Urine Stone

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DE URINA How to extract all tinctures thereby

!ou "ust #now that all tinctures$ white an% re%$ or howe&er they be$ are all extracte% in the sa"e way$ an% that it is all a wor# towar% the Re% an% the 'hite( !ou "ust ta#e a lar)e earthenware *ot or cas#$ well )la+e%$ ,ille% with ol%$ clear urine( Set that on an ale"bic$ which "ust be bi)$ to)ether with its recei&er$ an% %istill all that you can( -lac# ,eces will stay at the botto"( Calcine these ,or about three hours so that they )low "o%erately. then %issol&e the" in a/ua co""uni an% boil it ,or two hours( A,ter this$ ta#e it ,ro" the A an% let it settle. %ecant the clear li/ui% abo&e the ,eces( Now$ *ut it bac# on the ,ire an% let it boil 0the li/ui%1 until a s"all ,lux a**ears on it( Then re"o&e it ,ro" the an% *ut it in the col% air or in a col% cellar( A clear salt will crystalli+e( Re"o&e this an% boil the 2T %own an% let it s*rout as be,ore( 3ather the salt a)ain( Ta#e the collecte% salts an% %ry the" in an earthenware *an( Use earthenware because it can )low )ently without "eltin)( Now$ %istill it a)ain in a/ua co""uni %estiilata an% *ut it bac# on the ,or a /uarter o, an hour( Then ta#e it ,ro" the ,ire$ let the ,eces sin# 0settle1$ an% *our o,, the clear as be,ore( !our "ust always %ecant the clear while it is still war". then boil it a)ain until there is a s"all ,lux$ li#e beans( Set it a)ain in the col% air or in the cellar as be,ore( 4reser&e the sal that has s*route%$ an% a)ain boil the other 5 or urine$ which %oes not turn into sal$untiil there a**ears a ,lux$ as be,ore$ until it turns into sal( Then %ry the salt in an earthenware *an an% *reser&e it until I tell you how to use it( Then you "ust ta#e all the *rocesse% urine that has been %istille% with 6$ an% i, there is so"e i"*urity li#e an oil$ or so"e yellow ,attiness$ s#i" it o,, with a s*oon or with a ,eather$ so that the urine beco"es /uite *ure( Now$ *rocess this urine a)ain with ,ire$ into a )la+e% earthenware cas# with an aie"bic an% a reci*ient$ an% re*eat this until there are no "ore ,eces in the earthenware &essel or cas#( Always %iscar% the re"ainin) ,eces as they ha&e no &alue( A,ter this$ *rocess 0%raw o,,1 a)ain in the 7-$ an% so"e blac# ,eces will re"ain( Re*eat this until the water )oes o&er clear$ without any ,eces$ always throwin) the ,eces away( Then ta#e the a,ore"entione% salt$ which has been %rie%$ *ut it into the clari,ie% water an% into an ale"bic( Close it ti)htly an% set it on hot ashes ,or three to ,our %ays by which ti"e the salt is %issol&e% into clear water with no ,eces$ thus the tincture is now *re*are%2 This is now *ure as be,ore but %e&oi% o, its ,ecibus an% o, its coarse hu"ore( It has now beco"e so subtle$ that it is inex*ressible(80N(-( 9uan%o sal soi&itur in a/ua" claru" abs /ue ,ecibus tuna *rae*aratu" est1( O, this urine you shoul% ta#e six /uarters 05iertheil1 an% three /uarts o, *rocesse% 0%rawn o,,1 acetu"$ three /uarters o, a/ua &itae$ hal, a *oun% o, co""on salt$ hal, a *oun% o, eal"iac$ hal, a *oun% o, co""on caix &itae$ "ix all these to)ether an% let it %issol&e into clear water without ,eces( 7ow you ha&e a won%er,ul "atter which turns all calcea cor*oru" into their ,irst "atter$ that is$ into ( 'ith this water$ one can %raw out the blesse% 9uinta Eeaentt2a o, an% o, all thin)s which are re% an% white( Thus *re*are%$ this water re/uires ten or twel&e ri%es or tri*s 0Reisen1 an% a)ain %rawn o,,$ it retains all its *ower as i, it ha% not been use% at all( Howe&er$ one "ust recti,y this water(

HO' ONE CAN E:TRACT AN! TINCTURE THE! 'ISH 'ITH THIS 2;ATER Ta#e Sul*hur or Auri*i)"ent or Ochre or whate&er you woul% li#e to extract a tincture ,ro"( 4ul&eri+e the "atter ,inely an% )rin% the" to)ether with %istille% 0%rawn o, ,1 &ine)ar so it is li#e soa*( Then$ *lace this in a lar)e &essel an% set in the o&en on ashes or san% an% *our on it this clear urine$ or the a,ore"entione% water$ so that the &essel will be hal, ,ull( Then sto**er the &essel with a cor# an% "anually stir or sha#e it su,,icnetly so that the "atters will "ix 0incor*orate1 well( Then$ return it to the ashes or san% an%$ at ,irst$ )i&e it a s"all ,ire thus heatin) the li/ui%( <ro" ti"e to ti"e$ re"o&e the cor# to allow air to enter or the &essel "i)ht crac#. also$ continually sha#e the &essel$ by han%$ to insure )oo% "ixin) o, the "atters an% to *er"it the &ine)ar 0acetu"1 to *enetrate well( 'hen you obser&e the &ine)ar to be colore% well$ %ecant the war"$ clear li/ui% o,, ta#in) care that no ,eces co"e o&er with it( Sa&e this li/ui% ,or yoursel,$ sto**erin) it ti)htly( On the ,eces$ *our a%%itional urine$ as be,ore$ an% so"e %istille% &ine)ar$ sto**er it an% sha#e it as *re&iously %one$ to "ix it( 'hen a color 0tincture1 a**ears$ %ecant it an% a%% it to the li/ui% *re&iously sa&e% an% seale%( On the ,eces$ *our new Urine as o,ten as will *ro%uce a tincture$ that is$ until no "ore color will a**ear( In this way$ you will ha&e %rawn o,, all the tincture 0or &irtue1 ,ro" the "atter( Now you can throw away the ,eces or sa&e it ,or use$ i, you #now what it can be use% ,or= Then$ ta#e the a,ore)oin) tincture in a reci*ient an% e&a*orate o,, the "oisture until a s"all ,lux a**ears on to*( Then$ let it )row col% an% *our the "atter$ where the ,lux has a**eare%$ into a *ot that can be seale%( 6ute a hel" thereto an% %raw o,, all the rnositure in ashes or san%$ causin) the tincture$ either white or re% %e*en%in) on the "atter use%$ to re"ain behin% in the *ot( This is the 9uinta" Easentia o, the "atter ,ro" which you ha&e "a%e it( I, you ha&e a%%e% to it the white$ so will you ,in% the /uintessence( The 'hite one will be as white as snow an% the Re% one will )lea" li#e )ol%( In the ,ore)oin) "anner$ one can also extract the 9uinta" Essentia" 7ercurii 2ati in the Re% or the 'hite( Also ,ro" ,ilin)s o, or > Nitr( out o, 5er"ilion or out o, AEre( usto( an% also out o, )ol% caix an% sil&er$ or out o, > in the /uic#est way out$o, all thin)s in the wOrl%( NOTA So that the Urine will be the stron)est$ you "ay want to throw in Sal"iac an% Sal Co""une 4rae*aratu" ana ? @9uintleinA 0a ,i,th *artB1 an% then you will see the color as we ha&e *re&iously written about( <ro" these %rawnCo,, or extracte% tinctures$ one can "a#e Ce"enta an% ce"entiren with it$ which is a little #nown secret *ractice an% art( !ou can also "a#e ,ro" this$ A/ua,ort$ that is as re% as bloo% an% as irri%escent as a ruby( 'ith this 'ater$ "an can %o won%erous thin)s$ about which we are not *er"itte% to s*ea#( THE <IRST 'ORD O< THE ANCIENTS

Dnow %ear <uEi$ that there were so"e ancients who too# ,ine F 6oth$ 0a 6oth G ten )ra"s1 well *rocesse% in the crucible$ ,ile% "ost subtly. an% ,ine 2 ce"ente% throu)h ce"entu" re)ale$ also )roun% &ery ,ine C one loth. well *uri,ie% 7ercurius C H loth( They a"al)a"ate% all this well in an iron "ortar with a steel *estle$ rubbin) it thus ,or ?I or ?J hours( A,ter this$ they *ut it into a stone or )lass &essel cylin%rical in sha*e( 0,or exa"*le$ a bea#er G hwn1 They set this in san% with a heat that woul% not allow one to insert a ,in)er into the san%$ an% allowe% it to stan% thus so that the hu"i%ity was %rawn o,,( 0e&a*orate%1 The ,ollowin) "ornin)$ they ,oun% that the "ateria ha% beco"e har%( They then *ut it bac# into the "ortar$ an% a%%e% hal, a *art o, 7ercurius$ or J loth$ so that the inti"a was e/ual( They %i% this han%iwor# until the "ateria went thus %ry throu)h a %ouble linen cloth( A,terwar%s$ they *ut it yet another H %ays in the san%$ in its &essel$ an% )roun% the "atter e&ery %ay in the "ortar ,or H hours without sto**in)( 'hen the H %ays are o&er$ ta#e the "ateria an% *ut it in a s"all )lass &essel( 0a ,latGbotto"e% <lorence ,las# was illustrate% G hwn 1 4lace a s"all *iece o, cut )lass on the "outh$ an% *ut a wei)ht on it to hol% it %own( Set it in tri*o%e" an% )i&e it such heat that will allow you to su,,er your han% between the walls o, the ,urnace an% the )lass which contains the "ateria( The ancients #e*t it thus ,or six wee#s$ %ay an% ni)ht( At the en% o, the six wee#s they increase% their ,ire so"ewhat G as "uch as it is nee%e% to #ee* lea% "olten G an% they "aintaine% this heat until the saw the *er,ect blac#ness( Then they reEoice%$ ,or un%er the blac#ness the whiteness is hi%%en$ an% it is a sure si)n that the "ateria has been well unite% in the be)innin)( Note also$ a,ter the thir% %ay you "ust li,t the co&er o, the ,urnace an% see i, so"e 7ercurius has attache% itsel, in %ro*s to the )lass near the to*( I, so$ you "ust sha#e it %own a)ain$ an% i, it will not ,all %own$ re"o&e the s"all )lass an% brush the %ro*s %own with a ,eather$ so they will ,all bac# on the "ateria( Then close the )lass a)ain$ an% %o this each thir% or ,ourth %ay( It is "uch better to )i&e it little heat so that it %oes not ascen%( It will then ta#e lon)er$ but that %oesnKt "atter because 0you will ha&e1 the surest ,or the least sure. ,or with stron) heat$ the wor# woul% no %oubt s*oil( Ta#e you )reat care not to obtain the re% color be,ore the white. one color will chan)e into another(There are also "any stran)e colors$ but *ay no attention to the"( Attention "ust be )i&en only to the three colors that "ani,est in the wor#( <irst$ the blac#. then the white an% ,inally the re%( -etweenthese three colors$ "any other colors "ani,est$ "ore than one can i"a)ine! -ut *ay no attention to these colors. they are ,lyin) s*irits which are not ,ixe% an% which are *oisonous( As lon) as you see the stran)e s*irits$ beware o, the air$ because it coul% #ill you( The ,irst re% colors to "ani,est occur at a s"all re)i"en o, the ,ire$ or a ,ire increase% a little( In this Art$ there is no other worry than to re)ulate the ,ire$ but i, you wish to )o the surest way$ #ee* your ,ire as s"all as *ossible( Then you cannot ,ail$ howe&er$ it will ta#e "ore ti"e( Conse/uently$ I a%&ise an% teach you$ %ear <iiii$ not to )i&e too "uch heat$ to *re&ent obtainin) the re% color be,ore the white a**ears( I, it %i% a**ear be,ore the white it woul% see" to be as *ow%ere% bric#s in the )lass$ li#e #ernels o, wheat or barley or a little lar)er$ with "in)le% #ernels o,

7ercurius 5i&us( It woul% a,,ect the )lass2( Then$ all your wor# woul% be s*oilt( This %oes not ha**en$ howe&er$ exce*t %ue to a tooGstron) ,ire( The correct color is not li#e bric# but clear$ %ar# an% brownishCre%( The color is "ore hea&enly than re%. an% it a**ears with a )oo% re)i"en o, the ,ire$ as will be tau)ht herea,ter( I a" s*ea#in) o, these colors$ so that you shoul% not )o wron) because o, i)norance$ an% not #now what you are to %o or not %o( 4ROCEEDIN3 <URTHER 'ITH OUR 'ORD I, it ha**ens that with a s"all ,ire so"ethin) rises in the nec# o, the )lass on the co&er$ o*en u* an% brush it %own as ? ha&e "entione%( Dee* it stan%in) thus$ %ay an% ni)ht$ untill your "ateria has co"*letely turne% into *ow%er( The *ow%er shoul% be )rey an% blac#$ Eust li#e earth that has lost its "oisture( An% be,ore you )et to these colors$ you will note "any o%% thin)s$ because the "ateria will beco"e "ulticolore% an% *iebal%$ with o%% $nacuia an% s*ots$ which all iK2( ? )lowin) an% not )lowin) 0or burnin) an% not burnin)1( Towar% the en% o, the last hour increase the ,ire so "uch that the "atter )lows nicelywithout "eltin)( I, you see it "elt$ re"o&e the ,ire ,ro" the ,urnace as ,ast as you can$ an% let the "atter cool %own( Now ta#e it out an% %issol&e it in *ure water( 'hen it has settle%$ *our the *ure o,, ,ro" its se%i"ent while it is war". ,or i, you allowe% it to )row col%$ the Stone woul% crystalli+e o, its own$ an% you woul% be unable to clari,y it o, its ,ecibus( !ou "ust %o this C %issol&e in water$ *our o,, its se%i"ent an% allow it to s*rout$ an% *our it o,, a)ain$ an% boil it %own$ an% let it s*rout a)ain G till e&erythin) is s*route%( Then you "ust a)ain %ry the "atter o&er a )entle ,ire$ always stirrin) it with a little ro% till it %usts$ as "entione% be,ore! Now *ut it bac# into the wi%e &essel o, one thu"bsK thic#ness an% into a re&erberatin) ,urnace$ till your Stone no lon)er )i&es o,, any ,eces an% stays clear an% subtle$ an% "elts on a hot tin li#e wax or butter( I, it is ta#en o,, the ,ire$ it "ust stan% u* an% not %issol&e e&en in col% an% hu"i% air( Then your Stone is subtle an% ,ixe%( -ut i, it shoul% ha**en that the Stone shoul% "elt %urin) caicination$ it woul% not be s*oile% because o, it$ but you woul% lose your wei)ht. ,or i, the Stone were stan%in) lon) enou)h in ,lux in the ,ire$ *art o, it woul% burn into )lass$ ,or the Stone is still alone an% at that ti"e %oes not yet ha&e its a*iritue with it$ which coul% *rotect the cor*us ,ro" the ,ire( 6i#ewise$ it %oes not ha&e the 2Lo soul with it$ which woul% #ee* the e*iritus an% the cor*us to)ether in *eace( 'hen$ howe&er$ s*irit$ bo%y$ an% soul are unite% to)ether$ ,ire cannot turn the" into )lass$ ,or it is then an elixir that sur*asses all elixire( Then it is a )lori,ie% cor*us which is *er,ect( Then it is the in%estructible 9u( Ess($ si"ilar to the unconauerable hea&en( An% whenyou ha&e thus *re*are% it$ the Stone %esires to recei&e the s*irit an% the soul( 'hen you ha&e )ot it to this sta)e$ you ha&e acco"*lishe% all that the ancients ex*oun%e% co&ertly in their boo#s by sayin)

Ta#e that which is closest to nature. ,ro" that %raw our Stone$ etc( An% I ha&e re&eale% to you all the thin)s the 4hiloso*hers ha&e #e*t secret( 7y chil% "ust #now that this *recious Stone is *re*are% in "any %i,,erent ways( This Stone can be use% ,or any wor#s one wishes$ ,or it is now rea%y to recei&e whate&er e*iritus or soul one a%%s to it$ either ,or the 7e%icine or ,or Alchrny( This Stone is not a chooser o, *ersons$ ,or it acce*ts e&erythin) one a%%s to it. ,or it is ,ixe% an% %ry to the ,ourth %e)ree$ also col%$ an% all s*iritus are &olatile$ hot an% hu"i%( That is why all s*irits %esire to be with this Stone. an% that is the reason why so"e *hiloso*hers ha&e calle% this Stone the Son o, 3o%$ ,or He was no res*ecter o, *ersons( Ite"$ the ol% sa)es ha&e brou)htthis Stone bac# to its ,irst nature an% ut"ost *er,ection( As they say <our thin)s arise ,ro" one thin)( That is to say$ the ol% *eo*le sou)ht one thin) an% one root out o, which ,our thin)s ori)inate( An% when they were able to con&ert the" bac# into one thin)$ the 9u( Ess( was achie&e%$ &ali% in all eternity( -ut i, it is not$ you "ust %issol&e it a)ain in the A<( an% set it a)ain into the -alneu" 7ariae$ se&en %ays( A,ter this$ a)ain con)eal it$ an% ta#e it out a)ain( An% let it stan% once a)ain in (tri*o%e ,or ei)ht %ays$ as be,ore( Then ta#e it out$ test it as be,ore$ an% the "ore you %issol&e an% con)eal it$ the )reater will be its *roEection( I, the Stone %oes one to a hun%re%$ an% you %issol&e an% con)eal it a)ain$ it will "a#e a ten ti"es hi)her *roEection( -ut I a%&ise you to %o it but three ti"es$ because the Stone woul% reach such )reat *ower an% subtlety that it coul% not be #e*t in any #in% o, &essel( That is how *enetratin) it is sai% to be( Conse/uently$ I a%&ise you to %issol&e an% con)eal an% calcinate it in tri*o%e only three ti"es( Then the Stone will beco"e subtle an% stron) o, its own$ so "uch so that it is unbelie&able( I, M is *ut into so"e oil$ no one can ex*ress the abun%ance o, its color( !es$ then it is o, such )reat *otency that i, a "an were to *ut three %ro*s o, oleu" solie into a little recti,ie% a/ua &itae$ he woul% retain his youth to the last %ays o, his li,e as it is or%aine% ,or hi"( -ut this #in% o, oil "ust be "a%e /uite %i,,erently$ not li#e the or%inary oil$ which is "a%e with a/ua,ort( The oieu" soiie$ howe&er$ which is *re*are% as a "e%icine ,or the hu"an bo%y$ is "a%e o, two ele"ents which you "ust %raw ,ro" our Stone$ that is$ the ele"ents air an% ,ire( 'ith these you "ust *re*are your M oil( Ta#e( M 2 beaten thinly li#e )ol% lea&es between *a*er$ an% rub it on a stone with %istille% wine &ine)ar or with so"e water o, 2 or o, the ele"ent which you ha&e %rawn ,ro" our Stone( 'hen it is *ow%ere% ,inely$ *ut it into a )lass *ot( Into the sa"e *ot *ut the ele"ent which you ha&e %rawn out o, our Stone( Co&er the *ot an% set it on san% ,or three or ,our %ays( A,ter that$ o*en( it$ an% you will ,in% your )ol% trans,or"e% into an oil( Distill the ele"ent ,ro" it$ an% in ,un%o you will ,in% a )ol%en oil( That is the )reatest "e%icine one can ,in% in the worl%( ANOTHER 7ETHOD 'HICH Is EASIER Ta#e our Stone in its coarseness 0or in its raw state1$ such as it co"es out o, the "inera o, "an( Un%erstan% well what I a" sayin)! 4ut it into a wi%e$ )lass &essel an% a%% the *ow%ere% )ol% lea&es( 4our on this so"e o,

our Stone$ which "ust be ol% an% well settle% an% *uri,ie%( 4our o, the Stone$ two ,in)ersK wi%th o&er the M ( Set the &essel with M an% the Stone o, su""er into the heat o, the sun(( A whiteG)ol%en s#in or oil will ,or" on to*( Re"o&e it care,ully with a ,eather$ in such a way that you "o&e the "atter as little as *ossible( 4ut it into a )lass( 4rocee% in this way se&eral ti"es a %ay$ re"o&in) the oil till no "ore oil ,or"s on to*( Thus you can obtain oleu" eoiie with our Stone in its coarseness$ as it co"es out o, "anKs "inera( Un%erstan% well what I ha&e hinte% at here$ because there has ne&er been a )reater secret in nature concernin) our Stone$ which also$ in s*ite o, its coarseness$ trans,or"s M into oil( An% &ery "any artists ha&e sot )ht this secret but ha&e not ,oun% it( There,ore$ be )rate,ul to 3o%$ etc( I, then this our Stone acco"*lishes this in its cru%e sta)e$ Eust i"a)ine what it will %o when it is *er,ecte% an% unite% with the s*irit an% soul$ an% is ,ixe% subtle an% ,usible( Do *on%er o&er "y wor%s$ so that you %o not %o useless wor#( Now we will a)ain resol&e to *re*are our Stone ,or such )reat stren)th that it is unbelie&able( !ou "ust there,ore continue to %issol&e the Stone in the water o, the Han%$ as I ha&e tau)ht you abo&e( Dissol&e an% coa)ulate$ an% then calcine it in tri*o%e as be,ore( Do this three ti"es an% no "ore( Otherwise it woul% beco"e all too *enetratin) an% stron)$ as %escribe% abo&e( I,$ howe&er$ you wish to ha&e your Stone au)"ente% an% "ulti*lie%$ say one to a thousan%$ ta#e ?M lbs o, ,ine 9 or ( A,ter ha&in) *re*are% your Stone as be,ore$ "elt it on ,ire in a crucible( A,ter this$ throw ? lb o, your Stone on it$ an% let the" ,low to)ether stron)ly ,or a )oo% hal, hour( Now *our it into a *ewter &essel$ or let it cool %own o, its own( !our M or will be brittle or cru"bly$ since too "uch "e%icine has been *ut on it( <or this is the test o, the elixirs I, one wishes to "a#e *roEection with a certain thin)$ an% one %oes not really #now the *roEection$ one throws the "e%icine on any "etal one chooses( As lon) as the "etal stays brittle$ the "e%icine will acco"*lish yet hi)her *roEections( Now throw the brittle "etal u*on other "etals$ till the "etals stay su**le$ etc( Dee* this$ ,or this is the en% o, the *roEection( I sai%$ you shoul% throw ? lb o, the Stone on ?M lbs o, M or $ accor%in) to what #in% o, soul your Stone has$ since your Stone is su**ose% to o*erate on unclean "etals. ? lb to ?MMM lbs ,or )oo%2 )ol%( An% I instructe% you to throw it on ?M lbs o, M or ( -ut this is %one so that the ?M lbs o, M or "e%icine$ be shoul% also turn into

