Userdirection Men

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How to Use the Wiley Protocol for Men

You have received one burgundy and one blue mylar package. The burgundy package has 11 syringes with gray plungers and burgundy lines filled with Testosterone in a cream base. The syringes hold a total of 3cc's or 3 ! lines! each of .1ml e"ual to 1 mg per line. The blue mylar package has # syringes with gray plungers with blue lines $%&' is in a cream base. The syringes hold a total of 3cc's or 3 ! lines! each of .1ml or 1 mg per line. The dosing (chedule which has been prescribed by your physician for each hormone' s daily amount is printed on the back of the mylar bags.

Which Calendar to Use?

There are two calendar options located at the bottom of each calendar page) *unar +alendar and Personal +alendar. You will cycle with your most consistent se, partner. If you do not have a consistent se, partner- you will cycle with the *unar +alendar included in her hormone packets. If your female partner is on the .iley Protocol- then you will cycle with her lunar or personal calendar starting on day one. /ollow her rhythm If your partner is not on the .iley Protocol0- you will cycle with the *unar +alendar. +heck the website message ticker at the top of the home page for the current $ay of the *unar +alendar at and 1ump on the cycle on that $ay or wait until the ne,t $ay 2ne. If your female partner is not on the .iley Protocol0- and her cycles are erratic or less than 34 days contact us If she has an early or late period- you both may lose the *unar 6hythm- and revert to her Personal +alendar with her own individual cycle If you are in a same se, relationship- both of you can be on a *unar +alendar. 7lood work can determine your partner8s personal cycle for you to follow.

Effective Application of the Creams

Place the plunger on the palm of your hand and place your first and second fingers on the barrel. Push the plunger carefully with the thumb of the same hand. The plunger can be sticky and unpredictable. You can give the plunger a "uarter twist in either direction. Try not to use your thumb to measure the dose. ("uee9e the number of lines for your application of Testosterone. To practice controlling the plunger in the syringe - make a dot of cream on your hand for each line of hormone that you measure out. :ote) &ach tiny line on the syringe is .1ml ; 1 mg. $eposit the cream in the bend of your leg and inner thigh use your hand to work the cream avoiding your scrotum. The larger the application area- the better your absorption will be. 6ub the cream into your skin welluntil it disappears. $2:'T <I= or layer over with other creams of any kind. 'pply $%&' to the areas marked on your lower back in the same way in the morning only. >se the testosterone on one side of your inner thigh- alternating sides each week. IMPO !A"!# $o not bathe for forty minutes after applying the hormones. $o not e,ercise for two hours after applying your hormones? doing so might cause you to sweat the hormones back out of your fat base. +over thighs with bo,ers after application if you are in direct skin@to@skin contact children- animals- or others until most of it is absorbed A1 hourB.

!he $irst !hree Months

There is an ad1ustment period as your system adapts to the prescription. 7oth components of this prescription are termed CandrogensD and are steroid hormones- but not to be confused with synthetic ana%olic steroids used by athletes. 'll se, hormones are classed steroids. The side effects of the .iley Protocol for <en0 are unknown. %owever- side effects of the gel@based- soy@derived- statically dosed 'ndroEel0 testosterone replacement therapy have been reported to be) Cna&sea' vomitin(' headache' di))iness' hair loss' tro&%le sleepin(' chan(e in se*&al desire' redness+swellin( of the s,in' chan(e in s,in color' or acne %reast pain+enlar(ement' swellin( of the feet+an,les -edema.' wei(ht (ain' very slow+shallow+diffic&lt %reathin( -possi%ly while sleepin(.' -e/(/' depression' a(itation' hostility. mental+mood chan(es' tro&%le &rinatin(' chan(e in si)e+shape of the testicles' testicle pain+tenderness' stomach+a%dominal pain' dar,

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4. T.(. .iley- Inc. 'll rights reserved.

Proprietary Information &rine' yellowin( of eyes+s,in' chan(e in the amo&nt of &rine' calf tenderness+swellin(+pain and wea,ness may occ&r.D- ' few men have noted a chan(e in si)e+shape of the testicles on the .iley Protocol for <en0. AreductionGB If any of the above listed side@effects occur- notify us at and your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Andro(ens may 0EC EA1E %lood (l&cose' and therefore lowerin( ins&lin re2&irements in dia%etic patients as well as 3OWE I"4 %lood press&re' chan(in( dosa(es of all classes of %lood press&re medication over time/ Increases in hemo(lo%in and hematocrit' reflective of increases in red %lood cell mass' may re2&ire lowerin( or discontin&ation of testosterone/ Increase in red %lood cell mass may increase the ris, for a throm%oem%olic event/ Use of testosterone with AC!H or corticosteroids may res&lt in increased fl&id retention' partic&larly in patients with cardiac' renal' or hepatic disease/ Chan(es in anticoa(&lant activity may %e seen with andro(ens/ More fre2&ent monitorin( of I" and prothrom%in time is recommended/ Andro(ens may decrease levels of thyro*in5%indin( (lo%&lin' res&ltin( in decreased total !6 ser&m levels and increased resin &pta,e of !7 and !6/ $ree thyroid hormone levels remain &nchan(ed' 'ny serious CAdverse EventsD such as newly diagnosed illnesses occurring while taking the .iley Protocol for <en0 must be reported to

