Reforming Virginia's Lax Ethics Laws

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Reforming Virginias Lax Ethics Laws: Will HB1211 actually change the rules?

January 23, 2014

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... 2 Gift Limit and Loopholes .................................................................................................................. 2 Registered Lobbyists ........................................................................................................................ 3 Tangible vs. Intangible Gifts ........................................................................................................... 3 $250 and $100 Gift Limit................................................................................................................. 5 Impact of Loopholes .......................................................................................................................... 5 Appendix A: 2012 Legislative Gifts Under $250 ......................................................................... 7 Appendix B: 2012 Legislative Gifts over $250.......................................................................... 23 Appendix C: 2012 Gifts to Statewide Elected Officials .......................................................... 31

Executive Summary
Following widespread media coverage and public outrage concerning a gift scandal involving former Governor Bob McDonnell and former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, members of the legislature have proposed over 35 bills to strengthen the states barely existent ethics rules. Virginia has some of the most lax ethics laws in the country and is one of only 10 states to impose no limits on gifts to elected officials. On January 8th, Democratic and Republican leaders in the House of Representatives announced a they had reached a compromise to establish an independent ethics advisory commission, require biannual disclosure filings, and establish a $250 gift limit for tangible items. HB1211 (Gilbert) and SB649 (Norment) are the bills representing this compromise. ProgressVA Education Fund analyzed the bill language and examined the impact these proposals would have had on gifts for calendar year 2012, the last year for which complete date on legislators and statewide officials is available from the Virginia Public Access Project. It is clear from this analysis that HB1211 would block few, if any, gifts to legislators and statewide officials. In fact, the gift limits contain so many loopholes, the legislation would have prohibited zero gifts to legislators and statewide officials in 2012. The remainder of the legislation proposes few reforms with real impact. While HB1211 propose the creation of an independent ethics commission, political appointees with no enforcement power would populate the commission. The legislation also does not increase penalties for elected officials who violate ethics laws, failing address a current flaw in the system. The legislation does increase filing frequency to a biannual schedule, increasing the frequency of disclosure. It also instates mandatory ethics training for elected officials.

Gift Limit and Loopholes

ProgressVA Education Fund analyzed the impact of the gift proposals in HB1211 on gifts provided to legislators and statewide elected officials for calendar year 2012, the most recent year for which complete data is available. While HB1211 would extend reporting and limits to the immediate family of elected officials, those gifts are not currently reportable and therefore not included in this analysis. In total, elected officials accepted 756 gifts worth $360,895 in 2012. Members of the legislature account for the majority of that total, with 695 gifts totaling $247,608. Elected officials receive a greater volume of gifts worth less than $250, but those gifts represent a small fraction of the total dollar value given. In 2012, 530 gifts were

worth equal to or less than $250, but represent only $65,796, or 27%, of the value given that year. Looking at only members of the legislature, 493 gifts (71%) were worth less than $250, but represented only 25% of the value given ($61,849).

Registered Lobbyists
HB1211/SB649 provides that no state elected official, shall solicit, accept, or receive within any calendar year any single gift with a value in excess of $250 from any lobbyist registered pursuant to Article 3 ( 2.2418 et seq.) of Chapter 4. [HB1211 lines, 506-511; 1325-1330]. In laymans terms, the $250 gift limit applies only to gifts from registered lobbyists, with exceptions for gifts reported on Schedule D or E-1. Registered lobbyists rarely make gifts to elected officials. Rather, elected officials primarily receive gifts from the companies such lobbyists are hired to represent. HB1211 references only lobbyists registered pursuant to 2.2-418, which reads, The identity and expenditures of certain persons who attempt to influence legislative and executive actions with respect to legislation and executive orders should be publicly identified to preserve and maintain the integrity of government. The code clearly references persons, not corporations. Under this definition, no gifts reported for calendar year 2012 would be banned, regardless of the amount. Simply, no elected officials reported receiving a gift from a registered lobbyist. The majority of gifts were given by businesses that employ lobbyists, but HB1211 does not address that situation.

Tangible vs. Intangible Gifts

HB1211 distinguishes between tangible and intangible gifts to elected officials. A "tangible gift" means a physical item, object, currency, or other negotiable instrument of value that upon the happening of a certain event or expiration of a given date retains its form or value. An "intangible gift" means a physical item or object of value that upon the happening of a certain event or expiration of a given date loses its form or value. "Intangible gifts" include, but are not limited to, entertainment, food, and tickets or other access to social or recreational events. [HB1211, Lines 1283-1287]

The bill further declares the $250 gift limit from registered lobbyists only applies to tangible gifts. The provisions of this section apply to gifts reportable on Schedule E-2 of the disclosure form prescribed in 2.2-3117. The provisions of this section do not apply to items reportable on Schedule D or E-1 of the disclosure form prescribed in 2.2-3117. [HB1211, Lines 506-511; 1325-1330] Schedule E-2 is the section for reporting tangible gifts on the new disclosure form prescribed by HB1211. Schedule D is for payments for meetings and speeches. Schedule E-1 is for intangible gifts. This segregation of types of gifts represents an enormous loophole in HB1211. In 2012, elected officials reported receiving a total of 756 gifts worth $360,895. Of those, 18 qualify as tangible gifts with a total value of $4418. Further, only 8 tangible gifts worth $3863 breach the $250 threshold that would render them illegal under HB1211, not withstanding the requirement that banned gifts come from registered lobbyists. None of these tangible gifts do. Candidate Johnson, Joseph Massie, Jimmie Yancey, David Jones, Chris Jones, Chris Miller, John Norment, Tommy Puckett, Phil Ware, Lee Dudenhefer, Mark Webert, Michael Ingram, Riley Cuccinelli, Ken Lopez, Alfonso Morefield, Will Carrico, Bill Martin, Steve Carrico, Bill Item US Flag and Goodies One Necktie None provided Peter Blair Signature Tie Framed Photograph Photograph Artwork Gift None provided Gift None provided Participating in Survey Tools Legal Advice Dinner for two & two Suncoke Energy Jackets Hotel, meal, and plaque Wine Framed photo and meal Amount Donor $50 Marriott International Inc. $50 VA Health Care Foundation Patten Wornom Hatten & $70 Diamonstein $80 VA Health Care Foundation $85 Newport News Shipbuilding $85 Newport News Shipbuilding $85 Newport News Shipbuilding $94 SunCoke Energy $125 Waste Management Inc $130 Vectre Corp $299 Dominion $300 20/20 Research $309 Quality Archery Designs $440 Reed Smith LLP $462 $476 $604 $674 SunCoke Energy Va Sheriffs Assn VA Wine Wholesalers Assn Alpha Natural Resources

[Source: Virginia Public Access Project]

$250 and $100 Gift Limit

Eliminating the loopholes regarding registered lobbyists and intangible gifts would have a larger impact on reducing the number of allowable gifts. Looking at the gifts from 2012, a strict, no exceptions ban over $250 would have blocked 226 or 30% of all gifts, valued at $295,099. For legislative gifts, a ban at that level would have blocked 29% of gifts valued at $181,812. In contrast to HB1211, Governor Terry McAuliffe has instituted a $100 gift ban on his administration. Senator Donald McEachin has also proposed SB648, which would also institute a $100 gift ban. A ban on gifts at this level, without HB1211s loopholes, would have a drastic impact on reducing gifts to elected officials. For 2012, a $100 gift ban would have blocked 67% percent of gifts, or 94% of the total value at $338,365. The limit would have had a similar impact on legislative gifts, eliminating 68% of gifts or 92% of the total value of $227,132.