Ii cause M or %oes not re/uire any "e%icine. but they will turn into a "e%icine which is better than your Stone( The reason is that while the Stone which you ha&e thrown u*on the" is in itsel, the soul o, the )ol%

or the 2 the )ol% or is "e%icinate%( It is now a "e%icine an% brittle li#e your Stone( 4ul&eri+e the )ol% or there is$ an% %issol&e it in the water o, the Han% which is use% ,or the 'hite or the Re%$ etc( Set it to *utre,y into the balneurn ,or se&en %ays( Then abstract the water *er ale"bicu"$ an% con)eal the "atter( Re"o&e it$ *ul&eri+e itintan)ibly on a stone$ an% *ut it into a wi%e &essel o, one thu"bsK thic#ness( Dee* it in tri*o%e ,or ei)ht %ays with a "o%erate ,ire$ so"ewhat hotter than that into which you ha% *ut your Stone when you calcine% it in tri*o%e ,or this "atter "ust be calcine% so"ewhat hotter( Do this$ %issol&in)$ con)ealin)$ an% calcinin) in tn*o%e$ three ti"es$ an% your "atter will be stron)er an% better than your Stone( The reason is that your Stone is the soul o, your "atter$ an% the )ol% is the cor*us o, the souls( 'hen the )ol% has been turne% into oil$ it has a hun%re% ti"es "ore *ower$ as sai% abo&e( 3ol%$ howe&er$ is not Eust oil but also a "e%icine$ Eust as )oo% as is the Stone( Exa"*le 3i&e *oison to so"eone$ as bi) as a bean$ an e&il$ stron) *oison( That "an will %ie i""e%iately$ because the *oison courses to the heart an% throu)h all arteries$ inclu%in) all ,lesh an% the whole ab%o"en( It *oisons the whole bo%y( An% i, a "an were to eat o, an ani"al to which *oison ha% been )i&en$ as I ha&e here %escribe%$ all those who ha% eaten o, I G I #now o, no thin) in the whole worl% which woul% be as )oo% an% wholeso"e to our nature as this %i&ine Stone o, the *hiloso*hers( Now we will a)ain )i&e in,or"ation on how we are to *re*are our Stone$ which is at ,irst a %ea% cor*us but has been )lori,ie% an% "a%e *ure$ an% suitable to set in it the s*irit o, li,e an% the *er,ect soul an% to "a#e the" eternal( I, you wish to "a#e this Stone co"e ali&e$ you "ay brin) it to any bo%y you wish( !ou can "a#e o, it a 6a*ie 4hiloso*horu" or 9u( Ess($ which cure all sic#nesses$ which sustain "anKs bo%y in ,ull health an% let hi" last without %ecrease o, the bo%y till the last ter"in o, e&erybo%yKs li,e$ as we hear% abo&e( -ut i, you wish to "a#e o, it a "e%icine ,or unclean "etals$ you "ust ta#e it to "etals$ ,or a horse "a#es a horse$ etc( <urther$ then$ in or%er to achie&e our *ur*ose$ "y chil% shoul% ta#e G12 %issol&e% in A< $ subli"ate it J or N ti"es throu)h &itriol an% salt( The "ore it is subli"ate%$ the )reater will its *roEection be( <ollowin) this$ 2 thus subli"ate% is to be rubbe% to a *ow%er on a stone$ an% this is to be *ut into a wi%e &essel$ one thu"b thic#( Set it in tri*o%e to calcinate ,or ei)ht %ays$ howe&er only with a )entle coal ,ire$ so that you can #ee* your han% o&er the ,ire ,or the len)th o, an A&e 7aria( Now ta#e it out an% %issol&e it in A/ua ,ort "a%e o, salt*etre ? *art$ &itriol Ro"ani I *arts$ cinnabar O *art$ 8 P *art( <ro" this "a#e stron) water 0a/ua,ort1$ as you #now$ an% recti,y it as it shoul%$ etc( Then %issol&e as "any 2 9 as you ha&e *oun%s o, . %issol&e each in a se*arate

I?2 )lass$ an% when an% M are %issol&e%$ *our the two waters to)ether an% set the" in the -alneu"( 6et the" stan% ,or se&en %ays to unite$ that is$ the e*iritus with the ani"a( A,ter this$ rub your Stone intan)ibly on a "arble an% a%% the *ow%er to the )lass which is stan%in) in the -alneo with an% M ( 6et your Stone %issol&e with the e*iritus an% the soul( Then all three will turn into water. let the" stan% %issol&e% into water ,or three or ,our %ays$ so that they "ay beco"e well unite% an% "arry each other. an% )i&e "ore -*iritue than you ha&e cor*oris or stones$ because the cor*us(will not absorb "ore s*2ritue that it has a ri)ht to( Now %istill the water *er ale"bicu" out o, the balneu"( 4ul&eri+e the" on a stone$ *ut the" into a wi%e &essel$ one thu"b thic#$ set the &essel in tri*o%e to %i)est or to calcinate ,or ei)ht %ays an% ni)hts$ with a "o%erate ,ire( Then ta#e it out$ *ut the "atter into a )lass *ot$ lute a s"all )lass on the "outh o, the *ot$ an% set it to subli"ate$ since I ha&e tau)ht you be,ore that you shoul% ta#e "uch "ore e*iritue than you ha&e cor*orie$ an% in this subli"ation the cor*us will let the s*iritue o, which it has too "uch$ )o( 6et it stan% in the *ot ,or three %ays an% ni)hts with a )oo% ,ire$ as is necessary ,or subli"ation( Then ta#e the *ot %own an% ta#e the Stone out( Test it on a co**er$ )lowin) sheet. see i, it "elts li#e wax$ s*rea%in) on the sheet$ *enetratin) into it li#e ,at into %ry leather( See i, a,ter the sheet has coole% %own the s*ot where the Stone has s*rea% is )oo% )ol% in all tests 0assays1 C then your Stone is &aluable an% all rea%y an% acco"*lishe%( I ( G G I, then so"eone has "arrie% one o, these %au)hters$ he will ne&er a)ain be in want$ but it has to be achie&e% by %int o, )reat e,,ort an% care. an% it woul% really be necessary ,or a )oo% an% ex*erience% alche"ist to ha&e all these %au)hters in "arria)e$ to #now well an% un%erstan% all these o*erationes$ to enable hi" to %istin)uish between )oo% an% ba%. but enou)h o, that( Now to re&ert to our the"a$ that is$ to our Stone o, the ,ree art( O*en your ears$ then$ an% listen. o*en your eyes an% loo#. o*en your un%erstan%in) an% ta#e note$ ,or I will re&eal to you secret "atters which no one has as yet re&eale%( I will %isclose "ore to you than I ha&e been tol% to( I, you ha&e the least bit o, intelli)ence you will un%erG stan% it$ as otherwise 3o% will not )i&e it to you( 6isten -e,ore our Stone has beco"e su,,icient 0or

a%e/uate1$ it is alrea%y ali&e. an% when it is ,oun%$ it is %ea%. an% e&eryone sees it an% hol%s his nose be,ore the 7ateri( THE STONE O< URINE A 3ooD AND SINCERE 'ORD O< ISAAC HO66ANDUS

-e,ore our Stone beco"es 0or co"es into existance1$ it is ali&e. when it is ,oun%$ it is %ea%. e&eryone sees it an% hol%s his nose be,ore it. it lie% on to* o, the cas#s or &essels in which it is #e*t ,or a lon) ti"e$ an% one an% all hol% their noses be,ore the 7ateri or stin#in) air ,ro" which our Stone is %rawn( The *oor ha&e it as well as the rich$ little chil%ren as well as ol%er *eo*le( It is a chil%Ks *lay an% a wo"anKs wor#. an% i)norant "en ha&e loo#e% ,or it ;L in excre"ents an% ha&e not ,oun% it( <or when you are ali&e$ the Stone li&es with you( That is the reason why one cannot %raw our Stone out o, excre"ents$ since our Stone *ossesses the ,our ele"ents *er,ectly. yes$ it is "ore won%er,ul than anythin) on earth( <or "an is the &ery best$ which 3o% has create% in this worl% in his li#eness 0or in his i"a)e1( I, you ha&e so"e intelli)ence$ listen( Our Stone has a stron) s"ell an% bitter taste$ li#e urine$ an% it is ,oun% e&erywhere in su*er,luous /uantity( All ani"als also ha&e it$ thou)h not as *er,ectly as "an( 'ithout our Stone nothin) in this worl% can li&e( I a" tellin) you enou)h$ i, you will only un%erstan%. an% i, you %o not un%erstan%$ 3o% Al"i)hty will not )rant it to you. an% e&en i, you %o not ,in% it$ it is ne&ertheless ,oun%( Our Stone is in all thin)s that )row out o, the earth$ an% it is also in the earth$ li#ewise in %itches an% also abo&e the earth( Shoul% 3o% then *ro&i%e that you "ay ,in% it an% #now its nature$ we will in,or" you how to extract it an% how to *rocee% in or%er to %raw the Stone o, it$ o, what color it is$ what it "ust loo# li#e when it has been "a%e. li#ewise how to han%le it to *re*are it( Ite"$ our Stone costs little an% can easily be ,oun% e&erywhere$ in all street corners$ in all secret cha"bers. on %un) hea*s an% in ca&erns an% &aults or in stables$ there is an abun%ance o, it( It )rows an% )reens in all *laces where its water is ,oun% an% where it lies /uietly( Our Stone also )rows out o, the ,oul$ stin#in) 7ateri in which it is white an% clear$ Eust as )lass )rows out o, the ,oul earth an% is also beauti,ul an% clear( There,ore the ancients an% wise "en write Our Stone *uri,ie% itsel, an% se*arates itsel, ,ro" all uncleanliness( The i)norant ones$ who %o not un%erstan% this$ rebu#e the ancients ,or ha&in) sai% this$ an% belie&e that it is ( An% ,urther$ our Stone rises abo&e all <eces an% ascen%s u* hi)h$ where it collects( Ite"$ i, you #now the Stone$ ta#e it in its coarseness$ con)eal it till it is thic#$ an% )uar% it ,ro" all "etals$ because the Stone woul% turn into wee%s$ ,or it is their nature to "a#e all thin)s *ure an% clean( 'hen you ha&e "a%e it thic# or ha&e con)eale% it$ you "ay %raw ,ro" it the two ele"ents air an% ,ire( The thir% ele"ent$ earth$ lies burnt blac#$ li#e coal$ in ,un%o o, the &essel( In the blac# coal there is hi%%en the Stone o, the ol% an% wise *hiloso*hers as also o, the sworn 7asters( 4ul&eri+e this blac# earth intan)ibly( 4ut it into a wi%e &essel in tri*o%e to calcinate ,or ,our %ays$ )lowin) in "o%erate heat$ so that the "atter stan%s between )lowin) an% not )lowin)( -ut the last %ay$ let it )low nicely$ but not too "uch$ as the "atter "ust not "elt. ,or as lon) as our Stone is not *ure$ it is co"bustible$ an% the Stone to)ether with the ,oul 7ateri woul% burn to )lass i, the 7ateri were to reach the "eltin) sta)e( That is why the ancients ,orbi% heatin) any "atter too "uch till it is *ure an% clean an% unite% with the S*irit an% the soul. ,or the S*iritue *reser&es the Cor*us$ so that the ,ire cannot either

burn it or har" it. an% the *ure$ clear cor*us *rotects the s*iritus$ so that it stays in the ,ire an% %oes not ,ly away while the bo%y is ,ixe%. an% thus it %oes not let it ,ly away ,ro" it( The s*iritus is inco"bustible( That is why the s*iritus ;JFK$ %oes not allow the cor*us to burn$ ,or they are one by "eans o, the s*iritus an% the soul on the s*iritus an% with the bo%y( <or althou)h a *ure s*iritus an% cor*us are Eoine% to)ether$ the ,ire woul% ne&ertheless se*arate bo%y an% s*irit$ an% the s*irit woul% esca*e( -ut when the soul is Eoine% to the bo%y to)ether with the s*irit$ an% they are all *ure$ they are one( Then neither ,ire$ or water nor anythin) in the worl% can %estroy the"$ ,or it is a *er,ect thin)( Ite"$ when the earth is thus calcinate%$ ta#e it out o, tri*o%e an% %issol&e it in co""on$ %istille% water. let the ,eces %ro*$ an% as lon) as it is still war"$ *our the water abo&e o,, into a woo%en or stone &essel( Do be on )uar% a)ainst the "etals$ otherwise the blesse% Stone will be s*oile% an% corru*te%( Now the blesse% Stone will s*rout beauti,ully an% *urely$ an% )row li#e )rass out o, the earth$ e&er "ore an% "ore( Now *our the water o, the s*route% "atter into a not be coate% with lea%$ or into a )lass &essel( a)ain *our it into a woo%en or stone &essel( 6et each ti"e so"ethin) has s*route%$ boil the water s*route%( stone &essel which "ust -oil the water$ an% it s*rout a)ain$ an% %own till e&erythin) has

'hen e&erythin) has been boile% %own an% has s*route%$ %ry it o&er a )entle ,ire$ stirrin) with a ,ine ro% till the "atter is so %ry that it %usts( Now *ut the "atter into a wi%e &essel$ o, one thu"bKs thic#ness$ an% set it in tri*o%e or a re&erberatin) ,urnace( This is the best an% last calcination$ which is to last three hours. the ,irst hour with a )entle ,ire$ the secon% with a stron)er ,ire$ an% the thir% hour the ,ire "ust be heate% so stron)ly that it reaches the sta)e between IM an% G?H?BG ? Q

thirty ti"es throu)h it$ he has the *ower to acco"*lish such ,eats$ an% he woul% stan% the test(

It is not necessary$ howe&er$ to brin) 7ercury thus to 4er,ection$ since it is %an)erous to %o it on account o, the *oison. ,or i, the *ot )ot crac#e%$ it woul% be %an)erous ,or those who %o not #now hi". since one "ust heat so stron)ly that the salts co"e in ,lux be,ore will e&a*orate ,ro" the"( A,terwar%s he %oes not co"*letely rise but stays below in the &essel to coo# with the salts( !et to %o this one has to subli"ate hi" ,orty ti"es( I ha&e %one it "ysel, with "y own han%s$ an% a,terwar%s %ro&e o,, IM lbs on a test$ an% I %i% not lose one *oun% o, it( I %o not$ howe&er$ a%&ise you to %o this because o, the worries one has with it$ since the last ti"es one has to )i&e such stron) heat as I in%icate%( Also$ there are "any ways that are easier to brin) 7ercury to 4er,ection with J . I only wish to show you his *owers$ ,or when he is thus subli"ate%$ one can *er,or" "iraculous thin)s with hi"( It woul% be a *ity i, so"e *eo*le #new about it an% un%erstoo% it$ as they woul% then *er,or" "iracles with hi"( That is why I cannot write to you about all

his *owers which I #now an% which I ha&e trie%$ but I will relate *art o, what he can %o when he is subli"ate%( It is #nown that in the Art o, Aichy"ia there is "uch ,rau%$ an% "any i"itations o, 9 an% are "a%e which are su**ose% to stan% three or ,our tests. an% yet they are ,inally ,alse( I, you shoul% ha&e any %oubt concernin) this$ ta#e so"e *ow%er o, the subli"ate% 7ercury. *ut so"e o, the M or about which you ha&e your %oubts into a crucible$ an% "elt it. throw your *ow%er on it$ an% it will i""e%iately re&eal its nature. i, it is ,alse$ it will re&eal itsel, an% )et bac# to its ,irst nature as soon as it "elts( -ut i, it is )oo%$ it will stay )oo%( Throw the sa"e *ow%er on a stone. i, it is ,alse$ it will i""e%iately brea# into a hun%re% *ieces$ li#e salt( Dissol&e 0"elt1 2 an% to)ether ana. *ut it in a test with Saturnue an% throw this *ow%er on it( It will %ri&e 0or ,low1 as i, there were no in it$ an% it will be o, )reat bene,it$ as I ha&e teste% "ysel,( I, you ha&e that is not "alleable$ throw this *ow%er on it$ an% it will beco"e "alleable li#e ,ine sil&er. throw it on or steel$ an% it will beco"e "alleable an% so,t li#e lea%. an% one can test all thin)s with it( Now then$ all Subii"ationes 7erourii are bene,icial to his reco&erin) his health$ *ro&i%e% he is subli"ate% throu)h hot$ %ry thin)s( 6i#ewise$ all Con)eiationes are )oo% ,or hi"$ because all thin)s that con)eal 7ercury$ be it )reen herbs or salts$ or $ or lea%$ or )u"s$ or s"o#e$ or sul*hur$ etc($ are absolutely curati&e or healthy ,or hi"$ an% one shoul% con)eal hi" so lon) that he can stan% in the ,ire( There "ay well be "ore %irect ways with sul*hur. but when 7ercury is con)eale%$ he has *owers an% e,,ects which he %oes not ha&e when he is subli"ate%( It is not necessary$ howe&er$ to relate the" in connection with this wor#( 'hen 7ercury is %issol&e%$ he %oes other won%er,ul wor#s$ an% one %oes with hi" what one wishes. ,or when he is %issol&e%$ he %issol&es the se&en "etals( An%$ what is "ore$ he %issol&es all thin)s )rown out o, the earth an% e&erythin) the earth has )i&en birth to$ not e&erythin) in the sa"e *erio% o, ti"e but one in "ore ti"e than another( !et in ti"e 7ercury %issol&es all thin)s$ also with the hel* o, other S*eciee that are a%%e% to hi"( Thus 7ercury is the 6or% an% S*iritus o, all thin)s$ ,or he shuns nobo%y an% nothin) in the worl% create% by 3o% Al"i)hty$ exce*t ,ire( -ut with the hel* o, the *recious Sul*hura$ which the sa)es ha&e in&ente% an% "a%e by the 3race o, 3o%$ an% a,ter they ha&e well consi%ere% all *owers an% %e)rees o, 7ercury$ as well as his in,ir"ities an% the causes thereo,$ an% what he is$ the "asters ha&e *re*are% a "e%icine ,or hi". that is$ a *recious Sul*hur "a%e o, "any hot herbs an% other S*ecieH which they use% ,or it. an% they ha&e coo#e% an% ,rie% hi" so lon) in it that he coul% )et into the ,ire an% stan% it( I will teach you yet how to "a#e it( Ta#e s"all *earls$ %issol&e the" with 7ercury C all o, the" ha&e to turn into water( Now *our on the" ,resh cheese cur%e$ as I ha&e tau)ht you in the Dey( The 7ateri o, the *earls will *reci*itate to the botto"( 'ash it clean till all the A/ua ,ort is o,,$ an% you ha&e a &iscous oil( O, that you can "a#e *earls as bi) or as s"all as you wish(

