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Math 2230 Prelim 2

Due: 4pm on November 26th, 2013 Rules: You may use any book you like. Please cite all references you use. You are not allowed to discuss the problems on this exam with anyone except Martin. You may not use internet, go to the library instead. 1. [15pt] A function f : R2 R is called harmonic if it satises 2f 2f + 2 = 0. 2 x y Let g denote the composition of the function f and the polar change of variable, i.e., g (r, ) = f (r cos , r sin ). Find a second order dierential equation which satised by g if and only if the function f is harmonic. 2. [20pt] A 2n 2n matrix A is called unitary if and only if AA = Id, where A is the matrix obtained by A using transposition and complex conjugation. A matrix is called symplectic if AT JA = J where J is the 0 Idn matrix . Let Vn denote the set of 2n 2n matrices which Idn 0 are both unitary and symplectic. a) [5pt] Show that the set Vn is closed under matrix multiplication, matrix inversion and complex conjugation. b) [8pt] Show that as a subset of R8n = Mat2n (C) the set Vn is a smooth manifold and nd its dimension. c) [7pt] Describe the tangent space to Vn at the identity. 3. [20pt] For which values c the zero locus of the function Fc (x, y ) = x4 + 2x2 y 2 + y 4 16x3 + 48xy 2 + 40x2 + 40y 2 c is a smooth 1 dimensional manifold? Sketch these sets for several values of c (including all values where these sets are not smooth). 4. [20pt] Find the maximal and the minimal value of the function f (x, y ) = xy x2 y 2 x2 + y 2 0 if (x, y ) = (0, 0) if (x, y ) = (0, 0)

on the square [2, 2] [2, 2]. Hint: Be careful!

5. [15pt] Give an example of a uniformly continuous and everywhere dierentiable function with unbounded derivative. Is there such function which is C 1 ? What about C k for k 2? 6. [25pt] Let f be a smooth function from Mat2 (R) to R and let H be a 2 2 matrix. Dene H -derivative of f as follows (DH (f )) (g ) = d f exp(tH )g dt ,

which is also a function from Mat2 (R) to R. a) [5pt] Show that DH satises the Leibnitz rule, i.e., DH (f1 f2 ) = DH (f1 )f2 + f1 DH (f2 ). b) [5pt] Express the value of DH (f ) at the point g in terms of the derivative of f (or using partial derivatives of the function f , if you prefer). c) [5pt] Give an example of two matrices H1 and H2 and a function f such that DH1 (DH2 (f )) = DH2 (DH1 (f )). d) [5pt] Prove that for any H1 and H2 there exists H such that DH1 (DH2 (f )) DH2 (DH1 (f )) = DH (f ). What is H ? e) [5pt] Which non-constant functions f satisfy the relation DH1 (DH2 (f )) = DH2 (DH1 (f )) for all H1 , H2 Mat2 (R).

7. [35pt] Let C be a smooth parameterized curve in the plane. Let N be the union of all normal lines to curve C . a) [4pt] Find a 2 parameter parametrization of the points in N . b) [4pt] Find the non-smooth points of this parametrization. c) [4pt] Show that the set of non-smooth points form a parameterized curve C in the plane. d) [4pt] Show that the curve C depends only on the curve C and not on its parametrization. e) [4pt] Compute the curve C when C is the parabola y = x2 . f) [15pt] Find a curve C such that C is the circle x2 + y 2 = 1. This is only true for a generic curve C you may assume that all expressions that appear in the denominators are non-zero. Hint: The last part is quite hard, but the curves constructed are very important they are used in many everyday objects (2pt bonus if you can explain where and why this curve is commonly used).

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