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Two girls stand in a darkened room, one leaning against a metal lab table, the other standing taut

and whiplash straight. An excited smile paints her face, and she doesnt even stop to brush away the strands of dark hair that have obscured her face. Today is the day. The day shell reveal the machine and then show everyone the price of underestimating herself or her friend. Theyll show them all. The girl steps forward and tugs a sheet, letting the other girl see what lies beneath. A silver capsule, streamlined and efficient stands there, gleaming even in the dark of the laboratory. The other girl frowns, glaring at her companion, What even is it? The first girl stops, previously smiling face turned down by a pout, Its a time machine, Kieli. Weve wanted one for ages and Ive finally managed to make one! The girls friend, Kieli, softens her expression a tad, Oh, a time machine? Thats cool. Well done Selene. Selene stops, hands on hips, You dont sound that enthusiastic about it Dont you see what this means? We can finally host a Hunger Games, a really good one! Kieli sighs, Look, I know what this means to you. I know how much you want to be a Gamemaker, and so do I! But I dont get what all the big fuss about a time machine is; all the Games in the past already have Gamemakers! The sadistic grin on Selenes face almost scares even her friend. Almost, but not quite. I know, but thats where what we talked about comes in! You know, what if we went back in time. What if we went back and changed one of those Hunger Games. We could make them even better, bigger and maybe... maybe even change history! We could do anything! Her words are accompanied by a gleeful giggle that does nothing to raise Kielis pout into a smile. Selene, I get that youre excited but...I dont know what the hell were even going to do when we get there! We cant just go up to one of the presidents and say oh, hi, Im Kieli and this is Selene, and by the way, were from the future! And were going to take over your Hunger Games and host them ourselves! How does that sound? Selene pouts, Kieli, of course thats what were going to do! Isnt it great? Well finally be able to host a Games, finally! I cant wait! She claps her hands and twirls around, giddy with excitement. Kieli raises an eyebrow. Fine, show me inside your bloody time machine. But if we get lost in space, then Im blaming you. Completely! Fine...but come on! Selene grabs her friends hand and drags her into the capsule, almost banging her head off the top of the door. Theres a whirring sound, a vibration and a slight hum, and then the time machine is gone. The sounds have drawn the attention of several technicians, but when they

peek their nosy heads around the door of the lab they can see nothing. Kieli and Selene are already gone, back in time, back to the age of rebellion... (I start here xD) Back to THE 74TH HUNGER GAMES! Selene shrieks the moment the time machine stops. They seem to have landed in some kind of wardrobe and they can barely see each other in the dark. Kieli looks at her friend but she cant match the same level of enthusiasm. I dont get it. Why these specific Games? This is where it all went to hell! Dont you get it, Kieli? That is exactly the point! Selene almost screams out. When Kieli still doesnt look like she understands, Selene proceeds to explain further. This is where it went wrong, this is where it all ended. This is what we have to change, this is what we have to make right! Slowly, Kieli starts to understand what is going on. Slowly, she realizes what her friend has known all along. Are you saying that its not more than a whisper, but Selene already nods. Kielis eyes light up and she looks at her friend, all her skepticism gone. What they have right there, the power that they have, is enormous. What they can do Maringa, set up a meeting with Seneca Crane for this afternoon. We need to discuss the final details of the Reaping day. As they are listening to Snow entering his office, Selene looks at Kieli, her enthusiasm being swapped with doubt. She had said earlier that they would just march in and tell the president that they are from the future and that they should Gamemake instead of the real Gamemaker, but all of a sudden that plan doesnt look as good anymore. Kieli, however, doesnt seem to have this problem and without a second thought she throws open the doors that are separating them from President Snow. The President of Panem, who had sat down behind his desk, looks up from what he was doing. His facial expression doesnt change as he sees two girls, probably around the age of twenty, enter his office through the closet. Instead, his hand moves towards one of his drawers and within seconds he is holding a bright button on a small squared platform. Mister President, wait! Dont push that button, we HAVE to talk to you! Kieli almost screams out as she sprints into the room, quickly followed by a still doubtful Selene. And why exactly would I listen? The expression on Snows face now does change. A grin, a wicked grin, appears. It is Selene who saves the day.

Because where we come from, there are no Hunger Games anymore. Where we come from, the Capitol has no power anymore. And most of all, where we come from, the people from the Districts think they rule us. Where we come from is hell! Kieli can see on Snows face that he thinks that they are nuts. Or dumb. Probably both. She cant let him push the button and she jumps in to add value to their request for a conversation. The current Gamemaker is Seneca Crane. Caesar Flickerman has once again been asked to do the Tribute interviews. The Games are set in an arena that consists of a green field with the cornucopia in the middle. It is surrounded by a lake, a forest and high grass. There will be a task involving fireballs and some Tracker Jacker nests are spread through the forest. Snow is silenced by what the girl knows. The layout of the arena is something only he, the Gamemakers and Seneca Crane know. How in Panem can this girl know? Has there been a leak? He slowly puts down his hand, still holding the button. Everything will seem normal, but its not. Things will start to happen you dont think are possible and soon you will lose all control thanks to that terrible Gamemaker Seneca Crane. You can wait until that actually happens, or you can let my friend and I talk and help you out. It will save you and your nation. Snow puts down the button on the corner of the desk and lets it go. Kieli and Selene, who had been holding their breaths, let it go now and find themselves to be a bit more at ease. Snow looks at them, one by one. It is silent for a few seconds until he asks the question that they have been waiting for. Tell me everything. He says. Well Sir, it all starts with Katniss Everdeen. The 74th Hunger Games, What If.

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