Ra&e the ,or" "a%e o, sil&er$ )ilt insi%e( 4ut it into the bloO% o, a buc#$ "ixe% with ni)htsha%e water$ in which they2will beco"e as har% as they were be,ore. an% they will )et such a *ure lustre that is "ore "ar&elous than that o, all other *earls. ,or %urin) the solution they beco"e so clean o, all s*ots$ so *urely oriental$ that no uncleanli ness whatsoe&er stays in the"( The sa"e ha**ens to all other *recious stones %issol&e% in this oil( Ite"$ in the secon% instance you "ay ta#e crystal an% %issol&e it( Then ta#e the tincture which I tau)ht you to *re*are ,ro" 2 Ro"anuin$ in the ,ore"ost ,in)er o, the Han%$ u*on which stan%s the star( Dissol&e it in water to)ether with the crystal$ an% conEoin the" in the sa"e way as you %i% with the *earls( <or" the" bi) or s"all accor%in) to your wishes$ "a#e the" har% li#e *earls$ *olish the" with OI6 o, -IRCH'OOD "a%e 4er Desceneu"( 'ith that oil all "an"a%e stones ha&e to be *olishe%$ an% whene&er they are *olishe%$ the oil has to be s*rea% on lea%( A,ter bein) *olishe%$ the stone is li#e a beauti,ul$ *recious ruby$ loo#in) as i, it were worth one hun%re% crowns( Nobo%y can %istin)uish it ,ro" a ruby$ unless it were subEecte% to the hi)hest test. but there are not "any *eo*le who #now how to %o that$ yes$ har%ly one in a re)ion( Thus you can counter,eit all #in%s o, stones ,ro" crystal an% )i&e the" the colorin) you wish the stone to ha&e$ but the tinctures an% colors "ust be %issol&e% with the crystal in the "anner which I tau)ht you concernin) the ruby( All #in%s o, )lass can be %issol&e% in this way$ li#e crystal$ re%$ blue$ yellow$2 )reen. )lass o, all sorts( I ha&e seen won%ers "a%e o, it$ won%er,ul thin)s "a%e o, )lass an% crystal$ which )ieat 6or%s *ossesse% an% consi%ere% "ore hi)hly than ,ine )ol%( They were ,or"e% with ,orei)n ani"als an% won%er,ul( They were consi%ere% *recious stones an% were set on ,eet 0*e%estals1. also on ex/uisite bowls$ on treasure chests. an% nobo%y #new what they were$ exce*t those who #now to "a#e

J L (

the su*re"e test o, e&erythin)(

One can also ta#e little *ieces o, rubies$ or san%$ or other stones$ 0no "atter which1$ %issol&e the" in the a,ore"entione% "anner$ ,or" an% har%en the" as sai% abo&e( They will beco"e as har% as be,ore$ but "uch *urer an% "ore beauti,ul$ ,or nothin) i"*ure re"ains in the"( An% in this there is no ,rau%$ because they can stan% the hi)hest test. an% one %oes in%ee% ,in% enou)h little *ieces o, *recious stones$ an% there,ore it is not necessary to acce*t or to "a#e i"*er,ect ones( -ut this is enou)h now o, roc#s( One %oes in%ee% "a#e "any won%er,ul thin)s ,ro" 7ercury a,ter it is %issol&e%$ so that it woul% be a *ity i, "any a "an #new about it( Ite"$ all "etals that one wishes to brin) to 4er,ection "ust be %issol&e% in 7ercury$ otherwise it is sheer ,rau%( Then they "ust be coo#e% with Sul*hur. but you ha&e to *re*are the Sul*hur accor%in) to whether the "etals are healthy( Un%erstan% "e well! I will teach you the Sul*hur with which you "ust "a#e 7ercury healthy$ an% in connection with this Sul*hur I will teach you how to *re*are all other Sui*hura(

7ercury is col% an% hu"i% in his outwar% nature$ an% in his inner"ost he is hot an% %ry( Re&erse hi"$ there,ore$ an% he will beco"e healthy( Conse/uently$ one shoul% re"o&e ,ro" hi" his col% hu"i%ity( This "ust be %one with hot herbs or oils o, which you "ust "a#e the Sul*hur( Ta#e alu" %e Roche$ calcine it as is custo"ary( Now ta#e the *eels o, bitter oran)es( 4ut the" into a )lass &essel$ *our )oo% %istille% wine &ine)ar u*on the"$ boil the" till all the &ine)ar is boile% away an% the *ow%er is )uite %ry(

I A%% this *ow%er to the sai% *ow%er o, alu"$ to)ether 'ith three oa# a**les 0)all nuts1 that are *ointe%. *ul&eri+e the"( Then ta#e sloe herb$ *oun% it /uite ,ine$ an% ,orce it throu)h a cloth with )oo% %istille% &ine)ar. *oun% it a)ain till all o, it has )one throu)h the cloth to)ether with the &ine)ar( Now %ry it in a bowl an% let it %ry at the sun( !ou will now ha&e a ,ine *ow%er which you shoul% a%% to the other( Now ta#e cin/ue,oil an% treat it li#e you %i% the cheli%onia( A%% it to the other *ow%er$ an% the "ore hot herbs you )ather$ the better you can )et 7ercury to %ie( Now ta#e all these*ow%ers *oun%e% ,inely to)ether. *ut the" on a )rin%in) stone$ (i"bibe the" with *i)Ks )all G thatKs the best Glet it %ry till you can *ul&eri+e it a)ain( A%% to this %rie% hu"an bloo%$ the bloo% o, roosters or hens. i"bibe the" to)ether with ani"al )all as be,ore$ an% let the" %ry to)ether on a )lass slab( Do this ei)ht or nine ti"es$ the "ore the better. an% ,inally let it beco"e /uite har% an% %ry$ so that it can be turne% into a ,ine *ow%er( Now ta#e Ro"an$ re%Ccalcine% ?2 $ an% as "uch cinnabar as the &itriol wei)hs( 4ul&eri+e the" /uite ,inely to)ether$ *ut the" into a )lass$ *our )oo% A/ua 5itae thereon. then %istill the A/ua 5itae o,, 4er Ale"bicu"( Re*eat the %rawin) o,, an% *ourin) three or ,our ti"es( A,ter this$ ta#e the *oure% o,, A/ua 5itae o, these two "atters( I"bibe the *ow%er therein on a )rin%in) stone to the consistency o, a *ul*( 6et it %ry a)ain on the )lass as abo&e( Do this twel&e or sixteen ti"es$ the "ore the better( The last ti"e$ let it %ry har%$ so that you can *ow%er it in a "ortar an% *oun% 0)rin%1 it on a stone( Now ta#e 7ercurius Subiirnatus$ or calcinate% 7ercury$ ? ib. o, the *re*are%$ *ul&eri+e% Sul*hur$ O a *oun%( 7ix the" to)ether an% *ut the" into a S!-UR3 Ear$ well sto**ere%( 4ut the" where you heat e&ery %ay$ an% let the" )et heate% as "uch as you can$ because 7ercury will not ,ly away while he is lyin) with his brother an% sister$ ar" in ar"$ "outh to "outh. an% they will surely #ee* hi" there$ so that he can stan% the ,ire. ,or his brother is hot an% his sister is %ry( An% they are the hot$ %ry S*ecies o, which the Sul*hur is "a%e( This is the Sul*hur o, the *hiloso*hers( This is the sa"e o, which the *hiloso*hers write$ but the i)norant i"a)ine that they "ean sul*hur( This Sul*hur I ha&e o,ten "a%e( Ite"$ one can also "a#e Sul*hur o, hot$ %ry oils. or hot$ %ry )u"s$ or hot$ %ry see%s o, herbs$ but you "ust always a%% calcine% alu"( So"eti"es you "ust a%% hot an% hu"i%$ so"eti"es col% an% %ry. occasionally col% an% hu"i%. at ti"es %ry. so"eti"es hot$ so"eti"es col%$ so"eti"es hu"i%$ accor%in) to the in,ir"ities o, the "etals that you wish to re&erse outsi%e$ insi%e( So"eti"es only one nature "ust be re&erse% in a "etal. in another instance$ two( That is why the Sul*hur "ust o,ten be "a%e in %i,,erent ways$ because there are "any #in%s o, in,ir"ities in the

"etals( !ou can also trans"ute the "etals into another nature an% you can %o this with Sul*hur( One can also chan)e M into with Sul*hur "a%e ,or that *ur*ose( Ne&ertheless$ that is contrary to nature$ since nature is always ai"in) at the best( Ne&ertheless$ it is *ossible to %o it$ that is$ to Trans,er one thin) into another nature by "eans o, the Sul*hur "a%e throu)h the Art( There ,ore$ whoe&er can trans"ute 9 into the nature o, can also translate 6una an% all other "etals into M . ,or it is "uch better to %o that than to chan)e 9 into $ because nature always %esires what is better( This is also the reason why one "ust *re*are the Sul*hur accor%in) to the wor#s which one 'ishes to %o with the "etals or to EK,,ect u*on the"( -ut 'hate&er Sul*hur you wish toKxna#e$ be it hot or col%$ %ry or "oist$ you "ust always ha&e calcine% alu"( It "ust be in the heat$ col%ness$ %ryness$ an% hu"i%ity o, the Sui*hura$ ,or alu" is the 6antern in the se&en "etals( 6et us now %eal ,urther with 7ercury$ who lies shut in the sto&e with the Sui*hura( !ou "ust )i&e ,ire %ay an% ni)ht$ that is to say$ on the Ear. an% #ee* it always hot( <&ery ,ourteen %ays you "ust )o o&er to it$ ta#e out two or ,our ounces$ *ut it with on the cu*el an% let it %ri&e$ 0extract1( An% lo! I, it %ri&es 0"o&es about or ,loats1 on the test$ you can ta#e it out$ our clean water into a bowl$ an% *our 7ercury with the Sul*hur into it an% stir well( Now 7ercury will settle %own at the botto"$ then you "ust *our o,, the water with the Sul*hur abo&e$ into another bowl$ ,i&e or six ti"es$ till the water runs o,, *ure an% beco"es sweet( 'hen all the Sul*hur has been washe% o,, it$ %ry 7ercury o&er the ,ire$ an% %ri&e it o,, on the test$ as on $ an% you will ,in% ,ine sil&er in all trials( 6et the water containin) your Sul*tur e&a*orate on ,ire$ an% you ha&e your Sul*hur bac#. but it has been so"ewhat %ecrease% because o, the washin)( This is the ,irst secret si)n o, the se&en secrets( It is calle% the <ish$which is co"*are% to 7ercury$ an% it is the "ost secret si)n a"on) all se&en secrets$ an% it is the be)innin)$ "i%%le$ an% en% o, all *er,ect wor#s$ as I tau)ht you be,ore( I a" there,ore as#in) you not to let this )et into the han%s o, the i)norant an% sinners( SU-6I7ATIO 7ERCtJRI6 'HEN ,lNE RANTS TO 4ISSO65E IT I, you wish to subli"ate 7ercury in or%er to %issol&e it$ let salt "elt in hot water$ an% let the water stan% o&er it ,or three hours to %issol&e it( Now *our the water o,, an% con)eal it( Throu)h this$ subii"ate 7ercury as o,ten as you wish$ each ti"e with ,resh Ce"ent. an% %o not ta#e what is not %issol&e% in three hours$ as it is not )oo% ,or this wor#( This salt is )oo%$ althou)h you ha&e not "uch 12 with it( It will *robably %issol&e when it is calcine% as it shoul%( 'hen this 7ercury no lon)er shines$ it is su,,iciently subli"ate% an% *ure. an% the test is when he no lon)er blac#ens$ althou)h he is *utre,ie%( Ite" this test 4ut M on a )lass slab$ an% i, e&erythin) to)ether %issol&es so that no ,eces re"ain$ it "ay well be *utre,ie%. but it "ust ,irst be con)eale% be,ore it is *ut on the slab an% *utre,ie%( I, any <eces re"ain$ *ut it bac# into 4utre,action an% ,ee% it$ an% see i,

it%oes not re/uire "ore. an% you will ,eel that when the little *ieces stay insi%e whole an% no lon)er %issol&e( Then con)eal your 7ateri$ which is now )oo% an% rea%y to wor# with( A 'ATER 'ITH 'HICH TO CON3EA6 7ERCURIUS AND 7ADE HI7 4ER<ECT Ta#e 5itrio turn Ro"anu"$ cinnabar$ Sul*hur an% alu" %e ; I Roche$ white lea%$ lithar)e$ 7a)nesia$ 7arcasEta Ana$ ? lb$ *oun% the" on a stone to a subtle 0or ,ine1 *ow%er. ta#e ? lb an% stir it to ashes$ as 7ini is "a%e( 4oun% this *ow%er with salt an% A/ua 5itae an% %ry it a)ain at the sun or o&er a s"all ,ire( Then "ix this *ow%er an% *oun% it on a stone while "oistenin) it. %ry it a)ain as abo&e( Now ta#e Sal Co""une an% 5itriol Ana$ *ow%ere% an% well %rie% o&er a ,ire( 7a#e an A<( o, the"( 4our this A<( on 7ercury in a )lass. *ut it in war" san% till 7ercury con)eals. a,ter this$ Abstract the AB(4er Ale"bicu"$ an% you will )et your A/ua ,ort bac# an% better ,or the sa"e ty*e o, wor#( <urther$ ta#e 2 coa)ulatu" an% "elt the" to)ether. *our about I lbs other %issol&e% lea%$ an% let the" stan% ,or one hour to)ether o&er ,ire in or%er to %issol&e( A,terwar%s$ ha&e at han% a *ot with a lona nec# an% a ,ittin) li%( Into it *our *itch$ resin an% J Ana$ ? lb( 6et the" "elt to)ether. then *our the 2 an% the lea% to)ether into the *ot$ close it well with the li% so that it %oes not burn towar% the outsi%e. a,terwar%s let it cool %own. then %ri&e the 7ateri o, , on a test$ as one Re,ines( !ou will ,in% )oo% 2 in all assays$ an% you will lose little o, the wei)ht o, 7ercury$ exce*t that which is i"*ure$ as I "ysel, ha&e %one "ore than a hun%re% ti"es( ANOTHER COA3U6ATION O< 7ERCURIUS R(G Alu"en Roche ? lb$ 5itrioti iE lb$ &er%i)ris iiiE$ iron oxi%e 0ha""er scale1$ tin ashes$ J lithar)e ana ? lb$ co""on *re*are% salt$ chil%Ks urine$ ana ? lb$ a%% to it ,inely cho**e% *i)Ks hair( O, this %istill an A<($ an% *ut in the Reci*ient ,our *i)Ks )alls( This AB$( is to be *ut on $ in a )la+e% *ot$ on war" san% or ashes$ till 7ercury is con)eale%( 4ut this con)eale% 7ercury in a )lass. *ut on it hal, a *oun% o, lea%$ "elt the" to)ether. then ha&e at han% I lbs "olten Saturnue in another crucible( 4our that to the lea% an% 7ercury$ an% let the" stan% "olten in2 the ,ire( Now ta#e a *ot with a lon) nec#$ or a Sybur) Ear$ well lute%$ an% a cor# that closes its "outh ti)htly( 4ut in it *itch$ resin an% $ hu"an hair$ horn$ cowKs claws cut u2$ *i)Ks "uc# ana ? ib$ s*i#enar% oil an% linsee% oil ana iiiE( 7elt e&erythin) to)ether in that Ear$ an% when it is "elte%$ *ut it into a crucible( Then *our the "olten Saturnue an% 7ercury in it$ an% sto**er it i""e%iately so that the ,la"e shoul% not co"e out( 6et it stan% in the heat ,or IJ hours( 'hen it is col%$ ta#e it out$ %ri&e it o,, on the test$ an% you will ha&e ,ine M in all assays( THE 4HI6OSO4HERSK 4OT This is the *ot o, the *hiloso*hers or sa)es$ o, which they s*ea# so %iscreetly in their boo#s an% *arables$ so that nobo%y can un%erstan% it

exce*t those who are ,a"iliar with an% ha&e sworn to the 4hiloso*hic Han%( That is why I a%&ise all who wish tO roast$ boil$ or coo# the E)) o, the sa)es$ that they shoul% ta#e care lest the shell bursts or crac#s in the ,ire. ,or i, the E)) were to burst$ all the *oison %escribe% in the *ot woul% )et out$ an% woul% #ill an% %estroy all *ersons near it( Nor coul% they be hel*e% with "e%icine$ ,or in it 0the E))1 there is the "ost e&il *oison that can be ,oun% in the whole worl%( That is why C; I C r I wish to a%&ise all o, you who are not ,a"iliar with this Art$ nor ha&e sworn by it$ that you %o not %are coo#$ boil$ or roast the E))$ ,or you ,are ba%ly an% woul% )et all the troubles containe% in this *ot( This is the ,ruit brou)ht ,orth by the see% thrown into the earth. this is the ,ruit o, the *hiloso*hers. this is the ,aith,ul Stone o, Aichernia. this is the earthly treasure an% an earthly 3o%$ in whose han%s lies the s*iritual an% te"*oral laws( He hol%s the whole worl% in his han% an% )i&es *eo*le to un%erstan% that they are li#ewise to *ossess all thin)s in this worl%( 'hoe&er wishes to coo#$ boil or ,ry this e))$ let hi" "ost %ili)ently exa"ine the Han% o, the 4hiloso*hers$ soas to *robe it with his intelli)ence. therea,ter he "ay coo# it Two JARS In these two Ears there is the %istille% 2 A/ua <ort one shoul% *ut the earth an% throw with a lon) nec#$ close it ti)htly horse "anure ,or six wee#s an% the o, the *hiloso*hers( Into this water the see%$ then *ut it into a )lass so that no air can esca*e( Now *ut it see% will )row(

AN A7A63A7ATE 4re*are a water with alu"$ *otash 0*otassiu"1$ white calcine% tartar$ /uic# li"e an% cowKs )alls$ ,or which no water "ust be ta#en but ( Ta#e the sa"e a"ount o, all "atters. then *ut into a thic# bowl with ashes$ *our this water on it$ an% )rin% 7ercury with a *estle aroun% which a woolen cloth is wra**e%( Do this ,or one hour$ an% *oun% it with this water without ceasin)$ but beware o, air( Then$ *our the water o,,$ an% a)ain *ut ,resh water on it$ an% continue %oin) this as lon) as blac#ness co"es o,,( A,ter this ta#e out an% %ry hi" with a cloth( Now *ut your 0F or into a Ce"ent$ *uri,y it an% A"al)a"ate it with ( 4ut this into a )lass$ set it on the ,urnace an% heat as stron)ly as is re/uire% to "a#e rosewater$ ,ortyCtwo %ays( Then ta#e it out an% *uri,y it with the sa"e water$ in the "anner %escribe% be,ore( 'hen no "ore blac#ness co"es o,,$ *ut it into a )lass an% set it a)ain in the ,urnace. )i&e ,ire ,or six "ore wee#s$ so"ewhat hotter than be,ore( A,ter this$ ta#e it out an% *uri,y it as be,ore till no "ore blac#ness co"es o,,( Then *ress it throu)h a cha"oisCleather$ as stron)ly as you can$ because the s*irit woul% be too stron) ,or the bo%y$ so that it woul% ne&er )et ,ixe%(

