Magazine Two Cover Page

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Masthead The masthead in this case is the famous title of the magazine.

Both the size and the colour make the Q logo one of the most noticeable aspects of the page. Similarly to NM ! the designers of Q magazine ha"e placed the trademark logo in the top right corner of the Main Cover Line page! meaning it is one of the "ery first things The main co"er line is arguably one of the biggest selling the reader sees #hen "ie#ing the front co"er. points of the entire magazine! as it holds the po#er of both attracting the reader! and enticing them to read on through the magazine. $n this case the main co"er line is situated at the bottom of the page! o"erlapping the main image. Both the font and colour make the main co"er line e%tremely noticeable. &irstly! the te%t is large! bold and #ritten in capitals! making its presence kno#n to the reader. The colours used are also eye catching as they stand out on the dark background of the artists clothing. The phrase 'iams is in this case the name of the artist 'iam (allagher. The designer may ha"e opted to highlight 'iams name in red to connote his dangerous personality! something #hich the readers like to hear about. Main Image $n this case! the main image is of former -asis and current beady eye frontman 'iam (allagher. )ere! the photographer has used a close up shot of (allagher to sho# clearly #ho is featuring in the magazine and to create a personal relationship bet#een the reader and the artist from the "ery start. By analysing the main image in e"en more detail it is clear to see that the photographer has used an ingenious! artistic techni+ue in order to include the rest of band in the picture. The reflection in (allaghers sunglasses is ho# the photographer has chosen to do this.

Wob ,obs are not usually common aspects of magazine co"ers! ho#e"er here a ,ob is used on one of the most important pieces of the page! the masthead. The #hite lettering on the "i"id! red background allo#s the Q to stand out e"en more on the page. The masthead needs to be clear and easy for the reader to see! in order for it to become a memorable image.

Layering This particular magazine co"er features a substantial amount of layering! although it has been used in an effecti"e #ay. Noticeable e%amples of layering on this particular page feature mainly around the main image. The masthead o"erlaps the "ery top of the main image. )ere! the designer has decided to do this to sho# the readers the importance of the masthead. The second e%ample is at the bottom of the page. The Main co"er line o"erlaps the bottom of the main image! once again this suggests the importance of the main image and the designers desire to make it noticeable. )o#e"er! the designer has positioned these certain aspect in a #ay that does not take any attention a#ay from the main image! as the facial area of the artist is still clear to see. Cover Lines The co"er lines are added to the co"er of a magazine to gi"e the reader an early insight into #hat is featuring in the magazine. )ere! the co"er lines ha"e been placed on both the left and right sides of the page* this brings balance and a professional edge to the co"er. The colours used predominantly match the other colours on the page as both black and red is used. )o#e"er! in order to bring life and a certain royalty to the magazine! the designer has opted to use gold. The sentences highlighted in gold may suggest to the reader the importance of the co"er lines! this is another techni+ue used to entice the reader in.

Barcode The barcode is a crucial piece of any magazine co"er! and here it is the same. .lthough it is not something #hich the designer #ants to look artistic or colourful! it is something #hich is needed on the page. The barcode is usually situated in the corners of the page so that it does not distract the readers from the artistic colourful information such as the co"er lines etc. The reason #hy the barcode is so important is due to the fact that it contains crucial details about the magazine! such as the date! price and

Colour Pallet 'ike many music magazines and published pieces! Q magazine features the three most traditional printing colours! these are red! black and #hite. .lthough these colours may appear simple and dull they ha"e been pro"en to be e%tremely successful. )o#e"er! to add a splash of colour onto this simplistic! traditional page! the designer has opted to use a shade of gold to highlight certain co"er lines. This golden touch also adds a certain royalty to the front page. )ere the designer may be suggesting that the magazine! the artist and the contents inside is e%ceptionally good and #ould be acceptable for royalty to "ie#.

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