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OK figured out how to make it work on RGH.

convert disc 2 to GOD using iso2god and install wherever you normally put games (mine is hdd/games) for disc1 you need to use something to extract the iso (i used xiso) and you can drill down the folder foldername/content/16 zeros/545408A7 and copy 545408A7 an d the files within that (should be 4 files ending in 00,01,02,03) to content/000 0000000000000 on your internal hdd, this worked for me and never asked about onl ine or any issues, have done about 3 missions so seems good. thanks , confirmed working on jtag 161970 Extracted said folder from disc 1, ran disc 2 through iso2god, combined folders , copied to regular location under content..working like a charm Instructions for JTAG/RGH Users: 1. The contents of each dvd are this: DVD1 = Mandatory content Installation. You need this dvd to play the game DVD2 = Single player + GTA Online Which means the first dvd is just a normal DLC/additional installation and not a n actual game. 2. Setup each DVD like this. DVD1: This DVD has to be installed on your console's internal HDD or a USB drive which was formatted using your console. The size of the USB drive should be enough fo r the entire disc. Extract DVD 1 using Xbox Backup Creator (or any other applica tion you prefer) and copy the 'content' folder from the extracted files to your internal HDD or the external xbox formatted USB drive. When you transfer your files, they should look like this HDD:\content\0000000000000000\545408A7\00000002\545408A700000000 HDD:\content\0000000000000000\545408A7\00000002\545408A700000001 HDD:\content\0000000000000000\545408A7\00000002\545408A700000002 HDD:\content\0000000000000000\545408A7\00000002\545408A700000003 i.e. 1 folder called 00000002 and 4 files inside it. DVD2: Files from DVD 2 have to be treated like a normal game which means you can eithe r make an ISOrip (using XBC or other apps) and use that on your JTAG/RGH or make the ISO into a GOD container. NOTE: Do not make a GOD container of the first DVD, your game will not work if y ou do that.

Working on RGH with freestyle dash. Remember to use XBOX360 ISO Extract. It will not work with Iso2GOD since this ga me has to be installed or something.

Extract both DVD in separate folders and copy all the content to external HD. Af ter connecting it worked as a charm. Enjoy!

Use iso2god on disc2, transfer the god container files to whereever you store yo ur god files (usually like /content/0000000000000000/). Extract the contents of disc1 with exisogui and transfer the content of "content/0000000000000000/ to yo ur content path on the xbox (where you put the disc2 god files). Make sure the d irectories match up. The god container should now contain the disc2 god files (i n a dir called 00007000) and the disc1 content should be in the dlc directory (c alled 00002000). Please note that I did not exactly count the number of "0's" in the pathnames but you'll see whats what and what goes where.

Se procedeaza la fel ca la forza 3, 4, battlefield 3, moh warfighter, halo 4 etc sau toate jocurile ce au bonus content pe discul 2 (in cazul de fata, discul 1) , care NU necesita schimbare de discuri pentru a termina campania (mesaje de gen ul "insert disk 2 to continue" ) porniti xbox image browser, va duceti la file - open image - selectati iso-ul pr imului disc - open. navigati in iso in content\000...\ si extrageti ce gasiti acolo (click dreapta p e folder- extract). Apoi, folderul rezultat il puneti prin ftp in hdd\content\00 0...\ daca nu aveti hdd intern (memoria de 4gb de la un slim nu este hdd), puteti sa p uneti fisierele extrase din discul 1 pe un hdd extern (sau stick usb) formatat c a memorie de catre consola (va duceti in setarile consolei, la storage - usb dev ice - configure). apoi, pe langa usb0, in FSD, veti vedea ca va mai apare inca o memorie, si anume usbMU0. aici, in usbMU0/content/000.../ puneti folderul extra s din disc1/content/000.../

cei cu LT, scrieti discul ca de obicei si il rulati in consola (discul 1 nu se i nstaleaza din dashboard, doar discul 2!), apoi urmati pasii de pe ecran. daca nu vreti sa irositi un dvd, puteti sa extrageti cu xbox image browser ca ce i cu rgh, iar apoi sa puneti folderul din content\000...\ din discul 2 pe un sti ck usb formatat ca memorie de xbox 360 folosind usb xtaf (il puneti tot in conte nt\000...). apoi inserati stickul in consola, va duceti in settings - storage, si copiati dl c-urile de pe memory unit pe hdd-ul intern. nu uitati sa dati click dreapta pe iso - properties si debifati read only, ca sa poata fi modificat iso-ul de alte programe (in cazul in care primiti eroare la xbox image browser).

discul 2 se face cu iso2god, la fel ca orice alt joc. nu exista pasi speciali ai ci. nu incercati sa faceti si primul disc cu iso2god, pentru ca nu va functiona jocul, si se va bloca.

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