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English Project: Analysis of a Reader

English Project: Analysis of a Reader

The reader that we chose is Seven, by Anthony Bruno. The book is based on the screenplay written by Andrew Kelvin Walker for the fil Characters !. #. %. (. Plot ,. .. /. 3. 5. -s there any conflict in the story" What is the conflict about" What is the cli a* in the story" 0The cli a* is the hi1hest point of conflict2 -s it solved" 4ow" 6raw a scene that ay show the reader the ost i portant part in the story. akin1 a 1ood description and evaluation. Who are the characters in the story" $ention the ain and secondary characters in the story. &hoose the one you like best and describe hi 'her. &hoose the one you like the least and describe hi 'her. )*plain why you don+t like hi 'her. which has the sa e title.

!7. )*plain the scene Answers !.

The si1nificant characters in the story, in the order in which they appear in the book, are the followin18 6etective So erset, 6avid $ills, Tracy, the captain, $rs. 9ould, &alifornia, :ohn 6oe, the door an of the 4ot 4ouse $assa1e ;arlour, the and the delivery an in the seventh chapter. ention the characters that were killed accordin1 to :ohn 6oe+s -t is i portant that we should an who was forced to rape a 1irl, $ark Swarr

stran1e, but yet clever plan8 one killin1 for each of the Seven 6eadly Sins. These characters are8 ;eter )ubanks 01luttony2, )li 9ould 01reed2, <ictor 6workin 0sloth2, an unna ed 1irl who was raped 0lust fro the an who was forced to do it2 and =inda Abernathy 0pride2. The other two victi s are entioned8 Tracy, killed by 6oe out of envy for $ill+s ordinary life, eanin1 of each of the seven characters we have already

and :ohn 6oe hi self, killed by $ills out of wrath. We will e*plain the deadly sins later on in the pro>ect. #. The

ain characters are So erset, an e*perienced ho icide detective plannin1 to retire soon? 6avid

$ills, So erset+s arro1ant, youn1 new partner, and the serial killer who So erset and $ills are tryin1 to catch, :ohn 6oe. The secondary characters are $ills+ wife, Tracy, who soon Group members: De Olmos, ortuna, !onta"o, #$nche% &diart' (lass: )rd year Date: #eptember *+th, *,,akes friends with So erset? all of 6oe+s victi s na ed in the first point of this pro>ect? the captain, who works with So erset and $ills? $rs.

English Project: Analysis of a Reader

9ould, who infor s the detectives of so e useful facts for discoverin1 the cri inal? &alifornia, a police officer who appears after the ;arlour? the urder of )li 9ould? the door an of the 4ot 4ouse $assa1e an in an who was forced to rape a 1irl? $ark Swarr, 6oe+s lawyer, and the delivery

the seventh chapter, who drives to the desert to which 6oe had taken So erset and $ills and delivers Tracy+s head to $ills. %. The character we like ost in the reader is 6etective So erset. 4e has been workin1 as a ho icide to 1o to sleep. detective for twenty@three years and, due to that, it is always Auite hard for hi

4owever, at the be1innin1 of the book we are told that he is plannin1 to retire in seven days and to leave the city for a co fortable house in the countryside. When the killin1s start, we discover that So erset is an e*tre ely intelli1ent an, very e*perienced and so eone who does not flinch at the si1ht of dead bodies. Bevertheless, at the sa e ti e we know that he is tired of all the evil that people day by day do to each other, we realise that he has drea s and e*pectations and that he is indeed a very noble an, and we also witness how affected he is with Tracy+s death. $oreover, at ind about retirin1 and leavin1 the city8 after $ills is o ent, So erset decides that he cannot ere suspect at the the end of the book So erset chan1es his bound to be arrested for killin1 6oe, a (.