Now *ut the a"al)a"ate into another )lass$ seal it$ set it in ashes$ an% )i&e it a )entle ,ire ,or ei)ht %ays$ an% "ore e&ery ei)ht %ays$ till the )lass stan%s in a )low( Then you will see all colors o, the worl%( A,terwar%s$ a blac# color will co"e. now increase your ,ire a little$ an% it will turn into a white color. i, it is sil&er$ it will stay white. but i, it is )ol%$ lea&e it in the heat till you see a yellow$ re%$ brilliant color( Now brea# the )lass o*en$ "a#e the *ow%er subtle$ an% "a#e 4roEection with it( ANOTHER 'ORD R( Cinnabar ? lb$ o, the SUN O< THE HAND$ hal, a *oun%( 7ix then to)ether into a *ow%er an% subli"ate it se&en ti"es throu)h the Dey( 7a#e this into an intan)ible *ow%er$ an% then calcine it$ as you well #now how to %o$ ,or twentyCone %ays an% ni)hts$ in the ,urnace o, the *hiloso*hers( Then ta#e it out o, the ,ire an% %issol&e it$ as you well #now how to %o( 'hen it is %issol&e%$ %istill it till it )ets har%. *ow%er it as be,ore( A,terwar%s %issol&e it a)ain$ an% i"bibe your Elixir into it$ as you well #now how to %o( Ta#e ? or I lbs o, tartar$ an% *ure trans*arent Alcali$ ana. then ta#e ,or each J lbs o, this "atter I lbs o, the 6antern. %issol&e the"$ *ut the" to)ether$ an% boil the" to)ether( Now *our the *ure o,, abo&e. you will thus %raw o,, its *hle)"a( Then con)eal the *ure till it )ets har%( Now ta#e > I lbs$ %issol&e it in *ure war" water$ ,ilter an% con)eal it a)ain( In a%%ition$ ta#e o, the lon) ,in)er ? lb( It "ust also ha&e been subli"ate% throu)h salt( 7ix it with the a,oresai% S*ecies$ *ut the" to)ether to subli"ate( !ou "ust subli"ate 2 with the" till it is ,ixe%( A,ter this$ set it to calcine ,or twentyGone %ays$ as you #now. when it is %issol&e%$ clean it o, its <ecibus( Then coa)ulate it an% "a#e it ,usible( Then wor# with it( TINCTURE <RO7 SATURN Stir lea% to ashes an% "a#e 7iniurn o, it. ta#e ? lb o, it( Th#e F lbs o, the :E! *re*are% ,or subli"atin). o, the <ISH$ ? lb( 7ix the" to an intan)ible *ow%er an% subli"ate the" to)ether( Then the <ish will brin) u* with it the 9(E( or Tincture o, Saturn$ which is better than )ol% in all wor#s( !ou can Se*arate it in the sa"e way as was tau)ht abo&e in re)ar% to the Star( -ut now the <ish is no lon)er o, any use$ exce*t to throw it away( The 9u( Ess( or Tincture is that which i""e%iately coa)ulates the <ish to re%ness an% causes it to be easily ,ixe%( = ? TINCTURE <RO7 > I, you wish to extract 9u( Ess( 5eneris 0the /uintessence o, 5enus1$ calcine it with the Dey$ with the STAR$ an% with Sul*hur$ an% *re*are an Aes Uatu" as ,ollows Ta#e *ure urine o, "en$ or )oo% %istElle% &ine)ar$ or ol%$ *ure$ sour beer. *ut the *ow%er in it an% boil it till the 6i/uor is colore%( Then *our it o,, an% a%% other 6i/uor( 4rocee% as be,ore till no "ore Tincture is extracte%( Now *ut all the tincture to)ether into a retort with an ale"bic$ an% %istill the hu"i%ityo,, it 4er -alneu"( Then the "ost

beauti,ul re%ness will re"ain$ which is better than )ol%( Subli"ate the lon) <in)er ,our or ,i&e ti"es throu)h it$ an% %issol&e it in the cellar on a "arble slab( A,ter this$ coa)ulate it a)ain In -alneo 4er Ale"bico( 'ith this you can now coa)ulate the soul o, 7ercury to the "ost beauti,ul re%ness o, )ol%$ an% it can also easily be ,ixe% in this way( The other way is the ,ollowin) Ta#e ? lb o, the *ow%er$ ? lb o, the Dey$ "ix an% subli"ate the"( 4rocee% with this as has been tau)ht concernin) Saturnus$ an% you will ha&e the 9u( Ese( 5enerie better than )ol%( ANOTHER 'A! R( > F ibs$ <ish > lbs( 4re*are an A"ai)a"a. %issol&e it in water o, the Han%$ set it ,or six wee#s into 4utre,action In -aineo( Then %istill it in a boilin) -aineu" 4er Ale"bicu". set it in san%$ an% %istill yet "ore s*irits o, the 'hen they ha&e )one o&er$ increase your ,ire an% the <ish will subli"ate an% the 9u( Eas( be containe% in it( Ta#e the subli"ate out an% *ut the <ish with the Tincture$ *oun%e% to an i"*al*able *ow%er$ into the Halneu" with )oo% %istille% &ine)ar( Now the 9u( Ess$ 5eneris will rise into the &ine)ar an% the <ish will settle at the botto"( 4our the colore% &ine)ar o, ,$ a%% other &ine)ar$ an% *rocee% as be,ore till your &ine)ar is no lon)er tin)e%( Now AbG( stract all the tin)e% &ine)ar 4er Ale"bicu"$ an% the "ost beauti,ul re%ness will re"ain$ with which no )ol% can be co"*are%( !ou can %issol&e this tincture in water o, the Han%. that is better to the Re%( Con)eal it a)ain( !ou "ay %o this so o,ten$ till you ha&e achie&e% such )reat subtleness that it woul% well be worth a #in)%o"( Then you ha&e the 9u( Ess( 5eneris$ o, the Star$ o, the <ire Cwhich is Sul*hur C an% o, the <ish$ all to)ether( STI66 ANOTHER Ta#e co**er ,ilin)s$ boil the" in )oo% %istille% wine &ine)ar( To e&ery *oun% o, &ine)ar a%% ?( E 8 Set it in -alneu" ,or six wee#s. then a%% the hel"$ an% the 8 will subli"ate with the > . a )rit will stay at the botto" li#e a salt( Calcine it without any a%%ition till the "atter turns re%( Now ta#e it out an% *our %istille% &ine)ar o&er it( Extract the tincture as be,ore$ an% you ha&e the 9u( Ess( 5eneris by itsel,( 'ith it you can Ce"ent whate&er you wish( in a%%ition$ it is )oo% to Rubi,y in other wor#s$ etc( TINCTURA 7ARTIS Ta#e iron ,ilin)s an% *ut the" into %istille% &ine)ar( To e&ery *oun% o, &ine)ar a%% ( Set it ,or six wee#s in the -aineu" or in horse %un)( Then ta#e it out$ *our the &ine)ar o,,$ an% a%% other &ine)ar to)etherwith the a%%ition o, F2 $ as be,ore( 4ut it in the -aineu" ,or six wee#s$ an% *our all your tin)e% &ine)ar to)ether( Distill it all to)ether in the -alneu" *er ale"bicuin( A re% tincture will stay at the botto"$ li#e bloo%( Ta#e that out$ subli"ate it ten or twel&e ti"es with 2 . then %issol&e it in the cellar on a stone. coa)ulate it a)ain 4er Ale"bicu" In -alneo. or you "ay *re&iously %issol&e it in water o, the Han%$ an% extract the A/ua ,ort in -aineo an% ,ro" the san%$ but then you "ust not subli"ate( !ou will be le,t with a re%ness "ore beauti,ul than )ol%( This is calle% Crocus 7artis( 'ith it you can %o won%er,ul thin)s$

so that it is "uch better than a lan%sca*e. since by %issol&in) it in A<( an% a)ain con)ealin) it$ you can "a#e it so subtle that it reaches &ery )reat *ower. ,or with that one can con)eal to a beauti,ul re%ness. in a%%ition$ one can Rubi,y with it e&erythin) that is white( TINCTURE O< J The art o, extractin) the 9u( Ess( o, J $ Auri*i)"ent$ Calcine% Ochra$ Atra"ent$ re% Arsenicu"$ etc($ is all one *roce%ure$ one art$ one wor#$ as ,ollows I, you ha**en to ha&e so"e stu,, an% wish to extract the tincture ,ro" it$ *ow%er it i"*al*ably. *our on it ol% *ure urine. let it boil till the urine is colore%( Then *our it o,,$ an% a)ain *our ,resh urine on it till all tincture is out( A,ter this$ e&a*orate all the tin)e% urine( 4our &ine)ar on that which stays at the botto"( Extract a)ain all$(the tincture( 'hat then stays at the botto" is o, no use$ because it is the saltiness o, the urine( Draw the colore% &ine)ar o,, 4er -alneu"$ an% the "ost beauti,ul re%ness will stay at the botto"( It shines "ore than 0F $ an% it see"s to be a hea&enly color( Dissol&e this tincture in the water o, the Han%. %istill sa"e$ li#e the *re&ious tincture$ by %issol&in)$ %istillin)$ con)ealin)$ an% *re*arin) it to its hi)hest %e)ree an% *ower( Or you "ay subli"ate throu)h 2 as o,ten as you wish$ %issol&e in the cellar on a "arble slab$ an% brin) it to its )reatest *ower( This was the ,irst "anner o, the *hiloso*hers$ an% it was a lon) way( 'ith these tinctures you can Rubi,y all thin)s$ yes$ all "etals$ also all stones$ crystals$ )lass$ an% other thin)s$ which I %o not re&eal ,or certain reasons( TINCTURE <RO7 4NTI7ONIU7 Ta#e Anti"oniu" ,ro" the "ines$ *ul&eri+e it i"*al*ably. *our on it %istille% &ine)ar in a )lass or a stone Ear( 4ut it ,or six wee#s in horse %un) or in the -aineu" C but the horse %un) "ust be renewe% e&ery wee#$ the lon)er the better( Subse/uently$ *ut it into a retort with an Ale"bic$ %raw the &ine)ar o&er with boilin) water. then %ri&e it in the san%$ an% it will subli"ate into the blesse% 9u( Ess( an% co"e %own ,ro" the s*out o, the hel" li#e re% %ro*s o, bloo%( Collect those A 4art an% "ix the" with the Dey$ which "ust be *re*are% so %ry that it is li#e %ust( Now %istill 4er -aineu" o&er a )entle ,ire$ so that you can easily su,,er your han% to be in it( 6et it stan% thus$ %istillin) ,or twentyCone %ays$ or till there is no "ore "oistness( Con)eal the 9u( Ess( ii an%$ in a%%ition$ all "oist s*irits$ so that you can subli"ate the"( A,ter this$ ta#e it out o, the -aineu" an% set it in san%$ in or%er to subli"ate the re% 9u( Ess( ii( 'hen there co"es a hea&enly$ inG co"bustible re%ness$ thou)h not ,ixe%$ that is how it shoul% be( Now ta#e it out care,ully$ *ut it in the -aineurn to *utre,y ,or ei)hteen %ays$ a,ter which "ix it with the %ry Dey$ %ry li#e %ust$ as you ha&e been tau)ht be,ore( Thus you can %issol&e an%2 con)eal to reach such )reat &irtues an% *owers as are worth a #in)%o"( 'hen you ha&e %one it$ a%% a )reat( %eal o, )ol%$ as I tau)ht you to "a#e be,ore. %issol&e the" to)ether in water o, the Han%$ %istill the" in the 2alneu" an% a,terwar%s

in ashes$ as I ha&e instructe% you be,ore( Then the 9u( Ess( ii is conEoine% to the 9 an% can ne&er a)ain be se*arate%$ either now or in eternity( Deo 3ratias( A 4HI6OSO4HERSK STONE R( <ine E$ %issol&e it in conunon A<( Then ta#e 7ercury Subli"atue iiiE. *ut hi" in a )lass *ot$ set it on war" san% an% let hi" )et war"( Now i"bibe hi" with the A<( in which is %issol&e%$ till he has i"bibe% all the <= Then let it cool %own( 4oun% this 7ercury /uite ,ine on a har% stone. let hi" %issol&e on it o, his own( A,ter this$ coa)ulate hi" a)ain on a s"all ,ire in a )lass. an% *oun% hi" a)ain as be,ore. an% %issol&e hi" as be,ore$ se&en ti"es( O, this Elixir *our E on F$$ xxxE *re*are%$ well ,lowin) co**er$ an% you will )et ,ine sil&er in all alloys( How TO 7ADE 5ENUS <I:ED Ta#e soa* an% %ry ittill it no lon)er s"o#es( Then )i&e a hot ,ire till it turns into chal# 0calx1$ 'hen you calcine it$ sto**er it abo&e with a stone( A%% to it as R % Q "uch &er%i)ris an% close it in a crucible. lute it well$ set it in the ,ire ,or two hours an% "elt it( Then you ha&e ,ixe% an% su**le > 7ERCUR! CHAN3ES A66 7ETA66IC COR4ORA INTO SI65ER 'ITH ARSENICU7J AND INTO 3O6D 'ITH SU64HUR Ta#e a thic# cloth$ bin% 7ercury into it$ han) hi" o&er a *ot containin) sul*hur. then close it an% heat below it( It will con)eal re%( -ut i, this 7ercury is *oun%e% with Sal Alcali an% Cerussa$ he turns white( InG stea%$ i, he is *oun%e% with water o, Crocus 7artis$ 8 an% Atra"ent$ he ne&ertheless stays re%$ an% one can also con)eal hi" in a close% &essel with 'ith Saturn 7ercury is con)eale% in white wor#s( He has to be close% in a tube 0or *i*e1 or another &essel$ lute% with 6utu" Sa*ientiae( This has to be thrown on "elte% Saturnue an% also #e*t in the ,ire. thus Saturnus will be con)eale% by the s"o#e( How TO CHE' THE COR4ORA TO AN A7A63A7A 'ITH 7ERCUR!$ THAT ISI To 3I&E TO 7ERCUR! A66 COR4ORA TO EATJ E:CE4T MA Ta#e any Cor*us that you wish to "elt( A%% to it hal, as "uch 7ercury an% *our it( It will beco"e brittle( 4ul&eri+e an% wash it with &ine)ar an% salt as lon) as blac#ness )oes o,, it( A,terwar%s$ %ry it at the sun( Then it is to be cleanse% with a water whose taste is between sour an% bitter$ with a )entle ,ire or the heat o, the sun$ ,or a whole %ay( A,ter this$ %issol&e it. when it is %issol&e%$ Incerite it. ,inally$ cleanse it with Areenicu" that you ha&e whitene%. then %issol&e it

a)ain. a,ter this$ con)eal it( This 7ateria will tin)e the bo%ies o, all "en in a won%er,ul way( THE 4HI6OSO4HIC <URNACEI CA66ED ATHANMR$ OR THE 'AR7 STU4HIJ O< THE 4HI6OSO4HERS <irst buil% a little wall at the botto" with )oo% )lue 0or with soil *re*are% ,or this *ur*ose lute1$ or

G one ,oot lon) an% hi)h( U*on it *ut a narrow iron )rit$ so that the ashes o, the woo% or the coal can ,all throu)h( -ut un%er the )rit there "ust be a little %oor$ which can be shut as one wishes$ so as to re"o&e the ashes( Then$ abo&e the )rit o, the ,urnace buil% so"ewhat hi)her$ a little wall$ one ,oot lon) an% wi%e$ with a s"all %oor$ an% air holes at the ,our corners( Abo&e$ "a#e a whole ,loor o, ba#e% soil$ without holes$ so that the ,urnace is well co&ere%$ as this illustration shows( On this ,loor raise the wall. but ,irst *ut on the ,loor$ ,our iron su**orts li#e a tri*o%( On to* there has to be a &essel( These su**orts to)ether with the &essel "ust not touch the wall o, the ,urnace( In a%%ition$ there has to be another tri*o% insi%e the &essel or test$ as also a s"all &essel u*on which one coul% *ut a )lass or other bowl( This s"all &essel "ust be "a%e o, woo%( I, then one wishes to %issol&e the S*iritus or other thin)s$ water has to be *ut into the lower an% u**er &essels( The )lass has to be le,t o*en$ to allow the hu"i%$ subtle air to )et insi%e( Now *ut a )entle little ,ire un%er the ,urnace$ because it "ust not be war"er than it is usually in a war" roo"( Thus the "atter will be %issol&e% by the stea" o, the water( -ut i, you wish to con)eal$ caS(cine$ or ,ix$ you "ust C ? C I *ut no water into the &essels but #ee* your wor# /uite %ry with the a,ore"entione% heat( That is why the ,urnace "ust ha&e a li% or co&er abo&e$ which "ust be so wi%e that you can ta#e it o,, i, necessary( In a%%ition$ there shoul% be a little %oor in the co&er$ so that you can *ut your han% insi%e an% test the war"th$ Eust as with the sa"e heat all hu"i% s*irits are ,ixe%( 'ill you *lease ha&e a )oo% loo# at the illustration( Asi%e ,ro" this$ there is still another ,urnace in which "any #in%s o, thin)s can si"ultaneously be coo#e% or %one$ as in ashes or in san%$ in -alnea$ or in 5entre E/uino 0the horses ab%o"en1( This "eans$ that i, so"eone woul% li#e to *utre,y so"ethin) which woul% otherwise ha&e to be *ut in horseKs %un)$ one woul% *ut hay or %un) into the cu*el an% water it so"ewhat( Then it is Eust as )oo% as i, it were stan%in) in horseKs %un)( IT Now <O66O'S How ONE IS TO 7ADE OR USE THE <URNACE <irst$ the lower *art has to be "a%e$ so as to )et the ashes( Then ,ollows the )rit which "ust be Eust in the center$ a )oo% bit narrower than the ,urnace( The ,urnace has to be "a%e hi)her yet$ but not narrower than it is below( On one si%e there has to be a s"all %oor$ so as to allow the han)in) la"* an%$ below$ the coal to *ass throu)h( A,terwar%s

the ,urnace "ust be "a%e hi)her a)ain an% wi%er$ with a thin wall( A ,ew air holes "ust be "a%e on one si%e$ which can be o*ene% an% close% at will( A,ter this$ it "ust be close% abo&e an% &aulte%$ wellC,ittin)$ with ,our roun% air holes with a li% on each o, the"( They "ust be se*arate% by ,our e/ual little walls( I $ A,ter this$ the ,urnace "ust be "a%e hi)her on the si%es. it "ust ha&e ,our %oors on the ,our si%es that close ti)htly$ so that$ i, one wishes to re"o&e the li% ,ro" a hole$ one can *ut oneKs han% throu)h it( 'hen a2l this has been %one$ ta#e ,our co**er #ettles$ or other &essels burnt o, clay$ or so"ethin) else( They "ust be walle% in on the ,our *arts o, the ,urnace$ one on each si%e( Next to each cu*el$ there "ust be an airhole with a wellG,ittin) sto**er in or%er to re)ulate the heat( In the ,irst cu*el or #ettle there "ust be san% to "a#e ,ixation in it 0@,i)ierenA1( In the secon% there "ust be %un) or "oist hay$ to *utre,y in it( In the thir%$ one can #ee* ashes$ to %istill on the"( In the ,ourth$ shoul% be the water bath 7ariae$ also to %istill an% *utre,y( 'hen all this is rea%y$ one can *ut coal on the )rit$ or a han)in) la"*( The ,our li%s ha&e to all be ta#en o, ,. or$ i, one wishes one to be hotter than the other$ one shoul% re"o&e that one li% an% shut the little %oor ti)htly( One "ust also ha&e *ointe% an% hi)h li%s$ burnt o, clay$ on the )lasses in which one wishes to *utre,y anT ,ix( They "ust co&er the )lasses all aroun% an% close the" ti)htly$ an% one "ust be able to ta#e the" o,,$ as "ay be seen by the illustration( O4ERATIO TARTAR!($ OR THE 'ORD O< TARTAR This is the way to *re*are Tartaru"( It is &ery )oo% an% has the ,our ele"ents in it$ but not li#e other thin)s$ S*ecies an% herbs( In all the thin)s that 3o% Al"i)hty has create% out o, the ,our ele"ents$ the ele"ents are be,oule% an% i"*ure$ an% 26o2 they cannot be *uri,ie% otherwise than by %istillin)$ subli"atin)$ calcinin)$ ce"entin)$ etc( In that way the ele"ents can be cleanse% with har% wor#( One cannot ,in% anythin) in the worl% that is li#e tartar$ because 3o% has not le,t any i"*urity in it$ since it se*arates ,ro" wine o, its own$ li#e water ,ro" ,ire. an% tartar %oes not ta#e on any i"*urity ,ro" wine$ Eust as water %oes not ,ro" ,ire. but i, there is any i"*urity in the water$ it will lea&e it in the ,ire$ so that the ,ire "ay burn an% %estroy it( <or ,ire consu"es e&ery i"*urity$ an% all i"*urities o, the ele"ents "ust be *uri,ie% by ,ire( Ne&ertheless$ ,ire is in itsel, ,rail in that it is not ,ixe%. ,or when 3o% corru*te% the ,our ele"ents$ it also corru*te% the ,ire( That is why the ,ire is not ,ixe%( Tartaru"$ howe&er$ is a ,ire without air an% without a ,la"e$ ,ixe% an% *ure( That is why no one can se*arate the ele"ent ,ro" Tartaru"$ since it is a )lori,ie% Cor*us( Nothin) can %estroy Tartaru"$ nor can ,ire burn it( Tartar is the ,ixe% ,ire o, which we o,ten write in our boo#s( <ire has the *ower to *uri,y all corru*te% ele"ents an% to burn an% consu"e all i"*urities$ also to "a#e all other ele"ents ,ixe%( 'hat will this one 0tartar1 not %o when it )ets into the i"*ure ele"ents$ since it is "ore than su*erior to ,ireB 5erily$ I a" tellin) you that Tartaru"$ when it is *re*are%$ has the *ower to "a#e all un,ixe% thin)s ,ixe%$ an% in it are hi%%en all thin)s which it woul% ta#e too lon) to %escribe( !et one

