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The CIA's Greatest Hits

Mark Zepezauer
Odonian Press ISBN 1-878825-30-5

Introduction 1. The Gehlen Or 2. O!eration Gladio 3. Iran ". Guate#ala 5. $%-&'T() *. +aire 7. The &-2 Incident 8. The Ba, o- Pi s .. /ohn 0. %enned, 10.1ietna# 1."5-1.*3 11.2o#inican (e!u3lic 12.$alcol# 4 13.Indonesia 1".Greece 15.$artin 'uther %in 5 /r. 1*.(o3ert %enned, 17.6hile 18.1ietna# 1.*"-1.75 1..'aos 20.6a#3odia 21.O!eration 67)OS 22.2ru Tra--ic8in 23.9ater ate 2".The $i ht, 9urlit:er 25.)n ola 2*.Orlando 'etelier 27.Tea# B 28./onesto;n 2..The Octo3er Sur!rise 30.'i3,a 31.Grenada 32.<l Sal=ador 33.Nicara ua 3".Iran>contra 35.Pan )# 0li ht 103 3*.)- hanistan 37.South Paci-ic 38.6roo8ed Ban8s 3..Pana#a "0.Ira? "1.7aiti "2.@u osla=ia Sources IndeA I0 @O& 'I%<2 T7IS BOO% )3out the )uthor

Introduction In order to sur=i=e5 nations need stron intelli ence ser=ices. But the idea that the 6I) is !ri#aril, an intelli ence- atherin o!eration is itsel- one o- the a enc,Bs reatest !ro!a anda triu#!hs. 2es!ite its na#e5 the 6entral Intelli ence ) enc,Bs #ain !ur!ose isCand has al;a,s 3eenCcarr,in out co=ert o!erations in=ol=in econo#ic ;ar-are5 ri ed elections5 assassinations and e=en enocide. The 6I) is also eA!ert at distortin intelli ence to Dusti-, its o;n oals5 and this Edisin-or#ationE leads to dan erous illusions a#on our !olic,#a8ers. But co=ert o!erations are its li-eBs 3lood. 0ort,-t;o o- the 6I)Bs 3i est cri#esC-ar -ro# a co#!lete listCare descri3ed 3rie-l, in this 3oo8. FThe Sources section on !!. .0-.1 tells ,ou ;here to -ind #ore details a3out the#.G This litan, o- ille al5 #urderous acti=it, is enou h to chill the 3ones oan,one ;ho cares a3out li3ert, and Dustice. )s lon as the 6I) eAists5 our o=ern#ent can 3rea8 an, la; it chooses in the na#e onational securit,. )n,one -or ;ho# de#ocrac, is #ore than Dust a ;ord should 3e ;or8in to a3olish the 6I). 0or so#e ideas on ho; to do that5 send a S)S< to Odonian Press at BoA 323755 Tucson )+ 85751. Hit #1: The Gehlen Org One o- the #ost i#!ortant o- all 6I) o!erations 3e an 3e-ore the a enc, ;as e=en 3orn. $an, Na:i leaders reali:ed the, ;ere oin to lose 9orld 9ar II and started ne otiatin ;ith the &S 3ehind 7itlerBs 3ac8 a3out a !ossi3le -uture ;ar a ainst the &SS(. In 1."35 -uture 6I) 2irector )llen 2ulles #o=ed to Bern5 S;it:erland to 3e in 3ac8-channel tal8s ;ith these in-luential Na:is. O--iciall,5 2ulles ;as an a ent o- the OSS Fthe O=erseas Secret Ser=ice5 the 6I)Bs !redecessorG 3ut he ;asnBt a3o=e !ursuin his o;n a enda ;ith the Na:is5 #an, o;ho# he had ;or8ed ;ith 3e-ore the ;ar. Indeed5 as a !ro#inent 9all Street la;,er5 2ulles had a nu#3er o- clients-Standard Oil5 -or oneC;ho continued doin 3usiness ;ith the Na:is durin the ;ar. So itBs not sur!risin that ;hen 7itlerBs intelli ence chie- -or the <astern -ront5 General (einhard Gehlen FG)@-lenG5 surrendered to the &S5 he eA!ected a ;ar# rece!tionC es!eciall, since he had 3uried his eAtensi=e -iles in a secret s!ot and !lanned to use the# as a ne otiatin chi!.

General Gehlen ;as ;his8ed to 0ort 7unt5 1ir inia5 ;here he soon succeeded in con=incin his ca!tors that the So=iet &nion ;as a3out to attac8 the 9est. The &S )r#, and Gehlen arri=ed at a E entle#enBs a ree#ent.E )ccordin to the secret treat,5 his s!, or ani:ationC;hich ca#e to 3e called the Gehlen Or C ;ould ;or8 -or5 and 3e -unded 3,5 the &S until a ne; Ger#an o=ern#ent ca#e to !o;er. In the #eanti#e5 should Gehlen -ind a con-lict 3et;een the interests oGer#an, and the &S5 he ;as -ree to consider Ger#an interests -irst. * Gehlen e=en #ade sure he ot a!!ro=al -or this arran e#ent -ro# 7itlerBs a!!ointed successor5 )d#iral 2oenit:5 ;ho ;as in a cush, !risoner-o--;ar ca#! -or Na:i 1IPs in 9ies3aden5 Ger#an,. 0or al#ost ten ,ears5 the Gehlen Or ;as =irtuall, the 6I)Bs onl, source o- intelli ence on <astern <uro!e. Then5 in 1.555 it e=ol=ed into the BN2 Fthe Ger#an e?ui=alent othe 6I)G ;hich5 o- course5 continued to coo!erate ;ith the 6I). Gehlen ;as -ar -ro# the onl, Na:i ;ar cri#inal e#!lo,ed 3, the 6I). Others included %laus Bar3ie FEthe Butcher o- ',onEG5 Otto =on Bolsch;in Fthe 7olocaust #aster#ind ;ho ;or8ed closel, ;ith <ich#annG and5 SS 6olonel Otto S8or:en, Fa reat -a=orite o7itlerBsG. ThereBs e=en e=idence that $artin Bor#ann5 7itlerBs second-in-co##and at the end o- the ;ar5 -a8ed his o;n death and esca!ed to 'atin )#erica5 ;here he ;or8ed ;ith 6I)-lin8ed rou!s.

Hit # : Operation Gladio The 6I) ;as created 3, the National Securit, )ct o- 1."7. The in8 ;as 3arel, dr, on it 3e-ore an ar#, o- s!oo8s 3e an #archin throu h the la;Bs #aDor loo!holeH the 6I) could E!er-or# such other -unctions and the National Securit, 6ouncil #a, -ro# ti#e to ti#e direct.E This deli3eratel, =a ue clause o!ened the door to a hal-centur, o- cri#inal acti=it, in the na#e o- Enational securit,.E One o- the -irst duties the NS6 dee#ed necessar, ;as the su3=ersion o- Italian de#ocrac,. the na#e o- de#ocrac,5 o- course. Ital, see#ed li8el, to elect a le-tist o=ern#ent in the 1."8 election. To #a8e sure Italians =oted instead -or the candidates 9ashin ton -a=oredCle-to=er 3ro;n-shirt thu s -ro# $ussoliniBs !art, and other Na:i colla3oratorsC#illions o- dollars ;ere s!ent on !ro!a anda and !a,o--s. It ;as also inti#ated that -ood aid ;ould 3e cut o-- i- the election results ;ere inconsistent ;ith &S desires. The &S ot its ;a, in 1."8 ;ithout ha=in to resort to =iolence 3utCas ;as disco=ered

in 1..0C the 6I) had or ani:ed a secret !ara#ilitar, ar#, in !ost;ar Ital,5 ;ith hidden stoc8!iles o- ;ea!ons and eA!losi=es dottin the #a!. 6alled O!eration Gladio F ladius is 'atin -or s;ordG5 the ostensi3le eAcuse -or it ;as lau ha3leCthe threat o- a So=iet in=asion. But the real !ur!ose ;asnBt so -unn,CO!eration GladioBs 155000 troo!s ;ere trained to o=erthro; the Italian o=ern#ent should it stra, -ro# the strai ht and narro;. Si#ilar secret ar#ies ;ere -or#ed in 0rance5 Bel iu#5 the Netherlands and 9est Ger#an,C o-ten directed5 ?uite naturall,5 3, -or#er SS o--icers. The, didnBt Dust ;ait around -or the (ussians to co#e #archin inI the, asse#3led hu e ar#s caches F#an, o- ;hich re#ain unaccounted -orG5 co#!iled 3lac8lists o- le-tists and5 in 0rance5 !artici!ated in !lots to assassinate President 2eGaulle. $an, #e#3ers o- O!eration Gladio ;ere also in a shado;, or ani:ation 8no;n as P-2I it too ;as -inanced 3, the 6I). P-2 had connections ;ith the 1atican and the $a-ia5 and e=entuall, ;ith an international -ascist u#3rella or ani:ation called the 9orld )nti6o##unist 'ea ue Fsee 7it J32G. One o- P-2Bs s!ecialties ;as the art o- !ro=ocation. 'e-tist or ani:ations li8e the (ed Bri ades ;ere in-iltrated5 -inanced and>or created5 and the resultin acts o- terroris#5 li8e the assassination o- Ital,Bs !re#ier in 1.78 and the 3o#3in o- the rail;a, station in Bolo na in 1.805 ;ere 3la#ed on the le-t. The oal o- this Estrate , o- tensionE ;as to con=ince Italian =oters that the le-t ;as =iolent and dan erousC3, hel!in #a8e it so.

Hit #!: Iran The histor, o- the 6I) in Iran sho;s that it isnBt the -ailures o- the a enc, ;e need to ;orr, a3out5 nu#erous thou h the, are. Its successesCand Iran is one o- the 3i estC are -ar #ore dan erous. The 6I) did eAactl, ;hat ;as as8ed o- it in Iran5 de!osin a #ildl, nationalist re i#e that ;as a #inor irritant to &S !olic,#a8ers. )s a direct result5 a -iercel, nationalist re i#e ca#e to !o;er 2* ,ears later5 and itBs !ro=ed to 3e a #aDor irritant to the &S e=er since. In 1.515 2r. $oha##ed $ossade h5 Ethe #ost !o!ular !olitician in the countr,5E ;as elected Pri#e $inister o- Iran. 7is #aDor election !lan8 ;as the nationali:ation o- the onl, oil co#!an, o!eratin in Iran at that ti#eCBritish Petroleu#. The nationali:ation 3ill ;as !assed unani#ousl, 3, the Iranian Parlia#ent. Thou h $ossade h o--ered BP considera3le co#!ensation5 his da,s ;ere nu#3ered

-ro# that !oint on. The British coordinated an international econo#ic e#3ar o o- Iran5 thro;in its econo#, into chaos. )nd the 6I)5 at the re?uest o- the British5 3e an s!endin #illions o- dollars on ;a,s to et rid o- $ossade h. The 6I)Bs !lans hin ed on the ,oun Shah o- Iran5 (e:a Pahla=i5 a ti#id and ineA!erienced -i urehead. F7e ;as a #ere shado; o- his -ather5 ;ho had led a !ro-Na:i re i#e durin 9orld 9ar II.G In 1.535 ;ith 6I) 3ac8in 5 the Shah ordered $ossade h out o- o--ice and a!!ointed a Na:i colla3orator as his successor. 2e#onstrators -illed the streets in su!!ort o- $ossade h5 and the Shah -led to (o#e. &ndaunted5 the 6I) !aid -or !ro-Shah street de#onstrators5 ;ho sei:ed a radio station and announced that the Shah ;as on his ;a, 3ac8 and that $ossade h had 3een de!osed. In realit,5 it too8 a nine-hour tan8 3attle in the streets o- Tehran5 8illin hundreds5 to re#o=e $ossade h. 6o#!ared to the 3loodshed to -ollo;5 ho;e=er5 that ;as Dust a dro! in the 3uc8et. In 1.7*5 )#nest, International concluded that the ShahBs 6I)-trained securit, -orce5 S)1)%5 had the ;orst hu#an ri hts record on the !lanet5 and that the nu#3er and =ariet, o- torture techni?ues the 6I) had tau ht S)1)% ;ere E3e,ond 3elie-.E Ine=ita3l,5 in 1.7.5 the Iranian !eo!le o=erthre; the 3loodstained Shah5 ;ith reat 3itterness and hatred to;ard the &S -or installin hi# and 3ac8in hi# all those ,ears. The radical -unda#entalist re i#e that rules Iran toda, could ne=er ha=e -ound !o!ular su!!ort ;ithout the 6I)Bs 1.53 cou! and the re!ression that -ollo;ed.