retire, because, in his words, so eone had to stay to fi1ht the fi1ht. The character that we like least in the reader is 6avid $ills. 4e used to work as a ho icide detective in Sprin1field, but he oved to the city because, in his words, Sprin1field was too s all and the scenes that are to be happy about livin1 in the city, which ature, uni portant and he was lookin1 forwards to doin1 real detective work. Cro described in the book, $ills+ wife, Tracy, does not see shows that $ills did not 1ive

uch consideration to Tracy+s desires when he decided to leave

Sprin1field. Throu1hout the investi1ation of 6oe+s cri es, $ills shows hi self to be i killers like 6oe. $oreover, when he was workin1 in a that the the

proud and very arro1ant, but actually Auite ine*perienced when it co es to cases involvin1 serial urder case in Sprin1field, $ills had thou1ht urderer that he and another police an were facin1 would not shoot at the police. 4owever,

urderer did fire his 1un and it hit the other police an and $ills+ old friend, Dick, leavin1 hi

in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. When $ills tells this story to So erset, he is dishonest and chan1es the endin1, not revealin1 that Dick has had to be in a wheelchair ever since and thus showin1 hi self to be a coward person who does not take responsibility for his actions. We dislike $ills because of his arro1ance and ine*perience in solvin1 cri es and because of the way in which he treated So erset, our favourite character, throu1hout the book8 $ills constantly disre1arded So erset+s sound pieces of advice and tried to solve the in reality, he needed his collea1ue+s help and e*perience. ,. .. Ees, there is a conflict in the story and it starts in the first chapter of the book, 9luttony, with the urder of ;eter )ubanks. The conflict centres on the cri es that a serial killer, :ohn 6oe, is co ittin1, and how detectives So erset and $ills try to catch hi . -t is i portant that we should e*plain 6oe+s plan and way of Group members: De Olmos, ortuna, !onta"o, #$nche% &diart' (lass: )rd year Date: #eptember *+th, *,,urder case on his own while,

English Project: Analysis of a Reader

thinkin1. 6oe was of the opinion that people nowadays were forced to live with horrible thin1s and that so ethin1 had to be done to chan1e that situation. That is why :ohn 6oe thou1ht out a plan of urders, rapes and utilations based on the Seven 6eadly Sins, and carried it out by killin1 or else akin1 so eone else kill another person for bein1 1uilty of each of these sins. -n the table that follows, we will na e each of the Seven 6eadly Sins, 1ive its definition and an e*a ple and e*plain the killin1 that 6oe or1anised accordin1 to that sin. Sin Definition Example The 9luttony )atin1 and drinkin1 too uch. So eone who cannot stop eatin1 ice@crea . Killing organised by Doe an who ate too uch was

;eter )ubanks8 6oe tied )ubanks+ hands and feet and not only forced hi to eat a hu1e a ount of food, but also pieces of the floor cover. )li 9ould was urdered because

Wantin1 to have too 9reed any thin1s for yourself.

So eone who has F!7 illion, but wants F#7 illion.

of bein1 1uilty of this sin. Before he was killed, he was forced to cut into his own body. The word 1reed was written on the floor with 9ould+s blood. <ictor 6workin was 6oe+s victi s for sloth. The urderer tied hi to his bed a year before


Bein1 too laGy.

So eone who watches television all day lon1.

$ills and So erset found hi , and 6oe also took care to keep 6workin alive and photo1raph hi for all that ti e. Cor lust, 6oe took a an to the


4avin1 a stron1 se*ual desire for so eone.

an who cannot stop

4ot 4ouse $assa1e ;arlour, where the an was forced to tie rape and kill a wo an by 6oe+s pointin1 at hi with a 1un. Cor pride, 6oe cut =inda Abernathy+s nose 0she was a

touchin1 his pretty secretary.

A wo an who loves ;ride Bein1 too self@satisfied. lookin1 at herself in irrors.

beautiful wo an2 and offered her so e pills8 she had the choice between livin1 without a nose or killin1 herself. As she was proud, she chose this last option. :ohn 6oe considered hi self to be


Bein1 >ealous of

So eone who hates his

Group members: De Olmos, ortuna, !onta"o, #$nche% &diart' (lass: )rd year Date: #eptember *+th, *,,-

English Project: Analysis of a Reader

. envious of 6avid $ills+ ordinary nei1hbour because his life and of his pretty wife, Tracy. That is why 6oe killed her and cut off her head, so as to have, in his own words, so ethin1 to re e ber her by. 6avid $ills kills :ohn 6oe out of wrath when he finds out that Tracy has been urdered. 6oe,

so eone else.

nei1hbour has a bi11er car.


