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1. 2. 3. Classification of Analytical Methods Types of Instrumental Methods Instruments for Analysis Information Flow and Processing/ Transformation Modules of an Instrument Calibration of Instrumental Methods Selecting an Analytical Method

4. 5.

Reading Assignment
Chapter 1: pp. 1-24

A. Classification of Analytical Methods

A.1. Classical Methods
Classical methods/ wet chemical methods/ earliest methods of analysis; relied mainly on chemical properties of analytes. Analytes are treated with reagents to form products that could be identified. Gravimetric and titrimetric methods were used for quantitative analysis. Examples: Formation of precipitate and measurement of mass Oxidation of analyte and detection of end via the change of color of the analyte. Neutralization of analyte and detection of end point using acidbase indicator. Complexation of analyte and use of metallochromic indicators to detect end point. Separation of analyte from matrix was achieved using precipitation, extraction and distillation.

A.2. Instrumental Methods

Instrumental methods largely rely on physical properties of analyte, thus generally are not destructive. They are not necessarily more sensitive. Separation methods
Chromatographic Electrophoretic

Methods for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of analytes

B. Classification of Instrumental Methods based on Properties

C. Measurement Process and Domains

Understanding the Measurement Process

An instrument is a communication device between the system under study and the investigator. Instrument converts Information contained in Chemical and physical Characteristics Information for human interpretation in terms of property of interest and manipulation Non electrical Domain

Non electrical Domain

Transduction Processing Electrical Domain

Understanding the Measurement Process Examples:

Property of interest: hydrogen ion activity stimulus: sample/glass electrode Potentiometer mesures difference in potential Difference in potential is converted to pH pH = -log aH.

Understanding the Mesurement Process

Signal generator (glass electrode) Signal transduction (information encoding) (diff. in aH to potential diff.) Signal modification (information decoding) (voltage to pH) Signal display

Information is encoded, processed, transferred, decoded and displayed. Steps in the measurements involve transformation and processing of the signal between the different data domains.

Instrument Components


Data Domains: Representation and Transformation of Information Types of Data Domains Non-electrical domains Electrical domains Measurements start in the non-electrical domain (chemical and physical) and end in a nonelectrical domain (number, scale position, image on screen).




Interdomain Conversisons

Input transducer

Output transducer


Three modes of information encoding in the electrical data domain


Analog Domain

Information is encoded as the magnitude of current, voltage, charge or power. In analog domains information encoded is continuous in amplitude and time. Amplitude is related to property of interest


Time Domain
Information is encoded in the form of a time dependent fluctuation of a signal. Frequency of fluctuation is related to property of interest e.g: in photon counting the rate of arrival of photon at the detector is related to intensity.


Digital Domain Information is encoded in the form of a number. Devices used (LED, toggle switch, logic circuit) display two states only behavior (on or off).
Lights (on/off) Logic levels (HI/LO) (1/0)

Fundamental unit of information in digital domain

Bit = each piece of Hi-LO info. 4 bits = 1 byte



Conversion of information between data domains

Input Tranducer - converts information in no-nelectrical domains to information in electrical domains
e.g. Electronic photodetectors convert radiant power into a current or voltage

Transfer function of the transducer - relates the electrical output to the input.
Voltage or current to radiant power or intensity.

Output Transducer - converts information in electrical domain to information in non-electrical domain (Voltmeters, computer screens, ADC) Readout device- Transducer that converts information in the electrical domain to information that can be interpreted by an analyst.


Detectors, Transducers, Sensors

Detector - mechanical, electrical or chemical device that identifies, records, or indicates a change in one of the variables in its environment. Detection system: entire assemblies that indicate of record physical or chemical quantities. Transducer: device that converts information between nonelectrical and electrical domains Sensor - analytical devices that are capable of monitoring specific chemical species continuously and reversibly. transducer + chemically selective recognition phase.



C. Computers and Computerized Instruments

Microprocessors and Microcomputers
A microprocessor
large scale integrated circuit hundreds of thousands and even millions of transistors, resistors and diodes and other circuit elements miniaturized to fit on a single silicon chip with dimensions of a few millimeters on a side. often serves as the arithmetic and logic component, called the central processing unit (CPU), of a microcomputer.

