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56:171 Operations Research Exam 2 8:00~9:15 am, December 5, 2013

NOTES: 1. Two-page formula sheet is allowed. 2. Write your answer on this exam paper. DO NOT use your own paper. If you need more space, write on the backside of this exam paper. 3. The test is worth 40 points. The allotted points for each question are given beside it. 4. Partial credit may be given for partial answers if possible. 5. There are 10 pages in this exam paper. I have neither given nor received aid on this examination.

Name (print): ____________________________

Signature, Date: ___________________________


Question #1 (total 4 points) Consider the following problem. The coefficients in the constraints are denoted as ? since you do not need to know them to solve this problem. Maximize Z = 5x1 + 4x2, Subject to ?x1 + ?x2 24 (C1) ?x1 + ?x2 6 (C2) ?x1 + ?x2 1 (C3) ?x1 +?x2 2 (C4) and x1 0, x 2 0 . The row 0 of the final (optimal) simplex tableaux used to solve this problem is x1 x2 s1 s2 s3 s4 RHS Z 0 0 0.75 0.5 0 0

(a) What are the shadow prices for constraints C1, C2, C3, and C4 (2 points)? Constraints C1 C2 C3 C4 Shadow prices 0.75 0.5 0 0

(b) What is the optimal value of Z (the missed value in row 0) for this problem? Please show your procedure briefly (2 points). According to the duality theory, Z* = W* = 24y1*+6y2*+y3*+2y4* = 24s1+6s2+s3+2s4 = 21

Question #2 (total 6 points) To promote on-campus safety, the U of I security department is in the process of installing emergency telephones at selected locations. The department wants to install the minimum number of telephones provided that each of the campus main streets is served by at least one telephone. The following figure maps the main streets (A to J) on campus. It is logical to place the telephones only at the intersections of streets so that each telephone will serve at least two streets. The following figure shows that the layout of the streets requires at most eight telephone locations. Formulate an optimization model to minimize the number of emergency telephones needed to be installed to serve all the main streets do not solve. Please clearly define the meaning of your decision variables.

Street A

Street B Street I Street C

Street G

Street F

Street H

Street J Street D

Street E

This is a set-covering problem. Decision variables: Xi= 1, , i = 1, 2 ,, 8 0,

Objective function: Min 8 =1


Street A: X1+X2 1 Street D: X7+X8 1 Street G: X3+X5 1 Street J: X4+X7 1 Xi = 0 or 1 (i = 1,2,,8)

Street B: X2+X3 1 Street E: X6+X7 1 Street H: X5+X8 1

Street C: X4+X5 1 Street F: X1+X6 1 Street I: X2+X4 1

Question #3 (5 points) The demand for a special small engine over the next four quarters is 150, 300, 250, and 400 units. The manufacturer supplying the engine has different production capacities estimated at 230, 430, 300, and 300 for the four quarters. The production cost per unit for the four periods are $96, $116, $102, and $106, respectively. If an engine produced in a period is used in later periods, an additional storage cost of $4 per engine per period is incurred. Formulate the problem as a transportation problem to determine the optimal production schedule for the four quarters to minimize the total cost. Construct the appropriate parameter table (LP formulation is not needed).

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Demand

Q1 96 M M M 150

Q2 100 116 M M 300

Q3 104 120 102 M 250

Q4 108 124 106 106 400

Dummy 0 0 0 0 160

Capacity 230 430 300 300 1260

Question #4 (total 5 points) The FAA has granted a license to a new airline, OhMyAir, and awarded it several routes to cities between LA and Chicago. The daily maximum number of fights of each directed arc is marked on the following network.
Kansas City



LA 30 20

10 30


St. Louis


To maximize the number of flights from LA to Chicago, a max flow algorithm is applied. The figure below shows a residual network at an (intermediate) iteration of the max flow algorithm.
Kansas City


10 10 LA 0 10 20

10 0 20

20 30 40 0
St. Louis

0 0

(a) Identify an augmenting path on this residual network. What is the residual capacity of this augmenting path? (2 points) Augmenting path: LA---Kansas City---Chicago Residual capacity: 10

