+ ,er)al 0hat once was . wish no lon)er be 1ear ov separation is no more <ne cosmic breath/the whole eternity 5nbroken flow ov awareness conquers entropy The voya)er bathed in venusian rays Let them shine thru me "plit the seas Awake inner divinity The flame ov awareness comes to my eyes 7+uto%atic writing is the process, or product, of writing %aterial that does not co%e fro% the conscious thoughts of the writer. The writer-s hand for%s the %essage, and the person is unaware of what will be written. It is so%eti%es done in a trance state. .ther ti%es the writer is aware (not in a trance) of their surroundings but not of the actions of their writing hand. 0ikipedia

INNER SANCTUM (Music and lyrics by Nergal) (ack)round lead+ ,er)al "plit my skin fuck my wounds 2esecrate the .nner "anctum in which . hide 2ra) me thru the mud blind my whitenin) eyes That . may see darkness in the tunnels ov li)ht -ain . cannot deny As . rot in this empty shell "wamped in disaffection .ntroducin) to my newborn hell (e it not so$ Thou shall see me not in a)ony 1ailure was and is no option 'Tis my undyin) self The ever wanderin) son ov the morn Abandoned yet never to be conquered . never mourn . never look back As lon) as Thy phosphoric rays !rant me more pleasure than pain . who is evil can receive no )ood Thou)h . still crave .'m yearnin) for Thy healin) touch ov )race333 -ain is timeless 0hen . question the laws ov )od 2rowned in everlastin) confusion Caress my hate a)ainst the mob (e it not so$ Thou shall see me not in a)ony 1ailure was and is no option 'Tis my undyin) self The ever wanderin) son ov the morn Abandoned yet never to be conquered The opponent$ %y life's work is complete333 Acoustic lead+ ,er)al Lead+ ,er)al

.t was october H1st "amhain ni)ht when we sealed our covenant with the most sinister soundin) tune we could have come up with3 it took us a few hours to accomplish the instrumental part ov the son)3 a few days later . awoke early in the mornin) seein) that sun was not up3 it was one ov those days when somethin) is literally hoverin) in the air3 . never ask for such moments to come yet they seem to occur to keep the ri)ht balance in my life3 an escalation ov ne)ativity and the dark emotions which . channeled into this tune seriously scared me but at the same time . could never resist its charm3 5ndoubtedly one ov the most personal lyrics . have written ever3 The resultin) te#t combined with the eerie mood ov the son) is simply mesmeri>in)333a perfect soundtrack to perfect darkness333 PAZUZU (Music and lyrics by Nergal) A,,5 =5,5= ,4R!AL A,,5 =5""5% -A6565 5LT5 5LLA (.T L.T5% *ark the howl ov pestilential wind$ Atem devourer ov life forever blackenin)$ "culpted in stone by the assyrian wind "emen ov *anpa has vomited Thee forth Reveal to us overwhelmin) mi)ht Release Thy ra)e destroyer ov lies *ark the howl ov pestilential wind$ Atem devourer ov life forever blackenin)$ 5nveil the primal chaos within Thyself 2au)hter ov Anu slain Lamashtu annihilate$ Reveal to us overwhelmin) mi)ht Release Thy ra)e destroyer ov lies Transcendin) the wrath ov The !reat (lack "lay the reptile$ "lay . command$ %ay 1EI complete the cycle 0hen aeon ov "eth emer)es The desertstorms can not be tamed 0hen concubine ov chaos be)ins her dance Reveal to us overwhelmin) mi)ht Release Thy ra)e destroyer ov lies

75ail to you gods, on that day of the great rec(oning. /ehold %e, I have co%e to you, without sin, without guilt, without evil, without a witness against %e, without one who% I have wronged. I a% one pure of %outh, pure of hands 7The (ook of the 2ead The Address to the !ods 1IEE/1EEE (3C3 7-a>u>u was a result ov uncontrolled eruption ov violent emotions3 it was the last piece . wrote for this endeavor shortly before enterin) the studio3 the title was chosen lon) before any music or lyrics were made3 it was the concept ov -a>u>u bein) a messen)er ov the (east accordin) to =enneth !rant's interpretation which inspired me to write about it3 !rant finds that -a>u>u's number is 1EI which can be related to aeon ov "et the embryonic form ov the final era ov destruction as many ov the ancient's theolo)ies say3 some ov the sources see the connection between -a>u>u and the 7)reat dra)on Atem who represents the endin) ov the cycle3 The characteristics ov Atem may also refer to the *indu )oddess =ali3 to underline and materiali>e the e#otic vibe in this son) . decided to use samples ov chantin) monks that . mana)ed to record in the Temple ov %onkeys durin) my stay in ,epal3 CHRISTGRINDING AVENUE (Music and lyrics by Nergal) Lead+ ,er)al Reptile$ "preadin) sickness and disease amon) the men !rubby creed$ 0hat are ye but the soulless meat9 Lunatic$ Cancer consumin) Thy race from inside (eware$ ,o )race awaits Thee in the cryin) skies above .'m on my way 2estination hell (y the power ov will . shall complete The devil's work Bultures attack$ %ay hell unlock overpowerin) mi)ht %ourn not my comrades$ Thou art fateless in the blindin) li)ht "oldiers$ on the altar ov liberation crucify the whore Re:oice$ 2rink to crucifi#ion 1or oppression is no more$ "lay the whore$

%ake it bleed %ake it weep Let it die forever more "lit the throat$ Let them rot Let them pay Let em taste their own blood %ake em crawl$ 5pon this corpse . shall feast 'till no hope remains for the twisted mob$ %ithras$ Raise Thy sword of :ud)ment loose the iron rain (eat the drum ,o earthly power %ay hinder nor stop Thee "ekhmet$ %anifestation ov %ut -rotector ov %a'at . call upon the most divine To spew forth this infectin) dust ov life .'m on my way 2estination hell (y the power ov will . shall complete The devil's work .t;s a very hot day in &erusalem3 To)ether with my companions we are walkin) down Bia 2olorosa3 %y mind drifts to thou)hts of the 7The -assion <f Christ and 7The Last Temptation <f Christ con:urin) ima)es ov that most famous spectacle in mankind's history3 Am . moved9 ,ot at all3 There;s no catharsis no trace ov pity for the human who was crucified in the company ov two thieves3 &erusalem3 be)innin) ov the new era3 4scalation ov mass hatred3 "ource ov a weak and faulty culture3 The true heart ov darkness3

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