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MAY 2012


The Gospel of Jesus Christ from Srilakshmi Narayana Swami temple By S. Thayappan, May 1, 2006
Paravasthu Surya Narayana Rao is a descendant of the well- nown and fa!o"s 1#th cent"ry $ara%asth" oor!aya swa!igal of &ndhra $radesh. 'ro! a %ery early age he learnt Sans rit and Tel"g" lang"ages and co!pleted his ed"cation fro! (th ala! (ni%ersity. &fter ha%ing !astered %ario"s )ind" religio"s and historical *oo s li e (panishads, +eda st"dies, Sa!a +eda, Thandiya !aha piraha!na!, ,e%i *hag%ada!, $"ray"thar"nyago (panishad, Man"shp"r"thi, -ig +eda, Sa!poorna Maha*haratha, Bhaga%ath .ita, +ishn" $"rana!, &rya $"la!ai, he was ordained in 1/60 according to the 1rd !anthra of the 1rd chapter of the 2a3ir %eda as the chief archa ar 4$riest5 and head of the !"tt of Srila sh!i 6arayanaswa!i te!ple sit"ated in 7alandira 6arayanap"ra! of Sri a "la! district in &ndhra $radesh. 8hene%er the de%otees, e%en elderly people fell at his feet, perfor!ed patha poo3a 4worship of feet5 and re9"ested hi! to *less the!, he "sed to wonder whether he hi!self possessed the worthiness and holiness to *less the!. &ltho"gh for all o"tward appearances he was in the position of a g"r" hono"red 4worshipped5 *y !any, yet inwardly he felt asha!ed that he was i!p"re witho"t self-control, "na*le to c"r* the desires of the flesh and in%ol%ed in !any *ad ha*its li e s!o ing, drin ing and wo!ani:ing. )e had f"lly co!!itted hi!self to doing di%ine wor , all thro"gh the day perfor!ing a*ishe a!, archanas and worship to idols and was in the e;alted position of e;po"nding the !eaning, !orals and %irt"es of the %edas, slo as and (panishads to others, yet he hi!self co!!itted !any sins and lac ed holiness. This *eing his condition how co"ld he *less others< )e was deeply ang"ished since, in spite of perfor!ing yagnas and saying gayathri 3apa!, there was no change in his life= in his tho"ghts, desires, deed and there was no p"rity or holiness in hi!. ESUS !HRIST THE A"MI#HTY !REATOR IN SAMA $EDA I am the Lord, and besides Me, there is no Saviour - Isaiah 43:12 (NIV 'or se%en and a half years he researched 4st"died5 all pal! leaf !an"scripts and +edas a%aila*le in the te!ple to disco%er the answer to the 9"estion >8ho is the one who can ta e away all the sins ? ha%e co!!itted<> )e learnt that the +edas clearly says that witho"t shedding of *lood there is no forgi%eness of sins. ?n Sa%&oorna Maha'haratha% it is said Rathha purotchanam paava vinasam, !eaning that TO REMO$E SIN( )"OOD SHOU"D )E SHED. ?n the second di%ision Than*+ya %a,a&+ra%ana% o- Sa%a $.*a, a !anthra says prajapathirthe vaepiyam, athma naam yagnam, krutvaa prayachith, !eaning >THE RU"ER OF THE PEOP"E /I"" DO YA#NA AND #I$E HIS O/N )ODY AS A SA!RIFI!E OF ATONEMENT TO REMO$E THE SINS OF THE PEOP"E01 $ra3apathi !eans the @reator Aord .od. That is why +edic Scholars say that B6A2 8)C6 T)C )BA2 @-C&TB- .B, BC@BMCS & S&@-?'?@C @&6 S&A+&T?B6 BC &@)?C+C,. Si!ilarly it is said in another !antra in the Than*+ya %a,a&+ra%ana%, Sarva paapa pariharo, raktha purokshana mavasyagam, thath raktham paramathmeina, pushyathaana baliyagam which !eans if we need deli%erance fro! all sins 4sins that are done thro"gh ears, !o"th and eyes, sinf"l desires which arise in the heart, sinf"l tho"ghts, sinf"l deeds etc.5, then according to the +edas *lood !"st *e shed. So he *egan to search the script"res to find o"t which .od had shed his *lood as sacrifice to re!o%e !anDs sins. )e was greatly s"rprised to find a !antra in the Sa%a $.