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Chapter 11: Listening as a Consumer


Consumer Listening: a special form of critical listening

Yes No

Spend Save

A. Advertising appeals to holistic listening.

B. Its so easy ___________________________________________.
1. ATM machines __________________________________________.
2. Hassle-free ______________________________________________.
3. Easy ____________________________.
4. 800 ______________________________.
5. ___________________________
6. ____________________________.
C. Trends in Advertising

1. Over $1.074 trillion spent a year ____________________________

2. Less TV advertising to reduce time and space ______________
a. In-store promotions-scratch cards and _______________________
b. Special mailings to preferred customers--________________________
c. One-to-one internet advertising ________________________________
$957.9 billion in e-commerce retail sales in 3rd quarter 2005
D. Why Do We Shop?
1. We are motivated to shop for ourselves:
a. Survival____needs__________________________________________
b. Safety and security-_______________________________________
c. Social acceptance-__________________________________________
d. Fulfillment-use of talents and creativity, __________________________

e. Shopping releases the brain chemical


giving a ______________ chemical high m____________

f. _____% of Americans are addicted to shopping. To cope with
2. We are motivated to shop for others:
a. A gift given to _____________________________________________
b. A gift to alleviate __________________________________________.
E. Result of Over-Spending
1. Excessive __________________ is a problem
_________ million Americans declared ________________ in 2003.
2. Average family has __________________ in credit card debt.
II. Advertising Techniques
A. Bandwagon technique: encourages someone to buy a product because
1. Similar to the fallacy of _________________________________.
2. Soft drink companies have _________________________
3. Fashion trends are based __________________________.
4. Examples: Gap khakis ads, Pepsi generation, Id like to teach the world

sing in perfect harmony. I'd like to________________________________

B. Good Ole Days: Promises to bring us back to
1. Examples: Pepperidge Farm, KFC, antiques
2. Stresses the products taste or wear like ___________________
3. Companies will sometimes show older versions ___________________
4. Grocery stores tend to use older women like your grandmother to
C. Plain Folks: Reminds us of the hard-working,
1. This truck is _____________________________________
2. SUV ads with ________________________________________
3. Makes fun of _________________________________________
4. There is also a reverse version that says: _____________________

D. Testimonials: use a credible source or a celebrity to

1. Kirstie Alley lost 30 kilos and is a spokesperson for
2. Michael Jordan, spokesman for Air Jordans, Tiger Woods spokesman for
Nike, numerous athletes are on __________________ boxes
3. Important to ask if spokesperson is an ____________________________

a _____________________________
E. Emotions: appeal to our feelings of love, freedom, fun, and guilt to buy

greeting cards, diamond jewelry, ______________________

______________________________, gravestones, long-term care for
parents or

1. Ads often promote
2. Ads often show generations of families during important family events:
3. Can be effective in getting us to change

such as _____________________________________________________.
4. Should ask, "Are emotions a reason to
F. Transfer: increases the desirability of a product by associating it with a
1. The _________________________________-Just do it
2. Ralph Lauren polo player-____________________________________
3. Richard Nixon used this technique in the speech: desk, living room
setting, his

wife, children, ____________________________ named Checkers

G. New and Improved: indicates that the product is
1. Opposite of the
2. Often used for consumer products such as detergents,
________________________________ and especially ________________
3. Implies that the company is always ______________________________.
4. Should ask ourselves, "________________________________ and
H. Card Stacking: attempts to sell a product by providing half-truths or by

1. Means putting the cards in _______________________________.
2. A partial quotation may be used. Toothpaste companies have used
excerpts of
3. An ad promoting a brand of birth control pills that helps women have

skin_ _______________________________________________
4. Free shipping on the cover of a catalogue--for orders over $100 (in the

print on the _____________________________).

I. Thats Incredible or Puffery: focuses on the language.
1. Catchy phrases and powerful adjectives and modifiers imply that
2. Example: "Nothing can compete with our Pac-Lite."
3. Can also be a visual image: Gorilla in a cage brutalizing a ____________
III. Effective Consumer Listening
A. Listen intrapersonally to motivations for buying:
__________________________< /span>

B. Understand the subliminal and conscious

C. Research a product______________________________________
1. Consult consumer periodicals such as
a. Provide criteria which are used to evaluate where a _______________
b. Include a summary page which gives a product or service an overall
c. Give ____________________________________ about each product
2. Private Label Products
a. Often manufactured by the same companies that __________________
b. You can identify identical products by
c. Often just as effective as the __________________________________

