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1) You are not allowed to ask anybody for votes.

2) If you dont hand in twice and you dont have a good reason, you will be eliminated. 3) When a Tribute dies, his/her possessions will disappear and you WONT be able to take/steal them. 4) Your Tribute is REQUIRED to have a cool name. No names like Onyx and Viper that have been used a million of times. Go all the way! 5) I can change the rules whenever the heck I feel like doing so, but I will announce it to everybody at the begin of the task. These rule changes will only count for one task and one task only, unless I say otherwise. 6) You cant make people/objects/creatures magically appear when the task doesnt say that they are there. So NO weapons, food or other supplies that come out of the blue. And under NO circumstances you may have a moose. NO MOOSE. 7) Being sponsored means you will be sponsored for just one task. Every task new people will be sponsored thanks to the Bowl of Epic system, which will be explained later. 8) Whatever happens, I am always right. Joining this games means agreeing to that. When I make a mistake I will make it right. But whatever Elveta/Ellie says is true and whatever Elveta/Ellie says will happen. 9) A picture of your Tribute is REQUIRED. It does not have to be a famous person, all I want is one link/picture. 10) People that were killed the most, OR those who disobeyed the rules, will go up for votes. The ones with the least votes will be eliminated. 11) These games will be strange and maybe even wacky at points, but you gotta deal with it. These games arent for the dumb of you, so if you cant handle it, dont join. 12) The tasks will be weird, so the entries are allowed to be weird too, but under one condition. I expect them to be good. If you cant write a good crazy entry, dont. Just do whatever youre good at and astonish me with your originality. 13) As far as its possible, keep it realistic. I dont want 10 rebels or 20 Careers. 1, 2 and 4 are Career Districts, and unless you have arguments about why your Tribute should be a Career, you cant be one. 14) I dont want Mary Sues. This means that when you make a Tribute, its fine that he/she is strong, beautiful, smart and fast. As long as he/she doesnt have survival skills, cant make allies, has a bad heart, etc. 15) Ballot deaths are ONLY to be sent to me in a private message and CANT be in the entry. 16) During voting, vote for no more and no less than the said amount. Do so and your voting wont count. 17) Please vote based upon the quality of entries. 18) Deadlines will be in British time, so +0:00 and -0:00. This means that every deadline that is kind of late means that it is even later for me. So, please bare with me if Im a bit too late with posting. 19) The last to hand in will get +1 kill. 20) Everybody has 48 hours to submit a Tribute. Dont hand in on time and your spot will be open again. 21) Hand in everything by PM. Your Tribute/entry wont count otherwise. 22) If you try to manipulate/intimidate/blackmail me, you will be eliminated immediately.

23) If you get a high score (for the first task. I wont be scoring any of the other tasks) or an extra sponsor, this is because I like your writing and not because you are my friend. And if you dont get a high score and no extra sponsor, this isnt because I dont like you. 24) If someone who hasnt been in the games at all and has no connection to the games votes for Tributes, I am required to investigate this persons motivation. Thank you for reading the rules. Submitting a Tribute means you agree with all of them. The cover was made by captainflamingo so this was added to thank her for that. Thanks xD

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