*a( lihviyaa koptharam mahakyavvathinaa koriyanthi havyayaana pariyathaaseen !eaning T)C B6C 8)B ?S .B?6. TB T&EC &6 &+&T&-&M 4,?+?6C B?-T)5 8?AA BC BB-6 B' & +?-.?6 ?6 & @&TTAC S)C,. The Sa!a +eda testifies that the person who is to *e *orn will *e a di%ine person 4a%atara p"r"shan5. 8ho is this di%ine person !entioned in the Sa!a +eda< &s he was trying to find the answer to this 9"estion, one day as he and his disciples went to *"y certain p"3a ite!s, he heard thro"gh the lo"dspea er the words of a song *eing s"ng *y so!e !en and wo!en. >&renDt yo" the Sa%io"r who was *orn of a %irgin in cattle shed, *orn as a !an to ta e away sins< ?snDt 2o"r *lood, which was shed as a sacrifice on the cross, a propitiation for the sins of the sinner<> Bn hearing this song he was o%er3oyed that he had fo"nd the answer to the riddle for which he had *een searching for the past #F years. -e3oicing he went towards the direction fro! where the song ca!e.

There, standing *efore a h"ge crowd a pastor was preaching a*o"t 7es"s. )e listened to it for !ore than half an ho"r. &t the end of the !eeting he !et the pastor and as ed hi! 9"estions and heard the answers and he also recei%ed a new Bi*le. )e read that Bi*le !any ti!es for 2F years and was greatly a!a:ed. )e fo"nd the answers to all his 9"estions in the Bi*le and also "nderstood clearly that there is no one else in the world *"t 7es"s who has the a"thority and power to forgi%e the sins of !an ind. )e told the elders in his fa!ily, relati%es and also the elders in the te!ple a*o"t 7es"s that )e is the one who can forgi%e sins and that *esides 7es"s there is no one else who can gi%e sal%ation. Sa!vation is "ound in no-one e!se# "or there is no other name under heaven $iven to men b% &hi'h &e must be saved (('ts 4:12 ) 8hen they heard it they all ca!e together !enacingly to hit hi!. Bne day early in the !orning d"ring the a*ishe a p"3a in the te!ple instead of reciting the "s"al slo as he started telling a*o"t 7es"s in who! he had *eco!e rooted, who had filled his heart with light. 'orgetting hi!self and "na*le to control his enth"sias!, he spo e a*o"t the greatness of the Bi*le and a*o"t the tr"e sal%ation which only 7es"s can gi%e, since 7es"s is the only one who ga%e hi!self as a li%ing sacrifice for o"r sins. )e preached all this thro"gh the te!ple !icrophone "ntil 10.00 a! in the !orning. ESUS !HRIST IS THE REA" #OD HINDU PRIEST PRO!"AIMED FROM A HINDU TEMP"E I am the Lord, the *od o" a!! man+ind ,-eremiah 32:2. (NIV &lasG &ll the people who were praying in the te!ple and the people who li%ed in that street were shoc ed when they heard the gospel thro"gh the !i e in the )ind" te!ple. ?!!ediately afterward it see!ed as tho"gh an earth9"a e had occ"rred. &ll the for!er heads of the !"tt and his own relati%es started 9"estioning hi! one after the other. &t that ti!e also he told the! a*o"t the glories of 7es"s @hrist. These words angered the people and they *eat hi! "p, tort"red hi!, chained his hands and left hi! loc ed in the sanct"! sanctor"!. ,aily they "sed to open the door and see if he had repented. 