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What is tag?

They're in your favorite magazine, on product packages, and bumper stickers. They're Tag barcodes, QR Codes, and other recognition technologies. You can use them to connect customers from your offline marketing materials to information, entertainment, and interactive experiences on their smartphones. These mobile interactions let people engage with your product and identify with your brand the moment they encounter your message. Peoples phones are an essential part of their daily life, connecting them to their entire world of friends and information. Using recognition technologies to make virtually anything clickable lets you quickly take advantage of todays phone -centric lifestyle and help you direct customers to the most relevant information about your brand.

The Microsoft Tag marketing solution gives you and your customers the easy way to use a rich suite of recognition technologies, from QR Codes to the current Tag barcodes and beyond to the next generation in mobile, Near Field Communication (NFC). Depending on your choice, you can create a simple campaign delivering a line of text or a phone number, or go further and help people use your mobile site, see a video, download an app, get contact info, and much more. You don't have to worry about them typing in your URL or finding you online using Tag instantly puts the relevant info at their fingertips.

With the Tag solution, you also get access to free reporting that measures the success of each of your campaigns. Tag also offers a single free mobile app, the Tag app, that lets your customers engage with the most common recognition technologies in market today, Microsoft Tag barcodes, and QR Codes.

What are the Different kinds of tags?

<html> - The main container for HTML pages <head> - The container for page header information <title> - The title of the page <body> - The main body of the page

How do you create a HTML document?

Create Your HTML Document Method 1. Start Microsoft Word. 2. In the New Document task pane, click Blank Web Page under New. 3. On the File menu, click Save. NOTE: The Save as type box defaults to Web Page (*.htm; *.html). 4. In the File name box, type the file name that you want for your document, and then click Save. Add Text and Hyperlinks to Your HTML Document 1. Open the HTML document that you created earlier in this article. To do this, follow these steps: a. On the File menu, click Open. b. Browse to the location that you saved your article to, in the "Create Your HTML Document" section of this article. c. Select the file and then click Open. 2. Type the following text into the document: You can use Microsoft Word to create HTML documents as easily as you can create normal Word documents. 3. To create a hyperlink, select the words "Microsoft Word" in the text that you typed. 4. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink. 5. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, type in the Address box, and then click OK. 6. Save your changes to the document. Add an Image to Your HTML Document 1. Place your insertion point where you want to place an image in your document. 2. On the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click ClipArt. 3. In the Insert ClipArt task pane, click Search. NOTE: If you click Search without typing anything into the Search Text box, the search result will display all of the currently available images on your system. 4. In the Results section, select the image that you want to insert into the page. 5. Save your changes and then close the document.

Open an HTML Document in Word Do one of the following. If the New Document task pane is still displayed: In the New Document task pane, select the document under Open a document. This opens the document directly. -orIf the New Document task pane is not displayed: 1. On the File menu, click Open. 2. In the Open dialog box, locate the HTML document that you created earlier, and then select it. 3. Click Open. REFERENCES For more information about HTML support in Word 2002, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open Microsoft Word 2002. On the Help menu, click Microsoft Word Help. Click the Answer Wizard tab. Type HTML in the What would you like to do? box, and then click Search. Related topics will be displayed. Click any item to display the information.

What are adequate?

Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. Able to fulfil a need or requirement without being abundant, outstanding, etc. Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need.

What are the major parts of HTML documents?

Heading, denoted by the tages <head> </head> and body denoted by <body> </body>

How can you see the output of HTML document?

The HTML <output> element represents the result of a calculation. For example, <form oninput="x.value=parseInt(a.value)+parseInt(b.value)">0 <input type="range" id="a" value="50">100 +<input type="number" id="b" value="50"> =<output name="x" for="a b"></output> </form>

How do you format text in HTML documents?

By using HTML formatting tags. <b> <em> <i> <small> <strong> <sub> <sup> <ins> <del> <mark> Defines bold text Defines emphasized text Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood Defines smaller text Defines important text Defines subscripted text Defines superscripted text Defines inserted text Defines deleted text Defines marked/highlighted text

What are deprecated tax?

Function: tcp get the price with tax (Deprecated) This function has been deprecated. It has been replaced by tcp_get_the_price_to_show. Displays or returns the price (calculate with the tax) of the current product. This tag must be within The Loop. To calculate the function uses the tax settings.

What are the special characters entities?

Result Description non-breaking space < less than Entity Name &nbsp; &lt; Entity Number &#160; &#60;

Why do we use special characters entities?

To make special characters and accented letters show up on your pages, use a special set of codes called character entities, which you insert into your HTML code and which your browser will display as the corresponding symbols or characters you want

> &

greater than ampersand cent pound yen euro section copyright registered trademark trademark

&gt; &amp; &cent; &pound; &yen; &euro; &sect; &copy; &reg; &trade;

&#62; &#38; &#162; &#163; &#165; &#8364; &#167; &#169; &#174; &#8482;

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