3. Making Large Purchases
a. Read specialty periodicals such as ____________________________
___________ to compare products.
b. Visit showrooms, take cars for a test drive, try out all of the equipment,

check for visibility and comfort, ask question about feature or

c. Rent the same model car if possible __________________________
d. Check for any hidden costs.
4. Researching Services
a. Get recommendations from a reliable source: a mechanic, insurance

agent, or car dealer. Dont ____________________________________

b. Visit several shops _________________________________________

c. Is the shop a member of a professional organization that ____________

d. Have mechanics completed a _________________________________?
e. What does the shop specialize in? f. Is the shop clean and well-

g. What equipment is used?
h. Get a detailed estimate and warranty

Chapter 12: Listening Appreciatively

I. Definition: Listening for fun_
A. It is based on
B. It can happen by________________________.
C. It can_____________________________________.
D. It is diverse
1. We dont all

2. Babies are predisposed to what they like and dont like.

3. Parents share their interests with their children.
4. As we get older, our interests are
5. In college, we develop personal likes
II. Steps to Appreciative Listening
A. Attraction: Our _right side of the
3. It is not ______________________________________________
4. It can lead to a
B. Contact: The emotional attraction we felt

causes us to become ____________________________________________

1. We learn more through listening involvement, observation or

2. We learn what
C. Critical Evaluation: As we learn more about a subject,
1. This step involves primarily the _____________________________
2. Is it good for me?
3. Is this a good way for me to __________________________?"
4. Information from contact stage provides a
5. It also relies on energy from the attraction phase to supply
6. After contact and continuous learning, if the attraction does not continue,

Appreciative Listening Cycle (Circle) pg. 189

Appreciative Listening Cycle: Peter and the Cello

1. Parents take Peter to the
2. Peter likes the sound of the ________________________.
3. Peters asks what the instrument is called.
4. Peter announces he
1. Parents call school and find out if there is a
2. Peter tries out the instrument and decides he wants

3. Peter takes lesson for ______________________________.

Critical Evaluation:
1. Friends start taking _______________________________________.
2. Peter is tempted to quit cello and play a
3. Peter decides that he plays better than his friends do, so
1. Peter attends summer music camp where
2. He forms
1. He takes __________________________________________________
2. He attends _____________________________________________
3. He plays in an orchestra in school for_______________________
Critical Evaluation
1. Will he ____________________________________?
2. ___________________________________________

Lifelong Benefits:
1. He learned to read
2. He has
developed an _____________________________________________.
3. He admires the
4. He may play in a community orchestra
III. Knowledge and Appreciation
A. Appreciative listening involves knowledge to learn what attracted us to a
1. Hockey is fun because
2. Plays are fascinating because all of the action occurs _______________
B. Knowledge and Experience can also lead us to
1. I dislike the fights, _______________________________

2. Plays are boring because I cannot
C. We murder to dissect.
1. When we have studied a topic too thoroughly and dissected it, we may

have ruined or murdered our _________________________________

2. An understanding critic will appreciate an amateur performance because
3. An arrogant critic will often dismiss a performance as being
unsatisfactory if it

does not meet ____________________________________________

IV. Role of Humor in Listening
A. Appreciative listening should be _______________.
1. Laughter / humor improves health.
a. Laughter reduces blood pressure, oxygenates the blood massages vital

organs, ___________________________________________________
b. Laughter helps prevent illness and helps you _______________

2. Humor helps a learner pay attention to a message and remember it. You

remember favorite stories ____________________________________

3. Laughter solves __________________ by reducing tension and
4. Humor also increases_____________________________________
V. Why Appreciative Listening can be difficult
A. Listening is a group experience similar to a_____________________
B. We bring both _____________________________with us to the theater
or concert hall.
C. If someone took you to a performance you did not want to attend,
___________________________________ (_____________ noise)
D. Performing arts occur in a restrictive environment. _________________
Example: You must wait until the end of an entire piece before you

applaud at an orchestra concert.

E. When attending most performing arts, you must be
F. Many listeners suffer from short attention spans.

1. The average attention span is __________________________________

2. 1960c s: _______hours
3. 1900c s: 4-5 hours
VI. How to Be a Good Appreciative Listener
A. Be open to new experiences.
B. Allow the right brain to receive and ____________________________
C. Don t be so critical that you lose your sense of attraction that caused you
to try

Chapter 13: Listening in Partnerships

I. Definition: an agreed-upon process to listen actively and work
A. They imply that members are equal players regardless
B. They can be short-lived:_____________________________
C. They can also be long-term:

D. They can be life-long: __________________________________

E. Business partnerships
1. One of the most common types ____________________________

2. Formed to _______________________________________
3. Formed to reduce ________________________________________
4. Formed to maximize each members __________________________
II. Steps to Successful Partnering
A. Commitment: You must have the commitment of the
1. Example: Robert Marcell got the commitment of Lee Iacocca to the

project _______________________________________________
8 ___________________________________.
2. Committed to completing a project in