8hen they saw his st"**ornness they *eca!e angrier and *eat hi! "p with rods d"e to which his ri*s were fract"red and his sho"lder *lades got dislocated. )e s"ffered "n*eara*le pain, h"nger, thirst and other pro*le!s. 8itho"t relenting e%en a little they "sed to !ercilessly *eat, ic and %er*ally a*"se hi!. They tort"red hi! witho"t loosing his *onds and witho"t e%en gi%ing hi! a drop of water to 9"ench his thirst. Thro"gh all this he did not lose heart *"t contin"ed in prayer. Si; days passed. These people tort"red hi! *oth physically and !entally to the !a;i!"! e;tent possi*le. B"t @hrist was in hi!. -ao !"r!"red with faith /he Lord is m% 0e!1er) I &i!! not "ear (0ebre&s 13:2 ) )e has pro!ised Sure!% I &i!! de!iver %ou (-eremiah 33:14 ) 5ord o" *od sa%s in 6roverbs 27:22 5ait "or the Lord and 0e &i!! save %ou . 7es"s @hrist heard his prayers. Bn the se%enth day at H oDcloc in the !orning s"rro"nded *y *linding light and glory, 7es"s appeared glorio"sly inside the loc ed sanct"! sanctor"!. 6ot reali:ing what was happening, S"rya 6arayana -ao as ed, >8ho are yo"<> to which 7es"s replied, >2o" are the one who called !e.> 7es"s showed hi! the %ision of the Aord hi!self hanging on the cross since 7es"s new that this i!age had *een i!printed on his heart. 'illed with the Spirit, S"rya 6arayana -ao called o"t Aord 7es"sG Aord 7es"sG 7es"s lifted hi! "p *y his hand and all the chains which were *inding hi! *ro e and fell down. Still holding his hand 7es"s went forward and the loc ed doors of the sanct"! sanctor"!, doors of the inner sanct"ary and the doors of the o"ter sanct"ary opened one after the other on its own. )a%ing *ro"ght hi! o"tside the te!ple 7es"s loo ed at hi! and said, >,onDt go to the left into the %illage *"t go towards the right>. Then 7es"s disappeared. THE A"MI#HTY #OD /HO MA2ES US STAND AS A /ITNESS I &i!! de!iver %ou and %ou sha!! $!ori"% Me , 6sa!m 87:18 (NIV ,esiring to see the sit"ation of the %illage *efore he left the place, S"rya 6arayana -ao t"rned to the left side and went into the %illage. )e entered the street where he li%ed and went near his ho"se. )e o*ser%ed H or 0 people sitting on the %erandah and spea ing. ,rawing near he o%erheard their con%ersation, >Before its dawn we sho"ld ill hi! and *"ry hi!. )e is not going to t"rn fro! his ways. C%il !anG ?tDs a sha!e that s"ch a person has *een *orn into o"r fa!ilyG The only way we can do so!e good to o"r race and o"r religion is to get rid of hi!. @o!e let "s goG> Bn seeing the! !o%ing forward he started r"nning away into the dar ness. )owe%er, one of those !en on seeing a fig"re r"nning into the dar ness called o"t, >)eyG 8ho are yo"<> Bn s"spicion, they started chasing hi!. M"stering all his strength, he ran away fro! the %illage into the fields. ,"e to his wea condition he co"ld not r"n fast and soon the !en ca"ght "p with hi! and identified hi!. They were conf"sed as to how he had !anaged to escape= yet in the !idst of their conf"sion they *eat hi! se%erely with rods. )e fell down "nconscio"s. Thin ing he was dead they a*andoned hi! and tho"ght to the!sel%es that they had got rid of hi! for good. )owe%er an angel wo e hi! "p, ga%e hi! fresh !il to 9"ench his thirst. The angel directed hi! to go to a ho"se seen so!e distance away and told hi! that they wo"ld apply !edicines on his wo"nds. The angel then disappeared. S"rya 6arayana -ao tho"ght to hi!self that if he had o*eyed 7es"s and gone to the right side he wo"ld not ha%e recei%ed all these *eatings. The Aord has instr"cted hi! not to go to the left side so that the l"r ing danger co"ld *e a%oided. )e tho"ght to hi!self, >'ro! now on ? sho"ld ne%er diso*ey the word of the Aord>. 'illed with this tho"ght he went towards the ho"se seen far away. ?t was the ho"se of a ser%ant of .od. C%en at that ti!e of dawn the so"nd of prayer co"ld *e heard fro! that ho"se. The !o!ent he noc ed, they opened the door. The !inister of .od and his wife welco!ed hi! inside and said, >@o!e in *rother. 8e ha%e *een praying for yo" and we were waiting for yo".> S"rya 6arayana -ao was astonished. )e as ed the!, >)ow did yo" now ? was co!ing<> They answered, >The )oly Spirit had re%ealed to "s. So we ha%e *een praying for yo" since last night.> They welco!ed hi! inside, washed his wo"nds, applied oint!ents, ga%e hi! food to eat and re9"ested hi! to ta e rest. They said, >?f yo" re!ain here, yo"r life will *e in danger. 8e will *"y yo" a train tic et to @"ttac in Brissa. .o there. The )oly Spirit will re%eal the rest to yo". This co"ple allowed hi! to ta e rest the whole day and ga%e hi! clothes and so!e !oney and p"t hi! on the train to @"ttac at night.

,"ring the 3o"rney the tic et, !oney and the change of clothes were stolen fro! hi!. &t @"ttac , when he got off the train witho"t the tic et, the chec ing s9"ad ca"ght hi! and too hi! to their chief officer. The officer was a @hristian. The chief

officer d"e to so!e "n nown reason decided to handle the case hi!self and told others in the s9"ad to lea%e. )e then as ed S"rya 6arayana -ao where he was going. )e answered, >8here%er .od tells !e to go, ? will go.> Bn hearing this, the officer too hi! to his own ho"se and ser%ed hi! food and en9"ired a*o"t all that happened. )e then too hi! to the ch"rch he attended and introd"ced hi! to the )ead $astor. )a%ing heard his testi!ony, a*o"t all that too place in his life, he was sent to do !inistry in !any north eastern states li e &ssa!, Meghalaya, &r"nachal $radesh, and Brissa, to share his testi!ony with people who do not now 7es"s, so that they co"ld also *e led to @hrist. C%en today the Aord is "sing hi! !ightily to deli%er !any tho"sands of people fro! their sinf"l ways and to lead the! to sal%ation in @hrist 7es"s. ?t wo"ld ta e another *oo to write a*o"t the goodness of the Aord and the !iracles done *y the Aord in his life, the !any people who ha%e *een led to sal%ation thro"gh hi! and the !any people who ha%e *een deli%ered fro! sic ness and *ondages of Satan thro"gh his !inistry. Since he p"t forth %ery strong, indisp"ta*le arg"!ents against )ind" .ods and idolatry *y 9"oting %ario"s %erses fro! )ind" +edas, histories, Sans rit slo as and !antras, !any cases ha%e *een foisted on hi! *y %ested interested people. )e was arrested, tort"red in 3ail. 2et he is facing all the co"rt cases %ery *oldly. The Aord has !ade hi! a li%ing !ighty witness to the glory of .od and is doing a %ery strong !inistry in )ydera*ad. Those of yo" who wo"ld li e to now !ore a*o"t his life, !inistry and the wonderf"l things .od has done in his life !ay read his *oo >,ei%a ,arisana!