Impact of Loopholes
The current push for ethics reform was galvanized by a gift scandal that unfolded over the course of 2013 involving former Governor Bob McDonnell and former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. Media reports revealed both men received substantial gifts from Star Scientific, Inc. and its CEO, Jonnie Williams, Jr. McDonnells daughter and wife also received gifts from Williams, including a shopping trip and wedding catering, which were not disclosed due to exemptions for immediate families. While these gifts, including family vacations, travel, clothes, nutritional supplements, and food, have motivated ethics reform proposals, none of these gifts would be banned under HB1211. Jonnie Williams was not a registered lobbyist, nor did Star Scientific employ one. Therefore, although some of these gifts were tangible and most exceeded the $250 threshold, all would remain legal and could be gifted to any member of the legislature. The most expensive gifts in 2012 to state legislators would still be allowable under HB1211. For example, that year the American Turkish Friendship Association spent $23,325 to fly 8 legislators to Turkey. Travel is an intangible gift. The American Legislative Exchange Council spent $7345 to subsidize legislators attendance at their corporate conferences. Payment for travel to out-of-state meetings is still allowed.

Football tickets, baseball tickets, tickets to Busch Gardens, tickets to galas and balls, are all also allowed. All are intangible gifts.

Appendix A: 2012 Legislative Gifts Under $250

Candidate Johnson, Joseph Massie, Jimmie Yancey, David Jones, Chris Jones, Chris Miller, John Norment, Tommy Puckett, Phil Ware, Lee Dudenhefer, Mark Howell, Algie Petersen, Chap Stosch, Walter Stuart, Richard Helsel, Gordon Peace, Chris Bell, Dickie Ingram, Riley Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Joseph O'Bannon, John O'Bannon, John Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Toscano, David Webert, Michael Webert, Michael Webert, Michael Carr, Betsy Carr, Betsy Filler-Corn, Eileen Item US Flag and Goodies One Necktie None provided Peter Blair Signature Tie Framed Photograph Photograph Artwork Gift None provided Gift K-12 Summit Dinner Breakfast Tickets to Ringling Bros Circus (4) Dinner Tickets Golf Tournament Dinner Dinner Ticket to Football Game Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Ceremonial Session Lunch Governors Bowl Dinner Dinner Dinner Amount Donor $50 Marriott International Inc. $50 VA Health Care Foundation Patten Wornom Hatten & $70 Diamonstein $80 VA Health Care Foundation $85 Newport News Shipbuilding $85 Newport News Shipbuilding $85 Newport News Shipbuilding $94 SunCoke Energy $125 Waste Management Inc $130 Vectre Corp $0 VA Chamber of Commerce $0 VA League of Conservation Voters $20 Altria $24 Feld Entertainment Inc Patten Wornom Hatten & $35 Diamonstein $48 Feld Entertainment Inc VA Manufactured & Modular $50 Housing Assn $50 VA Assn of Realtors $50 Mountain States Health Alliance $50 Virginia Tech $50 Va Biotechnology Assn $50 VA Agribusiness Council $50 NOVA Transportation Alliance $50 George Mason University Old Dominion Highway $50 Contractors Assn $50 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation $50 VA Chamber of Commerce $50 George Mason University $52 VA Assn of Realtors $52 VA Auto Dealers Assn $52 Altria

Herring, Mark Herring, Mark McClellan, Jennifer Toscano, David Black, Dick Byron, Kathy Cosgrove, John Head, Christopher Ingram, Riley Lopez, Alfonso McDougle, Ryan Petersen, Chap Ramadan, David Dance, Rosalyn McDougle, Ryan Stolle, Chris Tata, Bob BaCote, Mamye Barker, George Carrico, Bill Ebbin, Adam Locke, Mamie Miller, John Blevins, Harry James, Matthew Landes, Steve Pogge, Brenda Tata, Bob Wagner, Frank Byron, Kathy Lewis, Lynwood Northam, Ralph McDougle, Ryan McDougle, Ryan Peace, Chris Stanley, Bill

Reception Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner / ALEC Annual Meeting Dinner Dinner Activities Dinner Meal Dinner Dinner Dinner Meal Annual Banquet Banquet Dinner Dinner Meal during session Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Tickets Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Tides Game Dinner Meal Meal Dinner Dinner

$52 $52 $52 $52 $53 $53 $53 $53 $53 $53 $53 $53 $53 $54 $54 $54 $54 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $56 $56 $56 $56 $56 $56 $57 $57 $57 $58 $58 $58 $58

NOVA Technology Council Va Biotechnology Assn VA Assn of Realtors VA Auto Dealers Assn VA Auto Dealers Assn Hunton & Williams VA Auto Dealers Assn VA Auto Dealers Assn VA Uranium VA Auto Dealers Assn VA Uranium VA Auto Dealers Assn VA Auto Dealers Assn Macaulay & Burtch GlaxoSmithKline Va Sheriffs Assn Va Sheriffs Assn VA Uranium VA Uranium Bristol Chamber of Commerce VA Uranium Hunton & Williams VA Uranium Sentara Colonial Athletic Assn VA Credit Union League Sentara Sentara State & Federal Communications VA Manufacturers Assn Norfolk Southern Corp Norfolk Southern Corp McGuire Woods Consol energy VA Natural Gas Consol energy

Watkins, John Bulova, David Ebbin, Adam Lewis, Lynwood Ruff, Frank Ruff, Frank Puckett, Phil Webert, Michael Howell, Bill Stosch, Walter Wilt, Tony Favola, Barbara Howell, Janet Puller, Toddy Saslaw, Dick May, Joe Head, Christopher

Dinner Dinner Event Ticket Dinner Dinner Dinner Sporting Clay Tournament Clay Shooting Tournament Transportation to University of Virginia Meals Tournament Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Coal / Rail / Power Trip

