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La Deliv bo e r in g t he Lo r o v e of J f esus o L ne bab o y at a ve t im e .


Playing games with the Sunday school kids

Starting Sunday School.

Over the years, Im told various people have taught the Sunday school program at Maforgas church. However, recently those doing it had to leave and no one was able to pick up the reigns. This bothered me a bit. What was to be done? When I stopped to pray about it... God told me to do it. At first I argued that my Portuguese just wasnt good enough. That may have been the case a few months ago... but it isnt now. Then I argued that I had too many irons already in the fire. But God would not let me off the hook. The more I prayed someone would step up.... the more I realized I was to be that someone. So with the help of some pretty amazing missionary kids, we have started Sunday School again. Please pray we are able to communicate the gospel well. Thanks!

My broken ca r window has been found and installed! Finally! The first batch of chickens have been ordered A ND I have two solid workers to help me wit h them! Can I get a hallelujah! My health has been good. The ceilings in the clinic are b eing installed this w eek! The clinic patie nt room is being plastered as w ell! Oh... and did I mention the chicken pro ject has finally begun? PTL! Thanks for pra ying!

:: Praise Re ports ::

My blog is updated regularly... Check it out and enjoy!

Prayer Requests
THE CLINIC: resources for a private clinic to come in my degrees to be approved so we can open building repairs to finish quickly freedom to share the gospel in a private clinic a nurse to hire CHICKEN PROJECT Even though the chicken project is under way, we still need your prayers for: healthy chickens coops to be repaired well workers to be reliable able to sell them once they are grown

indow. g my car w in ir a p re s Mechanic

A small chicken coop and worke rs.

Curves in the road...

When I came to re-open the clinic here at Maforga, I was adamant that we partner with the government. I didnt want to duplicate any existing development and preferred to use the resources at hand. But at the same time, I wanted to see people cared for in a loving place where they could also hear the gospel. --I still do. So when I approached the government about a partnership, I was encouraged to see them so enthusiastic. Verbally, I stipulated that the partnership must allow us to share Christ and maintain ownership our facilities. When they agreed, I was overjoyed and got busy preparing the papers and buildings. But when months passed and nothing came of our discussions. I pressed harder, asking for clarification of what a partnership would look like for them. I asked to see the contract but was told the lawyers were busy, etc. Six months passed this way. Finally, earlier this month, I got my hands on a copy of the contract. Reading it through, however, made my heart sink. Everything verbally agreed to was meaningless. It clearly stated that I could not share the gospel (which is crucial!). Moreover, the minute we begin, everything we own legally and irrevocably becomes theirs. Yep. If we partner, Id in essence be handing over our buildings, medical equipment, and land. Forever. I turn this curve in the road with sadness, but also with a bit of relief. This clear No not only gives me direction, it serves as a warning sign for the future. So whats next? Two things. One: I start planning how to make the clinic private. Two: I continue to work on my papers so we can open. Eventually. Needless to say, I need your prayers more than ever! Thanks!

Mailing Address:
c/o Missao Crista de Maforga C.P. 3, Gondola Manica, Mozambique

Support Address:
Make checks payable to Shepherds Staff, PO Box 53640 Albuquerque, NM 87153-3640 Write #6201 on memo line. Donate online at

WHAT IS IT? While working in my yard, I came across a new kind of bug. Not only was it HUGE, it was scary looking! When I asked what it was called in Portuguese, my helpers laughed. It only has a local name. The Tutua! Apparently it can blind you with its urine. Yikes!

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