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Iuliana Bobe (Romanca) Ecological University of Bucharest Department: Communication Sciences II-IFR 8.01.


Romanian culture and business traditions

When you come to Romania for the first time we will find that Romanian people are very open .

Culture in Romania
The culture of Romania is a unique culture, which is the product of its geography and its distinct historical evolution. Romanians have had, from time immemorial, a myriad of customs, tales and poems about love, faith, kings, princesses, and witches. Romania is the country of Dracula and you can visit the Bran Castel to see the history of Dracula legend. Romanian people have some simple rules.

Meeting and Greetings

Initial greetings for Romanian people are formal and reserved: a handshake, direct eye contact, some older Romanians kiss a woman's hand when meeting them. Foreign men are not expected to kiss a Romanian woman's hand, close friends may kiss and hug each other when they meet. People are addressed by their honorific title ("Domnul" for Mr. and "Doamna" for Mrs.) and their surname. If you are invited to a Romanian's home, bring flowers, chocolates, or imported liquor to the hosts and a gift for the children is always appreciated . When you are invited to a dinner party you may arrive up to 15 minutes late. Table manners are Continental, hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. Leave your napkin on the table. Do not put it in your lap. Romanians tend to be very polite and hospitable, so they will always take time to ask about ones family and make other small talk before getting to the business at hand .

Some people are direct and say exactly what they mean, and others take a more indirect path. Men greeting Men If it is a new acquaintance, men will most likely shake hands. If it is a friend, many will grasp hands and then hug. Some good friends and family may also kiss on both cheeks. Women greeting Women If it is a new acquaintance, they can shake hands, if one of them initiates by extending her hand. If it is a friend, they will kiss on both cheeks, and if a good friend, they may also hug. Meetings between Men and Women If it is a new acquaintance, and the woman is older, very often men will kiss her hand as a sign of respect. They can shake hands, but the woman must initiate by extending her hand first. If it is a friend, they will kiss on both cheeks, and if a good friend, they will also hug.

Business Etiquette
When you try do business with Romanian people direct eye contact is preferred. Some people could say that you are not listening if you are not making an eye contact, and get upset. In a professional setting amongst colleagues, direct eye contact is acceptable and in most cases, expected. It is common to greet the highest ranking person first. The main purposes of initial meetings are to get to know one another and discuss, not to always make decisions. It's best to go with the flow and not impose your agenda too forcefully. Romanian people are very open and very hospitable, they are open minded and try to adapt to all new things.

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