> 4a%aila*le with Mr. $. Madan Mohan 4Tele 6o. 0HH-266206HH/ @ell 6o. /IH10261005, Bld 6o. 0H 46ew 6o. 65, @oo s -oad, Btteri, @hennai 600 012. NO REMISSION OF SINS /ITHOUT SHEDDIN# OF )"OOD 5ithout the sheddin$ o" b!ood, there is no "or$iveness , 0ebre&s 3:22 (NIV 6o .od of any religion in this "ni%erse or the acclai!ed god- incarnates, dead or li%ing, has the power and a"thority to forgi%e and gi%e re!ission for all o"r sins CJ@C$T 7CS(S @)-?ST. 7es"s @hrist alone has the power *y %irt"e of shedding )is precio"s sinless, g"iltless *lood on the @ross. ?f any one thin s that others can also gi%e re!issions for their sins, they are totally !ista en and are "nder the wrong notion. C%en )ind" script"res ad!it that there can *e no re!ission of sins witho"t shedding of *lood. That is .odDs di%ine plan. ThatDs why ani!als li e *"ffalos, rooster, hen, goats are *eing *eheaded and sacrificed in !any )ind" te!ples. 'or re!issions of sins co!!itted *y h"!an race, a p"re g"iltless in%al"a*le *lood totally de%oid of any sin needed to *e shed which 7es"s @hrist alone had shed "nder this s y and a*o%e this earth. )e is the only .od who co"ld dare say , Is there an%one &ho 'ou!d sa% that I have sinned at an% time9 -esus !ed a !i"e &ithout a sma!! sin (-ohn 4:42 ) No a11earan'e o" sin &as "ound in 0im) 0e &as testi"ied b% 6i!ate, the *overnor &ho en:uired 0im (Lu+e 23:4, 14, 22 ) 0e &as testi"ied as sin!ess b% 0is o&n a1ost!es (1 6eter 2:22 ) Today can anyone tell or any so called god-incarnates or a religio"s head or a g"r" tell that they ha%e not co!!itted e%en a single sin< 6one can dare say that. B"t 7es"s @hrist co"ld say it *oldly *eca"se )e was )oly and sinlessG 8e, e%ery one of "s, are .odDs children irrespecti%e of caste, creed and religion. @&STCS &6, -CA?.?B6S &-C M&,C B2 MC6 &6, 6BT B2 .B,. 8hen .od saw )is own children drifting away fro! )is *lessings *y ind"lging in all sorts of e%il things, sins, worshipping the idols which )e despises the !ost and were destined to s"ffer in hell and fire, the Aord wanted to sa%e )is children fro! the sin and s"fferings. 0e !oved them so mu'h that *od $ave 0is on!% be$otten son to be sa'ri"i'ed on the 'ross in order to 1rovide sa!vation "or them) -esus ;hrist im1!i'it!% obe%ed the <ather and submitted 0imse!" si!ent!% and vo!untari!% "or a!! the humi!iation, torture and "or the most 1ain"u! and s!o& death on the 'ross (=omans 8:4, 1 6eter 1:17, 1 /imoth% 1:18 ) 7CS(S @)-?ST ,?, 6BT ,?C B6 T)C @-BSS 'B- @)-?ST?&6S B6A2: )C ,?C, &6, S)C, )?S $-C@?B(S BABB, 'B- &AA )(M&6 -&@C B6 T)C '&@C B' T)?S C&-T) ?--CS$C@T?+C B' @&STC, @-CC,, -CA?.?B6 &6, 6&T?B6&A?T2. The sal%ation and re!ission of sins is free for any one who as s for it sincerely and with f"ll faith. 2o" will definitely *e a*le to feel and reali:e i!!ediately that yo" are set free and totally relie%ed fro! the *ondage and ill effects of all the sins co!!itted so far as soon as yo" recei%e 7es"s @hrist as yo"r personal Sa%io"r and on confession of all yo"r sins whole heartedly and repenting for the! and t"rn to the Aord with the *elief that )e died on the cross for yo" and )e alone can gi%e re!ission of all yo"r sins. /HAT AN A/ESOME1 HO"Y( A"MI#HTY( "O$EA)"E #OD ESUS IS3 )))5ho is !i+e %ou , Ma>esti' in 0o!iness, a&esome in $!or%, &or+in$ &onders9 , ?