Hit #": Guate#ala I- ,ou e=er need a re#inder that the 6I) ;as -ounded and run 3, la;,ers5 ,ou ;onBt need to loo8 an, -urther than the o=erthro; o- Guate#alan de#ocrac,. The 2ulles 3rothers ;ere !artners in the 9all Street la; -ir# o- Sulli=an K 6ro#;ellI ti#e !er#ittin 5 the, also ;or8ed -or the &S o=ern#ent. 9ith /ohn 0oster 2ulles headin the State 2e!art#ent and )llen 2ulles headin the 6I)5 the, ;ere the c:ars o<isenho;erBs -orei n !olic,5 and the, #ade sure that the interests o- Sulli=an K 6ro#;ell clients ;erenBt i nored. In 1.515 /aco3o )r3en: ;as elected !resident o- Guate#ala 3, a landslide in a -ree and -air election. 7e ho!ed to trans-or# Guate#ala E-ro# a 3ac8;ard countr, ;ith a !redo#inantl, -eudal econo#, to a #odern ca!italist state.E The 6I)5 ho;e=er5 ;ei hed in hea=il, on the side o- -eudalis#. 9hen )r3en: a!!ro!riated so#e unused land controlled 3, the (oc8e-eller-o;ned

&nited 0ruit 6o#!an, F-or ;hich &nited 0ruit ;as dul, co#!ensatedG5 the co#!an, undertoo8 an eAtensi=e P( ca#!ai n in the &S5 desi ned to !aint )r3en: as a tool o- the Einternational 6o##unist cons!irac,.E /ohn 0oster 2ulles5 e=er alert -or o!!ortunities to roll 3ac8 the red #enaceCand to hel! out a =alued clientCcon=inced I8e that )r3en: #ust o. Brother )llenBs 6I) ;as onl, too ha!!, to ta8e the Do35 ;hich ended u! costin onl, a3out L20 #illion. The a enc, s!onsored a !ro!a anda o--ensi=e and hired a3out 300 #ercenaries ;ho s!oradicall, sa3ota ed trains and oil su!!lies. 0inall,5 in /une o- 1.5"5 un#ar8ed 6I) !lanes sta ed a series o- air raids on the Guate#alan ca!ital and dro!!ed lea-lets de#andin )r3en:Bs resi nation. )t the sa#e ti#e5 6I)-run radio stations ;arned o- the i#!endin in=asion o- an occu!,in re3el ar#, Factuall, the a enc,Bs 300 hired thu sG. 6onsiderin discretion the 3etter !art o=alor5 )r3en: -led5 lea=in Guate#ala in the hands o- the 6I)Bs hand!ic8ed stoo e5 General 6astillo )r#as. The 6I) has al;a,s 3een !articularl, !roud o- the Guate#alan o!eration5 ;hich inau urated a series o- 3loodthirst, re i#es that #urdered #ore than 1005000 Guate#alans o=er the neAt "0 ,ears. In retros!ect5 ho;e=er5 so#e 6I) =eterans concluded that it #a, ha=e co#e o-- too easil,5 leadin to a certain o=ercon-idence. )s one 6I) o--icer !ut it5 E9e thou ht ;e could 8noc8 o-- these little 3ro;n !eo!le on the chea!.E

Hit #$: M%&'(T)A The 6I) sa,s its #ind control eA!eri#ents ;ere a strictl, de-ensi=e res!onse to 6hinese E3rain;ashin E o- &S PO9s durin the %orean 9ar Fca!tured &S !ilots ;ere #a8in !u3lic state#ents denouncin &S er# ;ar-are a ainst ci=iliansG. )ctuall,5 &S 3rain;ashin eA!eri#ents !redate the 6I) itsel-. 6I) #ind control acti=ities Falso called 3eha=ior controlG did accelerate in 1.535 under a !ro ra# that ;as eAe#!t -ro# the usual o=ersi ht !rocedures. 6ode-na#ed $%&'T()5 #an, o- its -iles ;ere destro,ed 3, 6I) 2irector (ichard 7el#s F;ho ;as ;ith it -ro# the startG ;hen he le-t o--ice in 1.735 3ut the sur=i=in histor, is nast, enou h. $%-&'T() s!oo8s and shrin8s tested radiation5 electric shoc8s5 electrode i#!lants5 #icro;a=es5 ultrasound and a ;ide ran e o- dru s on un;ittin su3Dects5 includin hundreds o- !risoners at 6ali-orniaBs in-a#ous 1aca=ille State Prison.

The 6I) sa; #ind control as a ;a, to create torture-!roo- couriers F3, i#!lantin #e#ories that can onl, 3e retrie=ed ;ith a !rearran ed si nalG and !ro ra##ed assassins5 as in The $anchurian 6andidate. ThereBs e=idence Sirhan ;as treated 3, a 6I)-lin8ed shrin8 3e-ore 8illin (0% Fsee 7it J1*G. The a enc, also ;ondered i- it could disorient its ad=ersaries ;ith #ind-alterin su3stances li8e 'S2. It ;as so -ascinated ;ith 'S2 that5 in 1.535 it tried to 3u, u! the entire ;orld su!!l,. 0or #an, ,ears5 the a enc, ;as the !rinci!al source o- 'S2 in the &S5 3oth le al and other;ise Fone 6I)-connected dealer !roduced tens o- #illions odosesG. Be-ore ulti#atel, dis#issin 'S2 as un!redicta3le5 the 6I) tested it on countless !eo!leCincludin its o;nC;ithout their consent5 !ro=o8in se=eral suicides. One 6I) er#-;ar-are eA!ert hurled hi#sel- out o- a tenth-stor, ;indo; a-ter a Esur!riseE dose. It ;as 22 ,ears 3e-ore his -a#il, -ound out the real reason -or his death. The a enc, also rented a series o- a!art#ents5 sta--ed the# ;ith !rostitutes and ;atched throu h one-;a, #irrors to see the e--ects o- =arious su3stances the !rostitutes sli!!ed to the unluc8, Dohns. 9hen 6I) auditors -ound out a3out this Fin 1.*3G5 $%-&'T() ;as su!!osedl, shut do;n. In -act5 it ;as si#!l, rena#ed $%S<)(675 and so#e oits #ore eAotic !roDects ;ere tri##ed. The 6I) sa,s all its 3eha=ior control o!erations ended ;hen 7el#s le-t in 1.73. I- ,ou 3elie=e that5 #a,3e the, did learn so#e use-ul techni?ues -ro# all those 3rain;ashin eA!eri#ents. F)lso see 7it J28.G

Hit #*: Zaire 9hen the 6on o Fas +aire ;as then 8no;nG ;on its inde!endence -ro# Bel iu# in 1.*05 Patrice 'u#u#3a 3eca#e its -irst !ri#e #inister. 7e ;as a charis#atic leader ;ho enDo,ed stron su!!ort in the !arlia#ent5 3ut he ;as a3le to hold o--ice -or onl, t;o #onths. ) le-tist5 'u#u#3a atte#!ted to steer a neutral course 3et;een the &S and the &SS(C no eas, tas8. )s %;a#e N8ru#ah o- Ghana !ointed out5 it ;as !er-ectl, all ri ht -or Britain and 0rance to #aintain di!lo#atic relations ;ith the So=iets5 3ut an, )-rican leader ;ho dared to do this 3eca#e an ene#, o- the &S. Such ;as the -ate o- 'u#u#3a. Thou h the 6I) Ere ularl, 3ou ht and sold 6on olese !oliticians5E it -eared that 'u#u#3aBs oratorical talents ;ould #a8e hi# a thorn in their side e=en i- he ;ere #aneu=ered out o- !o;er. So the, decided it #ade #ore sense to

8ill hi#. 6I) 2irector )llen 2ulles ordered 'u#u#3aBs assassination. F) 1.75 6on ressional in?uir, decided that Ea reasona3le in-erenceE could 3e dra;n that this ;as done ;ith <isenho;erBs assent.G The a enc, dis!atched a lethal =irus to )-rica5 3ut 3e-ore it could 3e used on 'u#u#3a5 he ;as de!osed 3, +aireBs !resident F;ho had 6I) 3ac8in G and -led -or his li-e. 9ith the 6I)Bs hel!5 'u#u#3a ;as ca!tured in 2ece#3er 1.*0 3, the troo!s oGeneral /ose!h $o3utu5 ;hoBd assu#ed control o- the o=ern#ent. 'u#u#3a ;as held !risoner -or o=er a #onth5 interro ated5 tortured5 then -inall, shot in the head. 7is 3od, ;as dissol=ed in h,drochloric acid. $o3utu has run +aire e=er since5 and the lure o- the countr,Bs =ast #ineral resources led the 6I) into a #arria e o- con=enience ;ith hi#. FThe 6I) station in +aire is the lar est in )-rica.G $o3utu is ;orth 3illions. )l#ost "0M o- +aireBs national re=enues accrue to hi# and his cronies5 ;hile the a=era e +airian #a8es L1.0 a ,ear. 7e hands out li-e sentences to student !rotesters -or Einsultin the !resident5E tosses o!!osition !oliticians into #ental hos!itals5 su!!resses reli ion and the !ress. 7eBs so hated 3, his countr,#en that he once had to li=e in a 3ar e in the #iddle o- the ri=er. $o3utuBs 3rutalit, e=entuall, alar#ed e=en the 6I)5 ;ho 3ac8ed a 1.77 u!risin a ainst hi#. 9hen it -ailed5 ho;e=er5 the 6I) and $o3utu 8issed and #ade u!. In 1..25 another re3ellion 3e an and continues to =ie ;ith $o3utu -or !o;er.

Hit #+: The '& Incident To;ard the end o- his career5 President <isenho;er 3e an to ha=e second thou hts a3out the !eo!le heBd ser=ed -aith-ull, all his li-e. In his -are;ell address to the nation5 he ;arned o- Ethe !otential -or the disastrous rise o- #is!laced !o;erE inherent in the E#ilitar,-industrial co#!leA.E )t least so#e o- I8eBs #is i=in s could 3e traced to the &-2 incident o- ei ht #onths earlier. 7eBd !lanned a !eace su##it in=ol=in the leaders o- the &S5 the &SS(5 Britain and 0rance. It ;as to 3e the cul#ination o- his Ecrusade -or !eaceE and a li#ited nuclear test 3an treat, ;as su!!osed to e#er e -ro# it. Then5 on the e=e o- the con-erence5 an )#erican &-2 s!, !lane landed s#ac8 in the

#iddle o- (ussia. 9orse5 the <isenho;er ad#inistration ;as cau ht in a lie. 0irst it clai#ed that an Eunar#ed ;eather research -li htE had stra,ed into So=iet territor,. Then it learned that the !ilot5 0rancis Gar, Po;ers5 had 3een ca!tured ali=e5 thousands o#iles -ro# an, 3order Fand on $a, 2a,5 no lessG. The So=iets ;ere !redicta3l, incensed5 and the su##it ;as called o--. In -act5 contrar, to So=iet clai#s and !ress re!orts5 the &-2 ;asnBt shot do;nCit descended and crash-landed due to a -uel shorta e. This ;as re=ealed 3, 6I) 2irector )llen 2ulles at a secret con ressional hearin Fthe record o- ;hich ;as declassi-ied in 1.75G. )t the sa#e hearin 5 2ulles casuall, re#ar8ed that he Eassu#edE the &-2 -li ht had 3een authori:ed 3, the !resident. This ;as hi hl, unli8el, Fto sa, the leastG5 since I8e had not onl, ordered that all such -li hts 3e curtailed in !re!aration -or his historic su##it ;ith %hrushche=5 3ut had also te#!oraril, scaled 3ac8 co=ert o!erations in 6u3a and Ti3et as a ;a, o- sho;in ood -aith. ItBs #uch #ore li8el, that the crash o- the &-2 ;as intended to sa3ota e the !eace su##it. In addition to -earin a lessenin o- tensions ;ith the So=iet &nion5 &S hardliners ;ere incensed at I8eBs -ailure to 3ac8 the 6I)-ins!ired 7un arian u!risin in 1.5* Falthou h i- he had5 it could ha=e led to nuclear ;arG. I8e too8 -ull res!onsi3ilit, -or the &-2 incident-it ;as either that or ad#it it had 3een done 3ehind his 3ac8. But in a ta!ed !hone call to /ohn $c6one F/0%Bs 6I) 2irectorG5 I8e5 ;or8in on his #e#oirs5 ro!ed -or an eA!lanationH EI donBt ;ant to 3e accusin !eo!le o- ha=in -ooled #e5 3ut....E

