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8275 LAKESHORE TRAIL WEST DRIVE APARTMENT 2116 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 PHONE: (317)- 557- 1706 EMAIL: !"#$$%# 12&'()*+,-.(

My objective for this job is to gain more experience as a riter an! "earn more abo#t the professiona" or"!.



$he Digita" Literat#re Revie Literary Magazine% Design E!itor August 2013 May 2014 &'or(e! as an e!itor ith the !esign team to create DLR'E)*+$E, or!!"r, a"ong ith the interior an! exterior of the on"ine maga.ine. &'rote for the DLR/s b"og an! ebsite content. &0iece p#b"ishe! in the maga.ine. A critica" ana"ysis of M.E. )ra!!on/s short story 1A *ha!o in the Corner2. $he )ro(en 0"ate Literary Magazine% Hea! 'eb-Design E!itor August 2013 May 2014 &'or(e! as the e!itor of thebro(enp" a"ong ith !esigning any an! a"" me!ia seen aro#n! )a"" *tate/s camp#s, a"ong ith on"ine content. &Designe! the initia" o#t"ine of the maga.ine/s interior an! exterior. A"ibi/s )ar an! 3ri""% *ervice 'or(er May 2013 August 2013 &Hire! as a server. Mi! est 'riter/s 'or(shop 4567% *ocia" Me!ia +ntern-Agent Assistant May 2013 July 2013 &Hire! as a socia" me!ia intern. 'or(e! ith 8ane Frie!man thro#gh her tech intensive, teaching riters ho to create an e&boo( an! #p"oa! it to Ama.on. &Hire! as an Agent Assistant to Agent Sarah LaPolla. 'or(e! to sche!#"e her pitches an! appointments ith visiting riters, a"ong ith any other matter Ms.

La0o""a re9#este!.

American Eag"e% *a"es Associate October 2012 February 2013 &'or(e! as a part time seasona" sa"es associate. Fo"!e! an! c"eane! #p the b#i"!ing. 'or(e! ith c#stomer service an! fitting rooms. *tea( n/ *ha(e% *ervice an! 0ro!#ction 'or(er-$rainer September 200 August 2013 &Hire! as a server. )ecame a trainer ithin the first t o years on the service si!e before moving to the pro!#ction "ine for the next t o years. &$raine! ne members of the *tea( n/ *ha(e cre on ho to proper"y serve an! ma(e the foo!. :oh"/s% Retai" *a"es Associate !o"ember 200# Ja$uary 2010 &'or(e! as a part time he"per for the store. Fo"!e! an! c"eane! #p the b#i"!ing, a"ong ith he"p bagging merchan!ise.

*pee! ay *enior High *choo" *pee! ay, +n!iana Dip"oma, May 4565 High *choo" C"#bs an! A ar!s Receive!% &$rac( an! Fie"! $eam ;6 year< &*panish C"#b ;4 years< &8o#rna"ism-=earboo( C"#b ;4 years< &Aca!emic $eam Captain ;4 years< &Honor Ro"" ;7 years< &$heatre ;4 years< )a"" *tate >niversity M#ncie, +n!iana Majoring in Creative 'riting ith a Minor in 0rofessiona" 'riting C#rrent *t#!ent )a"" *tate C"#bs an! A ar!s Receive!% &'riter/s Comm#nity ;4 years< &+n 0rint Festiva" ;4 years< &Eng"ish Department/s Dean/s List ;*pring *emester, 4567< &$he )ro(en 0"ate *taff ;4567&456?< &$he Digita" Literat#re Revie *taff ;4567&456?<




+ ta(e many co#rses in the Eng"ish !epartment at )a"" *tate, "earning !ifferent techni9#es an! !ifferent aspects of riting ;poetry, fiction, creative non fiction, etc<. + have or(e! on the ne spaper thro#gh my high schoo" an! on"ine b"#rbs, revie ing movies an! sharing my riting. A"ong ith riting, + have s(i""s in !oc#ment !esign ;A!obe *#ite<. 0#b"ishe! in the )a"" *tate Digital Literature Review. A scho"ar"y ana"ysis of M.E. )ra!!on/s 1A *ha!o in the Corner2.




+ have experience ith socia" me!ia sites s#ch as $ itter, $#mb"r, 'or!press, Faceboo(, My*pace, )"ogger, $ eet!ec(, etc. + am most fami"iar ith $ itter, $#mb"r, Faceboo(, an! $ eet!ec(. +/ve or(e! ith ebsite b#i"!ing sites s#ch as 'eeb"y, 'ix, *9#arespace, an! Moonfr#it. + have experience ith an! c#rrent"y o n A!obe Creative *#ites ;C*@<. + am most fami"iar ith +nDesign, +""#strator, an! 0hotoshop. + am a"so fami"iar ith H$ML-C** co!ing.





+ am a har! or(er an! am !etermine! to rite, no matter the genre. + am very f"exib"e ith my sche!#"e an! i"" not "et yo# !o n.

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