@odus 18:11 (NIV ?n )ind"is!, there are gods for each and e%ery %irt"e li e ed"cation, wisdo!, wealth, protection, destr"ction, creation etc. Many )ind" +edas and (panishads clearly depict the highest 9"alities and godliness re9"ired for a god to *e worshipped. ,o all the so called gods possess s"ch %irt"es and godly 9"alities or not, ? lea%e it to the readers to 3"dge. B"t when ? read the 6ew Testa!ent in the Bi*le, ? was astonished and asto"nded to see the teachings of Aord 7es"s @hrist, )is 9"alities, righteo"sness, "n*iased 3"dge!ent, )is co%enants, pro!ises, healing and res"rrecting power, )is oneness with .od, the S"pre!e, )is holy and "n*le!ished character and )is s"pre!e sacrifice for )is creations to gi%e total re!issions of sins, )is a*"ndant and "nceasing lo%e, )is o*edience, h"!ility etc. Thin of any or all the godly 9"alities or %irt"es, they all *elong to 7es"s @hrist. 6a!e a good thing, it *elongs to )i!. )C ?S M&T@)ACSS, S($-CMC, E?6. B' E?6.SG 6B B6C CASCG No one is !i+e %ou A Lord, %ou are $reat and %our name is mi$ht% in 1o&er (-eremiah 17:2-. ) 6o .od of any religion in this whole "ni%erse can e%en thin of co!ing near to 7es"s @hrist to !atch )is holiness, 9"alities, teachings, sacrifice or pro!ises. )e alone is the only and fittest .od to *e worshipped in the whole "ni%erse.

7es"s @hrist did not die on the cross of @al%ary for @hristians alone. 1-ohn 2:2 sa%s, /he b!ood o" -esus &as shed "or a!! human bein$s) 2es, )e died for e%ery *ody, irrespecti%e of caste, creed, religion or nationality. )ence 7es"s @hrist alone is the only .od for e%ery one, e%ery religion, e%ery nation and for the entire "ni%erseG ?n )ind" te!ples, when the priest does the a*hishe a! 4the anointing5 or archanai or worship, he nor!ally chants so!e slogas. ? donDt now if e%eryone new the

!eaning of those Sans rit slogas. ? a! s"re, the priest hi!self does not now the !eaning or who! they really !ean to. ?n fact all the slogas point to and glorify only 7es"s @hristG See the following slogas in san srit. B! Brah!a p"thiraya na!aha 4Brah!a K 'ather= p"thiraya K son 47es"s @hrist5 na!aha K we worship L !eaning we e;alt, pray and worship 7es"s @hrist, the son of the S"pre!e 'ather. -efer 7ohn 1:165 B! Eanni s"thaya na!aha 4Bh Aord who is *orn of a %irgin, we worship yo". See Matthew: 1:21. 6o .od in this world is *orn of a %irgin5. ? ha%e power to lay it down and ha%e power to ta e it down. This co!!and ? ha%e recei%ed fro! !y 'ather B! $ancha aaya na!aha 4Bh Aord, yo" *ore fi%e wo"nds in yo"r *ody for o"r sa e, we adore yo" and worship yo". See ?saiah 01:05 B! +ir"chasoola ar"ndhaya na!aha 4Bh Aord, yo" were h"ng on the cross for "s, for all o"r sins and sic nesses, we glorify yo". See $eter 2:2H. 6o other god in any religion died for "s or for o"r sins. Bnly 7es"s @hrist shed )is precio"s *lood and sacrificed )is life to gi%e "s li*eration and sal%ation. &cts H:12 says that sa!vation is "ound in no one e!se, "or there is no other name under heaven $iven to men b% &hi'h &e must be saved) 0e is the atonin$ sa'ri"i'e "or a!! our sins and not on!