cannot acco"*lish any *er,ect wor# in the Art without Tartaru". thus the Han% cannot be *re*are% without Tartaru". ,or i, there were no Tartaruin$ the Art woul% be ,alse( Conse/uently$ Tartarurn is the 7aster o, Aichy"ia( That is why the "asters consi%er it their ,ixe% ,ire which burns e&erythin) that is not ,ixe%( Ta#e )oo% white tartar o, )oo% Rhine wine( 'ash the *ow%er clean till the water runs o,, it( This has to be %one with *ure s*rin)Gwater( Then %ry it at the sun$ *oun% it s"all on a stone with )oo% %istille% wine &ine)ar$ an% %ry it at the sun( Then "oisten it on a stone with ,resh &ine)ar to a thic# *a*( Now %ry it a)ain( Re*eat this at least ten ti"es or "ore( 4ut this Tartaru" thus i"bibe% into a stron) suitable &essel an% close it ,ir"ly$ a )oo% han%Ks brea%th( Now ta#e another$ still lar)er &essel$ ,ill it with li&in) chal# 0/uic#li"e1( Into it *ut the &essel with the tartar. a,ter this$ ,iil the lar)e &essel co"*letely with li&in) chal#. also aroun% the tartar$ so that it lies in the center li#e an e)) yol# in an e))( 6ute ti)htly as "uch as you can$ a lar)e han%Ks brea%thKs$ an% let e&erythin) )ently %ry o, itsel,( 7a#e a bi) hole in your hearth in which you ha&e a ,ire e&ery%ay. ,ill it with li&in) chal#$ *ut the &essel in it$ an% ,ill it all aroun% with li&in) chal#. but lea&e the bil)e o, the &essel ,ree( On this your ,ire "ust burn ,or ei)ht wee#s. #ee* it hot %ay an% ni)ht$ a,terwar%s in a )low( The "ore it is calcine%$ the better( A,ter this$ re"o&e the s"all &essel ,ro" the chal#$ brea# it o*en$ an% *our the Tartaru" into a lar)e /uantity o, %istille% &ine)ar$ let it %ro* or beco"e *ure %urin) three %ays( 4our the *ure o,, ,ro" abo&e an% into another &essel( 4our other &ine)ar on the ,eces$ boil it an% let it beco"e clear as be,ore. *our it to the other &ine)ar( Re*eat this till nothin) co"es o,, any "ore( Throw the ,eces away an% E&a*orate your &ine)ar. con)eal all the salt till %ry. a)ain %issol&e it in a lar)e /uantity o, &ine)ar$ as be,ore( 6et it boil once "ore. let it settle a)ain$ an% *our the *ure o, , abo&e ,ro" the ,ecibus. a%% other &ine)ar$ an% re*eat this till no "ore ,eces re"ain( Now *ut it into an o*en crucible$ let it )low ,or twentyC,our hours in a ,urnace. then %issol&e it a)ain$ an% let it stan% thus %issol&e% ,or three hours in or%er to see i, there are any "ore ,eces( Shoul% it ha&e ,eces$ they "ust a)ain be clari,ie% o,,$ till no "ore ,eces occur. then con)eal it till it is %ry( A,ter this$ i"bibe Tartarurn on a )lass with A/ua 5itae$ to a thin *a*( Dry it at the sun or on hot ashes in a )lass. i"bibe an% %ry it a)ain( Do this one hun%re% ti"es or "ore. the "ore the better$ an% the "ore it )ets *ur)e%( Therea,ter %ry it in a )lass which can stan% the ,ire. lute it ti)htly below$ *ut it uncO&ere% on a ,urnace an% let it "elt( 'hen it is "olten$ brea# the )lass o*en( It will con)eal at the air as clear as )lass$ an% "elt near ,ire li#e butter( This is the ,ire o, the wise *hiloso*hers( It is their ,ixe% ,ire$ o, which they write in a &eile% way which the si"*letons %o not un%erstan%( 0So*hic <ire1 'hen it is now thus *re*are%$ it is a *recious treasure$ ,or with it all &olatile "atters can be ,ixe%( !es$ *ut into a crucible with a little o, this Tartaru" u*on it$ *ut it in the ,ire an% let it )o$ an% it will turn into ,ixe%

In &arious s"all wor#s one has to *re*are it in this way. because$ whoe&er wor#s with it when it is not *re*are%$ will not reach any 4er,ection$ althou)h he "ay acco"*lish a se"blance o, an% M ( Also$ those who thus wor# in un*re*are% Sales cheat the"sel&es an% all those who belie&e the"( S96 AND 7ERCUR! Here be)ins a "ost )lorious wor# o, 9 an% how to conEoin an% unite the". also how to ,ix the" to)ether into the &ery best )ol%( <irst you "ust "a#e an A/ua" 7ercuriale"( I will$ howe&er$ a%&ise all *eo*le a)ainst this Art$ i, they %o not #now how to %eal with $ nor can *re*are the water %escribe% herea,ter( 6et the" #ee* their han%s o,, $ ,or they woul% ,are ba%ly( This water is o, two #in%s$ one to the Re% an% the other to the 'hite( Ta#e J Colo)ne /uarts o, )oo% wine &ine)ar. *otash$ ? ib$ /uic#li"e$ wee%Gashes$ 2 well calcine% in a *otterKs ,urnace an% a,terwar%s *ul&eri+e%$ each I lbs( <irst *our the wine &ine)ar on the li"e$ let it stan% on it$ an% stir it with a stic# se&en or ei)ht ti"es a %ay( A,ter this$ ,ilter the &ine)ar an% *our it on the wee%Cashes in a )la+e% *ot( 6et it boil ,or a /uarter o, an hour$ then cool %own( <ilter it a)ain an% *our it on the Tartaru". boil an% ,ilter as be,ore( Now ta#e T lbs o, )reen$ co""on celan%ine. cho* it ,inely$ *ut it into I /uarts o, shar* wine &ine)ar$ boil it %own to hal,$ then ,ilter it an% "ix it with the other a,ore"entione% water( Then ta#e ? lb A/ua 5itae. coarse salt that has not I(??( boile% away$ ? lb( 6et the" boil u* to)ether$ but be care,ul not to *ut your "atter in &essels coate% with lea%( Into this water thus boile%$ *ut ei)ht or ten ox )alls$ or )alls o, other ani"als( 7ix the"$ an% *ut this "atter into a )lass *ot. *ut it ,or six wee#s in horse %un)$ an% it is rea%y( The ol%er it beco"es$ the better it is( 'ith this water one acco"*lishes won%ers( It is calle% Sucue 7ercurii$ an% it is &ery )oo% *iece in this Art( Ta#e$ there,ore$ )oo% ,ro" the "ines$ not "a%e ,ro" $ or other "etals( Ta#e as "uch as you wish$ )rin% it well with salt an% &ine)ar in a stone "ortar( Do it twel&e ti"es$ till no "ore i"*urity co"es o,, it. "a#e a Cor*us o, it$ *ut it into a *hial an% a%% as "uch beauti,ul$ white salt( 7ix well$ *ut it on the ,urnace in san% ,or three wee#s with a )entle ,ire. then *ut it into a stone "ortar$ *our the a,ore"entione% water on it$ )rin% it with it till no "ore i"*urity co"es o,, it. *ut it bac# a)ain into ashes or san%$ *our your *re*are% water three ,in)erKs brea%th abo&e it$ sto**er the *hial$ an% )i&e it a )oo% ,ire ,or six %ays an% ni)hts( Then *ut it bac# into the "ortar( an% )rin% it a)ain with the sa"e water$ as be,ore. *ut it a)ain into a *hial$ an% a)ain *our water on it$ an% )i&e ,ire ,or six %ays an% ni)hts$ so"ewhat stron)er than be,ore( Re*eat this six ti"es$ an% you "ust increase your ,ire each ti"e e&ery six %ays( A,ter this$ calcine J or N lbs o, 5itrioi. also calcine an e/ual a"ount o, o)er . to each *oun% a%%2(x bloo%stone hae"atite to calcine with the

other( Throu)h this subli"ate N ti"es ti"es. then he is *re*are%( Now ta#e M which has been cast throu)h 2Ei. *re*are% 7ercury26 &iii$ a"al)a"ate it$ *ut it into a well lute% *hial$ *ut it on its si%e in san%$ an% at ,irst )i&e a )entle ,ire2 Increase your ,ire %aily$ till no lon)er rises. an% turn the *hial o&er e&ery%ay ,our or ,i&e ti"es$ the "ore the better( At the en%$ when is /uite %ea%$ you will ,in% a brown *ow%er( Now your wor# is acco"*lishe%( Now re"o&e this *ow%er ,ro" the *hial ,or the *raise an% than#s to 3o% Al"i)hty( 4ut ? *art on J o, ,ine $ let the" well incor*orate to)ether( This wor# is certain an% without troubles( That is why you "ust use it in the na"e o, 3o%( How TO 7ADE SA6 URINAE Ta#e se&eral lar)e$ stone croc#s$ ?M or ?I /uarts ca*acity$ ,ill the" with ol%$ *ure urine$ ,i&e or six wee#s ol%( 4ut an ale+nbic with two s*outs on$ an% to each s*out$ a lar)e Reci*ient. %istill on the ,ire whate&er you can %istill o&er( Then a )reat %eal o, blac#ness will stay in the Ear( Ta#e that out an% caS(cine it ,or two or three hours( A,ter this$ re"o&e it ,ro" the ,ire an% %issol&e it in co""on %istille% water. let the ,eces %ro*$ an% *our the *ure o,, the ,ecibus abo&e( 4ut this *ure water bac# on the ,ire an% boil it till there ,or"s a s#in abo&e( Then *ut it into a cool cellar$ an% a clear salt will crystalli+e( Ta#e that out an% boil the water %own a)ain till a s#in ,or"s( Now ta#e all the crystalli+e% salt an% %ry it in an earthenware *an till it *ow%ers 0or %usts1( Now heat it "o%erately without "eltin) it in a low &essel$ an% %issol&e it a)ain in co""on %istille% water( 6et it boil ,or a /uarter o, an hour$ re"o&e it ,ro" the ,ire$ let the ,eces settle %own$ *our the *ure o,, abo&e when it is still war"( Then boil the *ure water %own a)ain till a s#in ,or"s( Ta#e it a)ain into the cellar an% let it crystalli+e( 'hen it is crystalli+e%$ ta#e it out$ an% boil the water %own still "ore$ an% let it crystalli+e( Then %ry all the crystalli+e% "atter in an earthenware *an as be,ore$ till it %usts( Dee* this till 2I teach you how to use it( Now ta#e all the %istille% urine an%$ i, there is still so"e i"*urity in it o, oil or yellow )reasiness$ s#i" it o,, abo&e with a s*oon an% a,terwar%s with a ,eather( 7a#e it *ure an% clean in this way. then *ut it into the stone Ear with a hel" on it. set it in san% or ashes$ an% %istill all that can be %istille%( 6et it nicely )low ,or a while an% a,terwar%s cool %own( Re"o&e the ,eces an% throw the" away$ ,or they are )oo% ,or nothin)( Re*eat this %istillation till e&erythin) )oes o&er *ure$ without lea&in) any ,eces at the botto" o, the Ear or retort( Ta#e that which you ha&e thus %istille% out o, -alneu" to %istill( So"e i"*urity will stay at 3rin% this Distillation in the -aineu" till no botto" o, the Ear( 'hen e&erythin) has cleanly the ,ire$ *ut it in the the botto". throw it away( "ore <eces stay at the )one o&er$ it is %one(

Now ta#e the salt which I tol% you to #ee* abo&e( 4ut it into a lar)e Reci*ient$ an% *our on it the *ure li/uor which you ha&e %istille% in the -aineu"( 'hen you ha&e *oure% the water on it$ sto**er the Reci*ient with a cor#$ an% *ut it on the ,urnace in a &essel with ashes( Now li)ht a ,ire in the ,urnace$ so that the ashes will beco"e hot( Dee* the

Reci*ient stan%in) there ,or ,our or ,i&e %ays$ or till all the salt has been %issol&e% into *ure water without ( t E <eces at the botto"( Then it is rea%y an% %one( Then it is urine as it was be,ore$ but now it is %e*ri&e% o, its coarseness an% has beco"e subtle$ yes$ "uch subtler than one coul% belie&e( I sin tellin) you in una%ulterate% Charity o, 3o% that one can acco"*lish won%ers in our Art with this urine thus *re*are%$ yes$ "ore than one "i)ht belie&e( A%% to it T /uarts o, shar*$ %istille% &ine)ar$ an% T 7ass o, A/ua 5itae$ an% ? lb o, *re*are% co""on salt. also$ ? lb o, calcine% white tartar$ an% ?O lb o, J0 7ix all these thin)s to)ether$ an% %issol&e the "atter into a *ure$ clear water$ without any ,eces at the botto"( I swear to you by 3o% who has create% an% "a%e "e$ that no )reater secret has e&er co"e into the worl%( <or this water thus *re*are%$ turns all Ca ices an% Cor*ora into their ,irst nature$ that is$ into ('ith this water one can %raw the 9u( <ee( ,ro" calcine% $ which is "uch better than all the treasures o, the earth( In a%%ition$ you can extract with it the 9u( Ess( Solis an% 6unae$ an%$ ,urther"ore$ o, all "ineral thin)s$ an% o, e&erythin) there is in the worl%( One %oes so "any won%er,ul thin)s with this water that it is unbelie&able. nor is it *er"issible to %isclose it on account o, the e&il which "i)ht ensue( Un%erstan%$ howe&er$ this boo#let well at botto"$ an% you will #now what won%er,ul thin)s one can *er,or" with this water( An% e&en i, I %i% "y &ery best$ I coul% not ex*ress one thousan%th o, its secret( Dnow also that one can use the water li#e earth$ ,or it %oes not %i"inish althou)h it were use% ten or twel&e ti"es( <or you "ay *uri,y an% recti,y it a)ain$ an% it will be Eust as )oo%( Now I will teach you how to extract the tinctures re/uire% ,or this wor#$ Re% as well as 'hite. ,or the extraction o, 'hite an% Re% is all one an% is %ue to one "astery( Ta#e$ there,ore$ $ Auri*i)rnent$ Atranient$ Ochre$ Cerussa$ 7iniu" 0re% lea%1 or the li#e$ out o, which you wish to extract the tincture( 4ow%er it i"*al*ably$ an% )rin% it li#e soa* on a stone with )oo%$ %istille% &ine)ar$ each ti"e a%%in) E o, recti,ie% salt( 4ut it into a bi) Reci*ient$ set it into ashes or san%$ *our on it so"e o, the clari,ie% urine which you ha&e *re*are%$ ? *art. an% ? *art o, wine &ine)ar$ so that the Reci*ient beco"es hal, ,ull( Sto**er it abo&e with a cor#$ an% sha#e it well$ so that the "oisture )ets well "ixe% with the *ow%er( 4ut the )lass bac# into the ,urnace$ an% when it is war"$ re"o&e the cor# or sto**er an% )i&e it so"e air. otherwise the )lass woul% burst( Toss the Rece*tacul between your han%s ten or twel&e ti"es a %ay$ an% let it thus stan% in the war"th till the 6i/uor is nicely colore%( Then let the )lass cool %own an% the <eces %ro*. ta#e another lar)e Reci*ient that is clean( In it *our the colore% 6i/uor o,, ,ro" the <ecibus$ an% ta#e )oo% care not to ta#e any <eces o&er( Sto**er the Reci*ient an% *ut it asi%e( Then ta#e a)ain ,resh urine with Ana %istille% &ine)ar$ *our it u*on the <eces in the recei&er$ as be,ore$ hal, ,ull( Sha#e it with your han%s as you %i% then. an% when the 6i/uor is well "ixe% with the se%i"ent$ *ut the )lass a)ain on the ,urnace in ashes or san%( Heat as be,ore$ an% when the 6i/uor has a)ain been colore%$ let the )lass a)ain cool %own$ *ourin) o,, an% *rocee%in) as be,ore( Re*eat this till the 6i/uor is

no lon)er colore% by the <eces$ an% then you ha&e )ot all the Tincture or 9u( Ess( The <eces can be thrown away$ but they still contain the ele"ent o, earth( !ou "ay extract an% use that as you wish( Now ta#e the )lass containin) the colore% "oisture$ set it in ashes or san%$ an% %istill the "oisture o,, till a s#in a**ears on to*( Now re"o&e the hel"$ *our it into a lar)e )lass *ot which "ust be wi%e abo&e( 6ute a hel" on to* o, it$ *ut this *Ot on the sa"e ,urnace$ an% %raw all hu"i%ity o&er( Thus the 9u( Ess( or Tincture o, the thin) you too# to "a#e it will stay in <un%o$ be it Re% or 'hite( I, it is a white SubEectu"$ you will ,in% a white tincture$ whiter than snow. but i, it is re%$ it will shine li#e M 2 Eust as the sun shines abo&e > ( An% in this way you can extract$ subli"ate$ the tincture o, Subii"atus to the Re% or the 'hite( In the sa"e "anner you can extract the tincture o, 9u( Ess( ,ro" iron or co**er ,ilin)s$ &er%i)ris or burnt 0calcine%1 > $ cinnabar$ Cerussa or 7iniu"$ or ,ro" calcine% $ also ,ro" Caix Soiis or 6unae$ ite" ,ro" ( In a%%ition$ you can a%% the tincture$ which you ha&e thus extracte% ,ro" subli"ation to the Re% or the 'hite$ to M or $ when they are %issol&e%$ an% *ut the" in 4utre,actione"( Thus they can be Eoine% to the sai% 7e%icine$ an% the color will beco"e all the "ore beauti,ul %urin) 4roEection( Dnow$ howe&er$ that whene&er you wish to extract so"ethin) you "ust each ti"e a%% E to the urine an% %istille% &ine)ar$ which "ust be recti,ie% o, its Terrestriaiity by %issol&in) an% a)ain con)ealin) be,ore you *our it on the )roun% G+2?L 7ateria in the Reci*ients( Dnow$ in a%%ition$ that there is a )reat %eal o, secrecy in the Extraction o, this tincture$ "ore than one coul% belie&e( <or with these tinctures you can "a#e Ce"ents$ in whate&er Ce"ent you wish to Ce"ent$ or acco"*lish other won%er,ul thin)s by Ce"entin)( Ite"$ you can "a#e A/uas <ortes with these tinctures$ which are as re% as bloo% an% shine li#e2 a ruby( 'ith these A/uas <ortes you can %o won%er,ul thin)s %urin) Solution$ to %isclose which I ha&e not )ot *er"ission( Now <O66O' SO7E ANNOTATIONS CONCERNIN3 5ARIOUS TER7INI USED IN THE 4RE4AR#TIONS 6I9UE<ACT(IO "eans "a#in) so,t$ an% it is the root o, all thin)s( E:A6TATIO o, the S*irit is 6I9UE<ACTIO o, the bo%ies( The SA6TS o, the bo%ies are "a%e in "any %i,,erent ways( SO6UTIO "eans "eltin)$ or also sta"*in) 0or *oun%in)1(

CA6CINATIO "eans "a#in) chal# 0calx1( It is %one in san%$ with stron) ,ire$ so as to %raw the ,oul Uui*hur ,ro" a thin). then$ when such is consu"e%$ the cor*us re"ains *ure in the chal#( Thereu*on co"es INCERATIO( INCERATIO "eans "a#in) the chal#s subtle or ,ine$ so that the hu"i%ity "ay *ass all the better throu)h the Cor*ora$ E2CERATlO is nothin) but )rin%in) an% i"bibin) till the 7ateria turns into wax$ an% such "ay easily be %issol&e% or "elte% with a s"all or )entle ,ire(

DISSO6UTIO "eans %eli&ery$ release( It is %one in the bo%ies that are calcine%$ an% in the ,ollowin) "anner 4ut the "atter that you wish to %issol&e into a )lass$ an% sto**er it well abo&e( Co&er it with "oist earth$ an% *ut on it horse %un) well s*rin#le% with water( 6et it stan% thus ,or se&en %ays( On the ei)hth %ay it will be %issol&e%$ an% this is DISSO6UTIO by heat( -ut DISSO6UTIO o, col% hu"i%ity consists in "a#in) an e%)e 0@#anteA1 an% stan%in) a )la+e% &essel on it( Co"*lete this with a little water on the botto"( 6et the )lass han) abo&e the water$ but in such a way that it %oes not touch the water( Co&er the )lass &essel with a li%$ but *ut wax on the )lass$ an% san% on the wax( 6et it stan% thus ,or one %ay an% one ni)ht$ an% it will %issol&e( COA3U6ATIO "eans "a#in) har%$ an% it is %one in this way Ta#e the a,ore"entione% )lass with the 7atter that is %issol&e%$ *ut it into a test with straine% ashes$ an% li)ht a ,ire un%er the test ,or ten hours$ or till the hu"i%ity has )one out( Then it will loo# li#e "iniwn. but it is white$ li#e a &ery white ca"*hor( RU-I<ACTIO SA6TS AR7ENIACI 0A77ONICI1 Ta#e 2 $