$59 Genworth Financial $60 Appalachian Power Co Sexual Minority Youth Assistance $60 League $60 Hunton & Williams $60 McGuire Woods $60 Southside Planning District $61 VA Agribusiness Council $61 VA Agribusiness Council $62 $62 $62 $63 $63 $63 $63 $64 $65 $65 $65 $66 $66 $66 $67 $67 $68 $70 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 Dominion Altria VA Agribusiness Council Albers & Co Lilly USA Albers & Co Lilly USA Environmental Systems Products American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity Loudoun County School Board Matt Benedetti & Associates Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Lilly USA Albers & Co State & Federal Communications VA Free State & Federal Communications Capital One Capital One Capital One Capital One Capital One

Lingamfelter, Scott Coal/Rail/Power Trip Rust, Tom Dinner Greason, Tag Dinner Head, Christopher Smith, Ralph Bulova, David Marsden, Dave Obenshain, Mark Lopez, Alfonso BaCote, Mamye Comstock, Barbara Dance, Rosalyn Favola, Barbara Filler-Corn, Eileen Howell, Janet Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Lunch Dinner Women's Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

McClellan, Jennifer McQuinn, Delores Alexander, Kenneth Filler-Corn, Eileen Joannou, Johnny Spruill, Lionell, Sr Anderson, Rich Ingram, Riley Lingamfelter, Scott Marsh, Henry McDougle, Ryan Torian, Luke Torian, Luke Wilt, Tony Crockett-Stark, Anne McEachin, Don Minchew, Randy O'Quinn, Israel Carrico, Bill Carrico, Bill Favola, Barbara James, Matthew Keam, Mark Landes, Steve Minchew, Randy Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Putney, Lacey

Women in Banking Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Golf at ALEC Meeting Dinner Golf Event Golf Dinner Dinner Lead Students Dinner Legislative Retreat Dinner Lead Students Dinner Meal during session Meal during session Dinner Tickets Concert Banquet Governor's Basketball Tournament Luncheon Char-a-oke Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

$71 Capital One $71 Capital One $72 $72 $72 $72 $73 $73 $73 $73 $73 $73 $73 $73 $74 $74 $74 $74 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Sentara Albers & Co Sentara VA Credit Union League Albers & Co Hunton & Williams Vectre Corp Sentara Settle & Associates VA League of Conservation Voters VA Bankers Assn Alpha Natural Resources Desumo Strategies W&L Construction Inc PNC Financial Norfolk State University Wolf Trap VA Agribusiness Council

$75 George Mason University Fairfax County Chamber of $75 Commerce Fairfax County Chamber of $75 Commerce VA Transportation Construction $75 Alliance $75 VA Auto Dealers Assn $75 Macauly & Burtch $76 Lilly USA

Alexander, Kenneth Comstock, Barbara Dudenhefer, Mark Greason, Tag Joannou, Johnny May, Joe Puckett, Phil Cox, John Ingram, Riley Watts, Vivian Hodges, Keith Locke, Mamie Favola, Barbara Favola, Barbara Northam, Ralph Landes, Steve Alexander, Kenneth Cox, Kirk James, Matthew Joannou, Johnny Torian, Luke Favola, Barbara Knight, Barry Ramadan, David Ruff, Frank Stosch, Walter Minchew, Randy Favola, Barbara James, Matthew Ruff, Frank Rust, Tom James, Matthew Johnson, Joseph Puckett, Phil Stosch, Walter Watkins, John

Dinner Presidential Series Gift Presidential Series Dinner Dinner Dinner Golf Golf Dinner Golf Tournament Dinner Tickets - Dreamgirls 2 tickets - Brother Russia Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Tickets Fantastic 50 Dinner Dinner inner Retreat Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Tickets Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

$78 $78 $78 $78 $78 $78 $78 $79 $79 $79 $80 $80 $83 $84 $85 $86 $87 $87 $87 $87 $87 $88 $88 $88 $88 $88 $89 $90 $90 $90 $90 $92 $92 $92 $93 $93

Albers & Co NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council Albers & Co NOVA Technology Council Assn of Electric Cooperatives VA Agribusiness Council VA Agribusiness Council Capital One VA Agribusiness Council Capital One Signature Theatre Signature Theatre VA Maritime Assn James Madison University Automated Healthcare Solutions Verizon Automated Healthcare Solutions Automated Healthcare Solutions Albers & Co Appalachian Power Co Cox Communications VA Chamber of Commerce Appalachian Power Co Hunton & Williams VA League of Conservation Voters Transurban Verizon Whitehead Consulting Titan America UVA Wellmont Health Systems Wellmont Health Systems VA Natural Gas VA Natural Gas

James, Matthew Edwards, John Landes, Steve

Dinner Dinner Dinner Ringling Bros Circus Bell, Dickie Tickets Hodges, Keith Circus Tickets James, Matthew Tickets Massie, Jimmie 4 Circus Tickets Tickets (4) - Ringling Puckett, Phil Bros Circus Saslaw, Dick Dinner with Wife Various Seminar Joannou, Johnny Registrations Morrissey, Joe Waiver of CLE fees Landes, Steve Dinner Lingamfelter, Scott Food Massie, Jimmie Dinner Stolle, Chris Dinner Alexander, Kenneth Dinner Governor's Conference Anderson, Rich on Energy Blevins, Harry Dinner Byron, Kathy ALEC Task Force Dinner 2 VT-UVA Football Tickets Cline, Ben Cosgrove, John Dinner Gilbert, Todd Dinner Hanger, Emmett Dinner Governor's Conference Head, Christopher on Energy Hodges, Keith Basketball Tickets Howell, Bill Dinner Jones, Chris Dinner Keam, Mark Dinner Knight, Barry Meal Landes, Steve Two Football Tickets Lewis, Lynwood VMA Dinner Lopez, Alfonso Dinner

$94 VA Assn of Broadcasters $95 Appalachian Power Co $95 Augusta Health $96 $96 $96 $96 Feld Entertainment Inc Feld Entertainment Inc Feld Entertainment Inc Feld Entertainment Inc

$96 Feld Entertainment Inc $96 Altria $97 $97 $99 $99 $99 $99 VA Trial Lawyers Assn VA Trial Lawyers Assn Va Biotechnology Assn Sanofi Aventis Va Biotechnology Assn State & Federal Communications

$100 VA Maritime Assn $100 VA Chamber of Commerce $100 VA Maritime Assn $100 Boehringer Ingelheim $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Virginia Tech Kemper Consulting VA Auto Dealers Assn Altria VA Chamber of Commerce Colonial Athletic Assn Boehringer Ingelheim VA Maritime Assn VA Farm Bureau VA Maritime Assn Virginia Tech VA Maritime Assn Asian American Chamber of

