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Tell me something about yourself?

My career has been characterized by my ability to work well with the people and well with the diverse team. I seek out opportunity to involve others in decision making process. This collaboration and communication is what enable me to achieve success in my team. What I believe is people are the most valuable resources of any organization. If you want to know about my sales experience, Sir, I am an extravert, who interacts well with the people. I set goal for myself and keep them. And I believe in hard work. At present I worked as a executive sales in G4S Security Services (I) Pvt. Ltd. I was their top sales man in last quarter. I sold around 13 lakhs worth of widgets. I want to start my career in IT sector because it is an area where I can use my ability to keep a solid and long term relationship with the client. And this is a field where the growth rates are gradually increasing. That gives me a solid base from which to introduce my knowledge. So I would like be a part of that.
Why did you want to leave your last job?

I want to leave my last job because I am seeking a better opportunity where that would allow me to stretch and grow even more than my present job provide for me. Hopefully the position for which I am interviewing is that better opportunity.
How do I handle questions about potential salary?

I am very very interested in this position. I am sure we can come to a meeting of minds. I am negotiable & flexible on salary. Lets table that discussion until you determine that I am one of the top two candidates.
Why do you want to work here?

I want to work here because I feel that this is the environment where I can best make the most contributions utilizing my skills, my unique areas of expertise; everything that I have been developing in terms of my career up until this point will be best served in this company.
What are your greatest weaknesses?

One of my greatest weaknesses is that I don't have a lot of patience for work that isn't done in a timely manner or work that isn't done to very high levels of excellence, which I'm committed to in my own work.
What questions should I ask the interviewer?

1. What specifically are you looking for in your ideal candidate? 2. After chatting with me for a bit here, do you think that my qualifications meet what you're looking for? If YES then its ok if the answer is NO then ask next question 3. What is it that you're looking for that I have not yet provided for you? 4. And finally dont forget to ask the question:- May I have the job?

Where do you want to see yourself after 5 years?

In five year down the line I want to enhance my knowledge base and develop a better understanding of my particular job with your support and training so that I can be a valuable asset to my company.
Are you competitive?

I love the word 'competitive' in the realm of business, because I believe that's a very important component in terms of being successful. However, I would never be competitive to the point where it injured someone else or impacted someone else's life negatively. Competition is fine in its place, but I prefer to refer to myself as being very excellence-oriented and performance oriented. What you exactly do in your present job? I am working in my form in the capacity of executive sales. My work involves converting the cold calls in to prospective clients. So far my work has been exemplary and my disciplinary approach has made me convert the cold calls into 15 lakhs of profit to my company. I meet client on regular basis and try to convert them into the perspective client. And also I do attain the enquiry calls. And I do regular followup with the prospective clients and negotiate with them to close the deal. And also I prepare for the daily and monthly activities. And I submit the report to my manager. I make plan and execute strategies to hold the new key account. Also I participate with my operation team to handle the events. And I maintain a good relation with the existing and potential clients and also I provide better services to enhance the business prospect. And I consistently meet my budget. And also I plan strategy and try to implement for achieve the budget.

The average distance between the Sun and the Earth is about 92,935,700 miles. Astronomers refer to this distance as one astronomical unitthe distance light travels in about eight and a half minutes. Earth's orbit is actually not perfectly circular; the distance between the Earth and the Sun varies slightly over the course of the year. This does not, however, account for seasons; the angle of the Earth's axis relative to the sun is responsible for that. The aphelion is the point in the orbit of a planet or comet where it is farthest from the Sun. The Earth reaches its aphelion when the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing summer. The point in orbit where a planet or comet is nearest to the sun is called the perihelion. The word aphelion derives from the Greek words, apo meaning away, off, apart and Helios (the Greek god of the sun). Earth's aphelion usually occurs sometime around July 4, when it is around 152.12 million kilometres away from the Sun. This is in contrast to perihelion of the Earth, when it is 147.1 million kilometers away from the Sun and it currently occurs around January 3. So Romu nana 152.12 million kms is 153.60 million kms. Hence everything shared in Facebook cannot be exactly same but few can be trusted. Emiti cross check kale sabu jinishaku habani sie bhi Bhagwaan ko related.

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