Crocus %KAna$ well *ul&eri+e% to)ether( 4ut this into a )lass an% *our on it )oo% %istille% wine &ine)ar$ three , in)ers brea%th abo&e it( 6et it stan% thus ,or one %ay an% one ni)ht$ always stirrin) well( Then allow it to %ry )ently o&er a "il% ,ire( A,ter this$ *ut the Crocus 2 an% the G2 into a Subii"atoriu"$ an% subli"ate the"( It will %escen%$ re% li#e bloo%$ e&en i, the &ine)ar is not %istille%( This actually is o, no conse/uence$ it is Eust as )oo%( RU-I<ACTIO 5ITRIO6! RO7ANI 3ra%uate it$ an% calcirie it in a stron) ,ire. it will beco"e re% li#e bloo%( HERE <O66O' <URTHER TRACTATES O< ISAAC HO66ANDUS The Art o, Alche"y consists in three thin)s$ that is$ in our Stone( That is the ,ree art o, the ancients an% their successors$ who are to %isco&er this ,ree art throu)h Science or 4ractice. or to who"e&er the Holy 3host )i&e it$ or u*on who" He con,ers it throu)h His illu"ination. an% blesse% is he who *ossesses this ,ree art an% a**lies it wisely ,or the honor o, 3o% an% the *ressin) nee% o, his ,ellow "an( The other #in% o, Alche"y is the elixir which is *re*are%$ as the ancients tau)ht$ accor%in) to the Han% o, the 4hiloso*hers( Those who ha&e this an% un%erstan% it well "ay also be calle% blesse%( The thir% #in% is the Ixir$ an% it is also an art O, the ol% an% wise 7asters o, the Han%$ an% he who #nows how to *re*are it$ as the ,athers *re*are% it an% ha&e le,t it to us$ will li#ewise rule in this worl% in Eoys( The Art o, Alche"y has still "any "ore %au)hters$ branches an% roots which s*rin) ,ro" these three trees o, which I ha&e Eust s*o#en$ such as So"e labor with har% wor# in the Calcination o, the bo%ies$ to wash the" an% "a#e the" *ure an% clean( Others labor with a"ai)a"ationibue. others with aibination$ ce"entation$ au)"entation$ an% rubi,ication( Others "a#e Salia o, the bo%ies or the "etals( Others "a#e Olea an% other wor#s o, the bo%ies in the ,ire( Others with a/uis ,ortibus$ others with eatia

u*on the cor*ora. an% so on in "any %i,,erent ways( An% e&erythin) is )oo% i, it is %one in the ri)ht way as the ,ore,athers ha&e tau)ht. but all this is attaine% with )reat e,,ort( 2ce( *ainters an% )ol%s"iths coul% not counter,eit( As the "ateria beco"es ri*er an% stron)er$ so there occurs "any a chan)e( -e,ore you reach the )reyGblac# *ow%er$ your "ateria will turn a beauti,ul yellow li#e ashes o, woo% or *eat( All this ha**ens with a s"all re)i"en o, ,ire( 'hen you see the )reyGblac# ow%er$ reEoice$ ,or un%er the blac#ness the whiteness is hi%%en( A,ter this$ let the "ateria stan% in this re)i"en o, ,ire ,or a lon) ti"e an% watch i, it retains this color$ or i, it beco"es whiter an% clearer( I, it turns whiter or *aler$ #ee* the sa"e re)i"en o, ,ire. but i, you %o not see or sense that the color is &anishin) so"ewhat$ or that it chan)es$ increase the ,ire a little$ until you see that the color turns so"ewhat *aler or whiter( Then let it stan% ,or a lon) ti"e in the sa"e re)i"en o, ,ire( I, the color %oes not )et stron)er$ increase the ,ire so"ewhat$ an% as soon as you see that your "ateria beco"es whiter$ "aintain this re)i"en o, ,ire an% be care,ul not to "a#e the ,ire too stron)( <ollow this re)i"en o, ,ire$ increasin) it each ti"e Eust a little an% ne&er too "uch( Do this until your "atter is white$ yes$ whiter than snow( Then reEoice$ %ear chil%ren$ an% be assure% that un%er the 2Thite the beauti,ul Re% is co&erere% an% hi%%en( 7orenius says 'hen Christ lay in the to"b an% was to "a#e his resurrection ,ro" there$ so that a,ter such a resurrection there shoul% be a )loriosu" cor*us$ which was to li&e in all eternity an% was to be crowne% with a re% %ia%e" an% be #in) o&er all his )enerations$ an% all his ene"ies were to "a#e *eace with hi"$ an% he was to re"ain #in) throu)hout all eternity( Now then$ you "ust un%erstan% that this white "ateria or earth which you ha&e is only an earth that has lost its hu"i%ity an% is not yet )oo% ,or anythin)( That is why you shoul% #now that "any "ista#es occur in this Art$ because there are "any who %are to un%erta#e to con,ect the 4hiloso*herKs Stone an% achie&e this sta)e with a )oo% re)i"en o, the ,ire( They labor to coa)ulate or ,ix their Stone to the 'hite or the Re%. an% when the "ateria or Stone is ,ixe%$ they belie&e they can "a#e *roEection an% throw thereon raw 7ercurius or other i"*er,ecta "etaila( They wor# in &ain$ howe&er$ an% ,all into %es*air sayin) that the Art is i"*ossible( It is true$ that to the" ?6M it is i"*ossible$ because they ha&e an earth which has lost its hu"i%ity$ Eust as 3eber says S*irits which ha&e lost their hu"i%ity because o, "any subli"ations an% ,ixationes are )oo% ,or nothin) as lon) as they are %ry as this one( I)norant "en %o not co"*rehen% it$ ,or when they ha&e "a%e their Stone an% Eoine% it well$ so that it has its ri)ht color as is necessary an% later has been "a%e subtle an% &olatile a)ain$ it )i&es /uite another in)ress or *roEection( -ut they %o not un%erstan% the wor%s o, the sa)es( They "ay well #now that the Stone is to be "a%e in such a way as has been relate% abo&e$ an% they %o in%ee% "a#e it in the "anner *rescribe%. but$ they sto* with their wor# Eust when they shoul% start wor#in) all the "ore an% thus re"ain in their ,oolish "ista#en ways(

!ou "ust #now %ear <iiii$ that I wish to re&eal here the truest secret there is in the Art that I #now an% has been %isclose% to "e( There,ore$ I entreat you$ by the li&in) Son o, 3o%$ that you(%o not %i&ul)e this secret to anyone exce*t your own sons$ *ro&i%e% you belie&e that they ha&e the lo&e o, 3o% an% that$in a%%ition$ your soul an% "ine too$ will not be %a"ne% on account o, it %ue to the )reat tribulations that "i)ht arise ,ro" it( O*en your eyes an% ears$ an% hear the )reat holiness that is in nature( In the 3reat 'or# o, which we are here s*ea#in)$ both to the 'hite an% to the Re%$ you can "a#e an% *er,ect$ in one &essel$ an% one ,urnace$ all 6a*i%ee 4hiloso*hicos in whate&er "anner they are co"*ose%( Ta#e )oo% hee% o, what I a" tellin) you( I, you ta#e an% 7ereurius without a%%in) an% *ut the" to)ether in this "anner$ you will soon be able to "a#e the 6a*is ,ro" the"$ to the 'hite or to the Re%$ in one cas# an% in one ,urnace( Now then$ so"eone "i)ht as# why one *uts Oan% E2 to)ether in this wor#( This is %one because is ,ixe%$ an% the wor# will thereby beco"e all the shorter( I, your were ,ixe% in this wor#$ the 4hiloso*herKs Stone woul% be rea%y to "a#e to the 'hite( Howe&er$ is not ,ixe%$ there,ore "uch ti"e "ust be s*ent in coo#in) in or%er to ,ix it$ because "ust be ,ixe% be,ore it can ,ix 7erourius( That is the reason why an% are *ut to)ether in the wor#( !ou can also "a#e both stones o, 7ercurius an% o, alone$ an% that woul% be %one ,aster than with an% toG )ether$ because is ,ixe% an% it will there,ore ,ix 0coa)ulate1 7ercurius /uic#ly( So"eone "i)ht now as# what woul% be the result i, one were to ta#e alone with 7ercuriue( Coul% the re% Stone also be *re*are% ,ro" the"B Un%erstan% it thus is re% in its inner"ost$ Eust as it is white outsi%es. ,or in all white thin)s in which the ,our ele"ents are$ there is re%ness within co&ere% outsi%e by the white( is col% an% hu"i%$ Eust as is 7ercurius an% when still raw an% un,ixe% an% coa)ulate% to)ether( That is why it is white outsi%e an% re% insi%e( 'hen now is alone in the wor# with 7ercuriue it is coo#e% co"*letely an% coa)ulate% with a )oo% re)i"en o, the ( An% when it has beco"e ,ixe% %urin) the wor#$ it coa)ulates 7ercurius to)ether with it$ an% it turns into a white Stone o, the *hiloso*hers by "eans o, an increase o, the ,ire an% lon) coo#in)( Then the white stone is colore% re%$ an% its tincture e"er)es to the outsi%e an% the white rece%es within( 4on%er this well$ %ear chil%ren$ that which I ha&e sai% an% that which I will still relate$ ,or it is all to)ether necessary( It is the eecreturn o, all$ o*era. there ha&e been so"e i)nnorant "en who$ a,ter they "a%e their Stone to the 'hite an% to the Re%$ saw that the Stone ha% ,lO in)aKeas( Then they %issol&e% the Stone an% coa)ulate% it a)ain( They %i% this I(M or FM ti"es$ ho*in) thereby to "a#e the Stone ,usible$ so that it shoul% ha&e in)ress( Howe&er$ they %i% not succee%$ e&en shoul% they ha&e %issol&e% an%(coa)ulate% until Doo"s%ay!( The Stone was boun% to stay as it ha% been *re&iously( There ha&e also been others who ha&e %rawn an oieu" out o, 'ith it they rubbe% the Stone on "arble$ %rie% it in a )lass$ an% 2"bi be% it a)ain so lon) an% so "uch until the Stone beca"e li/ui% li#e wax$( an% )a&e an

in)re(ee( <ollowin) this$ they threw it u*on 7ercurius which ha% been "a%e re% hot. an% as soon as 7erouriuH )lowe%$ it ,lew away$ an% the oleu" T ,ollowe% it$ an% the *ow%er o, the Stone staye% in the crucible$ as it ha% %one be,ore they i"bibe% it( -ut this was %ue to the ,act that the oleu" ha% not been coa)ulate% with the Stone( The reason is as ,ollows I, you ha% thus i"bibe% the Stone an% *ut it in a )lass o&er a ,ire$ the oieu" woul% %ry alon) with the Stone( -ut i, you were to )i&e it stron) beat$ the oleu" woul% ,ly away alto)ether on account o, the )reat heat( That is why one cannot coa)ulate to)ether with the Stone( Thus the i)norant re"aine% "ista#en( Now I will teach you$ "y chil%$ how to "a#e the Stone ,usible an% ca*able o, )i&in) an in)ress( Until this hour$ this has ne&er been re&eale%( There,ore$ %ear <iiii$ %o not %i&ul)e this SECRET$ by the lo&e o, 3OD$ your soul an% "y soul( A,ter your Stone has turne% white by "eans o, a )oo% re)i"en o, the ,ire$ as I ha&e tau)ht you be,ore$ an% you wish to #ee* your Stone white$ it is u* to you( Howe&er$ i, you wish$ to wait ,or the ti"e that it turns Re%$ you "ust lea&e it lon)er in the ,urnace$ increasin) the ,ire consi%erably(( 'hen you see that it be)ins to )et yellow li#e )u" "astic$ %o not increase the ,ire( 6et it stan% ,or H or > %ays in such a heat$ an% obser&e i, the Stone has turne% so"ewhat "ore yellow( I, it has re"aine% the sa"e hue$ increase the ,ire consi%erably( 'hen it be)ins to ta#e on the color o, Sa,,ron$ a)ain let it re"ain in this heat ,or H or > %ays( 4rocee% in this way$ throu)h the re)i"en o, ,ire$ until you see the StoneK assu"in) its *er,ect re%ness( It will be li#e )lowin) 3ol% stan%in) in the ,ire( It a**ears to be "ore o, a hea&enly than o, an earthly color(K In this way$ the stone "ust be coo#e% with a stron) ,ire( 'ith only a s"all ,ire$ its tincture an% Sul*hur %o not co"e throu)h( it is a re% tincture$ an% be,ore it reaches its *er,ect re%ness$ it "ust stan% ,or J? %ays( Dnow that i, the Stone were ,lui%$ its re%ness coul% not be brou)ht out( This is because i, it were )lowin) hot$ it woul% "elt an% e&en *enetrate throu)h the )lass! Thus$ e&erythin) wouKl% be lost( <inally$ it "ust )low ,or three %ays( Concernin) this$ note shoul% be ta#en that the Stone "ust ,irst o, all ha&e been "a%e be,ore it is "a%e ,usible( That the i)norant cannot un%erstan% or ta#e note o,$ because ;they %o not un%erstan% nature( In thiKs way$ both the white an% the re% Stone "ust be "a%e be,ore they are "a%e ,lui% an% subtle$ as you "ay well un%erstan% with your intelli)ence( NO' HEAR 7! SONS? THE 3REAT SECRETU7 which is in the Art an% which has ne&er been *ut %own in writin) ex ce*t by "ysel, alone That isC how one is to *re*are the two Stones an% "a#e the" ,usible so as to "a#e *roEection with the"( Ta#e your Stone an% *our o&er it clear$ clean *ara%iseGwater( Join it to the water an% set it in the *rison an% close it well( Now it will rise

towar% hea&en %urin) one rotation o, the "oon$ an% turn into a %ew$ an% a)ain ,all %own$ %ro*GbyG%ro*$ accor%in) to the teachin)s o, the 7asters( It will "oisten the earth$ so that it shoul% brin) ,orth ,lowers o, &arious colors( 'hen these ,lowers a**ear$ your Stone will rise ,ro" the %ea% to a bo%y. an% all ene"ies shall "a#e *eace with it. an% the te"*eetas which were be,ore$ will be o&er( An% it has o&erco"e the %ar#ness$ an% the ecli*ia o, the sun an% "oon$ an% shall ,orthwith re"ain a #in) o, all its )enerations$ an% he shall not lose his %o"inion ;in all eternity but re"ain the Rex 3lrtKiae( Re"o&e the Stone$ either re% or white$ ,ro" the cas#" *ut it into a stone "ortrar$ *our u*on it a )oo%ly a"ount o, > *ur)ati G as I ha&e *re&iously tau)ht you to *re*are G an% "ix the"with a wbo%en *estle ,or an entire %ay without ceasin)( A,ter this$ return it to$ the )lass$ set it bac# in ,urnu" *hiloso*horu" or in tri*o%ern$ )i&e it a )oo% ,ire$ such as will #ee* in ,lux( 6ute the "outh o, the little )lass that has the Stone insi%e an% #ee* it in this heat until all the is %ea%( That ha**ens soon enou)h$ ;in about JM or NM %ays( Then$ the Stone o, its own accor%$ %raws its s*irit into its nature$ because li#e attracts li#e$ an% all reEoice with their li#es( 'hen now the is %ea%$ increase your ,ire Eust a little$ SO that the "ateria turn white( 'hen it has beco"e a white Stone$ ta#e it out$ heat a > sheet or *late until it )lows( 4ut one )rain o, the Stone thereon( Now obser&e i, the Stone beco"es ,lui% an% i, it has as in)ress so that it tin)es the la"ina an% )oes throu)h the" li#e an oleu" )oes throu)h %ry leather$ an% "a#es the sheet white li#e ,ine sil&er( I, it in%ee% %oes that$ it is rea%y(I, not$ *our once a)ain clean *ara%iseGwater o&er it$ Eust as has been *e&iously tau)ht( To ? ia*is ta#e J lot *ara%iseCwater$ as o,ten as you %o *our *ara%iSe water on it( Do this until the Stone is ,lui% an% has an in)ress such as you wish it to ha&e( I, it is the re% Stone$ an% you ha&e *oure% G? *ara%iseGwater on it$ let it stan% in such heat as woul% #ee* h in ,lux$ without )lowin)$ till it turns re% a)ain( It ta#es "uch lon)er than with the white Stone( Test it also li#e the white was teste%( -ut you "ust ta#e not o, the ,ollowin) I, you wish to *re*are the stone in or%er to "a#e *roEection with it u*on 2$ it "ust be "a%e as ,usible as wax( This "ust be %one with care$ so that the stone %oes not *enetrate throu)h the )lass( By a%&ise$howe&er$ is that you "a#e it as ,lui% so that it is absolutely )lowin) be,ore it "elts( It it the white stone to which this a**lies( There,ore$ "a#e *roEection with it u*on 2I. but you "ust not "a#e the re% Stone "ore ,lui% than that it "ay well )low but not blow( <or when the *ara%iseGwater in it has %ie% an% is ,ixe%$ it "ust stan% in the ,urnace an% )low ,or JM %ays be,ore the *ara%iseCwater co"es out re%( 'henA the re%ness is outsi%es$ you "ust increase the ,ire so that the Stone )lows stea%ily$ so "uch so that one can see that it is /iowin) an% no "ore( 6et it stan% thus ,or three %ays then let it cool %own$ an% )i&e than#s to 3o% that your 2 Stone is *er,ect( 0Note @)lowA "eans a re% or white heat$to anneal1

Dear <uEi$ you "ust ha&e "o%eration in all your wor#s$ an% es*ecially in the *rocess o, "a#in) your stone ,lui%( Do ta#e )reat care not to "a#e it too ,lui% or it will )o throu)h the )lass as has been *re&iously tau)ht( The re% Stone "ust be "a%e e&en less ,lui%$ or you cannot a%% to it the tincture o, the *ara%iseCwater. ,or you "ust #now that you can "a#e e&erythin) in the worl% su**le an% ,usible$ i, it is subli"ate% to)ether with it so that it %oes not lea&e it( This is calle% ceratio$ an% ceratio is nothin) but the *rocess o, "a#in) a thin) that is har% an% not ,usible$ ,lui%$ so that it aets an in)ress( This was ,irst %iso&ere% by the ancients( A,ter they searche% ,or a lon) ti"e to %iso&er how to achie&e the Stone to the 'hite an% the Re%$ they ,oun% it was ;not useable when they %esire% to "a#e *roEection( because the Stone %i% not "elt an% staye% at the botto" as a *ow%er or earth( Thus they notice% that they lac#e% nothin) but ceratio$ which woul% )i&e it in)reHa( They ;loo#e% in "any %i,,erent thin)s an% yet %i% not ,in% it$ exce*t in Sul*hur an% auri*($ an% es*ecially in 2( 6i#ewise you "ust #now that the oil in all thin)s in the worl% will se*arate ,ro" its earth in ,ire$ exce*t that o, "ineris ari% "etalG lie$ because their oils stay with the earth in the ,ire an% %o not se*arate ,ro" the"( An% when they se*arate$ the earth rises to)ether with the"$ because these oils cannot be se*arate% ,ro" the earth$ as can be %one with other "atter( So they now reali+e% that i, they wishe% to ,ollow nature$ they re/uire% such oils$ to incerite an% li/ui,y their s*irit an% %ry earth( They ,oun% such in Sul*hur an% in auri*i)($ but ten ti"es "ore in 2( In this way the art cerationis was %isco&ere%( They li/ui,ie% their stone as they wishe%$ an% it %i% ,or the" whate&er they %esire% o, the Art( They thereby li)ui,ie% whate&er they wishe%$ they subli"ate% the s*irits throu)h hot "atters( They "a%e the" stron) an% yenenosic an% they beca"e so subtle as to be "ar&ele% at( 'hen they "a%e their "atter thus subtle throu)h subli"ation an% hot on account o, the corrosi&e "atters$ an% they ha% %rawn enou)h o, the tinctures into the"sel&es$ they incerite% it with well cleanse% 2$ that is$ they *oure% a lar)e /uantity o, 2 o&er it$ *ut it in tn*o%e"$ let it rise u* an% %own till 7ercury staye% with it( Thus they "a%e their s*irits ,usible accor%in) to their will( They also too# calcine% 1 an% M$ "a%e into a "ost subtle caix$ *oure% *uri,ie% 2 o&er it$ set it in tri*o%e" in a )lass as is illustrate% below$ turne% it o&er o,ten an% let it stan% thus$ subli"atin)$ till the 2 staye% with it( In this way they "a%e the caix ,usible( They tin)e% with it$ that it$they %issol&e% the caic 8$ con&erte% it into subtle crystals$ which they cleanse% well( Then they *ul&eri+e% it$ *oure% ,resh 2 o&er it$ an% set it in tri*o%e" as has been %iscusse% about M an% 1( An% thus they also "a%e a "e%icine( I a" tellin) you %ear <uEi$ the whole Art consists in the ceration( There,ore$ rea% this o&er o,ten$ because it contains )reat won%ers( !ou can "a#e a "e%icine ,ro" all "etals$ as we ha&e tau)ht an% s*o#en o,$ in a short ti"e$ without s*ecial wor#$ har"$ or cost$ an% all with this Art$ with the 7ercurius 4hilceo*horu"(