Hit #,: The -a. o/ 0igs 9hen 6u3an re=olutionar, 0idel 6astro o=erthre; the &S-3ac8ed Batista dictatorshi! in 1.5.5 he closed do;n the casinos and 3rothels and nationali:ed all 3usinesses. This de!ri=ed the $a-iaCand other &S-3ased #ultinationalsCo- a =er, !ro-ita3le cash co;. 1ice President NiAon5 ;ho had lon standin ties ;ith the $o3 Fthrou h his 3est -riend5 Be3e (e3o:o5 a#on othersG5 3e an !lottin ;ith the 6I) to eli#inate 6astro. The, did this lar el, 3ehind <isenho;erBs 3ac85 -ull, eA!ectin that NiAon ;ould 3e the neAt !resident. 9hen /0% ;as elected instead5 he inherited an o!erationCan in=asion o6u3a at the Ba, o- Pi sCa3out ;hich he had serious #is i=in s. 9hile /0% ;as ea er to et rid o- 6astro5 he didnBt ;ant to use &S -orces to do itCDust 6u3an eAiles. The 6I) ho!ed the, could !ro=o8e an incident that ;ould -orce /0% to

use the &S #ilitar,. 9hen he held his round and re-used5 the ;hole in=asion -ailed Fin )!ril 1.*1G. It !ro3a3l, ;ouldnBt ha=e succeeded in an, case. Securit, -or the o!eration ;as !oor5 as ;as the trainin i=en the 1500-#an in=asion -orce. ) !lanned !hon, attac8 on the &S 3ase at Guantana#o ne=er ha!!ened5 nor did the a enc,Bs other ace in the holeCthe assassination o- 6astro. The 6I) had hired the $a-ia to 8ill 6astro Fso#ethin the, 3oth dearl, desiredGI the hit ;as to occur at the sa#e ti#e as the in=asion. Ironicall,5 3ecause the 6I)Bs le-t hand didnBt 8no; ;hat its ri ht hand ;as doin 5 the $o3Bs hit #an ;as al#ost assassinated hi#sel-. 7e ;as one o- ei ht /0%-3ac8ed eAile leaders chosen to head a !ost-6astro o=ern#ent5 3ut NiAon had the# detained durin the in=asion. I- the in=asion had succeeded5 all ei ht ;ould ha=e 3een 8illed5 so that NiAon-3ac8ed 6u3ans could ta8e o=er. To shi-t 3la#e -ro# the#sel=es5 and to e#3arrass /0% into #ore #ilitant actions5 the 6I) #ounted a !ro!a anda ca#!ai n that attri3uted the ;hole Ba, o- Pi s -ailure to /0%Bs decision to cancel a crucial air stri8e. In -act5 the decision had 3een #ade 3ehind /0%Bs 3ac8Cthou h he too8 -ull res!onsi3ilit, -or it5 as President <isenho;er did in a si#ilar situation Fsee 7it J7G. )-ter /0%Bs death5 the 6I)Bs ;ar a ainst 6astro continued. The a enc, has tried to 8ill 6astro #ore than t;o do:en ti#es5 u! until at least 1.87. There ha=e also 3een nu#erous cases o- 6I) sa3ota e in 6u3a5 includin the use o- er# ;ar-are. )s -or the 6u3an eAiles in=ol=ed in the Ba, o- Pi s5 #an, ha=e turned to or ani:ed cri#e and -reelance terroris# Fsee 7it J2*5 -or eAa#!leG. Others ha=e continued to ;or8 -or the 6I) on co=ert o!erations. )nd #an,5 o- course5 do 3oth.

Hit #1: 2ohn 34 %enned. I- the 6I) had nothin to do ;ith the assassination o- President /ohn 0. %enned,5 the, certainl, ha=e a !eculiar ;a, o- sho;in it5 since the,B=e under#ined e=er, in=esti ation into /0%Bs #urder. This is hardl, sur!risin 5 i=en the dis!ro!ortionate nu#3er o- 6I) connections to the case. Ta8e the accused Elone nut5E 'ee 7ar=e, Os;ald. )s a $arine5 he ;as stationed at )tsu i )ir Base in /a!an5 one o- the lar est 6I) stations in the ;orld and ho#e o- the ultra-secret &-2 s!, !lane.

Be-ore his trans!arentl, !hon, Ede-ectionE to the &SSB in 1.5.5 Os;ald studied (ussian in the #ilitar,. In $osco;5 he renounced his citi:enshi! to a 6I) o--icer at the &S <#3ass,5 !ro#isin to tell the (ussians all he 8ne; a3out the &-2. 9hen he Echan ed his #indE t;o ,ears later5 the State 2e!art#ent cheer-ull, returned his !ass!ort and loaned hi# the #one, -or his tri! ho#e. Os;ald ;as #et in Ne; @or8 3, a #e#3er o- a 6I) -ront rou! that ;as -ull o- Na:is. 7e then #o=ed to 2allas5 ;here he ;as E3e-riendedE 3, 6ount Geor e de $orhenschildt5 ;ho ad#itted shortl, 3e-ore his death that heBd 3een assi ned 3, the 6I) to de3rie- Os;ald on his (ussian soDourn. 9hen Os;ald #o=ed to Ne; Orleans in the su##er o- 1.*35 he 3eca#e in=ol=ed5 ;ittin l, or un;ittin l,5 ;ith three -ar-ri ht a ents o- the 6I) ;ho ;ere cons!irin to assassinate /0%5 ostensi3l, -or his E3etra,alE at the Ba, o- Pi s Fsee 7it J8GC Gu, Banister5 ;ith ;ho# Os;ald ;or8ed ;hile continuin to !ose as a $arAistI 6la, Sha;5 ;ho ;ould later 3e ac?uitted o- in=ol=e#ent in the /0% assassination at a trial ;here the !rosecution tried 3ut -ailed to o3tain !roo- o- his 6I) statusI and 2a=id 0errie5 ;hose 6i=il )ir Patrol unit Os;ald had Doined ;hen he ;as 15. Bac8 in 2allas that -all5 Os;ald ;as seen in the co#!an, o- one E$aurice Bisho!5E later identi-ied as 2a=id )tlee Philli!s5 ;ho ;as !art o- a rou! o- 6I) o--icers that des!ised /0%. It included the -anatical 9illia# 7ar=e, F;ho had stron lin8s to the $a-iaChe hired /ohnn, (osselli to ha=e 6astro 8illedG and -uture 9ater ate 3ur lar 7o;ard 7unt5 ;ho ;ould later lose a li3el suit a ainst a ne;s!a!er that said he ;as in=ol=ed in the /0% assassination. There are se=eral !ossi3le #oti=es -or 6I) in=ol=e#ent in the assassinationH /0%Bs !ercei=ed Eso-tnessE on co##unis#5 the -act that heBd -ired 6I) 2irector )llen 2ulles and 2e!ut, 2irector 6harles 6a3ell F3rother o- the #a,or o- 2allasG5 and a state#ent he #ade shortl, a-ter the Ba, o- Pi s5 in ;hich he !ro#ised to Es!linter the 6I) into a thousand !ieces and scatter it to the ;inds.E

Hit #15: 6ietna# 11"$&11*! 'on 3e-ore the &S #ilitar, ot in=ol=ed there directl,5 1ietna# ;as the 6I)Bs ;ar. )t -irst the, ;a ed it on 3ehal- o- the 0rench5 ;ho stru led -or nine ,ears5 -ro# 1."5 to 1.5"5 to reca!ture their one-ti#e colon, Fdes!ite the ;arBs un!o!ularit, ;ith the 0rench !u3licG. <=en ;ith 6I) #ercenaries -i htin alon side the 0rench5 and air su!!ort -ro# the

6I)Bs )ir )#erica Fat the ti#e5 the lar est E!ri=ateE airline in the ;orldG5 the e--ort !ro=ed to 3e in =ain. The 1.5" Gene=a )ccords te#!oraril, di=ided 1ietna# in !re!aration -or elections in 1.5*. But the &S ;asnBt interested in elections. In the North5 6I) E!s,;arE eA!ert <d 'ansdale s!read the ru#or that the &S ;as !lannin to nu8e the area. This5 alon ;ith other5 si#ilar tactics5 created an eAodus oo=er one #illion re-u ees5 ;ho ;ere -erried to the south 3, 6I) shi!s and !lanes. In the South5 the 6I) ;rote a constitution -or ESouth 1ietna#E F;hich had ne=er 3een considered a se!arate countr, 3e-oreG5 installed N o 2inh 2ie# and a=e hi# the Do3 ocrushin an,one ;ho had o!!osed the 0rench. &S su!!ort -or 2ie# ;as 3ased on the 3elie- that he ;as the one !olitician in 1ietna# ;ho ;ould ne=er ne otiate ;ith 7o 6hi $inh. 9hen5 a-ter nine #ore ,ears o- -utile ;ar-are5 e=en 2ie# -ound such ne otiations desira3le5 he ;as tossed aside as casuall, as heBd 3een !ut in !lace. In No=e#3er 1.*35 he ;as de!osed in a 6I)-s!onsored cou!5 then assassinated. In 1."55 one &S intelli ence a ent had descri3ed 7o 6hi $inh as the Estron est and !erha!s the a3lest -i ure in Indochina5, su ested solution ;hich eAcludes hi# is... o- uncertain outco#e.E &n-ortunatel,5 such insi hts ;ere i nored in 9ashin ton as the 6old 9ar solidi-ied.

Hit #11: 7o#inican )epu8lic (a-ael TruDillo too8 !o;er in the 2o#inican (e!u3lic in a 1.30 cou! dBetat and recei=ed enthusiastic 3ac8in -ro# 9ashin ton -or #ost o- the neAt 30 ,ears. 7is #ethods -or su!!ressin dissent ;ere sic8enin l, -a#iliarCtorture and #ass #urder. The &S raised no o3Dections5 and TruDillo returned the -a=or 3, 3eco#in a totall, relia3le su!!orter o&S !olicies in the &N. )s o-ten ha!!ens ;ith such t,rants5 ho;e=er5 he ot too reed,. 7is !ersonal 3usiness holdin s re; until he controlled so#e three--i-ths o- the 2o#inican econo#,5 ;hich threatened the E-a=ora3le in=est#ent cli#ateE that client states are set u! -or in the -irst !lace. )lso5 ;hen it started to loo8 li8e 6astroBs re=olutionar, ar#, ;ould ta8e o=er 6u3a5 the &S 3e an to ;orr, that TruDilloBs eAcesses #i ht ins!ire a si#ilar re=olution. 0or ;hate=er reasons5 the 6I) 3e an !lottin TruDilloBs assassination in 1.58.

TruDilloBs li-e ca#e to an a3ru!t end in $a, 1.*15 and ;hile !ro!er denia3ilit, ;as #aintained in 9ashin ton5 this is one o- the 3est-docu#ented 6I) assassination !lots Faccordin to the 1.75 6hurch 6o##itteeG. The &S atte#!ted to #aintain the corru!t essence o- the TruDillo re i#e ;ithout TruDillo5 3ut the 1.*2 elections 3rou ht a !h,sician na#ed /uan Bosch to !o;er. Bosch ;as anti-6o##unist and !ro-3usiness 3ut5 -oolish #an5 he ;as dedicated to esta3lishin a Edecent de#ocratic re i#eE throu h land re-or#5 lo;-rent housin and !u3lic ;or8s !roDects. 7e ;as de!osed 3, a 6I)-3ac8ed cou! a-ter onl, se=en #onths in o--ice. 9hen a !o!ular countercou! tried to restore Bosch to !o;er in 1.*55 the &S in=aded the island and installed a series o- #urderous re i#es ;hich ha=e #aintained a -a=ora3le in=est#ent cli#ate e=er since. 9hile he ne=er li=ed lon enou h to see it enshrined as the E/0% 2octrine5E President %enned, once o--ered a -airl, clear-cut rationale -or &S inter=entions a3road. (e-errin to the 2o#inican (e!u3lic5 he said5 Ethere are three !ossi3ilities...a decent de#ocratic re i#e5 a continuation o- the TruDillo re i#e5 or a 6astro re i#e N3, ;hich he #eant BoschO. 9e ou ht to ai# at the -irst5 3ut ;e reall, canBt renounce the second until ;e are sure that ;e can a=oid the third.E In !ractice5 ;eB=e hardl, e=er used the -irst o!tion. 1irtuall, all o- our client states are si#ilar to the TruDillo re i#eCand to the re i#es ;e re!laced hi# ;ith.

