Two Way Slab Design

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DESIGN OF TWO-WAY RESTRAINED RECTANGULAR SLAB ;ffective s"an of slab in longer direction L6 ;ffective s"an of slab in shorter direction

L7 <rade of concrete fc3 <rade of steel f0 Clear cover to reinforcement Diameter of bar to be used =s"ect ratio *L0#L/, No: of discontinuous longer edges No: of discontinuous shorter edges otal no: of discontinuous edges !asic s"an#effective de"th ratio 1odification factor assumed kt ;ffective de"th re4uired d De"th re4uired for serviceabilit0 Dreqd >verall de"th "rovided D ;ffective de"th "rovided d Dead 9oad "er m2 9ive load "er m

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

10.50 6.50 15.00 415.00 20.00 10.00 1.62 0 0 0 $2 1.00 20$ 228 150.00 125.00 $.%5 $.50 1.50 ).%5 1$.1$ L"nge$ s%an *+ve, su""ort*.0, 0.0$20

m m N#mm2 N#mm2 mm mm

mm mm mm mm 3N#m2 3N#m2 3N#m2 3N#m2 3N#m2

&artitions ' (loor finish otal load "er m

2 2

(actored load "er m STEP 1 Design calc la!i"n

S#"$!e$ s%an *+ve, su""ort*./, 0.055) $0.2$ 1.2) 0.6% )42.4% 1)0.00 )42.4% 2$.26 2$.26 &'('' 8'(''

*-ve, s"an*./, 0.041) 2$.20 1.4) 0.4% 521.46 1)0.00 521.46 1$2.)4 1$2.)4 1)'('' 11'('' ,1+(2& '(., 3Nm 5 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm mm ** ** **2 /

*-ve, s"an *.0, 0.0240 1$.$1 0.)5 0.25 $1%.1) 1)0.00 $1%.1) 24%.%2 24%.%2 2+'('' 2''('' )&2(8'()1

1oment coefficients Mu=Coefficient?w? l/2 R= Mu#bd2 &ercentage of steel re4uired Ast re4uired *in mm2, Ast@min *in mm2, Ast to be "rovided *in mm2, 6"acing of reinforcement *c#c, 6"acing to be "rovided 7e4d. bar s"acing *c#c, &rovided bars s"acing *c#c, Ast "rovided *in mm2, STEPII

1%.%5 1.14 0.$5 4$5.12 1)0.00 4$5.12 1)0.5) 1)0.5) 18'('' 1,'('' +-2(18 '(),

&82(1+ &ercentage of steel "rovided '(,& C#ec0 1"$ De1lec!i"n fs=0.5) ?f0 ? *Ast re4uired# Ast "rovided, 6ervice 1.( F1 stress in steel fs

122.$1 1()2 sa1e



8f assumed modification factor is less than or e4ual to calculated the section is safe for deflection. O2ERALL DEPT3 D 1.'('' ** EFFECTI2E DEPT3 d 12.('' ** C$ac0 4i5!# calc la!i"n 9evel at :hich crac3 :idth is to be calculated 1odular ratio m 1odulus of elasticit0 of steel Es 9ong term modulus of elasticit0 of concrete Ec ension steel "ercentage "rovided pt Neutral a/is de"th factor k Neutral a/is de"th x =rea of steel "rovided Ast Crac3ed moment of inertia Icr 6ervice load moment M*-,

= = = = = = = = = =

1)0.00 20.66 200000.00 26)2.46 0.5%1 0.$)2 4%.%5 %14.22 15.46

N/mm2 N/mm2 % mm mm2

124$$%%$%.12 mm4

6ervice stress in steel fst 6train in concrete at the bottom face e1 =verage strain in concrete em 6tatus of section 6"acing of reinforcement *c#c, Distance of "oint from surface of reinforcing bar acr Crac3 :idth wcr (inal status

= = = = = = = =

12).4) 0.001$1 0.00021 C$ac0e5 110.00 5$.52 '(1'1 Sa1e


mm mm < 0.2mm

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