The reason why the ele"ents are se*arate% is that the I"*er,ectu" be "a%e *er,ect. also that the uncleanliness 0or i"*urities1 be se*arate%$ an% that the cor*us an% s*irit be thus ri% o, all i"*urity$ an% be a,terwar%s a)ain conEoine%( Dnow then$ that anythin) that reaches the ,ire$ no "atter how i"*ure it is$ is "a%e clean an% *ure by the ,ire$ as we ha&e tau)ht be,ore( The ,irst si)n os a *er,ect blac#ness$ an% we see it with our eyes( All "atter beco"es as blac# as *itch( 'hyB The ,ire %ri&es Corru*tion$ or what is rotten$ u*war%s an% it lea&es the "atter because o, the stren)th o, the heat( This is not %one$ howe&er$ with a stron) but with a )entle$ ,ire( Then the Corru*tion or ,eces which are in the Arca are %ri&en abo&e until e&erythin) is blac#( That is why 7orenius says Ta#e care that youK re)ulate your ,ire in such a way that you %o not obtain whiteness be,ore blac#ness( 0 the albe%o be,ore the ni)re%o1 or all your wor# is s*oile% by the whiteness i, it occurs be,ore the blac#ness( So it "ust be a sure inetho%that will %ri&e the Corru*tion out by ,ire$ an% thus "ust be the *uri,ication an% 4er,ection( -e care,ul in our wor# ,or a,ter lon) an% stea%y boilin) the heat consu"es the Corru*tion$,eces an% blac#ness$ an% chan)es it into another color$ an% e&er another until it is *er,ectly white li#e snow( An% it is %one )ently$ so that the ele"ents are not ,orce%$ but are )ently recti,ie% o, their i"*urities( Ta#e care$ howe&er$ in e&ery res*ect$ as 7orenius has warne%$ that you %o not )et the re%ness be,ore the whiteness. ,or our stone "ust not be burnt in this wor#( Dnow that this is the best 'ay. ,or it is o,ten necessary to )i&e stron) heat where the se*aration o, the ele"ents "ust be acco"*lishe%$ be,ore the ele"entu" i)nis is brou)ht o&er$ an% e&erythin) "ust )low( A,ter this$ i, you wish to calcine the ,eces the "atter has to be burnt in the re&erberatin) ,urnace( O,ten the "atter turns white. then it has to be chan)e% into )lass$ an% thus one thin) is s*oilt with the other( -ut$ in the 3reat 'or#$ there is no uncertainty( The ,eceH #now how to consu"e the"sel&es o, the"sel&es$ as Ocher says The %ra)on "ust %e&our its own blac#ness$ an% it has to be ,e% with its own &eno"( Dantin says The blac# crow "ust hatch its own e))s with its youn)$ till they all turn white( <or that is the art an% nature o, all thin) un%er the s#y$ that they %esire to recti,y the"sel&es out o, an iherent i"*ulse an% to ro% the"sel&es o, their ,eces which are su*er,luous to the"$ an% to be without %e,ect <or they were *er,ect an% without %e,ects ,ro" the be)innin)( The ,our Ele"enta$ an% e&erythin) "a%e ,ro" the"$ "obile an% i""obile$ nothin) exce*te%$ are all *er,ect in

the be/innin/ an% in the en%$ an% all thin)s %esire to be ri% o, their ,eces( So"eone "i)ht as# bu what are the ,eces2It is a hu"or or hu"i%ity 0or( "oisture1 which 3o% has or%ere%$ an% e&erythin) un%er the course o, hea&en "ust be nourishe% by it( It #ee*s all thin)s in its nature an% is in all thin)s a *er,ect$ ele"entary$ natural war"th or ,ire$ an% it is a consu"ina an% co"bustible ,ire( 'hen the two are "ixe%$ an% i, the *er,ect ,ire %oes not "eet with un,ortunate acci%ents$ it will #ee* the thin) in its nature( -ut as soon as a ba% acci%ent ha**ens to the ,ire$ which is also hot an% i"*e,ect$ an% one thin) "in)les with another$ they all beco"e hot an% burn an% %estroy the thin)$ be it in "etals$ ani"als$ trees or herbs$ an% in all thin)s un%er the s#y( There are two #in%s o, water in all thin)s create% out o, the Ele"ents$ a natural one an% an ele"entary one$a n% that is *er,ect$ )oo% an% eternal( Then there is still another water( It is calle% @water o, the clou%sA( That is i"*er,ect$ an% is "ixe% with the ele"entary water It is "eant to )i&e nourish"ent an% "oisture to thin)s an% to #ee* the" in their nature as lon) as no other extraneous water is a%%e% to the" -ut i, "ore is a%%e%$ it will %rown the thin)$ So that it %iea an% corru*ts$ Eust as when water is *oure% into ,ire( Si"ilarly$ you "ust un%erstan% this in re)ar% to air an% earth( I, there were no ,eces in the ele"ents$ all thin)s woul% be *er,ect$ s*iritual$ an% subtle$ as 3o% ha% "eant the" to be( Nor woul% there be %ecayin) an% %eath$ as is ex*laine% about ,eces an% %iseases o, the ele"ents inKthe 5e)etabiii( <in% it in Cha*ter ?T( 26H Now you "i)ht as#$ howe&er i, a thin) is %estroye% in such a way$ where then is the *er,ection which it containsB Rea% about that in the 5e)etabili$ Ca*ter I>( !ou will also ,in% ex*laine% there how one thin) attracts its li#e( Dnow also that$ i, a thin) has %ie%$ be it sensiti&e or insensiti&e$ the s*irit o, its cor*us se*arates ,ro" it an% Eoins its li#e$ ,ro" which it has ori)inate%$ as you will un%erstan% by the 5e)etabili( 6oo# at the ,la"e o, ,ire or coal the ,la"es heat$ the s"o#e "o&es u*war%( In this s"o#e is hi%%en the s*irit o, air( It Eoins its li#e( The sa"e a**lies to the other ele"ents( -ut now so"eone "ay as# 'here then %o the ,eces ele"entoru" stay$ when each thin) has )one to its ownB Concernin) this$ consi%er this exa"*le I, you *ut a )lass &essel containin) water into the sun$ the sun %raws the water to itsel,$ an% stin#in) blac# %re)s 0"atter1 will stay behin%( 6et it stan% in the )lass *rotecte% ,ro" rain an% win%$ ,or a lon) ti"e$ an% the sli"y blac# "atter will in ti"e beco"e as white as snow an% its s"ell will %isa**ear( Such is the e,,ect o, the nature o, the sun( Another exa"*le Ta#e a )lass basin ,ull o, )reen herbs. *ut it in the sun or ex*ose% to the air( The herbs will be)in to %ecay an% s"ell ba%$ an%$ each ele"ent %raws towar%s its li#e as "entione% be,ore( The blac# stxn#in/ earth stays in the basin$ but a,ter a lon) ti"e the air an% the war"th o, the sun will calcine it as white as snow Ari% this is the wor# o, nature(

Another exa"*le Ta#e the cor*se o, an e&il%oer$ who lies on the rac# or han)s on the )allows( The air an% the sun consu"e its stench an% %ecay$ so that nothin) re"ains but white ashes In ti"e the har% le)s$ which were ,ull o, ,at an% "arrow$ are thus consu"e%$ so that they turn into a white$ ,ine san% 0salt1 which is intan)ible between the ,in)ers( That is brou)h about by nature$ as we "ay see e&ery %ay with our own eyes 'here then re"ains the stin#in) "atterK It *asses away an% turns into nothin)$ an% the ele"ent earth is thus cleanse% an% white as snow$ so that it beco"es i"*al*able( Thus it is e&i%ent in our Art one "ust not se*arate any ele"ents$ nor %oes one re/uire an% washin) or *uri,ication concernin) That it has to be teste% to ascertain that it is )oo% an% *enetratin)( I ha&e relate% to you so that you shoul% un%erstan% that the se*ara tiGones ele"entoru" are not necessary in our wor#( Neither is rectiG,iGcation$ because the ,eces consu"e the"sel&es$ as in%icate%. but in the se*arationee eie"entoru"$ a little is always lost in the ,ire$ ,or they stan% in the ,ire( An% Eust as it easy to lose so"ethin)$ so it is to the %etri"ent o, the wor#$ which you nee% not be a,rai% o, in this instance$ because in the 3reat 'or# no ele"ent is se*arate%( In a%%ition$ you shoul% also #now that one can "a#e oil ,ro" all "etals also without se*aration o, the ele"ents$ an% without "uch washin) an% %issol&in)( !et$ it "ust be %one with A/ua <ortis$ an% you "ust )i&e it a ,er"ent$ i, you wish to "a#e the" ,ro" a *er,ect "etal( -ut I a%&ise you not to "a#e oil ,ro" any i"*er,ect "etal$ exce*t ,ro" 2 an% i2 $ one ,or the Re%$ the other ,or the 'hite( There exist "any %i,,erent "atters$ ,ro" which to "a#e oil( They ha&e been %isco&ere% %ue to the ra*i%ity in which they can be "a%e$ while so"e %i% not ha&e the *atience to en%ure the lon) a"ount o, ti"e re/uire% to acco"*lish the 3reat 'or# an% because they see# s"all )ain( !et in such thin)s there is )reat %an)er$ "ore than in the 3reat 'or#$ also )reater labor an% han%icra,t( !ou "ust %istil A<$ an% you "ust also subli"ate an% be well ac/uainte% with "any unusual ty*es o, wor#( It also re/uires a )reat %eal o, "oney$ e,,ort an% cost(



There were so"e who "a%e an A/ua <ort ,ro" 5itriol an% 2 ( In it they %issol&e% ,ine 1 one *art$ o, the cu*el( A,ter that$ they )roun% it an% washe% the caix o,, with co""on water. then they %rie% it at the sun or with ,ire( A,terwar%$they *ut this caix into two )lasses$ *oure% recti,ie% &ine)ar u*on it$ each ti"e one lb( o, &ine)ar u*on ? ounce o, caix lunae( They *ut one o, the )lasses in the baineu" an% the other in ,ront o, it( Then they %istille% the &ine)ar ,ro" one 6una onto the other$ alternatin) the )lasses. one into the baineu"$ the other one$ which ha% been stan%in) be,ore it$ out( Then they %istille% once "ore$ an% %i% this until the 2 was ,ully %isol&e%( 'hen the luna IS totally %issol&e%$ the A/ua 5itae has to be %rawn o,, in the baineu" with )entle heat$ such that one can su,,er oneKs han% to be

in this heat( 'hen a s#in ,or"s on the 6una$ the *rocess "ust be sto**e%$ allow it to cool %own an% *ut into a col% ;?2222 cellar to crystalli+e( Tha#e out the crystals ,9r"e% an% *ut the" in a s"all retort$ lute it well an% set it in war" ashes in tri*o%ern$ or let it stan% until the clear little stones ha&e been trans,or"e% into oil an% no lon)er coa)ulate( This oil is a *er,ect elixir to "a#e *roEection with it a% albu"( ANOTHER DIND O< OI6 7ADE <RO7 A< AND 6UNA There ha&e also been others who too# ? ounce o,K 1 a"al)a"ate% with *re*are% 2 $ in such a way that the a"al)a"ation coul% be *resse% throu)h a linen cloth( A,ter that$ they set it ,or six wee#s in a "o%erate heat. an% they %issol&e% it in an (J< "a%e o, 5itriol an% M. %rew it o,, a)ain )ently in the balneu"( Then they re"o&e% it$ sto**ere% it well$ set it in cinerurn or tri*o%e" an%)a&e it heat as i, one wishe% to #ee* b In ,lux( They #e*t it thus until the oil was ,ixe%$ an% teste% it in the ,ollowin) way They too# a sheet o, an% heate% it to )lowin)$ then *oure% one %ro* o, this oil u*on it( I, the oil )oes throu)h without s"o#e$ li#e oil throu)h leather$ an% i, it tin)es to 1 $ it is ,ixe%$ )oo% an% a *er,ect elixir( -ut i, it %oes not %o that$ *ut it bac# in tri*o%e" until it is ,ixe% an% trans"utes 2 $ ? an% $ into true 1 $ which *asses all tests( A 4RECIOUS OI6 TO THE RED Dear Sons$ you shoul% #now the ,ollowin) an% consi%er it a )reat secret( Ta#e F lbs( o, &itriol &iri%( aer($*lu"bu" albu" an( N lbs croci *ul&( la*i%is hae"atitis 2 J( Salt*eter a% *on%us o"niu"( Crush the" well so that they "in)le thorou)hly. %i&i%e the" into three *arts( <ro" one o, the *arts$ "a#e an A< 0a/ua,ort1 in a )lass &essel an% no other #in% o, &essel( A,ter this$ *our it on the other *art o, the "atter 0a secon% *art1 an% %raw it o&er on a stron) ,ire( 4our this now onto the thir% *art o, the "atter an% #ee* this water well close%( 4ul&eri+e the DeathKs Hea%s an% rub the" with 8 & $ whicKi I will teach later on$ on a "arble$ till they are /uite s"all$ as i, one wishe% to *aint with the "atter( 6et it %ry in a roo" or by the sun. )rin% it once a)ain an% *ut it into an alernbic( 4our your water on it$ %raw it o,, a)ain$ ,irst with a )entle ,ire ,or IJ hours. then )ra%ually with stron)er ,ire$ till the "atter be)ins to )low( A,ter this$ #ee* it in a stea%y )low ,or T wee#s( Then let it cool %own$ re"o&e it an% *reser&e it( A,ter this$ ta#e the DeathKs Hea% an% the re"ainin) ,eces( 4ow%er the" an% "oisten with $&ine)ar an% %raw o,, its salt as you #now how to %o$ so that no ,eces stay behin%( 'hen your salt is clear$ *our the A< on it$ )i&e it )entle heat on san% or on ashes ,or ?I hours( <ollow thiswith stron)er heat ,or T hours$ so that it will )low "il%ly( Then let it cool o,,( Ta#e the water in the reci*ient an% close it well( A)ain rub the ,eces with &ine)ar$ an% a,terwar%s %issol&e it in &ine)ar. *ut it in the balneu"( Do as you ha&e been instructe% be,ore an% see i, it *ro%uces ,eces( Coa)ulate it an% *our the A(<( bac# on it( Draw it o,,( Re*eat F or J ti"es an% the salt to)ether with the water will )o o&er the hel"( Do belie&e "e that I ha&e wor#e% won%er with this water$ which cannot be %escribe% here( I ha&e *ersonally turne% this water into a re% crystal

which )a&e o,, a li)ht at ni)ht by which a whole table o, *eo*le coul% see enou)h to eat their "eal by( Dee* it until you nee% it$ an% consi%er it a treasure o, all waters( ?F? 7ore so ta#e 7ere( *rae*arati o, its hu"i%ity$ ,or each *oun% o, 5 $ I *oun%s o, 5itrioli Rornani an% subli"e it therethrou)h( 7ix it a)ain with the ,eces an% ,or the thir% ti"e$ ta#e ,resh &itriol an% subli"e it a)ain$ Do this J or N ti"es$ the "ore ti"es the better( A,ter this$ the 5 is rea%y( Ta#e then$ one ounce o, M $ thinly beaten an% cut into rolls( Dissol&e it into the A< which you ha&e "a%e$ an% set it into a basin with si,te% ashes( 4ut the basin into a ;#ettle ,ille% with &ery war" water$ an% i,i an hour the will %issol&e( 0or ;sooner1 Ta#e one ounce o, the subli"ate% 2 . %issol&e it also in this water( A,ter this$ throw an other ounce o, your 2 in an% let this also %issol&e( Then it is enou)h as you will ha&e three ounces 0o, "atter1 %issol&e% in it$ ? o+( o, M an% I o+( o, 5 Now *ut a hel" on to)ether with a rect*i(ent$ %raw the water o,,$ *our it bac# on a)ain 0re*eat1 until it will now lon)er )o o&er in balneo( 6et is cool %own an% *ut it in a ,urnace an% ashes 6ute a reci*ient to it$ %istill it o&er an% *our it bac# on a)ain( Continue this so lon) as the water will )o o&er In this %istillation you will see won%ers$ because you will see all the colors o, the whole worl% in the hel"( The colors are in the s*irit an% the cor*us #ee*s the s*irit in it an% with it( The colors are co&ere% in the cor*us as you will learn in 5E3ETA-I6IE( Search ,or it in Cha*ter >F( 'hen no "ore %roos are co"in)$ let it cool %own$ re"o&e the hel" an% close the )lass well abo&e Set it in tri*o%e ,or JM %ays. the heat shoul% be suOh that you can easily #ee* your han% in the ,urnace( !our "atter will beco"e ,ixe% within this ti"e$ an% when it is col%$ it will be har% as )lass( As soon as it )ets near heat that will "elt wax$ it ,lows as i, it were wax or as an oil( This is a *er,ect 6a*ie Co"*oeitus$ an% no ,orei)n thin)s ha&e been a%%e% to it which are not o, its #in% or s*ecies( 7y chil% shoul% note that at least one *art o, this Stone ,alls on ?MMM *arts or "ore( I "ysel, ha&e wor#e% in this area an% ha&e acco"*lishe% the o*eration one ti"e( It is such a beauti,ul Stone to behol% an% shines so "uch at ni)ht that one %oes not ha&e a nee% ,or li)ht( This is why it is such an excellent 7e%icine an% a noble Stone an% shoul% be consi%ere% a )reat Secre turn The 'ater Salis Ar"($ with which the abo&e "entione% *ow%er GIFFG is to be rubbe% or )roun%$ is "a%e in the ,ollowin) way Ta#e ? *oun%2o, 2 I *oun%s 5itriol an% subli"ate the" to)ether( an% a)ain "ix the "atter with the ,eces( <or the thir% ti"e$ ta#e ,resh 5itriol an% subli"ate this also ,our ti"es( 3rin% this subli"ate% J, to *ow%er$ *ut it into a )lass$ *our %istille% &ine)ar u*on it$ Eust enou)h &ine)ar to %issol&e it an% noi"ore( Now the water is as yellow as Sol when it has been subli"ate% throu)h 5itriol(The 5itriol aceturn %eetiliatu" *ro%uces the Tincture o, Sal( This then is the water which you "ust rub 0)rin%1 your Deaths Hea%$ as in%icate% abo&e$ which is to be t("b2be% with this F2 & = 2t )i&es )oo% In)reesu"(