Commerce Marshall, Danny Massie, Jimmie Massie, Jimmie Massie, Jimmie McEachin, Don McWaters, Jeff Miller, John O'Bannon, John O'Bannon, John Pogge, Brenda Poindexter, Charles Putney, Lacey Ramadan, David Reeves, Bryce Ruff, Frank Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Stolle, Chris Tata, Bob Toscano, David Wagner, Frank Wagner, Frank Watkins, John McDougle, Ryan McWaters, Jeff Stanley, Bill Torian, Luke James, Matthew McDougle, Ryan Tickets Two Football Tickets Two Football Tickets Two Basketball Tickets Seminar Dinner Event Ticket Dinner Dinner Dinner Governor's Energy Conference Waiver of seminar fees Governor's Conference on Energy Gov. Conference on Energy Dinner Valor Awards Dinner Dinner Game Tickets Dinner Dinner Three football games & lunch Dinner Dinner Governor's Conference on Energy Meal Dinner Dinner Golf Dinner Event $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Virginia Tech MeadWestvaco Virginia Tech Colonial Athletic Assn VA Trial Lawyers Assn VA Maritime Assn VA Living Museum VA Hospital & Healthcare Assn Sanofi Aventis VA Maritime Assn

$100 VA Chamber of Commerce $100 VA Trial Lawyers Assn $100 VA Chamber of Commerce $100 VA Chamber of Commerce $100 Waste Management Inc Fairfax County Chamber of $100 Commerce $100 VA Seafood Council $100 VA Agribusiness Council $100 UVA $100 VA Maritime Assn $100 VA Maritime Assn $100 UVA $100 State & Federal Communications $100 VA Maritime Assn $100 $102 $102 $102 $102 $103 $103 VA Chamber of Commerce VA Auto Dealers Assn VA Auto Dealers Assn VA Auto Dealers Assn Hunton & Williams Verizon Albers & Co

Comstock, Barbara Cox, Kirk Rust, Tom Watkins, John Kilgore, Terry Barker, George Ebbin, Adam Favola, Barbara Filler-Corn, Eileen Herring, Charniele Howell, Janet Keam, Mark Landes, Steve Lopez, Alfonso Minchew, Randy Plum, Ken Puller, Toddy Rust, Tom Scott, Jim Sickles, Mark Surovell, Scott Marsden, Dave O'Quinn, Israel Habeeb, Greg Habeeb, Greg Lucas, Louise James, Matthew Wilt, Tony Hope, Patrick Plum, Ken Bulova, David Cole, Mark Cox, Kirk Cox, Kirk Dance, Rosalyn Hope, Patrick

Breakfast Golf Tournament Breakfast Breakfast Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner None provided Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Concert / Dinner SWVA Coal Trip Dinner Dinner 80 Golf Bags Dinner Jackets and Caps Dinner for Two Dinner Dinner Tickets (3) Dinner (2) Dinner for Two Dinner Ringling Bros Circus Tickets (4)

$104 $104 $104 $104 $107 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $108 $110 $110 $111 $111 $111 $112 $114 $118 $118 $119 $120 $120 $120 $120

NOVA Technology Council Lilly USA NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council VA Uranium Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System MillerCoors Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Inova Health System Dominion VA Coal Assn Verizon Verizon Cox Communications Inc. Verizon Consol energy Dominion Dominion AquaLaw Kings Dominion Verizon Capital One Altria

$120 Feld Entertainment Inc

Joannou, Johnny

Dinner Tickets - Ringling Bros Lucas, Louise Circus Marsden, Dave Dinner Ringling Bros Circus Marsh, Henry Tickets 5 Tickets - Ringling Bros Martin, Steve Circus Orrock, Bobby Circus Tickets Ruff, Frank Dinner Sickles, Mark Dinner Ware, Lee Five Circus Tickets Comstock, Barbara Breakfast Edwards, John Dinner Favola, Barbara Dinner Titans Breakfast Greason, Tag Knight, Barry Meal Marsh, Henry Dinner May, Joe Dinner McEachin, Don Dinner Reeves, Bryce Dinner Dinner Stanley, Bill Dinner for Legislative Stanley, Bill Aide Stolle, Chris Dinner Ware, Onzlee Dinner Albo, Dave Concert Bulova, David Baseball Knight, Barry Meal Dinner & Basketball Massie, Jimmie Ticket Massie, Jimmie Dinner Massie, Jimmie Dinner Massie, Jimmie Massie, Jimmie Rust, Tom Scott, Ed Dinner Dinner Performance Dinner

$120 Altria $120 Feld Entertainment Inc $120 Titan America $120 Feld Entertainment Inc $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $124 $125 $125 $125 Feld Entertainment Inc Feld Entertainment Inc Consol energy Altria Feld Entertainment Inc NOVA Technology Council Altria Altria NOVA Technology Council Altria Altria Altria Altria Altria Altria Altria Altria Altria Capital One Capital One Waste Management Inc

$125 UVA $125 Check into Cash of VA $125 Check into Cash of VA Anderson Financial $125 Services/LoanMax $125 Family Vision Care of Richmond $125 Wolf Trap $125 Waste Management Inc

Torian, Luke Ware, Lee Wilt, Tony Marsden, Dave Albo, Dave BaCote, Mamye Blevins, Harry Carr, Betsy Cosgrove, John Deeds, Creigh Favola, Barbara Howell, Janet Knight, Barry

Dinner Event Ticket Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Reception and Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Reception Meal

$125 $125 $125 $128 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $130 $135 $135 $135 $136 $136 $136

Lingamfelter, Scott Dinner Marsden, Dave Dinner Marsden, Dave Marshall, Bob Rust, Tom Scott, Ed Tata, Bob Wagner, Frank Ward, Jeion Cole, Mark Hope, Patrick Keam, Mark Carr, Betsy Filler-Corn, Eileen Head, Christopher Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Golf and Dinner Dinner Dinner Christmas Town Tickets (5) Breakfast Dinner Dinner Dinner

McGuire Woods VA Cable Telecom Assn Waste Management Inc Waste Management Inc Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Vectre Corp Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Altria Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Altria Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn Hunton & Williams Vectre Corp Altria Sea World Parks & Entertainment LLC NOVA Technology Council Altria Altria Altria

James, Matthew Lingamfelter, Scott Puckett, Phil Tata, Bob Alexander, Kenneth Keam, Mark Spruill, Lionell, Sr Torian, Luke Watson, Mike Hope, Patrick Wilt, Tony Marsden, Dave Obenshain, Mark Watts, Vivian Black, Dick Massie, Jimmie Smith, Ralph Villanueva, Ron Brink, Bob Carr, Betsy Scott, Jim Brink, Bob Brink, Bob Carr, Betsy Filler-Corn, Eileen Johnson, Joseph Massie, Jimmie Massie, Jimmie Massie, Jimmie Plum, Ken Ruff, Frank Rust, Tom Rust, Tom

Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Meals Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner and Legislative Event Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Circus Ticket Va Hispanic Gala Dinner Reception Annual Fundraiser Reception / Dinner Meeting Banquet Three Football Tickets Two Basketball Tickets Two Tickets Dinner Game Tickets Dinner Gala

$136 $136 $136 $136 $137 $137 $137 $137 $137

Altria Altria SunCoke Energy Altria

Altria Altria Altria Altria Altria Metro Washington Airports $138 Authority $138 Altria $140 Omega Protein $141 Altria Old Dominion Highway $142 Contractors Assn $143 Altria $143 Altria $143 Altria $144 Feld Entertainment Inc $145 Signature Theatre $145 Bon Secours Health System $149 Altria $150 McLean Project for the Arts Arlington Partnership for $150 Affordable Housing $150 Total Wine & More $150 Women in Government $150 VA Agribusiness Council $150 UVA $150 MeadWestvaco $150 Richmond International Raceway $150 NOVA Technology Council $150 Virginia Tech VA Transportation Construction $150 Alliance $150 Medical Care for Children

Partnership Foundation Rust, Tom Saslaw, Dick Watkins, John Favola, Barbara May, Joe Minchew, Randy Carrico, Bill Scott, Ed Ingram, Riley Anderson, Rich Barker, George Howell, Janet O'Quinn, Israel Saslaw, Dick Watkins, John Lucas, Louise Alexander, Kenneth BaCote, Mamye Herring, Charniele Howell, Algie James, Matthew Knight, Barry Locke, Mamie Marsh, Henry McClellan, Jennifer McEachin, Don Ware, Onzlee Rust, Tom Miller, Jackson Plum, Ken Brink, Bob LeMunyon, Jim Massie, Jimmie Gala Dinner Dinner Governor's Transport Conf Dinner Governor's Transportation Conference Hotel and meal Concert Tickets Be Active Lodging Dinner Dinner Dinner Meal Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Tickets and Meal Dinner Dinner Black Caucus Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Three Tickets Dinner & Show Gala Dinner and Performance Dinner $150 Dulles Chamber of Commerce $156 City of Virginia Beach $156 Capital One VA Transportation Construction $157 Alliance VA Transportation Construction $157 Alliance $157 $160 $161 $162 $164 $164 $164 $164 $164 $164 $167 $169 $169 $169 $169 $169 $169 $169 $169 $169 $169 $169 $170 $172 $174 $175 $175 $175 VA Transportation Construction Alliance VA State Police Assn MeadWestvaco Lilly USA AT&T Capital One Capital One AT&T Capital One VA Assn of Realtors Dominion Dominion Dominion Dominion Dominion Dominion Norfolk Southern Corp Dominion Dominion Dominion Dominion Dominion Herndon-Reston FISH Norfolk Southern Corp Dominion Inova Health System Wolf Trap Altria

Rust, Tom Minchew, Randy Saslaw, Dick Cox, Kirk Favola, Barbara Deeds, Creigh Scott, Jim Surovell, Scott Norment, Tommy Carrico, Bill Cox, Kirk Cox, Kirk Edmunds, James Gilbert, Todd Hope, Patrick Hope, Patrick Keam, Mark Keam, Mark Lopez, Alfonso Marshall, Danny McClellan, Jennifer Obenshain, Mark Poindexter, Charles Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Scott, Ed Ware, Onzlee Wilt, Tony Alexander, Kenneth Anderson, Rich BaCote, Mamye Bell, Dickie

Gala Annual Meeting Food in Suite for Two Dinner (2) 3 Baseball tickets Convention Reg. Fee Waived Dinner & Show Seminar Registration Fees Travel Football Tickets Football Tickets (4) Football Tickets (4) Tickets Football Tickets / Reception Hotel / Dinner for 1 Night Gala Tickets (2) Dinner Football Gala Tickets Vintage Maymont Dinner Football Tickets (2) Race Tickets Ball Game Tickets Football Tickets Football Tickets Lodging and Meals Governor's K-12 Education Reform Summit Governor's K-12 Education Summit Governor's K-12 Education Gov K-12 Education

$175 $180 $183 $184 $186

VA Free Wolf Trap Dominion Verizon LIUNA

$187 VA Trial Lawyers Assn $192 Dominion $195 $197 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $203 VA Trial Lawyers Assn Dominion Virginia Tech Virginia Tech UVA Kings Dominion Virginia Tech VA Access NOVA Community Foundation Inova Health System Dominion Arlington Free Clinic Martinsville Speedway Inc. Hunton & Williams James Madison University Martinsville Speedway Inc. Wolf Trap Virginia Tech VA Tech Foundation Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley Network

$207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce

Brink, Bob Bulova, David Cox, Kirk Ingram, Riley Krupicka, Rob Massie, Jimmie Minchew, Randy Poindexter, Charles Ramadan, David Reeves, Bryce Scott, Jim Stanley, Bill Tata, Bob Yost, Joseph Peace, Chris Ruff, Frank Landes, Steve James, Matthew Peace, Chris Stosch, Walter Watkins, John Landes, Steve Ingram, Riley Cosgrove, John Herring, Charniele Carrico, Bill

Summit Governors Ed Reform Summit Wolf Trap Performance Gov's K-12 Education Summit Be Active NC Golf Tournament Governor's K-12 Reform Summit Governor's K12 Education Summit K12 Education Summit Governor's K12 Education Reform Summit Governor's K12 Summit Gov. K-12 Reform Summit Conference Gov's K-12 Reform Summit Governor's K12 Education Reform Summit Governor's K-12 Reform Summit Education Summit Conference with Meals Three Football Tickets Luncheon NCSL Dinner Air Travel Dinner Trail Ride Golf at House Majority Retreat Banquet Banquet Dinner Speaker at Conference

$207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 Dominion $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 Albers & Co $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 VA Chamber of Commerce $207 $208 $208 $210 $211 $211 $211 $212 $215 $222 $223 $223 $225 VA Chamber of Commerce VA Chamber of Commerce VA Chamber of Commerce UVA Troutman Sanders Pfizer Dominion Assn of Electric Cooperatives VA Horse Council Albers & Co NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council VA Polygraph Assn

Herring, Charniele Norment, Tommy Blevins, Harry Ingram, Riley Ruff, Frank Saslaw, Dick Tata, Bob Ward, Jeion

Redskins Game Travel Dinner w/wife Dinner Dinner for 2 Baseball Tickets (4)