Microprocessors are widely used for the control of the operation of analytical instruments. Microcomputers
one or more microprocessors combined with other circuit components that provide memory, timing, input, and output functions.


Use of microcomputers in analytical instrumentation

Control of the instrument Processing data Storing data Displaying data Transferring data


Operational Modes of Computerized Instruments

OFF-LINE Data collected by analyst and subsequently transferred to computer for data processing. Computer and mass storage


Analytical Instrument


ON-LINE Computer communicates directly with analytical instrumentation via an electronic interface.


Computer and mass storage

Analytical Instrument

Signal from instrument is shaped, digitized and stored. (Computer is still a distinct entity for mass storage of data and instructions for processing. Off line processing is also possible with this arrangement)


IN-LINE Analyst Computer Analytical Instrument

Most modern instruments are configured with the computer in-line whereby the computer or microprocessor is imbedded in the instrument. Operator communicates with and directs instrument operation via the computer.


In line
Operator does not necessarily program the computer Primary software is usually provided with commercial instruments with a programming language so that the users may program optional modes of data acquisition and manipulation. In in-line and on-line operations, the data are often transferred to the computer in real time, i.e. as the data is being generated by the instrument. Real-time processing involves data treatment performed simultaneously with data acquisition.


Why connect a computer to an analytical instrument? partial or complete automation of measurements more data can be accumulated for short period, which leads to increased precision. faster and better control over experimental variables than a human operator leading to more precise and accurate data. Computational and data handling capabilties. E.g FT calculation, signal averaging, correlation techniques.

The Chemist and the instrument An instrument is a collection of functional modules. Understand function of components, integrated circuits, computers. Know how to connect them. This understanding helps in diagnosing system malfunctions and in the efficient/ clever application of instrumental systems to solve chemical problems.


D. Calibration of Instrumental Methods

Calibration: Standards are used to verify the relationship between the analytical response (signal) and the analyte concentration. Determines proper operation of the instrument. Standardization: Establishes the relationship between signal and analyte concentration. Determines m, the sensitivity of the method.


External-standard Calibration
An external standard is prepared separately from the sample. Suitable in the absence of interference and other matrix effects Determination of an unknown concentration
Least square method Review on page 12 and appendix (1 p.986) Correction p.12 sr not sy


Regression analysis

y = mx + b
y b Cx = c m
s sc = r b1 yc y 1 1 + + M N m2 x x i

M number of replicate measurements on sample N number of standards used to generate the calibration curve Confidence interval for the analyte's concentration t for (n-2) degrees of freedom

c = c tsc



Standard-Addition Methods
Useful for complex samples with important matrix effects Sample is spiked with standard Standard addition methods
Add increasing known amount of standard to the sample and perform meaasurement after each addition. Make several samples of same volume containing same amount (volume, Vx) of unknown with known increasing amount (volume, Vs) of standards


Standard addition method


S =

kC sVs kC xV x + Vt Vt

S = mVs + b
slope = m = kCs Vt

y int ercept = b =
b kV x C x / Vt V x C x = = m kC s / Vt Cs Cx = bC s mV x

kC xV x Vt


S =

kC s (Vs ) 0 kC xV x + =0 Vt Vt

Cx =

(Vs ) 0 C s Vx



Internal Standard Method

Internal Standard: substance added in constant amount to all samples, blanks, and calibration standards Could be a constituent of samples
Large amount Its concentration does not change

Compensates for:
Random and systematic errors Instrumental and method fluctuations Uncontrollable variations that occur from sample to sample

Can compensate for matrix effects if the Signal of the IS is affected in a maner similar to the signal of the sample for analysis How is data analyzed?



E. Selecting an Analytical Method Define the Problem

Detection method
Physical and chemical properties

Accuracy Amount of sample available Concentration range of the analyte Interferents


Performance characteristics of methods

Performance characteristics expressed numerically are referred to as Figures of Merit





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