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Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Chapter IV Marketing Analysis a.) Market Definition i. Specific target market/market segmentation For my business, the product that I am offering are a chicken eggs are suited for all ages, there will be no age limit. Retailers and wholesalers who has their own business.

b.) Customer Profile The prospect target costumers are the residents of barangay San Jose MalilipotAlbay as the primary customer to satisfy their needs. c.) Competition i. List of Potential competitors ii. List of competitive advantage of product/business The competitive advantage of the product is that in any quarter of the year the poultry business will be much available. It comes from high breed broilers. Affordable and fresh

d.) Demand and Supply e.) Risk i. Disease caused by the change of seasons/climate Ex. Birds flu etc.. ii. Identify Solution to Perceived Risks - Having clean cages for the broiler and giving vitamins to the broiler.

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

- Proper sanitation. - Technical information in addressing in treating such disease and proper training to the caretaker.

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Chapter V Marketing Plan a.) Sales strategy, e.g merchandising, personal selling etc. In sales strategy, getting direct to the sari-sari store owner would be much suitable in earning profit, b.) Distribution Channel, e.g wholesale or retail For the distribution of business it can be wholesale or retail. Wholesaler would be given discounts depending on the amount. And retails would be sell at the amount. c.) Advertising Promotion For the advertisement of 365 poultry farm. We choose tarpaulins which will be post outside the store and give fliers about the product and business. To promote the product, selling it to customers at low price. d.) Pricing and Pricing Policy Pricing of eggs would be categorized according to its size . SIZES Small Medium Large PRICE P 4.00 4.50 5.00

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Chapter IV Marketing Analysis f.) Market Definition i. Specific target market/market segmentation For my business, the product that I am offering are a chicken eggs are suited for all ages, there will be no age limit. Retailers and wholesalers who has their own business.

g.) Customer Profile The prospect target costumers are the residents of barangay San Jose MalilipotAlbay as the primary customer to satisfy their needs. h.) Competition i. List of Potential competitors ii. List of competitive advantage of product/business The competitive advantage of the product is that in any quarter of the year the poultry business will be much available. It comes from high breed broilers. Affordable and fresh

i.) Demand and Supply j.) Risk i. Disease caused by the change of seasons/climate Ex. Birds flu etc.. ii. Identify Solution to Perceived Risks - Having clean cages for the broiler and giving vitamins to the broiler.

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

- Proper sanitation. - Technical information in addressing in treating such disease and proper training to the caretaker.

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Chapter V Marketing Plan e.) Sales strategy, e.g merchandising, personal selling etc. In sales strategy, getting direct to the sari-sari store owner would be much suitable in earning profit, f.) Distribution Channel, e.g wholesale or retail For the distribution of business it can be wholesale or retail. Wholesaler would be given discounts depending on the amount. And retails would be sell at the amount. g.) Advertising Promotion For the advertisement of 365 poultry farm. We choose tarpaulins which will be post outside the store and give fliers about the product and business. To promote the product, selling it to customers at low price. h.) Pricing and Pricing Policy Pricing of eggs would be categorized according to its size . SIZES Small Medium Large PRICE P 4.00 4.50 5.00

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Chapter VI Production Plan a.) Production process

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

b.) Machineries and Equipment Second hand tricycle

P 35,000.00

Nipa Hut (Labor and Materials)

Description Quantity Bulb Lumber 15 watch(4 pieces) 20 pieces (2x3x12) 10 pieces (22x6x12) 10 pieces(2x12x12) Nail 3 kg.( 3 ) 2 kg. ( 5 ) Bamboo Anahaw Plastic Rattan TOTAL 50 pieces 300 pieces 20 pieces Materials Labor Unit price P 80.00 60.00/pc. 85.00/pc. 100.00/pc. 55.00/kg 70.00/kg 5.00/pc. 2.00/pc. 1.00/pc. P5,375.00 1,500.00 P6,875.00 Total amount P 320.00 1,200.00 850.00 1,000.00 165.00 140.00 1,000.00 600.00 100.00 P5,375.00

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Plant Layout

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Plant Location

Bilisano Residence Bil Nick Store

Bilaos Residence to poultry

toLegazpi City

to Tabaco City


For the plant location of the business is located at zone 5 San Jose MalilipotAlbay. Production schedule The business is open for transaction everyday except on regular holidays.

