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Iota Xi Chapter
September 10, 2009

In attendance
Professor Nicole Stokes-Du Pass
Vincent DeLuca
David Reyes
Chrissy Keeley
Linda Iddisah
Jorge Villacreses
Kristy Lopez
Garret Roberts-Batson
Sheila Casey
Denisa Duldova
Kathleen McLoughlin
Megan Andrade
Diana P Gonzalez
Joseph Eulo
Sabina Klimala
Tashi Lliamo

1. “Begin with the end in mind” - Hallmarks

 The meeting started off with five important things to remember when writing
the hallmarks: detailed goals, measurable goals, being specific, making an
impact, and an exit survey.
 Details, details, details! The more details, the better.
 We need to set measurable goals. Our goals must be understood and attainable.
For example, the impact on one of our projects will help X number of people.
 Specifics may be a detail, but it's so important to be specific. Remember to put
numbers and names in the descriptions of events. For example, how many
pounds of trash did we pick up at a clean-up? Or to be more specific, how many
pounds of cigarette butts or recyclables?
 What is the impact that we’re making? Who are we helping or influencing and
how? Make sure to answer these types of questions.
 It’s good to provide an exit survey to people at a number of our events and then
keep those surveys in some sort of booklet. As long as we have quotes from an
exit survey, we can put it in our hallmarks.
 There will be a sign-up list next week for hallmark meetings.

2. “Be accountable” – Phi Theta Kappa commitments

 If you sign-up for anything, then you must be there at that time. This can be a
serious problem for something like the book sale where we need someone
looking after the books and money at all times.
 If you see other members who don’t come to the meetings, let them know about
the sign-up sheets. Even if they haven’t been inducted yet, they can still sign up.

3. “Vacant” – Vice President of Public Relations

 Our Vice President of Public Relations position is now vacant. This position
involves publicizing our events within UCC. Let Prof. Stokes know within a week
if you are interested. If a committee leader fills the position, their original
position will become vacant.

4. Student Volunteer Organization

 President Jorge Villacreses spoke to us about the poor condition the UCC Student
Volunteer Organization is in. Voting and activity is nearly dead and they need
help and active members. It has been proposed for Phi Theta Kappa and SVO to
collaborate on a joint project.

5. Updates
 The first committee meeting for Honors in Art is this Saturday. A new logo is
needed and a list of committee members is needed for next week’s meeting.
 The two Israeli girls with peace and protest in the Middle East are booked. We
are welcome to attend their events but we’ve already booked the lecture hall.
Some ideas for what to do with the lecture hall are a race and ethnicity seminar
or a chapter success workshop.
 The Plainfield service project is booked for the year, but we can always try for
next year.
 We need more people to sign-up for the ribbon-cutting tours. We’ve got too
many signed up for the gala.

6. Honors In Action
 Due to scheduling conflicts, the NJ leadership conference and the luncheon are
on the same day. The chapter will pay to say 5 to 6 members. First time officers
should try to make it to the conference.

Next Meeting:

Thursday, September 17th at 12:30 PM in the alumni conference room in the

Nomahegan building.

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