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Drug Data Generic Name zolpidem Trade Name Ambien, Edluar, Zolpimist Patients Dose

Classification Therapeutic# sedati%e Pharmacologic

Mechanism of Action !roduces &'# depression by binding to (A)A receptors. *as no analgesic properties. Pharmaco,inetics A# +apidly absorbed ,ollo-ing oral administration. &ontrolled.release ,ormulation releases 10 mg immediately, t/en anot/er 2.5 mg later. D# 0inimal amounts enter breast mil12 remainder o, distribution not 1no-n. M-'# &on%erted to inacti%e metabolites, -/ic/ are e3creted by t/e 1idneys. Onset !"(E+, #pray ,#$4 rapid Pea, !"4 50 min 6 2 /r. !".E+4 2.7 /r !".spray, #$4 un1no-n Duration !"(E+ 46.8/r !".spray,#$4un1no-n Drug .alf "ife 2.565 /r.

Indication General Indications 9nsomnia Patients Actual Indication

Contraindications *ypersensiti%ity2 #leep apnea. Precaution *istory o, pre%ious psyc/iatric illness, suicide attempt, drug or alco/ol abuse2 *epatic impairment (initial dose reduction recommended 2 (eri4 (eriatric patients (initial dose decrease recommended 2 !ulmonary disease2 "), $actation!edi4 !regnancy, lactation, or c/ildren (sa,ety not establis/ed . .Drug interaction (drug to drug &'# depression may:-it/ sedatives/ h&pnotics, alcohol, phenothia0ines, tric&clic antidepressants, opioid analgesics, or antihistamines.

Pregnanc& Categor& C

Minimum Dose PO !"#5mg Ma$imum Dose PO%!"#12.5mg Contents zolpidem Availabilit& and color Tablets# 5 mg, 10 mg. '$tended(release tablets# 6.25 mg, 12.5 mg. !ublingual tablets )'dluar*# 5 mg, 10 mg. Oral spra& )+olpimist*# 5 mg/spray (60 sprays/container Routes of administration !", #$

Adverse Reaction CN!# daytime dro-siness, dizziness, abnormal t/in1ing, amnesia, be/a%ior c/anges, ;drugged< ,eeling, /allucinations, sleep.dri%ing. GI# diarr/ea, nausea, %omiting. Misc# A'A!*=$A&>9& +EA&>9"'#, /ypersensiti%ity reactions, p/ysical dependence, psyc/ological dependence, tolerance.

Nursing Responsibilities 1efore 1. Asses patient?s diagnosis. 2. Assess patient?s mental status. 5. Assess i, patient /ad any /istory o, substance abuse. 7. Assess patient?s sleep patterns2 5. Assess i, patient is e3periencing any pain. During 1. &on,irm patient?s identity. 2. !ro%ide com,ort measures and reduce e3ternal stimuli to increase e,,ecti%eness o, mediation. 5. >ablets cannot be crus/ed, brea1 or c/e-. 7. Assist t/e patient in ta1ing oral medication. 5. @o not ta1e oral spray ,orm -it/ or immediately a,ter a meal. After 1. Ensure t/at oral medication is properly s-allo-ed by t/e patient. 2. "bser%e proper documentation o, administered medication. 5. 9nstruct t/e patient to rest rig/t a,ter ta1ing t/is medication. 7. "bser%e patient?s be/a%ior closely ,or atleast 15.50 minutes a,ter administration. 5. 0onitor patient?s A/# t/roug/out t/e t/erapy.


@eglin, B. et. Al. 200C. @a%is?s @rug (uide ,or 'urses. 12t/ ed. D.A. @a%is. pp 1515 .1515

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