Hit #1 : Malcol# 9 In the last ,ears o- his li-e5 $alcol# 4 did a nu#3er o- thin s that an ered the 6I). 7e stated #an, ti#es that he 3elie=ed the 6I) ;as 3ehind the 'u#u#3a assassination Fit ;asCsee 7it J*G. 7e held ;idel, !u3lici:ed #eetin s ;ith anti-i#!erialist Third 9orld leaders5 #an, o- ;ho# ;ere later o=erthro;n or 8illed in 6I)-3ac8ed o!erations. )nd he !lanned to as8 the &N to o--iciall, declare )#erican 3lac8s an o!!ressed #inorit,5 ;hich ;ould 3e a #aDor e#3arrass#ent to the &S. FTen ,ears earlier5 the 6I) had ruined the career o- 3lac8 leader Paul (o3eson o=er the sa#e threat.G But another de=elo!#ent scared the the o=ern#ent e=en #oreC$alcol#5 no lon er a se!aratist5 ;as -or in alliances ;ith #ore #oderate 3lac8 leaders. I- heBd li=ed Dust a ;ee8 lon er5 he ;ould ha=e had his -irst coo!erati=e #eetin ;ith $artin 'uther %in . Soon a-ter5 he ;ould ha=e one to )l eria -or a su##it #eetin o- non;hite resistance #o=e#ents -ro# all o=er the ;orld. The 0BI and the 6I) had 3een s!,in on $alcol# -or ,ears Fin a coordinated e--ortG5

and 3oth the Nation o- Isla# and $alcol#Bs s!linter rou!5 the O))& Fhe s!lit -ro# the Nation o- Isla# a ,ear 3e-ore his deathG5 ;ere hea=il, in-iltrated 3, o=ern#ent a ents. In -act5 one o- $alcol#Bs 3od, uards the ni ht he ;as slain ;as ;or8in -or the Ne; @or8 Police 2e!art#entBs intelli ence unitI he le-t the scene shortl, 3e-ore the shootin started. $alcol# had eA!ressed dou3ts to his 3io ra!her that the Nation o- Isla# could 3e 3ehind all the thin s that ha!!ened to hi# in the ,ear 3e-ore he ;as 8illed.EI 8no; ;hat the, can do and ;hat the, canBt do5E heBd said5 Eand the, canBt do so#e o- the stu-recentl, oin on.E $alcol# ;as shot to death 3, -i=e un#en ;hile i=in a s!eech in 7arle# in 0e3ruar, 1.*5. )ll 3ut one o- the assassins esca!ed. The three #en e=entuall, char ed ;ith the #urder ;ere all #e#3ers o- the Nation o- Isla#. In 1.7.5 one o- the# re=ealed that the cons!irac, to 8ill $alcol# had included one o- the hi hest-ran8in 0BI in-iltrators in the Nation o- Isla#. 9ith $alcol# dead5 the coalition 3et;een the #ore radical and the #ore #oderate ;in s o- the 3lac8 li3eration #o=e#ent ne=er ca#e to !ass. 7is resolution re ardin the o!!ression o- )#erican 3lac8s reached the -loor o- the &N5 3ut ;ithout $alcol#Bs charis#a to dra; attention to it5 it ;as i nored.

Hit #1!: Indonesia So#e !eo!le Dusti-, the 6I)Bs cri#es 3, sa,in that ;e -aced a 3rutal and ruthless ene#, in the 6old 9ar5 and ;innin ;as o- !ara#ount i#!ortance. The !ro3le# ;ith that ar u#ent is that no one could ha=e 3een #ore 3rutal and ruthless than the allies ;e e#3raced. ThereBs no clearer illustration o- this than Indonesia5 the -ourth #ost !o!ulous nation in the ;orld. 0ro# 1."5 to 1.*55 Su8arno ;as !resident o- Indonesia. ) star a#on Third 9orld leaders5 acti=e in the nonali ned5 anti-i#!erialist #o=e#ent5 heBd lon 3een a thorn in the side o- the &S. 9orse ,et5 the 6o##unist !art, ;as !art o- his o=ernin coalition. The 6I) had 3ac8ed a -ailed u!risin a ainst hi# Fin 1.58G5 had tried to assassinate hi# and had e=en atte#!ted to e#3arrass hi# 3, #a8in a !orno -il# starrin a Su8arno loo8-ali8eP In 1.*55 the, -inall, scored. The Indonesian #ilitar,5 trained and 3ac8ed 3, the &S5 !ro=o8ed a le-tist cou! a ainst its leader5 General Suharto. 9hen the cou! -ailed5 the #ilitar, used it as an eAcuse to de!ose Su8arno and re!lace hi# ;ith Suharto.

F)ccordin to di!lo#atic docu#ents5 the cou! ;as a setu! to Dusti-, the #ilitar, ta8eo=er.G 9hat -ollo;ed Fas de!icted in the -il# The @ear o- 'i=in 2an erousl,G is al#ost 3e,ond 3elie-. In Dust a -e; ;ee8s5 3et;een -i=e hundred thousand and a #illion Indonesians ;ere !ut to death5 #an, in a risl, -ashion. FBut donBt ;orr,Cthe Suharto re i#e assures us the, ;ere all 6o##unists.G It ;as later learned that the death s?uads had 3een ;or8in -ro# hit lists !ro=ided 3, the &S State 2e!art#ent Fthe usual co=er -or 6I) a entsG. The 1.*5 #assacre ;as onl, the 3e innin -or IndonesiaBs ne; #ilitar, re i#e. In 1.755 its ar#, in=aded the tin, nation o- <ast Ti#or5 a -or#er Portu uese colon, ;hich has the 3ad luc8 to o;n si ni-icant oil reser=es. Since then5 3et;een a ?uarter and a third o- <ast Ti#orBs inha3itants5 -ro# all ethnic and reli ious rou!s5 ha=e 3een slau htered 3, the Indonesian #ilitar,5 ;ith ar#s lar el, su!!lied and !aid -or 3, the &S. On a !er-ca!ita 3asis5 <ast Ti#or is the reatest enocide since the 7olocaust. 6o#3ined ;ith the 1.*5 8illin s and other Indonesian atrocities5 it !uts Suharto in the -irst ran8 o- t;entieth-centur, #ass #urderers5 ri ht u! there ;ith 7itler5 Stalin5 the Tur8s ;ho #assacred the )r#enians in 1.15 and the enerals ;ho run Guate#ala Fsee 7it J"G.

Hit #1": Greece In )!ril 1.*75 a Gree8 election ca#!ai n ;as a3out to 3e in. The candidate -a=ored to ;in the election ;as Geor e Pa!andreou5 a staunch anti-co##unist. 7is son )ndreas ;as a 3it #ore le-t-;in 5 an ad#irer o- su3=ersi=es li8e 7u3ert 7u#!hre, and )dlai Ste=enson. Both the Pa!andreous5 ho;e=er5 ;ere a 3it too inde!endent -or &S !olic,#a8ers. )ndreas Pa!andreou had #used !u3licl, a3out steerin a #ore neutral course -or Greece in the 6old 9ar. 7e also had so#e #is i=in sCcorrect ones5 as it turned outC a3out the autocratic nature o- certain ele#ents in the Gree8 #ilitar,. Geor e Pa!andreou had !re=iousl, ser=ed as !ri#e #inister5 3ut had 3een re#o=ed -ro# !o;er in 1.*5 3, the 8in 5 ;ith the assistance o- the 6I). 'i8e his son5 he sho;ed si ns o- less than co#!lete su3ser=ience to &S interests. T;o da,s 3e-ore the election ca#!ai n ;as to 3e in5 a rou! o- colonels o=erthre; the

o=ern#ent and esta3lished #ilitar, rule. The leader o- the cou! had 3een on the 6I) !a,roll -or the !re=ious -i-teen ,ears. 0or the neAt siA ,ears5 #artial la; held s;a, in the 3irth!lace o- de#ocrac,. 9ides!read censorshi!5 routine use o- torture5 3rutal 3eatin s and 8illin s 3, the o=ern#ent 3eca#e standard. )#on the o--enses dee#ed ;orth, o- torture ;as !ossession o- lea-lets critical o- the o=ern#ent. 9hile 3ein tortured5 =icti#s ;ere taunted that the, ;ere 3e,ond all hel!5 since the colonels ;ere su!!orted 3, the !o;er o- the &nited States. The o--icial Dusti-ication -or the cou! and the hideous re!ression that -ollo;ed ;as that the, ;ere necessar, to sa=e the nation -ro# a co##unist ta8eo=er. The Pa!andreous ;erenBt co##unists5 o- course5 3ut the, ;ere so#ethin #uch #ore dan erousC co##itted5 inde!endent nationalists. The &S attitude to;ard that 3reed is #ade clear 3, the -ollo;in ?uoteH 9hen the Gree8 a#3assador o3Dected to President /ohnsonBs !lan -or settlin a dis!ute concernin 6,!rus5 'B/ told hi#5 E0uc8 ,our !arlia#ent and ,our constitution. )#erica is an ele!hant. 6,!rus is a -lea. Greece is a -lea. I- these t;o -leas continue itchin the ele!hant5 the, #a, Dust et ;hac8ed 3, the ele!hantBs trun85 ;hac8ed oodCI- ,our !ri#e #inister i=es #e tal8 a3out de#ocrac,5 !arlia#ent and constitutions5 he5 his !arlia#ent and his constitution #a, not last =er, lon .E

Hit #1$: Martin (uther %ing: 2r4 )-ter !leadin uilt, to assassinatin $artin 'uther %in 5 /r. and 3ein sentenced to .. ,ears5 /a#es <arl (a, said he ;as coerced into the !lea 3, his $o3-connected la;,er. 7e insists he ;as -ra#ed -or the %in #urder 3, a #,sterious #an na#ed (aoul5 -or ;ho# he had 3een ;or8in in the s!rin o- 1.*85 Dust 3e-ore the assassination. 6ertainl, thereBs so#ethin -ish, a3out the idea that (a, acted alone. 7e eluded a #assi=e5 three-and-a-hal--#onth5 international #anhunt5 esca!in to <uro!e 3, ;a, o6anada. This re?uired a lot #ore cunnin and -inancial resources than an inco#!etent5 s#allti#e thie- and dri-ter li8e (a, could #uster. But the -ishiest thin a3out (a,Bs esca!e ;as the -our =er, detailed and !recise aliases he used. )ll ;ere the na#es o- #en ;ho li=ed in the sa#e section o- Toronto F;here (a, had ne=er 3eenG and each #an 3ore a stron !h,sical rese#3lance to (a,5 ri ht do;n to their scars. In at least one case5 (a, also see#s to ha=e had access to in-or#ation that could onl, ha=e co#e -ro# the aliasB #ilitar, records. In 1.8.5 a con=icted #urderer na#ed /ules %i#3le shed so#e li ht on all this. 7e

clai#ed heBd 3een !art o- a cons!irac, to 8ill %in that included #e#3ers o- the 6I)5 the 0BI and the $a-ia. /ules %i#3le sa,s he introduced (a, to a 6I) identities eA!ert in $ontreal in 1.*75 ;ho !ro=ided (a, ;ith the aliases he used as a -u iti=e. In=esti ators disco=ered that a 6I) identities eA!ert ;as indeed ;or8in in $ontreal at that ti#e. 7is na#eQ (aoul $iora. This alone ou ht 3e enou h to reo!en the case5 3ut thereBs #ore to %i#3leBs stor,. 7e sa,s that a-ter #eetin ;ith (aoul5 he too8 (a, to a 6I) trainin ca#!5 and later to $e#!his5 ;here a se=en-#an hit s?uad assassinated %in . %i#3le clai#s (a, ;as !art o- the cons!irac,5 3ut ;as -ra#ed -or the #urder 3, #eans o- a 3undle o- his 3elon in s ;hich ;as le-t at the scene o- the cri#e. In the 3undle ;as the su!!osed #urder ;ea!on ;ith (a,Bs !rints on it. %i#3le ;as connected ;ith 3oth $o3 and intelli ence -i ures durin the !eriod in ?uestion5 includin 2a=id 0errie5 a !ri#e sus!ect in the /0% assassination F7it J.G. )nd the o--icial account o- (a,Bs su!!osed acti=ities has #ore holes in it than a !iece ocheesecloth Fsee the Sources on !a e .0 -or #ore detailsG.

