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Reau the assigneu ieauings in time foi the =.+3- 1,6 /= *>,33 on the week they aie scheuuleu.
Auuitional ieauings may be assigneu thioughout the semestei anu will be posteu on
Blackboaiu oi uistiibuteu in class the week befoie they aie uue.

?))@ A,-) B/8.*3C !),1.093C D E33.90F)0-3 A4)
Week 1 Tue, }an. 22 Intiouuctions; oveiview of couise & syllabus

>/$101$6& ?%/-%3$1#+:@%1,.-% ;1+2#
Thu, }an. 24 The meaning of leisuie: Exploiations in the humanities
anu contempoiaiy society

?%35& A)3B$%- C
Week 2 Tue, }an. 29 Exploiing options in iecieation management; stuuent
involvement in piofessional societies
Thu, }an. S1 The meaning of leisuie: Exploiations in histoiy

*+DA43,, >/$101$6& E-%,%+$3$1#+, #F G1,$#-1/34 E%-,B%/$10%, 1+
Week S Tue, Feb. S The impoitance of having fun: Benefits of leisuie

?%35& A)3B$%- H
Thu, Feb. 7 Cieative leisuie
G4)3- 2)*-4+): A+H I/61 J)9,+-6

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Week 4 B4)C K)LH ;: Explaining leisuie: Why we choose what we choose
Reflections on peisonal values associateu with leisuie

?%35& A)3B$%- I

Thu, Feb. 14
Leisuie's anthiopology: A glimpse at leisuie's iole in

?%35& A)3B$%- J
M,+>6 5)F)3-)+ N4.O P0>.0)
Week S Tue, Feb. 19 Technology assisteu leisuie: Influence anu impoitance

?%35& A)3B$%- K

Thu, Feb. 21 Leisuie's geogiaphy: The ioles of space anu place
G4)3- 2)*-4+)+( 5),0 "*2,49Q>.0

?%35& A)3B$%- L

Week 6 Tue, Feb. 26 Positive Youth Bevelopment
G4)3- 2)*-4+)( A+H RQ+.3 J,++.3-

Thu, Feb. 28 Leisuie anu the lifespan: uiowing thiough leisuie

?%35& A)3B$%- M

Week 7 Tue, Nai. S Leisuie anu aging

?%35& ;; ?%351+2 E#,$
Thu, Nai. 7 MSE" ;

Week 8 Tue, Nai. 12 5#!TUG I!MEV
Thu, Nai. 14 5#!TUG I!MEV

Week 9 Tue, Nai. 19 TBA

AWM( 2).34+) 5)+X.*)3 A)>.X)+6 #,8)+ P4->.0)
Thu, Nai. 21 Stiuctuieu anu unstiuctuieu leisuie

?%35& ;; ?%351+2 E#,$7 *+DA43,, >/$101$6& ?%F4%/$1#+ E3B%-
Week 1u Tue, Nai. 26 College Woous.
0f time anu woik: Issues anu ielationships

?%35& A)3B$%- CH
Thu, Nai. 28 Common cultuie: Impoitance anu influence on leisuie anu

?%35& A)3B$%- N

AWM( B.F) A.,+6
Week 11 Tue, Api. 2 Is leisuie faii.

G4)3- 2)*-4+)( "+H A,X.1 2))
Recieation anu uisability

?%35& A)3B$%- CI
Thu, Api. 4 Recieation anu Biveisity

?%35& ;; ?%351+2 E#,$

Week 12 B4)C E8+H & 3,"-"#$%$&*# 4*,5 6%7
Thu, Api. 11 Catch 0p Bay anu Exam 2 ieview.

Week 1S Tue, Api. 16 G4)3- 2)*-4+)( "+H RQ,01>)+ I4>>,+1
Similaiity awaieness in iecieation anu leisuie

?%35& ;; ?%351+2 E#,$

Thu, Api. 18
MSE" :
Week 14 Tue, Api. 2S

Thu, Api. 2S

Week 1S Tue, Api. Su

Thu, Nay 2 Piesentations

AWM( 2).34+) 5)+X.*)3 A)>.X)+6 #,8)+

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