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January 2014

Light of Life Ministries

Mike & Peggy Yost

A new year blessing

Commando. Then the Lord blessed us with a father and son team to come and help with our project. With lots of hammering, cutting and welding the box was repaired an installed. A new coat of paint made a huge di#erence. ! The old Commando has been renewed to be even more useful as a dump truck. One of the rst tasks for the New Commando was to help ll the approach to the bridge that washed out when the river ooded the area, serving the community in yet another way. ! We praise God that He has provided for an old truck to be used in building his kingdom. Please pray with us for the backhoe that is used to ll the dump truck. It seems each time it is used it is towed home for repairs. We are praying for another machine to replace it.

! With the new year we look for new things to come. One blessing that we are very thankful for is a change in the old army truck, better known in these parts as Commando. The Commando has been part of the hospital for many years. It has been here far longer than we have and has a rich history. It has served the community well to haul materials and people. It has been on countless rescue missions pulling and winching cars from rivers. ! One day it was involved in a bad accident. While it was loaded with block, the brakes went out and it rolled"end"over end down a hill. This put the Commando out of commission for several years, in fact some thought it was the end. But through the work of many, it was resurrected, repaired and began serving again. ! A great friend of the hospital donated a well"used dump box to be installed on the

Click this link to see the dump truck in action!

January 2014

Skills for the Temple

! Living in Honduras often causes me to reect on years past in the United States when much of the work was done by hand or in a much less rened manner than it is today. One activity that is common to life here is sawing lumber. In the history of the U.S. we know lumber was cut by hand or using steam power devices. Today it is modernized and less human labor is used. Man is very inventive and has adapted machines to do manual labor. A skill that has been developed here in Honduras is to cut lumber from trees using a chainsaw. Chainsaws are commonly used to cut trees into re wood, some even use the chain saw for the art of carving, quite successfully I might add. Cutting dimensional lumber is not a skill that I have witnessed in the U.S.. Meet Chainsaw Thomas, a skilled lumber cutter who is one of several in this area. He has been cutting lumber for many years and keeps a ne working machine. Follow this link to see him in action!"sB6ktk& Solomon used many craftsman to build the temple of the Lord. $1 Chronicles 29%. The Lord provided the skills to the craftsman and they returned the blessing to Him by building His temple. We have been blessed with craftsman to help in building His kingdom here. Thank you Lord for sending so many to help build Loma de Luz to serve your people

Prayers & Praise

Praise the last bad weather missed us. Pray for our preparations to visit you from April to June. Praise that Peggys heart condition has improved. Pray for new families coming to serve at the hospital to settle in well. Praise for those that are answering the call. Praise that Mikes back is much better, Gods healing power.

Please make donations for Mike & Peggy to CornerStone International with Light of Life Ministries in the memo line. Address and info below Make Donations for Hospital Loma de La Luz, also a faith supported ministry, to Cornerstone Foundation. Check out our site! Home address: Mike & Peggy Yost Apartado 139 LaCeiba Honduras C.A. Sending Agency: CornerStone International PO Box 192 Wilmore, KY 40390 1"800"859"4578

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