3. Committed to completing a project for

4. Potential partners also must be
5. Potential partners must be committed to the idea of
II. Steps to Successful Partnering
A. Communication: the act of sending messages and listening to each
1. Frequency of reports, meetings, discussions, updates, newsletters, and
2. A sense of equality ensures that everyones ideas will be shared

Example: Important that members of the Autoworkers Union and line


be ____________________________________________________
B. Conflict resolution: Essential to
1. Conflict: The interaction of interdependent people who have different

goals (1) or experience interference _____________________________

_______________________________ (2).
2. Important to have a procedure _________________________________
a. Otherwise time is ___________________
b. ______________________________________________
c. Morale suffers__________________________________________
d. Sometimes married couples need___________________________
e. Roberts Rules of Order ensures that all sides of an issue

The majority rules, __________________________________

f. Coors Brewing Company has a formal procedure that allows

employees to air their____________________________________

g. Schools have student conduct committees to __________________
C. Earned Trust: Doing what you say you are going to do or

1. An __________________________________________
2. Essential in ______________________________________
3. Confidential information should not be __________________________
4. All alternatives should be shared and considered __________________
D. Teamwork:___________________________________________
1. Takes partnership one step further by adding a ____________________
a. Partnering requires commitment and support of a projectthere

can be ______________________________________________

b. Teamwork involves being _______________________________

c. Team: a group of interdependent people who use their diverse skills

and _________________________________________________
Example: A team may consist of members from: design or product

development, manufacturing, marketing, sales, purchasing, and finance--_________________________________________________________

2. Teamwork involves synergism: the process by which diverse experts

work together to achieve solutions that __________________________

a. Synergism can be described as ____________________________
b. We take _____________________________________________.
c. Teamwork ensures that ideas will be implemented because team

d. Working together energizes ______________________________

E. Evaluation: The process of gaining information and using

that ____________
1. Final Report: After the project is completed, team members present a

final evaluation of what they would change _______________________

2. Work-in-Progress Evaluations: Weekly or monthly progress reports

delivered at _______________________________________________
a. Members of the team can offer suggestions for making
b. Admitting problems when they occur builds trust among team

members and prevents a crisis that _________________________

III. Successful Partners Listen to Each Other
A. Commitment: Listen intrapersonally to determine how this project or

relationship helps us
1. Survival: Will this project save the company money or sales,

2. Power: Will this project give you more visibility in the company and

introduce you to people who could be __________________________

3. Acceptance: If you are new to the company and area, _______________
4. Freedom: Will you have more freedom from ______________________
5. Fun: Do you enjoy being ___________________________________?
B. Communication: Listen holistically for different
1. Therapeutic listening
a. Communication should be _______________________________
b. Listen ___________________________________________
2. Comprehensive Listening
a. Listen __________________________________
b. Learn from the ________________________________________

3. Critical Listening ---________________________________________
C. Conflict resolution
1. Therapeutic Listening: What feelings are ________________________
2. Critical Listening: Why do individuals disagree ___________________
__________________________? Is there faulty reasoning involved?
3. Comprehensive Listening: Get all of the facts so a _________________
D. Trust: is built on credibility based on____________________________
1. Therapeutic Listeningtaking feelings into account, showing no

judgment, ____________________________________________
2. Appreciative Listeningappreciating the ________________________
3. Comprehensive Listeninglearning ___________________________

E. Teamwork: is like holistic listeningwe rely on all of our senses or

1. Each sense uses its area of expertise to __________________
2. When a sense is not working, other sense come to our aid and work
F. Evaluation: Gathers feedback about the project and _______________
1. Comprehends the facts: the status of deadlines, cost control,
_______________________________ COMPREHEND
2. Gauges the feeling of team members about the partnership.
3. Uses critical thinking to ______________________________________
Have resources been ________________________________________

What do the ___________________________________? CRITIQUE
4. Use appreciative listening to determine whether members are being
_____________________________________________? COMMEND
IV. Personal and Family Partnerships
A. Commitment
1. In a marriage, a couple commits themselves to the marriage

relationship and to _________________________________________.

2. In a serious dating relationship, there is a ________________________
B. Communication
1. This is essential to a ________________________________________.
2. You must give each other time to _______________________________
3. Women often complain that __________________________________.
4. Arrange for time together when ________________________________

5. When you have children, _____________________________________
6. Be patient and be __________________________________________.
7. Don't try to _______________________________________________.
8. Respect each other's need to _________________________________.
C. Conflict resolution
1. Set up an informal way of ____________________________________.
2. Try not to argue when ______________________________________.
3. Some couples don't go to sleep until ___________________________
4. Some couples use __________________________________________
5. Don't try to solve problems when you are ________________________

because your __________________________. Talk about your

_____________ instead.
6. If you can't work out your differences, __________________________
D. Earned trust
1. Don't be _________________. Many marriages break up because

2. Don't try to constantly ______________________________________.
3. Couples need to respect each other's ____________________________
4. Independence within a relationship is ___________________________.
E. Evaluation
1. Every couple needs to evaluate their relationship from time to time<
2. Attend a ________________________________________________
F. Teamwork
1. Try to plan several activities that _______________________________.
2. Plan projects so ___________________________________________.
3. If you must go out of town on business, _________________________
V. Communication Within a Family
A. When correcting children, focus on a child's
Not: "Sally, you are so sloppy."

