F5 PEKA 1 Concentration

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Chemistry PEKA Form 5 Topic :Rate of Reaction Aim To investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.

Problem statement How does the concentration of a reactant affect the rate of reaction? Hypothesis Variables The more concentrated the sodium thiosulphate solution, the higher the rate of reaction. Manipulated variable : ___________________________________ esponding variable : Time ta!en for the cross "#" to disappear from the sight. $ontrolled variable : $oncentration and volume of dilute sulphuric acid , temperature of the solution %.2 mol dm&' 1() cm' sodium thiosulphate solution, 1.% mol dm&' 2) cm' sulphuric acid, distilled water *% cm', white paper mar!ed "#" at the centre )% cm' measuring c+linder, 1% cm' measuring c+linder, 1)% cm' conical flas!, and stop watch Experiment No : ........1.2........

Materials Apparatus Procedure

1. )% cm' of 2.% mol dm&' sodium thiosulphate is measured using measuring c+linder and poured into a conical flas!. 2. , piece of paper mar!ed "#" is placed under the conical flas!. . ) cm' of 1.% mol dm&' sulphuric acid is measured and poured into the conical flas!. !. -topwatch is started immediatel+. ". The mi.ture in the conical flas! is swirled and placed it on the paper mar!ed "#" . #. Mar! "#" is observed verticall+ from the top through the solution. $. Time,t is recorded for the mar! "#" to disappear from sight. %. The e.periment is repeated four more times using different volumes of %.2 mol dm&' sodium thiosulphate solution to be diluted with different volumes of distilled water as shown in Table 1. )et Volume of *+2 mol dm, sodium thiosulphate solution- cm )% (% '% 2% 1% Volume of distilled .ater- cm % 1% 2% '% (% Volume of 1+* mol dm, sulphuric acid- cm ) ) ) ) ) Total /olume of reactin0 mixture- cm )) )) )) )) ))

/ // // /0 0 &ata 'ommunication (raph of $oncentration against time )et

/ // // /0 0

Volume of *+2 mol dm, sodium thiosulphate solution- cm )% (% '% 2% 1%

Volume of distilled .ater- cm % 1% 2% '% (%

Volume of 1+* mol dm, sulphuric acid- cm ) ) ) ) )

Time ta1en-s

1 Time 11s

2&ra. 0raph 3 use full 0raph paper4 (raph of $oncentration against 11time 2&ra. 0raph 3 use full 0raph paper4 5nterpretin0 data 1. $oncentration of sodium thiosulphate solution in the reacting mi.ture. )et / %.2#)% 3 %.1* )) // %.2#(% 3 %.1) )) /// %.2#'% 3 %.11 )) /0 %.2#2% 3 %.%4 )) 0 %.2#1% 3 %.%( )) 'oncentration of sodium thiosulphate- mol dm,

2. 2ased on the graphs,when the concentration of sodium thiosulphate is higher, the time ta!en for the mar! "#" to disappear from sight is _____________. '. The rate of reaction directl+ proportional to the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution used. 'onclusion The h+pothesis is accepted. EN&

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