Hit #1*: )o8ert %enned. 7undreds o- 3oo8s ha=e 3een ;ritten a3out ;hether there ;as a cons!irac, in the /0% assassination. In the #urder o- his 3rother5 Senator (o3ert %enned,5 the case -or cons!irac, can 3e su##ed u! in one sentenceH The 'os )n eles coronerBs re!ort states that (0% ;as 8illed 3, a !oint-3lan8 shot -ro# 3ehind5 ;hile e=er,one a rees that Sirhan Sirhan5 the con=icted assassin5 ;as at least three -eet in -ront o- hi#. ThereBs a lot o- e=idence o- 6I) in=ol=e#ent in the (0% assassination. 0or one thin 5 des!ite the clear -act that there had to 3e a second un#an5 the 'os )n eles Police 2e!art#entBs s!ecial tas8 -orce in=esti atin the case 3ent o=er 3ac8;ards to !ro=e Sirhan ;as the lone assassin. 9itnesses ;ere inti#idated5 e=idence ;as destro,ed and !lausi3le sus!ects ;erenBt ?uestioned. T;o 8e, #e#3ers o- the tas8 -orce had lon standin ties to the 6I)5 and ;ere es!eciall, :ealous a3out 3ro;3eatin ;itnesses ;hose testi#on, su ested a cons!irac,. The, ot =er, u!set ;hen an,one #entioned the -a#ous E irl in the !ol8adot dressE F;ho ;as seen -leein the scene o- the cri#e shoutin 5 E9e shot hi#PEG and #ade sure that an, #ention o- her ;as eli#inated -ro# the testi#on,. )nother o3=ious sus!ect ;ho ;as 3arel, in=esti ated is the (e=. /err, O;en5 ;ho ;as

seen ;ith Sirhan in the da,s 3e-ore the #urder. O;en ad#itted 8no;in $a-ia courier <d ar Bradle,5 ;ho also ;as !resent at the /0% assassination F7it J.G. Bradle,5 ;ho ;as actuall, arrested in 2eale, Pla:a5 then released ;ithout 3ein char ed5 a!!ears to 3e lin8ed to other 8e, -i ures in the /0% case. Then thereBs the late 2r. 9illia# Br,an5 /r5 a h,!nosis eA!ert in=ol=ed ;ith the 6I)Bs #ind control eA!eri#ents Fsee 7it J5G. Br,an li8ed to 3ra o- the -a#ous su3Dects he had ;or8ed onCincludin 5 re!ortedl,5 Sirhan5 ;ho is eAtraordinaril, susce!ti3le to h,!nosis. The na#e o- another -a#ous Br,an !atient5 the Boston Stran ler5 ineA!lica3l, turns u! in SirhanBs note3oo8s. Sirhan clai#s to ha=e no #e#or, o- shootin at (0% or ;ritin in his note3oo8s5 and he a!!ears to 3e tellin the truth. 9itnesses to the cri#e re!ort that he see#ed to 3e in so#e sort o- trance. $ore attention should also 3e -ocused on Thane 6esar5 a securit, uard ;ith ri ht-;in 5 $o3 and 6I) connections ;ho ;as standin directl, 3ehind (0% and ;ho ad#its that he dre; his un. 0inall,5 one-ti#e 6I) #an (o3ert $orro; ;rote a 3oo8 alle in that an a ent o- IranBs S)1)% Fsee 7it J3G ;as hired to 8ill (0%.

Hit #1+: Chile In 1.735 the 6I) destro,ed the oldest -unctionin de#ocrac, in South )#erica. T;ent, ,ears later5 the a enc, is still tr,in to den, its in=ol=e#ent. The 6I) inter=ened #assi=el, in 6hileBs 1.58 and 1.*" elections. In 1.705 its -ears ;ere reali:edCthe socialist candidate5 a !h,sician na#ed Sal=ador )llende5 ;as elected !resident. 7orri-ied5 President NiAon ordered the 6I) to !re=ent )llendeBs inau uration. The a enc, did its 3est to !ro#ote a #ilitar, cou!5 3ut the 6hilean #ilitar,Bs lon histor, ores!ect -or the de#ocratic !rocess #ade this =irtuall, i#!ossi3le. One o- the #ain i#!edi#ents ;as the 6hilean ar#,Bs chie- o- sta--5 General (ene Schneider5 so the 6I) !lotted ;ith -anatics in the #ilitar, to assassinate hi#. The 8illin 3ac8-ired5 solidi-,in su!!ort -or )llende5 ;ho too8 o--ice as scheduled. That a!!roach ha=in -ailed5 the 6I) ;as ordered to create a Ecou! cli#ate.E FE$a8e the econo#, screa#5E President NiAon told 6I) 2irector 7el#s.G 6I)-3ac8ed acts osa3ota e and terror #ulti!lied. The a enc, trained #e#3ers o- the -ascist or ani:ation

Patria , 'i3ertad FP,'G in uerrilla ;ar-are and 3o#3in 5 and the, ;ere soon ;a in a ca#!ai n o- arson. The 6I) also s!onsored de#onstrations and stri8es5 -unded 3, ITT and other &S cor!orations ;ith 6hilean holdin s. 6I)-lin8ed #edia5 includin the countr,Bs lar est ne;s!a!er5 -anned the -la#es o- crisis. The #ilitar,Bs !atriotis# ;as raduall, eroded 3, endless stories a3out $arAist EatrocitiesE li8e castration and canni3alis#5 and ru#ors that the #ilitar, ;ould 3e !ur ed or Edestro,edE and So=iet 3ases set u!. 9hen the cou! -inall, ca#e5 in Se!te#3er 1.735 it ;as led 3, the #ost eAtre#e -ascist #e#3ers o- the #ilitar,5 and it ;as unrelentin in its -erocit,. )llende ;as assassinated Fso#e 6I) a!olo ists #aintain he co##itted suicideC3, shootin hi#sel- ;ith a #achine unPG. Se=eral ca3inet #inisters ;ere also assassinated5 the uni=ersities ;ere !ut under #ilitar, control5 o!!osition !arties ;ere 3anned and thousands o- 6hileans ;ere tortured and 8illed5 #an, -in ered as EradicalsE 3, lists !ro=ided 3, the 6I). &nder the #ilitar, Dunta headed 3, General Pinochet5 torture o- dissidents 3eca#e routine5 !articularl, at a rueso#e !rison called 6olonia 2i nidad. It dre; eA!atriate Na:is -ro# all o=er South )#erica5 one o- ;ho# told a =icti# that the ;or8 o- the Na:i death ca#!s ;as 3ein continued there. No ;onder the 6I) tries to den, it ;as in=ol=ed in the 6hilean cou!. It turned a de#ocratic5 !eacelo=in nation into a slau hterhouse.

Hit #1,: 6ietna# 11*"&11+$ 0ollo;in the deaths o- /0% F7it J.G and N o 2inh 2ie# Fsee 7it J10G5 it ;as onl, a #atter o- ti#e 3e-ore &S co#3at troo!s 3eca#e in=ol=ed in 1ietna#. 9ithin da,s o- the /0% assassination in No=e#3er 1.*35 President /ohnson had re=ersed /0%Bs !lan to ;ithdra; &S !ersonnel 3, the end o- 1.*5. )s 'B/ told one i#!atient eneral5 E/ust et #e electedI ,ou can ha=e ,our da#n ;ar.E In )u ust 1.*"5 the 6I) and related #ilitar, intelli ence a encies hel!ed -a3ricate a !hon, 1ietna#ese attac8 in the Gul- o- Ton8in o-- North 1ietna#. This su!!osed act oNorth 1ietna#ese a ression ;as used as the 3asis -or escalatin &S in=ol=e#ent. In $arch 1.*55 &S troo!s 3e an !ourin into 1ietna#. Nine ,ears o- 3ac8in the 0rench5 another nine ,ears o- 3ac8in 2ie# and t;o #ore ,ears o- 6I) o!erations had -ailed. 0ro# this !oint on5 the &S )r#, too8 o=er the ;ar e--ort. Since the 1ietna#ese !eo!le o=er;hel#in l, su!!orted their o;n National 'i3eration

0ront Fthe N'05 or E1iet 6on E as ;e called itG5 the )r#, 3e an destro,in =illa es5 herdin !eo!le into intern#ent ca#!s5 ;eedin out the leaders and turnin the countr,side into a E-ree--ire :oneE Fin other ;ords5 shoot an,thin that #o=esG. The 6I) still had a role to !la,5 ho;e=er. 6alled O!eration PhoeniA5 it ;as an assassination !ro ra# !lain and si#!le. The idea ;as to cri!!le the N'0 3, 8illin in-luential !eo!le li8e #a,ors5 teachers5 doctors5 taA collectorsCan,one ;ho aided the -unctionin o- the N'0Bs !arallel o=ern#ent in the South. $an, o- the Esus!ectsE ;ere tortured and so#e ;ere tossed -ro# helico!ters durin interro ation. 9illia# 6ol3,5 the 6I) o--icial in char e o- PhoeniA Fhe later 3eca#e director o- the 6I)G5 insisted this ;as all !art o- E#ilitar, necessit,E C thou h he ad#itted to 6on ress that he reall, had no idea ho; #an, o- the 205000 8illed ;ere 1iet 6on and ho; #an, ;ere Elo,alE 1ietna#ese. 6ol3,Bs con-usion ;as understanda3le5 since PhoeniA ;as a Doint o!eration 3et;een the &S and the South 1ietna#ese5 ;ho used it as a #eans o- eAtortion5 a !rotection rac8et and a ;a, to settle =endettas. Si ni-icantl,5 the South 1ietna#ese esti#ated the O!eration PhoeniA death toll at closer to "05000. 9hate=er the eAact nu#3er5 thereBs no ?uestion the 8illin s ;ere necessar,Ca-ter all5 ;e ;ere tr,in to !re=ent a 3lood3ath.

Hit #11: (aos Bet;een 1.57 and 1.*55 'aotian o=ern#ents ca#e and ;ent at a -rantic !ace5 ;ith the 6I) s!onsorin at least one cou! a ,ear. The !ro3le# ;as a le-tist rou! called the Pathet 'ao ;hich 8e!t ettin enou h =otes to 3e included in coalition o=ern#ents. I- the Pathet 'ao or other le-tists ;ere =oted into o--ice5 thereBd either 3e a ri ht-;in cou! or the le islature ;ould 3e dissol=ed5 ;ith -uture elections canceled i- !ossi3le. Ithere ;as an election5 the 6I) ;ould stu-- 3allot 3oAes5 run !ro!a anda ca#!ai ns and 3ri3e le islators to tr, to et their candidates elected. But the 6I) didnBt rel, !ri#aril, on such na#3,-!a#3, techni?ues. Startin in the late 1.50s5 the, recruited a #ercenar, -orce o- so#e "05000 #en to attac8 Pathet 'ao -orces. %no;n as the )r#ee 6landestine FEsecret ar#,EG5 a3out hal- its #e#3ers ;ere -ro# ThailandI the rest ca#e -ro# Tai;an5 South %orea and other &S client states. 2es!ite the si:e o- the )r#ee 6landestine5 the Pathet 'ao had enou h su!!ort in the countr,side to ;ithstand it. B, 1.*"5 a-ter another 6I) cou! succeeded in installin a ri ht-;in !u!!et5 the Pathet 'ao ;as co#!letel, -ro:en out o- the electoral !rocess. The,Bd 3e un recei=in aid -ro#

the nei h3orin North 1ietna#ese5 ;ho ;ere concerned a3out 6I)-3ac8ed sa3ota e and assassination tea#s o!eratin -ro# 'aotian territor,. 9hen the Pathet 'ao #ade si ni-icant ad=ances5 the &S #ilitar, ot directl,Calthou h secretl,Cin=ol=ed. 0ro# 1.*5 to 1.735 the &S dro!!ed o=er t;o #illion tons o- 3o#3s on 'aos5 -ar #ore than all sides dro!!ed in 9orld 9ar II. The 3o#3in ;as so -erocious that o=er a ?uarter o- the !o!ulation 3eca#e re-u ees5 ;ith #an, !eo!le li=in in ca=es -or ,ears at a ti#e. Since this 6I)-run ;ar in 'aos ;as Esecret5E it onl, recei=ed a -raction o- the attention i=en to the ;ar in 1ietna#. The secrec, !ro=ed un-ortunate -or #an, o- the &S soldiers in=ol=ed. I- 8illed5 the, ;ere listed as casualties o- the 1ietna# ;ar. But ;hen the Pathet 'ao -inall, too8 !o;er in 1.755 no !risoner eAchan e treat, ;as si ned5 3ecause ;e couldnBt ad#it ;eBd 3een runnin a secret ;ar in 'aos. $an, o- the )#ericans 8no;n to ha=e 3een ca!tured ali=e in 'aos ;ere in=ol=ed in dru tra--ic8in ;ith the )r#ee 6landestine. I- an, are still ali=e5 the 6I) ;ould ha=e a considera3le interest in den,in their eAistence.

Hit # 5: Ca#8odia In 1.555 ;hen 6I) inter=ention in 6a#3odia 3e an5 there ;as no co##unist threat to rationali:e it. Sand;iched as he ;as 3et;een t;o &S client states5 Thailand and South 1ietna#5 Prince Norodo# Sihanou85 the !o!ular so=erei n o- 6a#3odia5 had one o=erridin oalCto 8ee! his countr, -ro# 3eco#in in=ol=ed in the 1ietna# 9ar. To that end5 he stuc8 tenaciousl, to a !olic, o- neutralis# -ro# 1.55 to 1.705 acce!tin aid -ro# 3oth co##unist and ca!italist states 3ut critici:in each on occasion. Sihanou8 dis#issed as -raudulent 6I) docu#ents that !redicted i##inent 6o##unist a ression a ainst hi#5 3ut the !lots and cou! atte#!ts 3, &S-3ac8ed -actions ;ere all too real. In his #e#oir5 $, 9ar ;ith the 6I)5 Sihanou8 alle es at least t;o assassination !lots a ainst hi#. There ;ere also nu#erous incursions 3, Thai5 South 1ietna#ese and &S troo!s5 a 1.58 6I)-3ac8ed cou! atte#!t and countless EaccidentalE 3o#3in runs into 6a#3odian territor,. Sihanou8Bs un;illin ness to Doin the crusade a ainst 6o##unis# #ade hi# the 6I)Bs ene#,. Perha!s the -inal stra; ;as ;hen Sihanou8 denounced &S #ilitar, incursions into 6a#3odia at a #aDor !ress con-erence Fduti-ull,5 the &S #edia 3arel, #entioned his char esG. In $arch 1.705 Sihanou8 ;as de!osed 3, a 6I) !u!!et na#ed 'on Nol5 ;ho i##ediatel, 3e an co##ittin 6a#3odian troo!s to the ;ar in 1ietna#.