But: "Sally, you have to slow down when you are carrying a full class of

B. Children need to know why a behavior is unacceptable and what the
"Sally, I don't like it when you use my school supplies without asking me. I

look for something and I can't find it."

"I will take the cost of the yellow marker you lost out of your allowance."
C. Don't _________________________________. Tell a child you cannot

listen to him at a particular time and _______________________________.

"I have to get dinner in the oven, then we can talk."
Don't do this too often.
D. Try to avoid giving advice,
making an _______________________________
It prevents a child from
A child becomes less ___________________________________________.
E. Watch the ____________________________________.
Listen to the ________________________________.
What does it say about what is ____________________________? Is she

troubled about something?

F. Remember that children have

G. Design the proper
It should be _______________________________________.
If you have several children, ___________________________________
H. Give your child your _________________________________________
I. Express frequent
___________________, not just what they have done. Do this before they

to bed.
"Sam, I really enjoyed our walk together, this afternoon."

Chapter 14: Cross-Cultural Listening

I. Definition: Culture is a strongly held system of
_________________________________________ and expectations
initiated and

maintained by the __________________________________________.

A. The way a group ___________________________________ as well as

they believe in and value which is

B. Also called cultural ___________________
C. Since __________________________ is an element of culture,

and culture are inseparable.

1. Spoken and written languageadvertising errors

2. Nonverbal languagemisunderstood gestures
D. Examples of cultures
1. Simple groups: ___________________________________________
2. Families
3. Complex organizations: _____________________________________
4. International / ethnic groups
II. Researching cultures
A. Simple groups
1. Visit meetings
2. ___________________ participants
3. Check ________________________________
B. Families
1. _________________________________
2. Ask _____________________________
3. Talk about ___________________________
C. Complex organizations

1. ________________ with individual you will be reporting to

2. Request opportunity to _____________________________
3. Speak with someone who holds a ________________________
D. International cultures
1. Consult the _________________________________________

individuals who have lived and worked in the culture, people who grew
up in the culture
2. Organizations often provide training for _____________________
III. Context Cultures
A. Context: The ________________ messages and _______________

variables that accompany communication events--____________________

B. Low Context Cultures
1. Tend to have an ___________________________ population
2. Focus primarily on ____________________
3. Use direct statements and __________________________________
4. Greater concern for __________________________________
C. High Context Cultures
1. Tend to have a ___________________________ population

2. Rely on _________________________________ experiences

3. Tend to rely more on _________________________________

that accompany words

D. We adjust our listening expectations:
1. Low-context cultures--_______________________________________
2. High-context culturesbe____________________________________
E. Context Cultural Differences (pages 226-227 for complete list)
1. Direct _______________________
2. Volume of _______________
3. Hand ____________________
4. Touching
5. Use of _______________________
F. High-Context vs. Low-Context Professions
High Context Low Context

G. High-Context vs. Low-Context International Cultures

High Context Low Context
China Switzerland
Japan ______________
______________ ______________
Native American Scandinavian Countries
Latin America
IV. Cultural Differences: Individualism vs. Collectivism
Individualism Collectivism
A. Minimal consideration A. Concern and identity

for ______________ tied to _____________

_________________ ___________________

B. Define people by B. Respect tied to

_________, where they _______________, hard

live, and _____________ work, and ___________

C. Individualistic vs. Collectivist International Cultures
Individualistic Collectivist
_________________ Venezuela
Australia Colombia
Great Britain _________________
_________________ Singapore
The Netherlands ________________
______________ Hong Kong
Denmark China
V. Poloychronic vs. Monochronic Cultures

Polychronic Monochronic
A. Want to keep current A. Compartmentalize activities

on ________________ B. __________________
B. Not overly sensitive to C. Seem to be in

time __________________

C. Seem laid-back
D. Polychronic vs. Monochronic International Cultures

Polychronic Monochronic
Mediterranean Countries ____________________
____________________ Germany
Bangladesh Northern Europe
VI. Culture Shock
A. Initial euphoria: _________ weeks
(___________ Stage)
B. Irritation and hostility: may last _________ months
(___________ Stage)
C. Gradual adjustment: after first ________ months
(__________ Stage)
D. Adaptation: may take years
E. Most people also experience culture shock when

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