E8O4E"OU1 !E1!O1!E O"E HA1 9EE" E8O"E A!E0 9: C3I"ICA3 1!U0: $ OM IMP3ICA!IO" I" CA1E1 O$ P O1!A!E CA"CE &ndogenous %ormones- Prostate +ancer +ollaborative Eroup- 6oddam '.- 'llen :&- 'ppleby P- Hey TI. &ndogenous se, hormones and prostate cancer) a collaborative analysis of 14 prospective studies. I :atl +ancer Inst. 3 4 /eb J?1 A3B)1K @43. &pub 3 4 Ian 3L. ;EEP AWA: $ OM P E4"A"! O 9 EA1! $EE0I"4 WOME"/ !E1!O1!E O"E MA: CAU1E $E!A3 HA M/ 7y month three- a full compliment of receptors should be up and running and then it is time to start ad1usting the dose for your individual needs. 7lood testing is in order to give your information to your doctor to ad1ust your hormone needs.

9lood !estin( Proced&re

7y month three and every si, months thereafter- you are to get your blood tested. 7lood testing is always done on day M and 1J. 1) /irst Thing in the <orning Eet up and go straight to the lab %efore you put on any hormones.

Contraindicated Medicines and 1&pplements

'll prescription medications and supplements- available to the public- work across hormone receptors to be effective. Therefore- all medications- supplements- and herbs can have an effect on hormone receptors. Pc5spes' 3i(nans' ed Clover' $la*' 1aw Palmetto' Chrysin' oral 0HEA' 1eleni&m' <inc' 4insin(' Androstenedione' Mawa&n(' Ephedra' 4in,(o' 4rapefr&it =&ice' hi(h fi%er her%s s&ch as $ennel 1eed' 1t/ >ohn?s Wort' Creatine' isoflavones' Py(e&m' 1tin(in( "ettle' and ye Pollen/ 1ome plant e*tracts that have also %een st&died incl&de 9eta 1itosterol' 4enistein' 0aid)ein' @&ercetin' osaminic acid' 3ycopene' 3icorice root' :ohim%e 9ar,' 0amiana' 1arsaparilla' M&ira P&ama' Horny 4oat Weed' 1&ma' 1chi)andra' tri%&lis' Ashwa(andha' ;orean ed 4insen(' Capsic&m' Codonopsis' 9ala' 1tiffcoc, 1tron(%ac,' 4ot& ;ola' Cinnamon' Cocc&l&s root' Aamsa ochna' Wisa' and Cat&a%a all have hormonal effects and could interfere with the Protocol. +heck constituents of all .combination! products from healthfood stores- naturopathic- chiropractic and 2riental <edicine practitioners.

<edications that are contraindicated on the .iley Protocol include) $l&tamide' 9ical&tamide' "il&tamide' and Cyproterone acetate' $inasteride' Medro*ypro(esterone acetate' Me(ace' <olede* ;etocona)ole and Amino(l&tethimide/ A%areli* is an e,ample of a En6% antagonist- while the En6% agonists include 3e&prolide' 3&pron' 4oserelin' !riptorelin' 9&serelin' Caside*' 0iethystil%esterol -0E1.' Ethinyl Estradiol/ Testosterone may enhance the effects of Clopido(rel -Plavi*. including Indomethacin and Warfarin/ With time, you may find that you need less of certain conventional medications such as anti-depressants, especially SSRI's, all classes of Blood Pressure medication and Statin drugs like Lipitor $o not alter your prescriptions intake without consulting your physician. The following products have been shown to present no problems with the .iley Protocol) <agnesium- 7@vitamins- 2mega 3's and J's- *ithium- 'nti@ psychotic drugs- 'nti@epilepsy drugs- and common sleep medications like 'mbien- Tylenol P<- <elatonin- 6estoril and =ana,. I" CHOO1I"4 !HE WI3E: P O!OCO3 :OU HAAECHO1E" A" I"0IAI0UA33: 1!A"0A 0I<E0' COMPOU"0E0' "A!U A3 9IOMEM!IC HO MO"E E1!O A!IO" !HE AP: E4IME" P E1C I9E0 9: :OU 0OC!O A"0 MA0E WI!H $0A APP OAE0 PHA MACEU!ICA3 4 A0E I"4 E0IE"!1/ 0I1CU11 A33 @UE1!IO"1 A"0 0ECI1IO"1 A9OU! :OU HEA3!H WI!H :OU 0OC!O / 0O "O! MA;E CHA"4E1 !O :OU WI3E: P O!OCO3 WI!HOU! 0I1CU11I"4 WI!H :OU PH:1ICIA" $I 1!/ http)
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