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Advanced Grammar in Use Second Edition Level Test

1 2 3 4 And now for this evenings main headline: Britain A had won B wins C won D has won He A loaded another Olympic gold medal! the stolen cigarettes onto the back of the lorry when the police arrived. B was loading C did load his wallet at home.

Anne had to pay for everything because, as usual, Peter A had left B left C was leaving Someone empty! A has been drinking

my special sports drink that I bought this morning! The bottles half B drinks C is drinking out together for years.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Mark and Penny broke up last month. Oh no! They A have gone B had gone C had been going D are going Were late. By the time we get to the cinema, the lm A will have started B has started C will start If we A are end

. D will have been starting

world poverty, the richer countries will need to make sacrices. B will end C are ending D are to end

Frank promoted soon. After all, his mother is chief executive. A is bounding to get B is bound to get C is meaning to Are you OK? You look really pale. I need the bathroom. I think I A am to be B will be C shall be D am going to be When are you leaving for the airport? Well, my ight A is going to leave B leaves C is leaving D will leave sick. at six thirty.

Fortunately, the re ghters put the re out before it caused too much damage. A were able to B can C are able to D could Mum, Im tired. Well, if you expect? A went B are going C will go Mary isnt home yet. She A must have had to work I remember A having taken to bed after midnight every night, what do you D would go D must work

13 14 15 16 17

late at the ofce again. B must have got to work C mustve to work

to the circus by my grandfather when I was a child. B to be taken C being taken D was taken

The accident is thought by leaves on the railway line. A to have caused B to have been caused C to have been causing Have you heard? Sandra sold her at and bought a houseboat. A She did what? B What she did? C Did she what? D She what did? The detective in charge of the investigation asked . A the two witnesses their names B their names the two witnesses C the two witnesses of their names D to the two witnesses their names

Cambridge University Press 2006 Advanced Grammar in Use Photocopiable

18 19 20

I really object A people smoking

in rooms where other people have to eat. B to people smoke C people to smoke D to people smoking .

Chris told Liz that he had a good job with a big salary, but he A hadnt B wasnt C didnt D hadnt got The Smiths had to decide police. A if they agree B if to agree

to their daughters kidnappers demands or bring in the C whether to agree D whether they agree D not to eat the primary cause

21 22

Nutrition experts advise too many rened foods. A us not to eat B us that we dont eat C us not eating By the end of the conference, there was still no real agreement of the disaster was. A what B what as to C as D as to what The personnel consultant recommended that managers during lunch. A not to sit B are not sitting C not sit D not sitting


apart from other staff

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

The Prime Minister was asked what to do about inner city crime. A he intended B intended he C did he intend D he did intend Looking after pets A are B is C be a good way of teaching children to be responsible. D being the effects of the fuel shortage. .

Every man, woman and child on the island A has suffered B have suffered The only witnesses to the accident were two A passer-byes B passers-by No Horizon was directed by A late B a late C the late

Steve Caplan, only two years before his death. D of late s or two? Two.

Sorry, do you spell your surname with A single Ba C an D one

Nowadays, are much better behaved than their parents were at the same age, dont you think? A teenagers B the teenagers Im not fussy. Ill eat A some B any C all North Sea. A Few of kind of fruit or vegetable.

31 32

twenty per cent of natural gas used to heat homes in the UK comes from the B Lesser than C Fewer than D Less than won the lottery last


See the woman over there by the window? Isnt she the one week? A which B whom C that D what The Transport Minister, knowledge of a cover-up. A from whose B whose


department the email was apparently sent, has denied all C from his D which the laptop was stolen, has posted a 10,000


Detective Chief Inspector Chambers, reward. A from which B from who C from whom


In many cultures, when the elderly become too weak to look after live with their families. A themselves B theirselves C themself D theirself

, they go and

Cambridge University Press 2006 Advanced Grammar in Use Photocopiable


When the robber ordered the hostages to lie face down on the ground, they without argument. A did such B did so C so did Yes, the script was excellent, but the performances were A completely B extremely C utterly D absolutely weak.

38 39 40

It was solution to the problem that the audience cheered loudly. A a such a sensible B so a sensible C a so sensible D such a sensible Is Ben OK? He was behaving . A very strangely in the canteen this morning C in the canteen this morning very strangely B this morning in the canteen very strangely D in the canteen very strangely this morning .

41 42 43

Ignoring the ashing light bulbs, the three judges walked up the courthouse steps A in a dignied fashion B digniedly C in a digniedly fashion D dignied The A feared girl snatched the kitten away from the dog and screamed for her mother. B afraid C frightened D scary

it never recycled any waste materials, the companys environmental record was not perfect. A For B In that C With D Due to If oil supplies needs. A will run out in the near future, we would nd it very hard to meet our energy B were running out C would run out D were to run out


45 46 47

Travelling by coach is cheap. A Whereas B Although

, it can be slow in rush hour trafc. C Nevertheless D While it rains, well still have a great time. D Whereas

Look at those clouds! Dont worry. A Even if B Even though C Despite

Far Terrys small plane lay the freezing waters of the North Sea, where his fathers boat had disappeared many years before. A down B under C underneath D below Your boss is always criticising your work. I dont know why you . A put up with it B put up it with C put it up with D it put up with OK, so the dates are agreed, but A its still the B theres still a question of the budget to discuss. C theres still the D its still a

48 49 50

Not until every single reporter had gone outside his front door again. A did Alan step B Alan stepped C stepped Alan D Alan did step

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Advanced Grammar in Use Second Edition Level Test Answer key

1 D Unit 3 2 B Unit 4 3 A Unit 5 4 A Unit 6 5 C Unit 7 6 A Unit 11 7 D Unit 12 8 B Unit 13 9 D Unit 9 10 B Unit 10 11 A Unit 15 12 C Unit 16 13 A Unit 18 14 C Unit 23 15 B Unit 25 16 A Unit 27 17 A Unit 29 18 D Unit 30 19 C Unit 64 20 C Unit 34 21 A Unit 36 22 D Unit 38 23 C Unit 39 24 A Unit 32 25 B Unit 40 26 A Unit 41 27 B Unit 43 28 C Unit 46 29 D Unit 44 30 A Unit 47 31 B Unit 48 32 D Unit 52 33 C Unit 53 34 A Unit 55 35 C Unit 55 36 A Unit 60 37 B Unit 63 38 B Unit 67 39 D Unit 73 40 A Unit 74 41 A Unit 71 42 C Unit 66 43 B Unit 80 44 D Unit 83 45 C Unit 87 46 A Unit 82 47 D Unit 88 48 A Unit 94 49 C Unit 95 50 A Unit 100

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