$236 $237 $240 $240 $240 $240

SREB Meeting Tickets (4) Ground Transportation at Landes, Steve Biotech Convention Morefield, Will Dinner for three Awards Reception / Cole, Mark Dinner Legislative Awards Gilbert, Todd Reception / Dinner James, Matthew Dinner Awards Dinner & Massie, Jimmie Transportation Albo, Dave Dinner with Wife Flight to Biotechnology Landes, Steve Convention McQuinn, Delores Dinner for 2 Saslaw, Dick Dinner w/Aide Carrico, Bill Race tickets and meal Albo, Dave Redskins Game Brink, Bob Reception Brink, Bob Ball Legislative Recognition Bulova, David Event Carr, Betsy Reception / Dinner Carrico, Bill Race tickets Comstock, Barbara Baseball Tickets Comstock, Barbara Annual Event Legislative Recognition Filler-Corn, Eileen Dinner Herring, Charniele Redskins Game Legislative Awards Herring, Charniele Dinner Hope, Patrick Gala Ticket for Equality

Dominion Dominion Altria Altria Altria Lilly USA Southern Regional Education $240 Board $240 Kings Dominion $241 Lilly USA $241 FACES of Coal $247 VA Chamber of Commerce $247 VA Chamber of Commerce $247 VA Chamber of Commerce $247 VA Chamber of Commerce $248 Altria $248 $248 $248 $249 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 Va Biotechnology Assn Altria Altria Wellmont Health Systems Dominion VA League of Conservation Voters Wolf Trap VA League of Conservation Voters VA League of Conservation Voters Food City Capital One McLean Project for the Arts

$250 VA League of Conservation Voters $250 Dominion $250 VA League of Conservation Voters $250 Inova Health System

VA Hope, Patrick Hope, Patrick Kory, Kaye Lopez, Alfonso Marsden, Dave Morefield, Will Ramadan, David Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Sickles, Mark Toscano, David Watts, Vivian Gala Tickets (2) Lunch Ticket Annual Legislative Dinner Redskin Game Redskins Game / Meal Dinner for two Football Game Dinner Dinner Gala Event Dinner & Event Annual Dinner Gala Total Arlington Partnership for $250 Affordable Housing $250 VA Free $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $61,849 VA League of Conservation Voters Dominion Dominion McGuire Woods Dominion Dulles Corridor Rail Assn Youth for Tomorrow Northern Virginia Family Services VA League of Conservation Voters VA League of Conservation Voters VA League of Conservation Voters

Appendix B: 2012 Legislative Gifts over $250

Legislator Webert, Michael Ingram, Riley Lopez, Alfonso Morefield, Will Carrico, Bill Martin, Steve Carrico, Bill Edwards, John Petersen, Chap Hope, Patrick Dudenhefer, Mark Hodges, Keith Poindexter, Charles Putney, Lacey Surovell, Scott Gilbert, Todd Morefield, Will Surovell, Scott Alexander, Kenneth James, Matthew Bell, Dickie Ebbin, Adam Filler-Corn, Eileen Massie, Jimmie Surovell, Scott Item None provided Participating in Survey Legal Advice Dinner for two & two Suncoke Energy Jackets Hotel, meal, and plaque Wine Framed photo and meal Convention registration Fees Waived Waiver of Conference Fees Trail Ride Weekend Gift Dinner Dinner Dinner w/wife Six Tickets Charcoal Print & Jacket Dinner for two Six Tickets Washington Redskins Football Game Tickets Dinner with Wife Tickets Tour of Va Hybrid Energy Center Transportation to Hybrid Energy Center Transportation to Hybrid Energy Center Amount $299 $300 $440 $462 $476 $604 $674 Donor Dominion 20/20 Research Reed Smith LLP SunCoke Energy Va Sheriffs Assn VA Wine Wholesalers Assn Alpha Natural Resources

$252 VA Trial Lawyers Assn $252 VA Trial Lawyers Assn $255 VA Horse Council $256 Altria $256 Altria $256 Altria $256 Altria Sea World Parks & Entertainment $256 LLC $263 VA State Police Assn $264 Altria $264 Kings Dominion $269 $269 $273 $273 Dominion Dominion Altria Signature Theatre

$274 Dominion $274 Dominion $274 Dominion

Brink, Bob Martin, Steve Rust, Tom Watkins, John BaCote, Mamye Favola, Barbara Favola, Barbara Obenshain, Mark Morefield, Will BaCote, Mamye Carr, Betsy Cox, John Torian, Luke Watson, Mike Filler-Corn, Eileen Hanger, Emmett Kilgore, Terry Landes, Steve Cox, John Martin, Steve Puckett, Phil Watkins, John McWaters, Jeff McDougle, Ryan Cox, Kirk Cox, Kirk Deeds, Creigh Comstock, Barbara

Annual Meeting Dinner for Two Dinner Hotel Tickets (10) Gala (2) President's Ball Commonwealth Day Tickets and Event Dinner for two Tickets (5) Tour Va Hybrid Energy Center Air Travel to Va Hybrid Energy Center Transportation Transportation Gala Dinner for Two Trail Ride Race (2) Three Football Tickets Fundraising Breakfast Meet with Education Leadership Race Tickets Dinner Transportation Event Lodging Nationals Tickets (5) Football Games/Reception Annual Gala

$275 $275 $279 $282 $290 $290 $290

Federation of State Humanities Councils Altria Council of Independent Colleges VA Hunton & Williams Old Dominion University Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce NOVA Building Industry Assn

$290 UVA $298 Altria $299 Kings Dominion $299 Dominion $299 Dominion $299 Dominion $299 Dominion $300 $300 $300 $300 $304 $306 $312 $314 $320 $325 $326 $336 George Mason University VA Horse Council Food City James Madison University VA Auto Dealers Assn National Governor's Assn - VA Host committee Wellmont Health Systems VA Transportation Construction Alliance Dominion Lilly USA Lilly USA Lilly USA

$336 Virginia Tech $350 Wolf Trap

Favola, Barbara Brink, Bob Watkins, John Favola, Barbara Hugo, Tim Brink, Bob Bulova, David Hodges, Keith Barker, George Comstock, Barbara Filler-Corn, Eileen Howell, Janet Keam, Mark Lopez, Alfonso Minchew, Randy Rust, Tom Scott, Jim Sickles, Mark Surovell, Scott Watts, Vivian BaCote, Mamye Cole, Mark Habeeb, Greg Hanger, Emmett Kilgore, Terry Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Bell, Dickie

Ed. Foundation Dinner Retreat Presentation at Annual Conference Gala (2) Flight Board Meeting Panel on Stormwater Regs Meeting Dinner Annual Banquet Annual Membership Banquet Membership Banquet Dinner Banquet Annual Banquet Banquet Banquet Dinner Annual Reception Annual Dinner Gala Luncheon Meeting Tickets Coal mine tour Speaker at Annual Conference Dinner Dinner Gala Redskins Football