% "or ours but a!so "or the sins o" the &ho!e &or!d (1-n 2:2 . The Bi*le e!phatically states in )e*rews /:22 that there is no remission o" sins &ithout sheddin$ o" b!ood) &ll the )ind" +edas and (panishads clearly ad!it and ac nowledge this fact5. B! Mir"tha! 3eyaya na!aha 4Bh Aord who scored %ictory and tri"!ph o%er death and hell, we hail yo". See ?saiah 20:I. &ll those self-proclai!ed god !en and god incarnates are dead, *"ried and their ce!eteries still re!ain closed. 6one of the! are nown to ha%e e%er co!e ali%e again. 7es"s @hrist is the only .od who died on the cross for o"r sins, was *"ried in the presence of e%ery one and on the third da% &as resurre'ted and 'ame out a!ive to be seen b% 0is t&e!ve dis'i1!es and 1!ent% o" 1eo1!e in -erusa!em 41 @orinthians 10:1,H5. )is ce!etery is still open. ?t is history, not a story or epic *"t 9"estioned, researched and pro%ed *eyond anyoneDs do"*t and recorded *y !any scholars, researchers and archeologists. The *irth of Aord 7es"s @hrist was recorded in the cens"s report ta en d"ring the reign of &"g"st"s @aesar. 7es"s @hrist is the only .od who co"ld say that I have 1o&er to !a% it do&n and have 1o&er to ta+e it do&n) /his 'ommand I have re'eived "rom m% <ather (-ohn 17:1.-14 ) B! 6a!a si%aaya na!aha 4Si%a! K Ao%e. Bh lo%ing Aord, we "phold yo"r na!e and praise yo". 7es"s @hrist e;hi*ited the di%ine lo%e and has defined what and how a lo%e sho"ld *e in ? @orinthians 11:H-I. Love is 1atient, +ind, it does not env%, boast, and it does not "ee! 1roud, rude, se!" see+in$ and not easi!% an$ered) It +ee1s no re'ord o" &ron$s) Love does not de!i$ht in evi! but re>oi'es &ith the truth) It a!&a%s 1rote'ts, trusts, ho1es, 1erseveres and never "ai!s) 6one on earth can !eas"re the depth )is lo%e towards "s. Cphesians 1:1I e;clai!s, 0o& &ide, !on$, hi$h and dee1 is the !ove o" ;hristB B! Sathaa Si%aaya na!aha 4Bh Aord, yo" always lo%e "s. 8e lift "p yo"r na!e and !agnify it. See )e*rews 11:I. 7es"s @hrist ne%er changes. )is lo%e ne%er changes. )e is the sa!e yesterday, today and to!orrow5. &ll the Siddhars and wise !en of yester !illenni"! ha%e s"ng inn"!era*le songs praising Aord 7es"s and they ha%e categorically said that sal%ation is possi*le only thro"gh 7es"s @hrist and )e alone is the tr"e and the only .od. The Aord )i!self has said in 7ere!iah 12:2# in no "ncertain ter!s that ? &M T)C AB-,, T)C .B, B' &AA M&6E?6,. '"rther )e has also warned in ,e"terono!y 0:# that 2B( S)&AA )&+C 6B BT)C- .B,S BC'B-C MC. )agasthia M"ni%ar, &:h"gini Siddhar, $aa!*aatti Siddhar, Eora a M"ni%ar, $attinath" adigal, Thir"%all"%ar, Thir"!oolar and so !any other well nown Siddhars and wise !en ha%e written so !any songs a*o"t 7es"s and ha%e declared 7es"s @hrist alone is the real and the only .od. &ll those songs ha%e *een hidden= !any destroyed and did not see the light of the day *eca"se of &ryas. ?f it is the 8ill of the Aord, ? !ight soon write a *oo in detail a*o"t all these Siddhars and their songs praising the glory of Aord 7es"s @hrist. 8hen ? read the Bi*le !ore deeply, ? was con%inced *eyond any do"*t that 7CS(S @)-?ST ?S &6, @&6 B6A2 BC T)C AB-, 'B- C+C-2 B6C ?6 T)?S 8B-A,G )allel"3ahG C;tracts fro! M% ;r% and M% -o%"u! Ne& Li"e, the testi!ony of S. Thayappan.

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