(b) How many flights should be assigned along each leg to accomplish the maximum number of flights from LA to Chicago? (Label the arcs on the residual network above) (2 points)

LA to Kansas City: 10 LA to Phoenix: 20 LA to St. Louis: 30 Kansas City to Chicago: 20 Phoenix to Chicago: 20 St. Louis to Chicago: 20 St. Louis to Kansas City: 10 Phoenix to St. Louis: 0

(c) What is the maximum number of flights that OhMyAir can move from LA to Chicago each day? (1 point) 60

Question #5 (4 points) The Iowa City Council has decided to construct a series of bicycle paths in the city to connect neighborhoods not currently served with paths. The neighborhoods and the prospective paths connecting them are shown below. The cost of constructing each path (unit: $10,000) is also shown. Determine a plan that will connect all 9 neighborhoods at a minimum cost to the city (mark all the paths need to be constructed clearly on the graph). 2 2 3 2 1 6 6 6 4 9 3 4 3 7 7 4 8 9 5 5 1 5

7 8 2

The total length is 22, total cost is $220,000.

Question #6 (total 5 points) Consider the following project data (duration is in days):
Earliest Start Time 0 0 0 8 8 6 3 3 9 9 13 13 16 Earliest Finish Time 8 6 3 8 13 9 7 5 16 13 13 17 25 Latest Start Time 1 0 2 9 16 6 5 14 9 12 16 21 16 Latest Finish Time 9 6 5 9 21 9 9 16 16 16 16 25 25

Activity A B C D E F G H I J K L M

Duration 8 6 3 0 5 3 4 2 7 4 0 4 9

(a) What is the total duration of this project? (1 point) 25

(b) What are the slacks of activities J and A? (2 points) J: 3 A: 1

(c) If activity J takes two days longer than anticipated, what will be the impact on the total project duration? What if A is delayed by 2 days? (2 points) No delay for the first case, delay by 1 day for the second case.

Question #7 (total 6 points) (1) (3 points) Use the first and second derivatives to find all the local maxima and local minima of the function f ( x= ) x 3 3 x . Please indicate which solution is local maximum and which one is local minimum.

f (= x) 3 x 2 3 x =1 f ( x)= 0 1 x2 = 1
The second derivative is:

f ( x) = 6 x f ( x1 )= 6 > 0, so x1 is local minima 6 < 0, so x2 is local maxima f ( x2 ) =

(2) (2 points) Is f ( x= ) x 3 3 x convex, concave, or neither? Why? Since the second derivative f ( x) = 6 x can be either or 0, it is neither convex nor concave.

(3) (1 point) Is f ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) = 3 x1 x2 + 2 x3 a convex function? Is it concave? It is a linear function, so both convex and concave.

Question #8 (total 5 points) The UI basketball coach is trying to choose the starting lineup for the basketball team. The team consists of seven players who have been rated (on a scale of 1 = poor to 3 = excellent) according to their overall abilities. The positions that each player is allowed to play and the players abilities are listed in the following table. Player Position Abilities 1 G 3 2 C 2 3 G-F 2 4 F-C 1 5 G-F 2 6 F-C 3 7 G-F 1 The five-player starting lineup must satisfy the following restrictions: 1. At least 2 members must be able to play guard (G), at least 2 members must be able to play forward (F), and at least 1 member must be able to play center (C). 2. Player 2 can start only if player 1 starts. 3. Player 3 and player 6 should not start together. Formulate a binary integer program (BIP) to help the coach to maximize the total overall ability of the starting team. (define decision variables first; do NOT solve) Decision variables: xi= 1, , i = 1, 2 ,,7 0,

Objective function: Max z = 3 x1 + 2 x2 + 2 x3 + x4 + 2 x5 + 3 x6 + x7 Constraints:

i =1


x1 + x3 + x5 + x7 2 x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 2 x2 + x4 + x6 1 x1 x2 0 1 x3 x6 0 xi = 0 or 1 (i = 1,2,,7)


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