$350 NOVA community College $351 VA League of Conservation Voters $355 VA Assn of Counties $360 Arlington Chamber of Commerce $370 Dominion Federation of State Humanities $386 Councils $386 VA Assn of Counties $387 VA Assn of Counties $388 NOVA Technology Council $388 NOVA Technology Council $388 $388 $388 $388 $388 $388 $388 $388 $388 $388 $398 NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council NOVA Technology Council Bull & Bear Club Southern Regional Education $400 Board $400 American Health Care Assn $400 VA Coal Assn $400 VA Assn of Counties $400 Arts by George! NOVA community College $400 Foundation $400 Sorensen Institute $401 Dominion

Jones, Chris Alexander, Kenneth Albo, Dave Watkins, John Filler-Corn, Eileen Scott, Jim Edwards, John Barker, George Brink, Bob Bulova, David Cole, Mark Colgan, Chuck Cox, Kirk Ebbin, Adam Filler-Corn, Eileen Habeeb, Greg Hope, Patrick Hope, Patrick Hope, Patrick Hope, Patrick Howell, Janet Kilgore, Terry Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Rust, Tom Surovell, Scott Hope, Patrick Martin, Steve

Annual Meeting - Guest Speaker Policy Venture to New Orleans on K-12 Education Concert with Wife Tour of Va Hybrid Energy Center Annual Gala Dinner for Two Gala Summer meeting speaker Football Game Redskins Tickets Football Game Redskins Ticket and Food Redskins/Ravens Game w/Brother Football Tickets (5) 2 Award Tickets Redskins Tickets (2), Food, and Transportation Tickets Redskins Tickets (2) Gala Tickets (2) Gala Tickets (2) Gala Tickets for Arlington Free Clinic Redskins (2) Speaker at Meeting Luncheon Dinner Football Tickets Two Redskins Tickets Gala / Reception Tickets (2) Master's Practice Round

International Academy of $416 Compounding Pharmacists (IACP) National Governor's Assn - VA Host $450 committee $472 Altria $483 Dominion $490 $490 $492 $500 $500 $500 $500 Inova Health System Inova Health System VA Bar Assn Dominion Dominion Dominion Dominion

$500 Dominion $500 James Madison University $500 VA League of Conservation Voters $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Dominion Virginia Tech Dominion Wolf Trap Northern Virginia Family Services CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield Dominion ALEC VA Free Dulles Area Transportation Assn Dominion Dominion

$512 Inova Health System $519 Dominion

Morrissey, Joe Norment, Tommy Peace, Chris Sickles, Mark Hope, Patrick Ebbin, Adam Bell, Dickie Reeves, Bryce Yost, Joseph Rust, Tom Cole, Mark Favola, Barbara Favola, Barbara Head, Christopher Lingamfelter, Scott Morefield, Will Dudenhefer, Mark Norment, Tommy Landes, Steve Ingram, Riley Ramadan, David Rust, Tom Plum, Ken Hope, Patrick Marsden, Dave

Trip to Masters Tournament Travel Tickets, lodging, transportation Golf Trip Hotel and Food Nov 2012 Airline Upgrade Coal/Rail/ Power Trip Legislative Award Reception / Dinner Coal / Rail / Power Trip Gala Meeting Gala (2) Gala (2) Coal / Rail / Power Trip Coal/Rail/Power Trip tickets & Meals for Four Conference Dinner Hotel at Biotech Convention Coal / Rail / Power Trip Coal/Rail/Power Trip Ball Retreat Tickets (15) Meals, Lodging, Transport

$519 Dominion $519 Dominion $519 Dominion $519 Dominion VA Assn of Hematologists and $524 Oncologists $525 Turkish Airlines $533 VA Coal Assn $551 VA Chamber of Commerce $554 VA Coal Assn $556 Regency Taxi Southern Regional Education $600 Board $600 Arlington Free Clinic $600 Arlington Community Foundation $602 VA Coal Assn $607 VA Coal Assn $624 Wellmont Health Systems $650 ALEC $660 Principle Advantage $661 $667 $667 $700 $702 $719 Va Biotechnology Assn VA Coal Assn VA Coal Assn Kidney Foundation VA League of Conservation Voters Kings Dominion

$728 VA Coal Assn

Habeeb, Greg Favola, Barbara Howell, Bill Comstock, Barbara Hugo, Tim Hope, Patrick Hope, Patrick Black, Dick Massie, Jimmie Gilbert, Todd Ingram, Riley Howell, Bill Stosch, Walter McDougle, Ryan Stanley, Bill Cox, Kirk Wagner, Frank Byron, Kathy Favola, Barbara Favola, Barbara Filler-Corn, Eileen Stolle, Chris Cosgrove, John Norment, Tommy Massie, Jimmie Byron, Kathy Ward, Jeion

Annual Meeting Annual Conference Speaking at Annual Meeting Flight to FACES of Coal Rally Flight to FACES of Coal Rally Tickets (8) Retreat for Family Tickets Conference Lodging Annual Convention ALEC Annual Conference Annual Meeting Air Travel and Accommodations Event Sporting Event Annual Meeting Trip Lodging - Republican National Convention Gala (2) Wolf Trap Ball (2) Gala Dinner for Two Healthcare Reform Conference Annual Meeting Travel Policy Summit Annual Technology Task Force Meeting NCSL Registration / Lodging

$736 VA Trial Lawyers Assn $773 VA Assn of Counties $773 VA Assn of Counties $794 Weber Merritt LLC $794 $800 $862 $869 $896 $904 $908 Weber Merritt LLC Signature Theatre VA League of Conservation Voters VA Hospitality & Travel Assn ALEC VA Auto Dealers Assn ALEC Republican Legislative Campaign $914 Committee $914 $939 $939 $945 $968 Senate Presidents Forum Dominion Dominion ALEC Dominion

$996 Dominion $1,000 Inova Health System $1,000 Wolf Trap $1,000 Wolf Trap $1,000 Milbank Memorial Fund $1,031 ALEC $1,044 Dominion $1,072 American Federation for Children $1,120 ALEC $1,200 American Federation of Teachers

Kilgore, Terry Cosgrove, John Villanueva, Ron Obenshain, Mark Scott, Ed Carrico, Bill Reeves, Bryce

Yancey, David Reeves, Bryce Cosgrove, John Scott, Ed Carrico, Bill McDougle, Ryan Deeds, Creigh Morrissey, Joe Brink, Bob Howell, Bill Ingram, Riley Massie, Jimmie Marsh, Henry Ruff, Frank Albo, Dave Habeeb, Greg Barker, George

Meeting in England Rolls Royce Annual Meeting Sporting Event Convention Reg. & Lodging Fees (Speaker) Education Policy Venture Visit New Orleans Charter Schools Emerging Leaders Class Fact Finding of School Improvement / Achievement Emerging Leaders Class Convention Annual Convention Tickets for park tour Annual Convention Football Games/Reception Trip to Turkey Cultural Exchange trip to Turkey National Speakers Conference Trip to Turkey Delegate paid airfare. Trip to Turkey Trip to Turkey Visit schools Convention Fees and Hotel Annual Meeting Lodging, Food -