9ith Sihanou8 out o- the ;a,5 ;ar ?uic8l, en ul-ed 6a#3odia. &S 3o#3in intensi-ied near the 1ietna#ese 3order5 dri=in North 1ietna#ese and N'0 troo!s dee!er into 6a#3odia Fsee 7it J18 -or #ore on the ;ar in 1ietna#G. 0ro# 1.*. to 1.755 &S 3o#3in 8illed *005000 6a#3odians and created a -ull-scale -a#ine. Not sur!risin l,5 -orces o!!osed to 'on NolBs re i#e re; ra!idl,. In 1.755 one o- the#5 the 6o##unist %h#er (ou e5 too8 !o;er F3e-ore 'on Nol5 the,Bd 3een a tin,5 #ar inal rou!G. )s de!icted in the -il# The %illin 0ields5 the %h#er (ou e carried out #an, atrocities5 eAecutin !ro3a3l, 3et;een 1005000 and 3505000 !eo!le. 0or !ro!a anda !ur!oses5 9estern re!orters in-lated the total 3, addin -a#ine deaths to it. The %h#er (ou eBs hideous cri#es didnBt !re=ent the 6I) -ro# su!!ortin it a-ter 1ietna# in=aded 6a#3odia in 1.7.5 and -or #an, ,ears therea-ter. )s the )ra3s sa,5 Ethe ene#, o- #, ene#, is #, -riend.E

Hit # 1: Operation CHAO; In theor,5 the 6I)Bs charter !rohi3its it -ro# en a in in do#estic o!erations. In !ractice5 thatBs ta8en a3out as seriousl, as 0ran8 SinatraBs !eriodic announce#ents that heBs retirin -ro# sho; 3i:. The 6I) eA!lains its #assi=e !resence on &S ca#!uses 3, sa,in that so #an, -orei n students attend &S uni=ersities5 it ;ould 3e a sha#e not to tr, to recruit the#. The 2o#estic 6ontacts 2i=ision is needed to lean in-or#ation -ro# &S tourists and 3usiness#en returnin -ro# a3road. Then thereBs the 2o#estic O!erations 2i=ision5 ;hich handles -orei n inter=entions on &S soil5 li8e 3rea8in into -orei n e#3assies. In order to do all that5 the 6I) has had to set u! the sa#e sort o- net;or8 o- !hon, 3usinesses and -ront or ani:ations it uses o=erseas. But other than that5 it clai#s it ne=er o!erates do#esticall,. &n-ortunatel,5 thatBs not true. 0ro# 1.5. to at least 1.7"5 the 6I) used its do#estic or ani:ations to s!, on thousands o- &S citi:ens ;hose onl, cri#e ;as disa reein ;ith their o=ern#entBs !olicies. This !ic8ed u! s!eed ;hen /. <d ar 7oo=er told President /ohnson that no3od, ;ould 3e !rotestin his 1ietna# ;ar !olicies unless the, ;ere 3ein directed to do so 3, so#e -orei n !o;er. /ohnson ordered the 6I) to in=esti ate.

In res!onse5 the 6I) =astl, eA!anded its ca#!us sur=eillance !ro ra# and ste!!ed u! its liaisons ;ith local !olice de!art#ents. It trained s!ecial intelli ence units in #aDor cities to carr, out E3lac8 3a E Do3s F3rea8-ins5 ;ireta!s5 etc.G a ainst &S Eradicals.E In 1.*85 the 6I)Bs =arious do#estic !ro ra#s ;ere consolidated and eA!anded under the na#e O!eration 67)OS. 9hen (ichard NiAon 3eca#e !resident the -ollo;in ,ear5 his ad#inistration dra-ted the 7uston Plan5 ;hich called -or e=en reater o!erations a ainst Esu3=ersi=es5E includin ;ireta!!in 5 3rea8-ins5 #ail-o!enin 5 no-8noc8 searches and Eselecti=e assassinations.E Bureaucratic in-i htin ta3led the !lan5 3ut #uch o- it ;as i#!le#ented in other -or#s5 not onl, 3, the 6I) 3ut also 3, the 0BI and the Secret Ser=ice. 9ith the re=elation o- 6I) and 9hite 7ouse co#!licit, in the 9ater ate 3rea8-in F7it J23G5 li ht 3e an to shine on O!eration 67)OS. )-ter a !eriod o- Ere-or#5E #uch o67)OSBs ;or8 ;as !ri=ati:ed5 and ri ht-;in rou!s and E-or#erE 6I) a ents no; !ro=ide the 3ul8 o- the 6I)Bs do#estic intelli ence.

Hit #

: 7rug Tra//icking

<=en 3e-ore the 6I) ;as o--iciall, -ounded5 it ;as intert;ined ;ith #aDor dru tra--ic8in or ani:ationsCits !arent or ani:ation5 the OSS5 coo!erated ;ith the $a-ia durin 9orld 9ar II. )-ter the ;ar5 one o- the -irst co=ert o!erations o- the ne; 6I) ;as to 3rea8 the stren th o- le-t-;in la3or unions in southern 0rance. To do this5 the 6I) ce#ented an on oin tie to the 6orsican $a-ia5 then the 3i est heroin tra--ic8ers in the ;orld. B, the earl, 1.*0s5 #uch o- the ;orldBs heroin !roduction had shi-ted to Southeast )sia5 due to another #aDor 6I) o!eration. The a enc, had trained Nationalist 6hinese -orces to in=ade 6o##unist 6hinaI ;hen that o!eration -ailed5 the, settled in northeastern Bur#a and 3eca#e the ;orldBs lar est o!iu# !roducers F#ainl, 3, terrori:in the local =illa ers into ro;in it -or the#G. This area5 8no;n as the Golden Trian le5 continues to lead the ;orld in o!iu# !roduction. $ean;hile5 as the &S #o=ed into Indochina Fsee 7its J18-20G5 the eAistin o!iu# trade there raduall, 3eca#e inte rated into other &S o!erations. 9hile President NiAon5 -ull o- la;-and-order rhetoric5 #ade a reat sho; o- 3ustin the -a#ous E0rench connection5E his allies in the 0lorida $a-ia #o=ed into 1ietna#. B, 1.705 the &S ;as -looded ;ith !ure )sian heroin5 so#e o- it s#u led ho#e inside the cor!ses o- &S soldiers.

In 'aos5 the 6I) ;as runnin a "05000-#an #ercenar, ar#, Fsee 7it J1.G. It included #an, 7#on tri3es!eo!le5 ;ho ;ere lon ti#e o!iu# -ar#ers. The 6I) airline5 )ir )#erica5 ran ;ea!ons to the ar#, and 3rou ht the 7#on Bs cro! 3ac8 out to #ar8et. So#e o- the #assi=e !ro-its -ro# the o!erations ;ere laundered 3, 6I) a ent $ichael 7and throu h an )ustralian 3an8 he -ounded Fsee 7it J38G and ;ere used to -inance other 6I) o!erations 3ehind 6on ressB 3ac8. $an, =eterans o- 6I) dru o!erations in )sia ;ent on to star in the a enc,Bs secret ;ars in 6entral )#erica in the 1.80s Fsee 7its J32-3" K J3.G5 ;here the a3o=e !attern ;as re!eated. The Nicara uan contras ;ere !artiall, -unded 3, cocaine o!erations5 s#u led to and -ro# the &S on custo#s--ree su!!l, -li hts. 6I) assets in 7onduras5 6osta (ica5 <l Sal=ador and Pana#a hel!ed -acilitate the trade. In the 6I)Bs secret ;ar in )- hanistan F7it J3*G5 the )- han re3els and their Pa8istani hosts also !artl, -inanced the#sel=es ;ith heroin !ro-its. $uch o- their !roduct ended u!5 once a ain5 in the =eins o- &S addicts.

Hit # !: <atergate No one 8no;s eAactl, ;h, the tea# o- -reelance s!oo8s called the E!lu#3ersE F3ecause the, ;ere hired to -iA lea8sG 3ro8e into the 9ater ate o--ice co#!leA in 9ashin ton 26 on the ni ht o- /une 175 1.72. $ost theories center on NiAonBs need to -ind out ;hat 8ind o- 3lac8#ail the 2e#ocrats had on hi#. Others sa, it ;as a case o- NiAon and the 6I) tr,in to 3lac8#ail each other5 and there are se=eral intri uin 6I)-9ater ate connections. The 9ater ate 3rea8-in ;as so 3adl, #ishandled that so#e !eo!le thin8 it ;as deli3eratel, 3otched. The #an doin the 3otchin ;as /a#es $c6ord5 oneti#e chie- osecurit, -or the 6I). 7e t;ice !laced #as8in ta!e on a doorDa#3 in a ;a, the 9ater ate uard couldnBt #iss. )nd it ;as $c6ord ;ho ;rote a letter to a -ederal Dud e5 Dust as the a--air ;as a3out to 3e s;e!t under the ru 5 ;arnin that Ehi her-u!sE ;ere co=erin u! their in=ol=e#ent in 9ater ate. One o- the !lu#3ers ;ho ;ent to Dail5 7o;ard 7untCa lon ti#e 6I) o--icer and a !la,er in the /0% assassination Fsee 7it J.GCsuccess-ull, 3lac8#ailed NiAon -or o=er one #illion dollars5 3ut he #a, ha=e !ushed his luc8 too -ar. 7is ;i-e5 carr,in a suitcase -ull o- cash5 ;as 8illed in a #,sterious !lane crash. 6on=incin e=idence su ests the -li ht had 3een deli3eratel, sa3ota ed. 'ater5 another 6I) #an5 )leAander Butter-ield5 let sli! to the Senate 9ater ate

6o##ittee that the President ;as in the ha3it o- ta!in his O=al O--ice con=ersations5 !ro=idin the -inal nail -or NiAonBs co--in. Butter-ield5 on lea=e -ro# the 6I)5 had re?uested assi n#ent to the 9hite 7ouse. 9ashin ton Post re!orter Bo3 9ood;ard recei=ed dirt on 9ater ate -ro# a secret source he called 2ee! Throat5 a #an clearl, -a#iliar ;ith the intelli ence co##unit,. 9ood;ard hi#sel- had 3een a to!-securit, 3rie-er -or the O--ice o- Na=al Intelli ence and 3oth his editor5 Ben Bradlee5 and Post !u3lisher %atherine Graha#Bs late hus3and had also ;or8ed -or the 6I). NiAon told his chie- o- sta--5 Bo3 7alde#an5 to call the 6I) o-- its 9ater ate in=esti ation 3ecause it could E3lo; the ;hole Ba, o- Pi s thin .E 9hen 7alde#an too8 this #essa e to 6I) 2irector (ichard 7el#s5 7el#s eru!ted. EThe Ba, o- Pi s had nothin to do ;ith thisPE he shouted. 9hat ;ere the, tal8in a3outQ )ccordin to 7alde#an5 Ethe Ba, o- Pi sE ;as NiAonBs coded ;a, o- re-errin to the assassination o- /0%.

