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We do not use an article: - when we talk about things in general: I like cats Italian food is excellent - with most:

Most people like reading - with school, prison, church, university,when we think of the general use of the places and what they are used for: I study at university - with bed, work, home: Go to bed Hes just arrived home - with continents, singular countries, states, regions, islands, towns, cities, mountains, mounts, lakes: rance !ake "ahoe - with Mr, Mrs, Doctor, President, Uncle, Saint, Prince, Queen ! name: #unt #nnie

a" $elebrate %%% $hristmas b" &e have %%% dinner at ' c" (hey wear %%%%same (-shirt in a different colour d" &hat time is %%% lunch) e" &e have eggs and bacon for %%%% breakfast f" &e have to go to %%%% *latform + g" %%%%sun is shining today h" &e went to %%%% cinema i" (hat,s %%%% new armchair !" (hey are going to %% opera k" -amie goes to %%%% school every morning l" .e plays %%% sa/ophone

%& 'omplete with (the) or (*):

We use "#$: - when we talk about a particular thing: "he man $ho came yesterday is here again "ell the children to go to bed - when it is clear what we are referring to: "urn on the light - when we talk about the usual people or places: Ill visit the doctor (my usual doctor%& - with school hospital jail when we go to visit I $ent to the hospital to visit 'oe - when there is only one of something: Madrid is the capital of (pain The )arth is a planet - with go to: the cinema - with family names: The (miths - with musical instruments: He plays the piano - with nationalities: The Irish - with ad!ectives without noun: the old the unemployed - with a singular countable noun to refer to a type: The lion is my favourite animal - with names with of: the *ank of )ngland - with most names (places, buildings" # noun: The Hilton Hotel - names of oceans, rivers, canals The +ile The #tlantic

+& 'hoose the correct option: a" "he $nglish,$nglish are friendly b" "he sugar,sugar isn,t good for your health c" 7o you like the tea,tea) d" I climbed the mount $verest,mount $verest in <=== e" "he Queen $li-abeth ..,Queen $li-abeth .. visited an art gallery yesterday f" .ave you met the Prince 'harles,Prince 'harles) g" "he crime,'rime is increasing lately h" &e went to the hospital,hospital to visit >le/ i" I haven,t been to the cinema,cinema for ages2 !" "he Doctor Wilson,Doctor Wilson told me to rest k" "he President ,President of 0pain is -ose ?u@s 4odr@gueA Bapatero l" "he President /ennedy,President /ennedy was murdered in (e/as m" "he Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea is a good holiday destination n" >ll the cars,cars have four wheels o" I like the Swiss chocolate,Swiss chocolate& p" (here should be more facilities for the disabled,disabled

a" %%%$orsica is a wonderful island b" %%% 0impsons are coming tonight c" %%% 1ncle 0amuel is here2 d" %%%3verest is a very dangerous mount e" 4ome is %%%%capital of Italy f" -ane is afraid of %%%dogs g" 5y favourite sport is %%% tennis h" I often listen to %%%%rock music i" .e was in %%%%prison for theft !" &e went to %%%%prison to visit -oe k" %%%%most people love nature l" %%%%children usually love sweets m" (ell %%%%children that %%%%lunch is ready n" &hat,s for %%%%dinner) o" I,m worried about %%%%%poor p" &e take care of %%%%homeless 6" 7o you like %%%%3nglish people) r" (om must be at %%%home now s" &e have %%%%room 89: t" &here,s %%%%platform ;) u" %%%%giraffe is the tallest animal v" I used to play %%%%flute w" 5y parents go to %%%%church every 0unday morning /" %%%lawyers are paid more than %%%teachers

'1MP2$"$ 34D M3"'# a % b C c the d C e % f % g the h the i the ! the k % l the
%& 'omplete with (the) or (*): a" $orsica is a wonderful island b" (.3 0impsons are coming tonight c" 1ncle 0amuel is here2 d" 3verest is a very dangerous mount e" 4ome is (.3 capital of Italy f" -ane is afraid of dogs g" 5y favourite sport is tennis h" I often listen to rock music i" .e was in prison for theft !" &e went to (.3 prison to visit -oe k" 5ost people love nature l" $hildren usually love sweets m" (ell (.3 children that lunch is ready n" &hat,s for dinner) o" I,m worried about (.3 poor p" &e take care of (.3 homeless 6" 7o you like 3nglish people) r" (om must be at home now s" &e have room 89: t" &here,s platform ;) u" (.3 giraffe is the tallest animal v" I used to play (.3 flute w" 5y parents go to church every 0unday morning /" ?awyers are paid more than teachers
+& 'hoose the correct option: a" "he $nglish are friendly b" Sugar isn,t good for your health c" 7o you like tea) d" I climbed mount $verest in <=== e" Queen $li-abeth .. visited an art gallery yesterday f" .ave you met Prince 'harles) g" 'rime is increasing lately h" &e went to the hospital to visit >le/ i" I haven,t been to the cinema for ages2 !" Doctor Wilson told me to rest k" "he President of 0pain is -ose ?u@s 4odr@gueA Bapatero l" President /ennedy was murdered in (e/as m" "he Mediterranean Sea is a good holiday destination n" >ll cars have four wheels o" I like Swiss chocolate& p" (here should be more facilities for the disabled&

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