$1,250 VA Tobacco Commission $1,295 ALEC $1,300 Dominion $1,317 VA Trial Lawyers Assn $1,343 National Governor's Assn National Governor's Assn - VA Host $1,406 committee $1,430 GOPAC National Governor's Assn - VA Host committee GOPAC VA Auto Dealers Assn VA Auto Dealers Assn Sea World Parks & Entertainment $1,600 LLC $1,633 VA Auto Dealers Assn $1,511 $1,544 $1,564 $1,590 $1,680 UVA American Turkish Friendship $1,800 Association American Turkish Friendship $1,850 Association State Legislative Leaders $1,850 Foundation American Turkish Friendship $1,850 Association American Turkish Friendship $1,850 Association American Turkish Friendship $1,875 Association National Governor's Assn - VA Host $1,900 committee $1,917 VA Trial Lawyers Assn $1,972 VA Auto Dealers Assn $2,000 Milbank Memorial Fund

O'Bannon, John Knight, Barry Norment, Tommy Marsh, Henry Howell, Janet Marsh, Henry Favola, Barbara Saslaw, Dick Wagner, Frank Carrico, Bill Reeves, Bryce Norment, Tommy Byron, Kathy Ramadan, David Watts, Vivian

Reforming States Health Care Meeting Travel to Meeting Hunting Trip Travel Annual Convention Trip to Republic of Korea Trip to Turkey Cultural Exchange Trip to Turkey Lodging, Meals, and Travel in Turkey for Two Tour and Meetings in Turkey for Two Trade mission to Taipei, Taiwan Trade Mission Trip for Va Economic Development Travel Trip to Taiwan Trip to Taiwan Trip to Taiwan Total

$2,000 Milbank Memorial Fund $2,522 VA Public Safety Alliance $2,522 Va Sheriffs Assn $2,550 VA Trial Lawyers Assn $3,000 NOVA Regional Commission American Turkish Friendship $3,000 Association American Turkish Friendship $3,700 Association American Turkish Friendship $3,700 Association American Turkish Friendship $3,700 Association $4,000 Taiwan Taipei Economic and Cultural Rep $4,000 Office $6,533 Va Sheriffs Assn Taipei Economic and Cultural Rep $7,800 Office Taipei Economic and Cultural Rep $7,800 Office Taipei Economic and Cultural Rep $7,800 Office $185,759

Appendix C: 2012 Gifts to Statewide Elected Officials

Recipient Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Cuccinelli, Ken Cuccinelli, Ken Cuccinelli, Ken McDonnell, Bob Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill McDonnell, Bob Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Cuccinelli, Ken Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill McDonnell, Bob Item Tickets Dinner (2)/with Book Dinner Shovel Life size photo Tie Tack Flowers Book Scarf & Tie Dinner - Supervisors Forum Dinner (2) Citrus Fruit Ham NVTC's Presidential Series tickets Dinner (2) Dinner Chaps lunch (2) Dinner (2) Dinner (2) Dinner (2) Dinner (2) Dinner (2) Dinner (2) Dinner (2) Bottle of win in Wooden Amount Donor $50 Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast Thomas Jefferson Institute for $50 Public Policy Republican Party - Montgomery $50 County, Va Council for America's First $50 Freedom $51 Va Community College System $59 VA Rep Women - Colonial $65 Are You Concerned? $65 Harvestime Books $75 Massey Cancer Center $75 $75 $75 $75 $78 $80 $88 $93 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Va Assn of Counties Staunton Military Academy Edward S Garcia Smithfield Foods NOVA Technology Council Kings Dominion Va Chamber of Commerce Stihl Inc. Massey Cancer Center Va Agribusiness Council Republican Party - Hanover County, Va Republican Party - Prince William County, Va Va Rep - Accomack County Va Transportation Construction Alliance Va Rep - Northampton County Virginia's aCorridor Novartis Pharmaceuticals

Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill McDonnell, Bob Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill Cuccinelli, Ken Cuccinelli, Ken McDonnell, Bob McDonnell, Bob Bolling, Bill Cuccinelli, Ken McDonnell, Bob Bolling, Bill McDonnell, Bob McDonnell, Bob McDonnell, Bob

Box (Mission trip) Four Busch Gardens Tickets Dinner (2) Dinner (2) Gift Basket Dinner (2) Gift Card to Hondo's Restaurant Dinner (2) w/Coat Tickets to Cantor Breakfast Two Vests & Jackets Two Football Tickets, Food & Beverages Dinner (2) Six Football Tickets Tools Expenses for a trip Tickets to the UVA vs Miami Game Tickets to CAA Championship CAA Tournament Tickets Transportation for a speech at a rally Cabinet retreat Two Football Season Passes Flight from Richmond to Massachussets Flight: Richmond to Hot Springs Flight to Abingdon, Va for FACES of Coal Rally

$108 McGuire Woods $110 Va Capitol Correspondents Assn Roanoke Regional Chamber of $133 Commerce $142 Altria Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology $150 Council Society of Industrial and Office $150 Realtors - Va Chapter $200 Va State Police Assn $200 Verizon $212 Va Tourism Corp $240 $248 $300 $309 $313 University of Virginia Altria Virginia Tech Quality Archery Designs Legatus

$400 UVA $644 Colonial Athletic Assn $672 Richmond International Raceway $795 FACES of Coal $920 William H Goodwin JR $1,200 James Madison University $1,299 Star Scientific Inc $1,414 Raymond B Bottom Jr $1,696 Alpha Natural Resources

McDonnell, Bob Bolling, Bill Cuccinelli, Ken Bolling, Bill Bolling, Bill

McDonnell, Bob McDonnell, Bob Cuccinelli, Ken McDonnell, Bob McDonnell, Bob McDonnell, Bob McDonnell, Bob

Flight to the Gold Cup in Warrenton, VA Airfare - Food City Grand Opening Summer lodging for a family vacation Two nights, Dinner, Two Race Tickets Airfare to UCWV Graduation flight from Mass. to Richmond, lodging, event expenses Flight to Boston to attend funeral Texas hunt weekend; football tickets Lodging and Event expenses Flight from Richmond to Indiana Tickets to the Redskins game suite Flight to Puerto Rico for SGA/RGA Event Total

$1,900 Ramon W Breeden Jr $2,250 Food City $3,000 Jonnie R Williams Sr. $3,090 Southern VA Regional Alliance $3,750 Moss & Rocovich PC

$6,083 Star Scientific Inc $6,225 Sima Birach, Jr. $8,056 Foster Friess $10,182 Delta Star, Inc $10,842 Sima Birach, Jr. $19,000 Washington Redskins $25,000 John G Rocovich, Jr. $113,287

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