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1) (a) Determine the truth value of each of the following statements i. 6 + 2 = 7 and 4 + 4 = 8. ii. four is even. iii. 4 + 3 = 7 and 6 + 2 = 8. (b) Write each of the following statements in symbolic form i. Anil & Sunil are rich. ii. Neither Ramu nor Raju is poor. iii. It is not true that Ravi & Raju are both rich. (c) Write a short note on normal forms 2) (a) Prove that (P Q)V R ((P V Q)R) is a contradiction. (b) Obtain PDNF and PCNF of the following formula (PVQ) (P Q) 3) (a) S h o w the following implication without constructing t h e truth table. i. (P Q) Q (PVQ) ii. P Q P (PQ) (b) Show that the proposition PQ and (PVQ) (P) (Q) are contradiction 4) (a) If P is true, Q is false and R is true, then find the truth value of ((P Q) R)V (P V R) without constructing t h e truth table. (b) Find the disjunctive normal form of P V (P (QV (Q R))). ( c) Show that the following statements is a tautology. ((PVQ) (P R) (Q R)) R UNIT 2: 1)(a) Show that R (PVQ) is a valid conclusion from premises PVQ,Q R, PM and M (b) Explain the use of predicates with suitable examples 2). (a) S h o w that (x) (P (x) Q (x)) (x) (Q (x) R (x)) (x) (P (x) R (x)) Using rules of inference. (b) Show that (x) M(x) follows logically from the premises x (H (x) M (x)) &(x)H (x) 3) (a) Prove or disprove the validity of the following arguments. No mathematicians are ignorant. All ignorant people are haughty. Hence, some haughty people are not mathematicians. (b) Prove the following logical x [p (x) Q (x)] x, (p (x) x, Q (x) 4) (a) Show that x(P (x)Q(x)) x(P (x)xQ(x)) (b) Negate each of the following expressions i. (x) (y) R (x, y) ii. (x) (y) R (x, y) iii. (xyR (x, y) xyP (x, y (c) Explain the term quantifier.

UNIT 3 1. (a) A function f(ZZ) Z is defined by f(x,y) = 4x = 5y. Prove that f is not One-to-one, but onto (b) If A, B, C are three sets such that A B. Show that (A C) (B C) (c) If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5}. Find i. AB ii. BA 2. (a) Let f(x): x2-3x+2. Find i. f(x2) ii. f(x+3) (b) Prove that A (B C) = (A B) (A C) (c) Define equivalence relation 3.(a) Let L be a Lattice. Then prove that the relation a b defined by either ab= a (or) aVb = b is a partial ordering relation on L. (b) Let X = {1,2,3,4}. Define a function f: x x. Such that f = Ix and is One-to-one. Find f 2 , f 3 , f 1 , f of 1 4.(a) Suppose R is an anti-Symmetric relation of a set A. Show that R S. R1 is anti-symmetric, for any relation on A. (b) Let f: R R & g: R R. Where R is a set of real numbers find fog and gof, where f(x) = x2 -2, g(x) = x+4. State whether these functions are injective, surjective or bijective.

1. (a) I f G = <Z6 , +>, H = <Z3 , +> and K = <Z2 , +). Prove that G and HxK is

isomorphic. (b) Define the following terms: i. Group ii. Abelian Group iii. Semi Group iv. Sub Group 2. If (G, *) and (H, ) are two groups and f: GH is homorphism, then prove that the kernel of f is a normal subgroup 3. In a symmetric group S3 find those elements of a and b, such that (a) a2 = e (b) a3 = e (c) (a+b)2 a2 *b2

. (a) Let the binary operation * defined on S = {a,b,c,d} by means of the following composite table i. Compute (a*b)*c and (((a*c)*e) * a). ii. Give the properties that e x i s t s on the binary operation * from the composite table. * a b c d e a a b c b d b b c a e b c c a b b a d e b d e c b a e d d e

(b) Let A be a non empty set and * be a binary operation on P(A), where P(A) be the power set of A defined by A*B = A B for A, B (A) i. Find the identity element with respect to * in P(A). ii. Show that A is the only invertible element of P(A).


1. Suppose that Florida State University has a residence hall that has 5 single rooms, 5 double rooms, and 3 rooms for 3 students each. In how many ways can 24 students be assigned to the 13 rooms? 2. Six new employees, two of whom are married to each other are to be assigned six desks that a r e lined up in a row. If the assignment of employees to desks is made randomly, what is the probability t h a t t h e married couple will have non-adjacent desks? 3. (a) Find the number of positive integers less than are equal to 2076 and divisible by 3 or 4. (b) Find the coefficient of x4y7 in the expansion of (x-y)11. 4 . (a) Use the binomial identities to evaluate the sum 1.2.3+2.3.4+.+(n-2)(n-1)n (b) A store has 25 flags to hang along the front of the store to celebrate a special occasion. If there are 10 red flags, 5 white flags, 4 yellow flags, and 6 blue flags, how many distinguishable ways can the flags be displayed?

UNIT 6: 1. (a) Solve the recurrence relation un+2 -2un+1 +un =3n+5 if u0 =0, u1 =1. (b) Solve the recurrence relation using generating function an 6an1 = 0 for n 1 and a0 = 1 2. Solve the recurrence relation an an1 + 10an2 = 0 for n 2, a0 =1 3. Solve the recurrence relation an 9an1 + 26an2 24an3 = 0 for n 3, a0 =0 4. (a) Find the generating function of (n-1)2. (b) Solve the difference equation un-2un1=5.(2) n using generating function.

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