Poultry Farm


Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Costing and costing method a. Machineries and Equipment Second hand tricycle P 35,000.00

b. Nipa Hut (Labor and Materials) Description Quantity Bulb Lumber 15 watch(4 pieces) 20 pieces (2x3x12) 10 pieces (22x6x12) 10 pieces(2x12x12) Nail 3 kg.( 3 ) 2 kg. ( 5 ) Bamboo Anahaw Plastic Rattan TOTAL 50 pieces 300 pieces 20 pieces Materials Labor Unit price P 80.00 60.00/pc. 85.00/pc. 100.00/pc. 55.00/kg 70.00/kg 5.00/pc. 2.00/pc. 1.00/pc. P5,375.00 1,500.00 P6,875.00 Total amount P 320.00 1,200.00 850.00 1,000.00 165.00 140.00 1,000.00 600.00 100.00 P5,375.00

c. Raw Materials (Feeds& Broiler) Poultry Farm


Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Description Broiler Chick booster Broiler starter Laying Mash TOTAL Quantity 100 pcs 6 sacks 8 sacks 10 sacks Price 35.00 1,020.00 1,495.00 1,500.00 Monthly 3,500.00 6,120.00 11,960.00 15,500.00 36,580.00 Yearly 73,440.00 143,520.00 180,000.00 438,960.00

Salaries and Wages Position Manager/Owner Caretaker Utility Delivery Boy TOTAL No. of Position 1 1 1 1 Monthly 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 Php 12,000.00 Yearly 60,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 24,000.00 Php 144,000.00

Benefits Position Manager/Owner Caretaker Utility Delivery boy TOTAL Phil-health 100 100 100 100 SSS 350.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Monthly 450.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 Php 1,500.00 Yearly 5,400.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 Php 18,000.00


Poultry Farm


Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Tarpaulin Leaflets TOTAL P 1,300.00 800.00 Php 2,000.00

Utility Monthly Electricity Water TOTAL 1,000.00 500.00 Php 1,500.00 Yearly 12,000.00 6,000.00 Php 18,000.00

Permit and Licenses Fees Mayors permit Sanitary permit BIR permit DTI permit Barangay clearance TOTAL 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 200.00 Php 3,500.00

Poultry Farm


Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

c.) Machineries and Equipment Second hand tricycle P 35,000.00

Nipa Hut (Labor and Materials)

Description Bulb Lumber

Quantity 15 watch(4 pieces) 20 pieces (2x3x12) 10 pieces (22x6x12) 10 pieces(2x12x12)

Unit price P 80.00 60.00/pc. 85.00/pc. 100.00/pc. 55.00/kg 70.00/kg 5.00/pc. 2.00/pc. 1.00/pc.

Total amount P 320.00 1,200.00 850.00 1,000.00 165.00 140.00 1,000.00 600.00 100.00 P5,375.00


3 kg.( 3 ) 2 kg. ( 5 )

Bamboo Anahaw Plastic Rattan TOTAL

50 pieces 300 pieces 20 pieces

Materials Labor

P5,375.00 1,500.00 P6,875.00

Poultry Farm


Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Plant Layout

Poultry Farm


Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Plant Location

Bilisano Residence Bil Nick Store

Bilaos Residence to poultry

toLegazpi City

to Tabaco City


For the plant location of the business is located at zone 5 San Jose MalilipotAlbay. Production schedule The business is open for transaction everyday except on regular holidays.

Poultry Farm


Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

Costing and costing method d. Machineries and Equipment Second hand tricycle P 35,000.00

e. Nipa Hut (Labor and Materials) Description Quantity Bulb Lumber 15 watch(4 pieces) 20 pieces (2x3x12) 10 pieces (22x6x12) 10 pieces(2x12x12) Nail 3 kg.( 3 ) 2 kg. ( 5 ) Bamboo Anahaw Plastic Rattan TOTAL Materials Labor P5,375.00 1,500.00 P6,875.00 50 pieces 300 pieces 20 pieces Unit price P 80.00 60.00/pc. 85.00/pc. 100.00/pc. 55.00/kg 70.00/kg 5.00/pc. 2.00/pc. 1.00/pc. Total amount P 320.00 1,200.00 850.00 1,000.00 165.00 140.00 1,000.00 600.00 100.00 P5,375.00

Poultry Farm


Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

f. Raw Materials (Feeds& Broiler) Description Broiler Chick booster Broiler starter Laying Mash TOTAL Quantity 100 pcs 6 sacks 8 sacks 10 sacks Price 35.00 1,020.00 1,495.00 1,500.00 Monthly 3,500.00 6,120.00 11,960.00 15,500.00 36,580.00 Yearly 73,440.00 143,520.00 180,000.00 438,960.00

Salaries and Wages Position Manager/Owner Caretaker Utility Delivery Boy TOTAL No. of Position 1 1 1 1 Monthly 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 Php 12,000.00 Yearly 60,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 24,000.00 Php 144,000.00

Benefits Position Manager/Owner Caretaker Utility Delivery boy Phil-health 100 100 100 100 SSS 350.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Monthly 450.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 Yearly 5,400.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00

Poultry Farm

Poultry Farm: A Feasibility Study

TOTAL Php 1,500.00 Php 18,000.00

Advertising Tarpaulin Leaflets TOTAL P 1,300.00 800.00 Php 2,000.00

Utility Monthly Electricity Water TOTAL 1,000.00 500.00 Php 1,500.00 Yearly 12,000.00 6,000.00 Php 18,000.00

Permit and Licenses Fees Mayors permit Sanitary permit BIR permit DTI permit Barangay clearance TOTAL 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 200.00 Php 3,500.00

Poultry Farm


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