Bein1 too an1ry.

So eone who shouts at other people all the ti e.

however, wanted to be killed, so that he could co plete his plan of one killin1 for each of the Seven 6eadly Sins.


The cli a* in the story is the seventh chapter, called )nvy and Wrath. -n this chapter, the final one, $ills and So erset were driven out of the city and into the desert, followin1 6oe+s instructions. The detectives a1reed to this because, accordin1 to 6oe+s lawyer, $ark Swarr, he had hidden his last two victi s. After so e ti e, a delivery van arrives and leaves a bo* for 6etective 6avid $ills. This bo* is later opened by So erset, who realises that it contains Tracy+s head. She was killed by 6oe, who considered hi self to be 1uilty of envy for $ills+ ordinary life. Cinally, 6oe incites $ills to beco e wrath, and wins. 6avid $ills, an1ry and upset at his wife bein1 dead and 6oe+s provocations, fires his 1un at :ohn 6oe. eetin1 6oe at si* o+clock that day would be the only way in which the cri inal would tell So erset and $ills where


The conflict in the story is overall solved8 So erset and $ills killer was and the

ana1e to discover who the serial

otives behind each of his cri es. 4owever, :ohn 6oe+s plan of killin1 one

person for each of the Seven 6eadly Sins was co pleted and thus, in So erset+s words8 6oe did win. 4e 1ot seven. )i1ht, if you count $ills H$ills was bound to 1o to prison for killin1 a suspectI. Bine, actually, if you count theJbaby HTracy was pre1nant. So erset knew it, but $ills found it out fro 5. 6oe a few instants before $ills shot the cri inalI. ost i portant part in the story is the one in which 6avid $ills kills :ohn 6oe. of $ills+ See the ne*t pa1e of the pro>ect We chose it because it is the point in which the plot cul inates, the conflict is solved 0the cri inal is killed2 and at the sa e ti e, :ohn 6oe+s plan is co pleted, as he hi self is the victi wrath. This i portant part of the story starts when, for the reasons we have already e*plained, $ills, So erset and 6oe are in the iddle of the desert 0see answer / for ore details2 and a bo* for 6etective 6avid $ills is delivered by a van. So erset opens the bo*, looks into it and turns sick. Group members: De Olmos, ortuna, !onta"o, #$nche% &diart' (lass: )rd year Date: #eptember *+th, *,,-

!7. We thou1ht that the

English Project: Analysis of a Reader

While his sto ach turns over and his eyes fill with tears, $ills orders 6oe to walk towards the bo*. At the sa e ti e, So erset orders $ills to throw down his 1un, but $ills a11ressively clai s that So erset is now retired and conseAuently has no authority over hi . $ills points his 1un at 6oe+s chest, while the cri inal says that he had been in $ills+ house that husband to Tracy and be a si ple ornin1, that he tried to play an, but that it did not work. That is why he took so ethin1 to

re e ber Tracy by 0her head2 and he killed her because he felt that his own sin was envy 0he was envious of $ills+ ordinary life2. $ills turns very upset and an1ry at this news and 6oe encoura1es $ills to 1et an1rier still, to beco e wrath and to kill hi , thus co pletin1 the cri inal+s plan of one killin1 for each of the Seven 6eadly Sins. Althou1h So erset tries to persuade $ills a1ainst killin1 6oe, the youn1 detective+s an1er and 6oe+s annoyin1 provocations cause hi 6oe. At the endin1 of the book, we are told that $ills is bound to 1o to prison for killin1 a suspect and that So erset chan1ed his as a ho icide detective. 5. 6rawin1 of the ost i portant part in the story8 ind about retirin1 and finally decides to stay in the city and continue workin1 to shot :ohn

Group members: De Olmos, ortuna, !onta"o, #$nche% &diart' (lass: )rd year Date: #eptember *+th, *,,-

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