THE SA6TS O< THE 7ETA6S U* to now$ %ear Son$ you ha&e hear% how you are to *rocee% with an% han%le the 3reat 'or# an% A"ai)2rnatione an% with certain Olea( Now you will hear how to "a#e salts out o, the "etals that can also *ro%uce a *er,ect Elixir$ as )oo% as the Oiea$ althou)h its *roEection is not as hi)h( It is an easy wor#$ howe&er an% ta#es but a short2 ti"e( A,ter that$ I will teach you how to "a#e the Stone$ which I consi%er "y )reatest Sec2etu"( Dnow that Salt can be %eri&e% ,ro" all "etals an% all salts o, "etals are Elixirs( They are the Ele"entinterrae un%er which the ,ire is hi%%en$ because in the "etals there are ,our ele"ents$ such as I)niaF Aer($ A/ua an% Tei(ra( <ire an% Earth are the outer ele"ents$ water an% air the "i%%le( The two outer are ,ixe%$ but the two "i%%le ele"ents 0the inner1 are &olatile as water V air( !ou "ust #now$ howe&er$ that the Eie"entu"I)nis2 can be se*arate% ,ro" earth in all thin)s co"bustible( It is its oil$ exce*t it cannot be %one with "etals$ ,or they stay ,ixe% to)ether in the ,ire( That is why all Salts o, 7etals are elixirs( Note ,urther that a,ter the Saiia 7etailoru" ha&e been turne% into Elixir$ its 4roEection is s"all( -ut when the sa"e Salt is *ut to)ether with an oil an% its inner"ost *art is brou)ht out$ an% its outer"ost *art is brou)ht insi%e$ where *re&iously one *art ,ell on a ?MM *arts$ it will now ,all u*on ?MMM *arts. an% as you *roEecte% it be,ore on 1 si"ilarly you can trans"ute it a,terwar%s on M ( 'hen Elixiria arena%e ,ro" Salt$ one can easily @? *ro%uce oils$ as will be tau)ht at the en% o, this wor#( !ou "ust #now that there exists no surer nor shorter way ,or wor#in) with the Salia o, "etals$ ,or herein one cannot ,ail$ nor can any in,ir"ity be,all you( Reason there are no a*iritus that coul% e&anesce( Also$ it is %i,,icult to %o thin)s wron) with the ,ire$ because the "atter is not con)eale%$ as it is ,ixe% alrea%y$ an% %oes not re/uire your e,,ort to %o so( The ol% 4hi2ioso*hG2 swore to each other that they woul% not re&eal the two secrets$ how to "a#e Salt an% Oil out o, "etals$ to anyone exce*t their chil%ren$ who woul% be rea%y ,or it( They also wrote o, it in such a way$ that no one coul% un%erstan% it exce*t the Chil%ren o, the Art( Rea% all the boo#s o, the ancient *hiloso*hers$ an% you will nowhere ,in% correct in,or"ation$ neither on the Salt nor on the Oil o, "etals$ which woul% enable you to "a#e the" o, these substances( They "ay well write that the Salia 7etalloru" are Elixiria$ an% say that all 4hiloso*hi a)ree in this$ an% that it "ay be easy to achie&e throu)h the re&erberation o, the "etal( They "ay also say you shoul% %raw it ,ro" its <ecibue an% wor# with it until it is a crystalGstone(!et$ they %o not write anythin) else about this wor#$ or write in such obscure ter"s that no one can un%erstan% anythin)( Thus the arts o, salts an% oils has re"aine% hi%%en "ore than alS( the other arts( I a" tellin) you truth,ully that the art extrationis ealiurn "etailoru" has ne&er been re&eale% to anyone in "y ti"e( I there,ore entreat you by the li&in) 3o%$ that you secret to anyone but those o, who" you are sure an% will #ee* it secret on account o, the "any e&ils it because the noble Art "i)ht be consu"e% an% use% in %o not re&eal this certain that they "i)ht in&ol&e an% sin. an% 3o%.s honor

an% *raise an% the *oor nee%y "i)ht be ,or)otten( There,ore$ note care,ully$ to who"seoe&er 3o% )i&es the art$ he has it an% no one else. accor%in) to whether his intention is )oo% or e&il$ 3o% bestows it( Enou)h sai% to those who ha&e un%erstan%in)( Ta#e then M an% 1 $ %issol&e the" in 7K an% beat it to the )roun%( 'ash the caice" with A/ua Dulci an% %ry it( Then it is rea%y to be *ut in the calcination ,urnace$ to o*en it u*$ so that the 2 can be NiEbli"ate% out o, it(This not only a**lies to M an% 1 but also to the other "etals such as 2$ $ $ $ $ i V etc= !et those ,ro" M an% 1 are the best. they also "a#e a hi)her *roEection an% are easiest to *rocess to oil an% elixir( Now ta#e the caix$ *ut it into a )lass &essel with a wi%e botto"( 4ut the caix iunae in it$ one ,incerKs thic#ness$ neither thic#er nor thinner( Set it thus into the calcEnatEonC,urnace where the s*irits are calcine% within$ or into the Athanor or in Tri*o%err( Heat it$ as i, one were to #een !2 in ,lux without %ri&inK it$ ,or I? %ays( Do not let the ,ire /o %own$ so that the Cor*us "ay o*en u* an% let 2 )o( Dnow that you "ust thus *rocee% with all "etals$ be it M or 1 or other "etals( Only$ M "ust stan% ,or six wee#s$ because it is a Co"*act an% a *er,ect Cor*us$ which 1 an% the other"etals are not( That is also the reason why they "ust not stan% as ionK in the re&erberatina ,urnace( 'hen now your Caix o, the "etals has thus been oDene%$ ta#e an ale"bic with a wi%e botton2$ *ut your caix into it at eciual thic#ness( 6ute a bia hel" on it$ *ut it on the subli"atin) ,urnace in ashes$ lute a recei&er on it$ li)ht a ,ire un%er it$ at ,irst$ s"all$ then increase it by %e/ree until it be/ins to )low( Dee* it )lowin) thus ,or H to ?M %ays$ watch to see i, sore 2 continues to subli"ate( I, nothin) co"es out$ let it cool %own$ ta#e the hel" o,,. you will ,in% 7ercurius subli"ate% 0 2 1$ white as snow(Sa&e( !oi2i will ,in% the salt or the earth at the botto" o, the alass$ in the ,or" o, a )reyishCwhite *ow%er( It is swollen li#e a snun)e$ while 7ercurius has been lea&in) it( It is the sa"e #in% o, *rocess with 1 $ 2 an% 2h $ exce*t that the Caix "ust stan% ,or ?T to IM %ays$ an% "ust also /low stronaer$ be,ore 2 co"es out o, it. ,or M %oes not "elt as easily as the other "etals$ because it is "uch ,ir"er than 1 or any o, the other "etals( Now re"o&e the salt or earth ,ro" the alass$ *ut it into a stone Ear an% *our %istille% wine &ine)ar on it$ set it into a boilin) -alneu"$ let it stan% ,ro" J t* T %ays$ stirrin) ,r/uently$ it shoul% be well co&ere%( Then allow it to stan% an% cool %own$ *our it o,, an% *reser&e it U*on the <eces *our ,resh acetu"%istiilatu"$ an% set it into the -alneu" ,or IJ hours$ stirrin) ,r/uentS(y(6et it stan%$ coolin)$ an% *our it to)ether with the other( I, you ,eel there is still so"ethin) le,t in the <eces *our "ore &ine)ar u*on the" i, not$ throw the" away as they ha&e no ,urther use( I Draw the %ecante% &ine)ar o,, in the -aineu"$ an% the salt will re"ain at the botto" clear an% snowwhite( <ollowin) this$ *our clear$ *ure water on it$ set it bac# into the balneu"$ let it %issol&e so that <eces a**ear( Throw those away$ coa)ulate the Salt$ an% %issol&e it a)ain with A/ua Co""uni( Re*eat this *rocess until no "ore ,eces a**ear( Now it is rea%y to "a#e the ,irst 4roEection on 2 with it( To extract the salt 0or

to %raw the salt1 ,ro" M an% other "etals it is an easIer *rocess than the one relate% here( <urther$ i, you wish to )et the salt ,ro" i"*er,ect "etals$ ,ro" co**er an% iron$ you "ust also #now that they nee% to be ,ile% ,inely$ set the" into the re&erberatin) ,urnace ,or T %ays in a "o%erate heat an% )low( A,ter that$ you can %raw out the salt as we ha&e tau)ht about G2 I, you wish to )et salt <ort$ %raw o,, the Caix Howe&er$ i, you wish to 7ercurius$ let it stan% rather strOn) )low$ but ,ro" 2$ an% WE( $ you "ust an% re&erberate it$ as has )et onS2y the salt ,ro" i2 in a re&erberatin) ,urnace such that it %oes not turn %issol&e the" in A/ua been in%icate%( an% t, $ without ,or ?I %ays in a into a )lass(

!Ou shoul% not *ut on "ore than one ,in)erKs thic#ness o, Caix$ it will then swell u* li#e a s*un)e( A,ter this$ extract the Salt$ as you ha&e been *re&iously instructe%( This Salt is as )oo% as the Salt o, 1 $ an% achie&es a hi)h *roEection( One *roEects it u*on 7ere($ an% the salt *iu"bi "a#es as hi)h a *roEection on 7ere( as %oes the Salt %eri&e% ,ro" Sal( I,$ howe&er$ you wish to retain 7ere( *lu"bi an% i* $ subli"ate it out o, it$ as is %one with 1 $ exce*t that you "ust not re&erberate ,or IM %ays in theAthanor because its 2 is not ,ixe% in cor*ore( Then it se*arates$ brea#in) away ,ro" the cor*us( This is the best way to %raw out the 2 an% to subli"ate it$ ,or thus each ele"ent retains its *ower( ! an% 2 "ust re&erberate a lon) ti"e$ e >H %ays$ 2 FN %ays( These two "ust re&erberate ,or such len)ths o, ti"e because o, their ,eces( They "ust be anneale% slowly$ to *r&ent their turnin) into )lass. because they %o not easil! re 2 Xh2a$G 7$rin 'hen they are well o*ene%$ extract the Salt with the &ine)ar( 'hen nothin) ,urther co"es out$ set the "atter to re&erberate a)ain ,or three %ays$ till nothin) %raws out( 'hen the Salt has been *rocesse%$ "a#e *roEection u*on Her($ because Salts trans"ute 0or they trans"ute1 all the 7erc $ while they ha&e little or no s*irit in the"( Ta#e 7erc($ let it )et as hot as *ossible$ an% throw it u*on the salt o, +netals$l *art to lOO*arts. increase the ,ire so that it ,lows stron)ly$ as 1 in 0or on1 the cu*el( 6et it stan% thus until it settle into aDin)( Then sla#e it ii"ne%iately as is re/uire%( Now you ha&e ,ine 2 ( All the Salts o, "etals$ be they re% or white$ only *ro%uce 1 . but *er,ect "etals "a#e a hi)her *roEection than i"*er,ect ones( 2A,ter they ha&e been re&erse%$ howe&er$ an% their inner"ost turne% without$ they chan)e into oil( Then they all "a#e *roEection to the Re%$ an% where be,ore they "a%e ? into ?MM *arts$ they now "a#e *roEection ? to ?MMM *arts( -e,ore$ one coul% only throw u*on 7erc($ but when they ha&e beco"e oils$ they "a#e *roEection u*on all "etals$ as will be tau)ht herein


Now I will teach you how to "a#e oils ,ro" "etals$ an% to turn the inner"ost outsi%e$ which is one o, the )reatest secrets$ ,or a,ter that *rocess they will "a#e M $ while be,ore they only coul% "a#e 1 ( Now we will *rocee% with the *roEection( Ta#e a lar)e a"ount o, 5itrioiu" Ro"anunB 0*robably co**er sul*hateChwn1$ ?I or ?T lbs($ "ore or less( Dissol&e it in A/ua Corn"una$ an% when it is %issol&e%$ let it settle %own( 4our o,, the clear ,ro" its ,eces$ an% set it into a san%bath to coa)ulate$ usin) a )oo% &essel( 6et it e&a*orate until a s#in ,or"s ato*( Now let it cool %own( In this way the 5itriol s*routs into a beauti,ul )reen$ which is the best color in the SK+2"*Y&ce 4ut what has s*route% into a suitable &essel( 6et the re"ain%er also e&a*orate an% s*rout 0or( shoot1 until you ha&e it all to)ether( Now *ut it into a roo" ,or it to %ry 6et it stan% in as "uch heat as the sun )i&es o,, in the su""er( Then the 5itriol will turn white( Dissol&e it a)ain$ an% "ore earth will %ro* to the botto"( Decant it$ let it e&a*orate an% s*rout a)ain$ as in%icate% in the ,ore)oin)( This can be acco"*lishe% within FCJ %ays( The 5itriol will beco"e twice as beauti,ul as be,ore$ an% "uch )reener$ so "uch so that you will not ha&e seen a "ore beauti,ul )reen color( There,ore Her"es an% 3eber s*ea# 4reser&e well your )reen$ e&a*orate well the wet until a s#in ,or"s on to*. then let it s*rout a)ain$ an% continue to %o this till yOu ha&e your 5Itriol to)ether a)ain( 4ut it once "ore in a roo"$ as be,ore$ %ryin) until it turns white( Then %issOl&e an% )ranulate a)ain( Re*eat until no ,urther ,eces are le,t( 4ut asi%e until you nee% it( Now then$ so"eone "i)ht say 'hen the 5itriol has been %issol&e%$ why %o you not let it e&a*orate co"*letely$ but you allow it to s*rout$ an% it re/uires a )reat a"ount o, ti"e to chan)e it into a white *ow%erB Note$ then$ that 5itriol has within it$ a subtle s*i(rttus$ as is %escribe% in the 5e)atabile 'or# as re)ar%s the subtle s*irits$ which are in all herbs outsi%e( It is the )reen 0or &er%ure1 o, all thin)s that are )reen outsi%e$ ,or it is the ,lower o, their ri)ht essence( I, you lose the )reenness$ I a" tellin) you ,orsooth$ that you are %e*ri&e% o, the essence( <urther$ whate&er wor# you are %oin) with it$ it is all lost$ in &ain$ ,or it has been %e*ri&e% o, "uch$ its soul$ li,e an% essentia$ cor*use$ s*iritus or roots an% e&erythin) )reen outsi%e( Ta#e care then$ to *reser&e that well$ ,or it is so subtle that you can lose it without noticin) it$ as in%icate% in the 5e)atabiii( There you are tau)ht that the )reen in all herbs$ lea&es an% roots$ is to be extracte% ,ro" e&erythin) that is )reen on the outsi%e( An% when the )reen has been %rawn out an% re&erse% into a beauti,ul re%ness$ the li#e o, which none has seen$ you ha&e the ri)ht essentia( 6oo# ,or ,urther instruction in the 5e)atabi(li(( This is the reason why it is necessary to *reser&e the )reen o, the 5itriol( I, you were to coa)ulate it$ *art o, its )reenness woul% be ta#en ,ro" it. ,or it woul% beco"e yellow$ wh(2+le yet the )reen is in the 9uinteesentia that we see# in the 5itriol That is why you "ust *er"it it to %ry an% s*rout in a roo"( Then its )reenness is co&ere% with the white$ ,or as soon as it beco"es "oist a)ain$ its )reenness will reGa**ear( Thus the outer"ost o, the 5itriol "ust be turne% inG G2 to the inner"ost$ an% the inner"ost "ust co"e out$ in or%er to *reser&e its soul an% its s*irit an% to retain its 9ut(nta Essenti(a This is a )reat 7ysteriu" or Secretu" in our Art( 'hen the 5itriol has thus been

cleanse%$ it is as re% as a rose or ruby( It has within itsel, the ,our ele"ents in their *er,ection$ an% this is the stone which 3o% has )i&en us ,or nothin)( !ou shoul% now ta#e the white *ow%er which you were tol% to *ut asi%e an% *lace it in a *hial an% close it with St)t(llo Herrnetts Set it in ashes an% heat it by a la"*$ as war" as the sun shines in the "i%st o, su""er( Dee* it thus$ until you see that it be)ins to turn yellow 6et it stan% ,urther until it turns co"*letely yellow Then$ let it stan% yet another ten %ays an% see i, it %oes not be)in to tin)e a re% color( Then$ increase the ,ire a little$ an% i, it beco"es "ore re%$ let it stan% in the re)i"en o, the ,ire as is I, howe&er$ it %oes not beco"e so"ewhat re%%er in HG?M %ays$ increase the ,ire by one la"* until the color increases( I, it stays the sa"e$ a%% yet another la"*$ thus each ti"e increasin) the heat by %e)rees until the color chan)es to a rose or ruby re%( 'hen it has beco"e a hi)h or %ee* re% color$ let it stan% yet another HC ?M %ays in the sa"e heat an% watch i, the color %oes not chan)e into a color %i,,erent than re%( Now the "atter has been re&erse% an% its inner"ost has been brou)ht outsi%e( In this way$ you will not lose the )reenness i, it has been re&erse% into re%ness This is because it is in the %ee*est inner *arts an% can no "ore be brou)ht out It will ,ore&er stay re% an% un,ixe%$ ,or i, it were ,ixe%$ e&erythin) woul% be lost$ because it woul% ha&e to be %issol&e% in water an% coa)ulate% a)ain$ an% a,terwar%s %istille% o&er the hel"( I a" tellin) you that I ha&e ne&er re&eale% to you )reater secrets than this! I a" tellin) you$ by "y 3o%$ that this SECRET has ne&er been set %own into writin) by the *hiloso*hi exce*t by "y han% alone( 7oreo&er$ I a" tellin) you that there is no )reater secret in art than this( There,ore$ I beseech you an% all those who will un%erstan% it$ that you will ne&er brin) it to li)ht exce*t where it is ri)ht to re&eal it$ by the %a"nation o, your soul$ ,or it is a Secret abo&e A66 Secrets$ since with this "atter all "etals can be turne% into oil$ when they are %issol&e% in A/ua <ort($ when the calx has been beaten to the botto" an% *rocesse% as re/uire%( All Oiea 7etaiiorurn turn re% as bloo%$ without 1 an% B not = ,or all "etals are re% in their 2nner"ost$ but one is re% %er than the other( 'hen they ha&e been brou)ht to re%ness$ you "ust %issol&e the"$ a)ain coa)ulate the" until they are ,ree ,ro" all ,eces an% they ha&e their ele"ents *er,ectly Eoine% 0to)ether1. ,or once they ha&e arri&e% at this sta)e$ nothin) is le,t but ,eces(The earth$ too$ has beco"e subtle an% li/ui% an% is %issol&e% in the other three( 'hen they ha&e thus been "a%e subtle$ with %issol&in) an% coa)ultain)$ you can %istil it o&er the hel" to a re% oil$ as you will learn As you are wor#in) with 5ITRIO6$ you "ust also treat 8 A,ter it has been %issol&e% in A/ua <ort($ beaten %own$ %ecante% ,ro" its saltiness an% %rie%$ you *ut it in a )lass the sa"e as has been %one with the 5itriol( Or you can *ut a subli"ate% 7ere( into such a )lass$ *rocee% in the sa"e way an% cleanse it o, its ,eces$ an% %istill it o&er into a re% oil( In the sa"e way U can be *rocesse%( 'hat %o you thin#B Is this not a )reat SecretB Ne&er be,ore has anythin) li#e it been hear%( O*en your ears there,ore$ listen AND un%erstan%!

Now we will return to our wor#( 'hen you see that your "atter re"ains in an oily state$ ta#e it out o, the ashes an% *ut it into another$ stron)$ )lass( 4our a )oo%ly a"ount o, wine &ine)ar u*on it$ an% set it into the balneu" to boil ,or J %ays$ o,ten stirrin) it with a woo%en s*oon( A,ter the ,ourth %ay$ let it cool %own an% settle( Decant o,, the clear li/ui% an% *our "ore &ine)ar u*on the re"ainin) ,eces A%% "ore %istille% &ine)ar$ an% re*eat three ti"es Now throw away the ,eces an% *ut an ale"bG+(c u*on the )lass containin) the solution. %raw o,, the &ine)ar$ so that the "atter beco"es /uite %ry( Now you ha&e the "atter at the botto" o, the )lass an% "uch "ore beauti,ul than be,ore( A)ain$ *our ,resh &ine)ar u*on it$ an% treat it as abo&e(ReiteratZ this until no "ore ,eces re"ain in the Solution( Then coa)ulate it to a %ry *ow%er$ *ut a hel" on with a lar)e hea% 0ca*ut1 an% %istill( <irst you will obtain a yellow s*iritus$ then re% oils an% ,inally a white e*iritue( 6et the "atter cool %own$ re"o&e the recei&er an% its contents( It is the blesse% Oil( 4reser&e it well until you nee% it ,or your "etallic salt( At the botto" o, the ale"bIc you will ,in% a "atter that is as white as snow an% as clear as crystal( It is the recti,ie% "atter o, the a,oresai% "ateria(It can be *ul&eri+e% an% i"bibe% Into the re% oil as into its own cor*us(4ut it in &itreu"a*uliarn an% han) it in tri*o%e" ,or JM %ays in "o%erate heat( Now it will coa)ulate into a 6A4IS 4HI6OSO4HORU7 which will %issol&e all "etals into 2 -ut we will not %o this now$ but will wor# towar% our Salt an% oil o, "etals in this "anner$ as with 5itriol( Thus the ele"ent o, earth will )o o&er with the oil$ re% as bloo%( This the earth o, 5itriol %oes not %o$ as its oil se*arates ,ro" the earth( Conse/uentS(y 3o% has )i&en it such -ene%iction that ,ro" it alone can one "a#e the 6A4IS 4HI6OSO4HORU7 without any A%%ition( -ut ,irst one has to ,ix its oil with its earth( That %oes not ha**en in "etals$ because their earth )oes o&er the hel" to)ether with the ,ire$ an% the whole bo%y re&erses$ which tin)es the "etals into *er,ect -y the sa"e *rocess$ you can "a#e the oil o, 2 an% $ $ an% the earth also )o&es o&er the hel" in the oil an% stays in the oil ,or all eternity( 'ith this oil$ you can *er,or" such "iracles as woul% be too len)thy to recount here( !ou well #now what is sai% about the oil 5eneri-( !et the oil ,ro" 2 is "uch better in its e,,ects than the oil 5enerie( GIJIG Gen% o, the 7ineral 'or#G

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