Hit # ": The Might. <urlitzer 2e!ut, 2irector 0ran8 9isner !roudl, re-erred to the 6I)Bs ;orld;ide !ro!a anda #achine as Ethe #i ht, 9urlit:er.E )nd indeed5 the a enc,Bs s8ill at #urderin !eo!le is #atched onl, 3, its a3ilit, to #urder the truth. The 6I) has !u3lished literall, hundreds o- 3oo8s that s!read its !art, line on the 6old 9ar. It ;as !articularl, !roud o- The Peni8o=s8, Pa!ers5 su!!osedl, the #e#oirs o- a %GB de-ector 3ut actuall, co#!letel, host;ritten 3, 6I) scri3es. ) 3it #ore e#3arrassin ;as 6laire Sterlin Bs The Octo!us5 ;hich ad=anced the no;-discredited theor, that the (ussians ;ere 3ehind the 1.81 atte#!t on the li-e o- Po!e /ohn Paul II. <=en the !o!ular 0odorBs Tra=el Guides started as a 6I) -ront. The 6I) also o;ns do:ens o- ne;s!a!ers and #a a:ines the ;orld o=er. These not onl, !ro=ide co=er -or their a ents 3ut allo; the# to !lant #isin-or#ation that re ularl, #a8es it 3ac8 to the &S throu h the ;ire ser=ices. The 6I) has e=en !laced a ents on uard at the ;ire ser=ices5 to !re=ent incon=enient -acts -ro# 3ein disse#inated. In 1.775 -a#ed 9ater ate Dournalist 6arl Bernstein re=ealed that o=er "00 &S Dournalists had 3een e#!lo,ed 3, the 6I). These ran ed -ro# -reelancers ;ho ;ere !aid -or re ular de3rie-in s5 to actual 6I) o--icers ;ho ;or8ed under dee! co=er. Nearl, e=er, #aDor &S ne;s or ani:ation has had s!oo8s on the !a,roll5 usuall, ;ith the coo!eration o- to! #ana e#ent.

The three #ost =alua3le #edia assets the 6I) could count on ;ere 9illia# Pale,Bs 6BS5 )rthur Sul:3er erBs Ne; @or8 Ti#es and 7enr, 'uceBs Ti#e>'i-e e#!ire. )ll three 3ent o=er 3ac8;ards !ro#otin the !icture o- Os;ald as a lone nut in the /0% assassination F7it J.G. )#on !ro#inent Dournalists ;hoB=e ;or8ed 8no;in l, ;ith the 6I) are National (e=ie; -ounder 9illia# 0. Buc8le,5 PBS inter=ie;er Bill $o,ers5 the late colu#nist Ste;art )lso!5 -or#er 9ashin ton Post editor Ben Bradlee and $s. #a a:ine -ounder Gloria Steine#. BernsteinBs land#ar8 article on the 6I) and the #edia told o- the a enc,Bs -rantic e--orts to li#it 6on ressional in?uir, into the #atter5 ;ith clai#s that Eso#e o- the 3i est na#es in Dournalis# could et s#eared.E )nd ;hile the 6I) director at the ti#e5 Geor e Bush5 #ade a not-too-con=incin sho; o- discontinuin the a enc,Bs #ani!ulation othe #edia5 itBs clear that the 6I) re ards the s!ace 3et;een ,our ears as one o- its #ost i#!ortant 3attle-ields.

Hit # $: Angola The )n olan inter=ention is a stron candidate -or the #ost !ointless 6I) o!eration e=er. 6ertainl, the ratio o- 3lood s!illed to oals achie=edCto the eAtent that those oals can e=en 3e deter#ined-#a8es it one o- the a enc,Bs 3i est -iascos. In 1.755 the colla!se o- the Portu uese e#!ire le-t its )-rican colon, o- )n ola ;ith three rou!s stru lin -or !o;er. <ach had at =arious ti#es -lirted ;ith 3oth ca!italis# and $arAis#5 and each had ta8en aid -ro# 3oth <ast and 9est. +aire Fa &S all,G 3ac8ed one -action5 the So=iets 3ac8ed another Fthe $P')G and the 6I) ended u! 3ac8in the third5 /onas Sa=i#3iBs &NIT). The #ain reason -or the 6I)Bs in=ol=e#ent in )n ola ;as 7enr, %issin erBs deter#ination to start another ;ar as soon as !ossi3le a-ter the -all o- Sai on5 to sho; the ;orld ho; tou h ;e ;ere. 9e said ;e ;ere ;orried a3out oilCe=en thou h there isnBt #uch o- it in )n ola5 and the $P')5 ;hich has controlled the oil since 1.755 has continued to sell it to the 9est throu hout the ;ar. )nother a3surd eAcuseH )n ola is close to Eshi!!in lanesE FDust li8e e=er, other coastal nation on earthG. No di!lo#atic o!tion ;as e=er !ursued 3, %issin er. Instead5 the 6I) !ut untold a#ounts o- 3lood and treasure 3ehind Sa=i#3iCa 3rutal5 3loodthirst, autocrat. Our a!!arent deter#ination to turn )n ola into a 6old 9ar 3attle-ield 3rou ht in South )-rican troo!s5 ;ho su!!orted Sa=i#3i5 andCin res!onseC6u3an troo!s5 ;ho

su!!orted the $P') ;ith reat success. South )-ricaBs in=ol=e#ent ;as !art o- its e--orts to desta3ili:e all o- its nei h3ors5 in order to dela, the ine=ita3le ascension o- its 3lac8 #aDorit, to !o;er. Since the, ;ere su!!ortin our -action5 this caused considera3le da#a e to &S relations ;ith 3lac8 )-rica. )-ter L"0 #illion and thousands o- dead5 6on ressCin a rare dis!la, o- !rinci!leCcut o-- -unds -or the )n olan ;ar in 1.7*5 the -irst ti#e it had e=er =oted to shut do;n a 6I) o!eration. &n-ortunatel,5 the 6I) #ana ed to sustain the 8illin o---the-3oo8s until (ea an too8 o--ice in 1.81. $illions #ore dollars and thousands #ore li=es ;ere then ;asted until5 in 1..05 the on oin )n olan stale#ate at last resulted in an election. 9hen Sa=i#3i lost o=er;hel#in l, to the $P')5 he cran8ed the ;ar ri ht 3ac8 u! a ain5 initiall, ;ith -urther 6I) -undin . 0inall,5 in 1..35 the &S distanced itsel- -ro# Sa=i#3i and reco ni:ed the $P') o=ern#ent5 3ut the ;ar still continues. So -ar5 #ore than 3005000 )n olans ha=e died5 805000 are cri!!led5 505000 or!haned5 and the da#a e to !ro!ert, eAceeds L50 3illion.

Hit # *: Orlando (etelier E)re ,ou the ;i-e o- Orlando 'etelierQE as8ed the anon,#ous caller. E@es5E she ans;ered. ENo5E the caller said5 E ,ou are his ;ido;.E ) ;ee8 later5 on Se!te#3er 215 1.7*5 the eAiled 6hilean di!lo#at and !ro#inent critic o- the 6I)-3ac8ed Pinochet re i#e Fsee 7it J17G ;as torn to !ieces 3, a car 3o#3 on the streets o- 9ashin ton 26. )lso 8illed ;as 'etelierBs )#erican aide5 (onni $o--it. 7er hus3and5 3lo;n clear o- the car5 i##ediatel, 3e an shoutin that 6hilean -ascists ;ere res!onsi3le -or the atrocit,. 7e ;as ri ht5 3ut those -ascists had !o;er-ul allies in 9ashin ton. )n 0BI in-or#ant 8ne; o- the !lot to assassinate 'etelier 3e-ore the -act 3ut the 0BI did nothin to !rotect hi#. )-ter the 3o#3in 5 6I) 2irector Geor e Bush told the 0BI that thereBd 3een no 6hilean in=ol=e#ent ;hate=er. The 6I) ;as certain o- this5 he said5 3ecause it had #an, relia3le sources inside the 6hilean secret !olice5 2IN). )ctuall,5 the 6I) had 8no;n that a 2IN) hit s?uad ;as in the &S and headed -or 9ashin ton. )-ter the 3o#3in 5 the a enc, !ur ed its -iles o- !hotos o- the assassins. The 6I) and 2IN) then 3e an !lantin stories in the !ress su estin that 'etelier had 3een 8illed 3, le-tists see8in to #a8e a #art,r o- hi#.

The 0BI -i ured out the identities o- 'etelierBs assassins ;ithin ;ee8s5 3ut didnBt char e the# until the 6I)Bs co=er-u! unra=eled se=eral ,ears later. The unra=elin 3e an a #onth a-ter the 8illin 5 ;hen a 6u3an airliner ;as 3o#3ed5 8illin 73 !assen ers. That 3o#3in ;as done 3, a =iolent rou! o- 6I)-lin8ed 6u3an eAiles ;ho ;ere connected ;ith the Ba, o- Pi s and the /0% assassination F7its J8 K J.G and ;ho ;ent on to do si#ilar thin s in <l Sal=ador and Nicara ua F7its J32 K J33G. In=esti ators into the airliner 3o#3in disco=ered that 3oth it and the 'etelier>$o--it 8illin s ;ere !lanned at the sa#e #eetin 5 ;hich ;as or ani:ed 3, a #an ;ith lon ti#e 6I) connections and ;as attended 3, other 0BI and 6I) #en. )!olo ists ar ue that no one can !ro=e that 'etelierBs con=icted assassins5 E-or#erE 6I) a ent $ichael To;nle, and t;o 6u3an eAiles5 ;ere actin under a enc, orders. But ithe, ;erenBt5 ;h, did the 6I) i##ediatel, 3e in co=erin u! -or the#Q This case is so co#!leA that5 in 1..15 the 6hilean Su!re#e 6ourt F!ost-PinochetG as8ed Geor e Bush i- heBd #ind su3#ittin to ?uestionin . @ouBd 3etter 3elie=e he #inded.

Hit # +: Tea# In 1.".5 an in-luential senator told President Tru#an that i- he ;anted to Dusti-, #assi=e 6old 9ar #ilitar, s!endin 5 heBd ha=e to Escare the hell out o- the )#erican !eo!le.E ThatBs a #ission the 6I) has al;a,s ta8en to heart. 0ro# the =er, 3e innin 5 itBs o=eresti#ated So=iet #ilitar, stren th5 in !art 3ecause o- its de!endence on the Gehlen Or Fsee 7it J1G -or <astern Bloc intelli ence. There ;ere #an, su3tle ;a,s o- coo8in the 3oo8s. One ;as to esti#ate So=iet s!endin as thou h their soldiers ;ere !aid as #uch as &S !ersonnel5 thou h in -act the, recei=ed -ar less. )nother ;as to release #isleadin data on ho; #uch lar er So=iet #issiles ;ere than ours F;hich actuall, #eant the, ;ere #ore !ri#iti=eG or to co#!are #issile ca!a3ilities 3ased on the So=ietsB reater Ethro; ;ei htE F;hich ;as needed to !ush their hu e5 inaccurate #issilesG. So#e re!orts !retended that the entire So=iet #ilitar, ;as !oised to in=ade <uro!e5 ;hen #uch o- it ;as actuall, de-endin the 6hinese 3order. There ;as5 in -act5 a rou! o- 6I) anal,sts ;ho had a -airl, so!histicated understandin o- the actual ca!a3ilities o- Fand -actions ;ithinG the &SS(5 3ut the, ;ere re arded as dan erous !in8os 3, the ha;8s ;ithin the a enc,. So#e o- these ha;8s ser=ed on the 6o##ittee on the Present 2an er F6P2G5 a !ri=ate rou! that lo33ied -or #assi=e hi8es in #ilitar, s!endin and that 3ac8ed (onald (ea an -or !resident in 1.7*.

9hen Geor e Bush F;hoBd 3een a 6I) asset since the late 1.50sG 3eca#e 6I) director in 1.755 one o- his duties ;as to o=ersee a !roDect called Tea# B. This ;as an o--erin -ro# President 0ord to the 6P2 and other ri ht-;in ers ;ho ar ued that 6I) anal,sts ;ere underesti#atin So=iet #ilitar, stren th5 and ;ho ;anted a second o!inion. The 6I) anal,sts re arded BushBs 3ac8in o- Tea# B to re;rite their data as a 3etra,al5 3ut (ea an re;arded Bush 3, #a8in hi# his runnin #ate in 1.80. Once elected5 (ea an na#ed e=er, one o- the Tea# B #e#3ers to sensiti=e #ilitar, !osts5 and Dac8ed u! the Penta on 3ud et. 9hen Bush 3eca#e !resident in 1.8.5 he chose as his 6I) director (o3ert Gates5 ;hoBd 3een the leader o- the !ro-Tea# B -action in the 6I) durin BushBs tenure as director. Gates had s!ent the (ea an ,ears !ro=idin seriousl, distorted intelli ence esti#ates oSo=iet stren th5 ;hich #a, 3e ;h, the 6I) ;as so ;oe-ull, un!re!ared to antici!ate the colla!se o- the &SS(.

Hit # ,: 2onesto=n ThereBs lots o- e=idence that the #ass #urder at /onesto;n5 Gu,ana in 1.78 ;as the cul#ination o- a #assi=e and 3ar3arous 6I) 3eha=ior control eA!eri#ent. )nd #ass #urder is ;hat it ;asCnot #ass suicide5 as ;idel, re!orted. The Gu,anese coronerBs re!ort states that the .13 =icti#s didnBt drin8 the #,thical c,anide-laced %ool-)idC there ;as no trace o- c,anide !oisonin in their 3odies. 80-.0M o- the =icti#s had 3een inDected ;ith lethal a ents5 ;hile the rest ;ere shot. The coroner concluded that onl, t;o had co##itted suicide. 6ult leader /i# /ones had lon standin ties to the 6I)5 stretchin 3ac8 to his 3o,hood -riendshi! ;ith the notorious 6I) torture eA!ert 2an $itrione. $itrione re arded torture as an art -or# and5 ;hile instructin securit, -orces in Bra:il and &ru ua,5 he had 3e ars 8idna!!ed so he could !ractice on the#. $itrioneBs old !al /ones ;as in Bra:il at the sa#e ti#e5 and he #ade -re?uent tri!s to Belo 7ori:onte5 site o- the local 6I) head?uarters. /ones returned -ro# Bra:il to -ound the Peo!leBs Te#!le in &8iah5 6ali-ornia. <arl, on he en a ed in shoc8in a3uses o- his cult #e#3ers. 7e also used the# to in-iltrate the or ani:ations o- li3eral !oliticians5 ettin out the =ote and #a8in the# 3eholden to hi# -or -a=ors. San 0rancisco $a,or Geor e $oscone and Su!er=isor 7ar=e, $il85 ;ho ;ere assassinated a ;ee8 a-ter /onesto;n5 3oth o;ed !olitical -a=ors to /ones. So did the district attorne, ;hose lenient !rosecution o- the assassin let hi# et o-- ;ith onl, a to8en sentence.

9hen re!orts o- #urders tied to the Peo!leBs Te#!le 3e an to sur-ace5 /ones -led ;ith his -loc8 to Gu,ana5 ;hose !ri#e #inister o;ed his Do3 to a 1.*" 6I) cou!. /ones ;as in close touch ;ith 6I) a ents at the &S <#3ass,5 at least one o- ;ho# ;as at /onesto;n at the ti#e o- the #assacre. Sur=i=ors re!ort that /onesto;n ;as a =irtual concentration ca#! ;here the #ostl, 3lac8 cultists ;or8ed li8e sla=es. The, ;ere 3eaten5 tortured5 ra!ed and i=en #assi=e doses o- 3oth =er3al indoctrination and dru s. $an, o- the #ind-alterin su3stances used in the $%-&'T() !ro ra# Fsee 7it J5G ;ere -ound at /onesto;n5 in a#ounts su--icient to su3due a cit, o- 2005000. The end ca#e ;hen (e!. 'eo (,an5 a 8e, con ressional o!!onent o- the 6I)5 arri=ed to in=esti ate and ;as assassinated 3, /onesB -ollo;ers. Then the #ass 8illin s 3e an5 thou h /onesB ;ealth, ;hite lieutenants esca!ed -ree -ro# har#. $illions in cash ;ere -ound at the site5 3ut the 3ul8 o- /onesB -ortune5 esti#ated at L2 3illion5 disa!!eared into secret 3an8 accounts. )s -or /ones hi#sel-5 !hoto ra!hs o- ;hat are su!!osed to 3e his 3od, donBt sho; his tattoos.

Hit # 1: The Octo8er ;urprise 9hen (onald (ea an ;as runnin -or !resident a ainst /i##, 6arter in 1.805 52 )#erican hosta es ;ere 3ein held in Iran. The (ea an>Bush ca#!ai n -eared that ithe hosta es ;ere released 3e-ore the No=e#3er election5 the resultin EOcto3er sur!riseE #i ht hel! 6arter ;in. )ccordin to -or#er Iranian President Bani-Sadr5 (ea an o--icials #et ;ith the Iranians in Paris in Octo3er 1.80 and a=e the# L"0 #illion in eAchan e -or a reein to hold the hosta es until a-ter the election. FSo#e sources sa, -or#er 6I) 2irector Geor e Bush and>or -uture 6I) 2irector 9illia# 6ase, attended those #eetin s.G Octo3er Sur!rise ;as also the na#e o- a net;or8 o- current and -or#er 6I) a ents ;ithin (ea anBs ca#!ai n ;hose Do3 ;as to o3tain intelli ence -ro# the 6arter 9hite 7ouse. It ;as a so!histicatedCand ulti#atel, success-ulCe--ort to desta3ili:e the 6arter ad#inistration. The Octo3er Sur!rise tea# stole 3rie-in 3oo8s and other docu#ents -ro# the 9hite 7ouse. The, also lea8ed a series o- -a3ricated stories to the #edia re ardin 6arterBs ne otiations ;ith Iran and>or !lans -or a hosta e rescue5 ;hich #ade 3oth tas8s considera3l, #ore di--icult. 9hen 6arter e=entuall, did #ount a hosta e rescue5 so#eone a=e the IraniansCand

9illia# 6ase,Cdetails a3out the o!eration in ad=ance. It ended in disaster5 ;ith ei ht )#ericans dead. 2es!ite the Octo3er Sur!rise tea#Bs hi h-!o;ered disin-or#ation ca#!ai n5 6arter #ana ed to #a8e a deal ;ith the Iranians that didnBt include tradin ar#s -or hosta es Fsee 7it J3"G. But a-ter the #eetin in Paris5 the Iranians 3ac8ed out. The hosta es ;erenBt released until the =er, da, o- (ea anBs inau urationCand #illions o- dollars in ;ea!onr, 3e an -lo;in to Iran shortl, therea-ter. The Octo3er Sur!rise deal has 3een su3Dect to #ore disin-or#ation and #ani!ulation than an, o!eration since the /0% assassination F7it J.G. Se=eral 8e, ;itnesses ha=e #et unti#el, deaths5 as did one re!orter ;ho -ound lin8s to other (ea an-era co=ert o!erations. 0inall,5 a 9arren-6o##ission-t,!e con ressional in=esti ation concluded that there ;as Eno e=idenceE o- a cons!irac,. &n-ortunatel,5 thereBs !lent, o- e=idence the, ne=er loo8ed at5 and there are se=eral larin errors in the re!ort..

Hit #!5: (i8.a In )!ril 1.805 6I) a ents <d;in 9ilson and 0ran8 Ter!il ;ere indicted -or !ro=idin ;ea!ons and trainin to the re i#e o- 'i3,an stron #an $ua#ar al-Rada--,. The 6I) sa,s that Ter!il and 9ilson ;ere Ero ue ele!hantsE 3ut 9ilson5 currentl, ser=in a li-e sentence in a -ederal !enitentiar,5 clai#s he ;as actin under orders. 9ilsonBs clai# is ;orth ta8in seriousl,. $an, other #e#3ers o- the o!eration recei=ed sla!s on the ;rist and continued to ;or8 -or the &S o=ern#entI so#e ;ent on to 3e !la,ers in the Iran>contra scandal F7it J3"G. The !lastic eA!losi=es !ro=ided to Rada--, #a, ha=e 3een used in a nu#3er o- 3o#3in s also connected to the 6I)5 includin the assassination o- Orlando 'etelier F7it J2*G. Rada--, has lon enDo,ed the status o- o--icial 3o e,#an to the &S5 -ir#l, entrenched in this role ;hile others li8e Norie a and Sadda# ha=e ;aAed and ;aned in it. @et Rada--, has also recei=ed ;ea!ons and trainin -ro# the British and the Ger#ans5 and heBs said to o;n 15M o- the stoc8 o- 0iat5 the lar est co#!an, in Ital, and a #aDor de-ense contractor -or the 9est. The circu#stances o- Rada--,Bs rise to !o;er in a 1.*. cou! are also curious. 2es!ite the =ast a#ounts o- oil ;ealth in=ol=ed5 NiAon and %issin er li-ted nar, an e,e3ro; at Rada--,Bs ouster o- the !ro-9estern 'i3,an #onarch. I##ediatel, therea-ter5 Rada--, 3e an a itatin -or hi her oil !rices.

The NiAon ad#inistration announced that Rada--,Bs su ested !rice hi8e ;as EDusti-iedE and the Shah o- Iran Fsee 7it J3G a reed. The resultin sur e in oil !rices not onl, enriched the #ultinational oil co#!anies 3ut allo;ed the Shah to !urchase 3illions in &S ar#s5 ;hich he used to -ul-ill his role as re ional !olice#an -or the &S. I- Rada--, is actuall, a 9estern a ent !ro=ocateur5 it ;ould hardl, 3e un!recedented. Se=eral radical )ra3 terrorists a!!ear to 3e ;or8in 3oth sides o- the street Fsee 7it J35G5 ;hile #an, other )ra3 heads o- state ha=e 3een on the 6I) !a,roll. But e=en i- Rada--, is Dust ;hat he see#s to 3eCa so#e;hat de#ented )ra3 nationalist Cthat still doesnBt necessaril, ne ate 9ilsonBs clai#. The 6I) #a, ha=e 3een in-iltratin Rada--,Bs re i#e in order to #ani!ulate hi# -or their o;n ends5 and the o!eration #a, si#!l, ha=e 3lo;n u! in their -ace Fas ha=e so #an, othersG.

Hit #!1: Grenada 7ereBs ;hat the &S !u3lic ;as toldH President (ea an ;o8e u! one da, to disco=er that a horri3le $arAist cou! had ta8en o=er the 6ari33ean island o- Grenada. Because there ;ere 6u3an troo!s on the island5 the !resident had to send the &S #ilitar, to rescue &S citi:ens tra!!ed there and held as =irtual hosta es. There ;as no ;a, to et a #ore accurate !icture5 since the &S #ilitar, 8e!t re!orters -ro# settin -oot on Grenada durin the in=asionI a 3oatload o- &S Dournalists ;as turned a;a, at un!oint and all -li hts in and out ;ere cancelled. $uch later5 lon a-ter e=er,one had sto!!ed !a,in attention to Grenada5 it 3eca#e clear that the o--icial stor, ;as 3uilt on a #ountain o- lies. The 6I) 3e an desta3ili:in Grenada in 1.7.5 ;hen a #an na#ed $aurice Bisho! Fno relation to the s!oo8 #entioned in 7it J.G ousted the eccentric thu ;ho ruled the island. Bisho! set to ;or8 de=elo!in a 3etter li-e -or GrenadaBs citi:ens and earned #uch !o!ular su!!ort -or doin so. 7e ran a-oul o- the &S -airl, ?uic8l,5 thou h5 ;hen he -ailed to Doin in the ?uarantine o- 6u3a. Bisho!Bs #ildl, socialist !ro ra# F!ri=ate enter!rise le-t un#olested5 3ut -ree health care5 school lunches5 etc.G ;as the -inal stra;. Be-ore lon 5 a 6I) !ro!a anda ca#!ai n ;as !ortra,in Grenada as a terrorist state allied to the So=iet &nion5 its 1005000 inha3itants ar#ed to the teeth and !oised to attac8 the !iti-ull, =ulnera3le &S. The &S in=asion ;as !lanned at least t;o ,ears 3e-ore it ha!!ened5 and 6I) acts osa3ota e !roli-erated. $one, ;as i=en to o!!osition !oliticians and nei h3orin ar#ies. 0inall,5 in late 1.835 Bisho! ;as o=erthro;n 3, eAtre#ists in his o;n !art, and

eAecuted5 and the &S in=asion 3e an. 6I) a ents a#on the Ehosta esE hel!ed coordinate the three-da, ;ar o=er short;a=e radio. )s -or the 6u3an troo!s ;e in=aded to !rotect our citi:ens -ro#5 there ;ere "3 o- the#I the other 6u3ans on Grenada ;ere #ostl, #iddle-a ed construction ;or8ers. The 6u3ans let it 3e 8no;n that the, ;ould not inter-ere ;ith the &S Erescue5E 3ut the &S troo!s -ired on the# and the, de-ended the#sel=es. That ni ht5 the &S assured 6u3a that its citi:ens in Grenada ;ere Enot a tar etEI the neAt da,5 ;e attac8ed the# ;ith helico!ter unshi!s. 9hen it ;as all o=er5 81 6u3ans5 2.* Grenadines and 131 )#ericans had 3een 8illed or ;ounded. Toda, Grenada is 3ac8 ;here it ;as 3e-ore Bisho!5 #ired in !o=ert, and ho!elessness. But5 he,5 itBs no lon er a threat to our =er, sur=i=al.

Hit #! : >l ;al?ador The -ourteen -a#ilies ;ho rule <l Sal=ador ha=e ne=er 3een s?uea#ish a3out ta8in the li-e o- an,one ;ho ets in their ;a,. )#on the #an, !eo!le ;ho co##onl, et in their ;a, are the 6atholic cler ,5 due to the concern the, o-ten sho; -or the !oor. )s a result5 a !o!ular slo an a#on Sal=adoran ri htists is5 E3e !atrioticC8ill a !riest.E In 1.805 <l Sal=adorBs arch3isho!5 Oscar (o#ero5 #ade the #ista8e o- ta8in President 6arterBs hu#an ri hts rhetoric seriousl,. 7e ;rote 6arter5 3e in hi# to sto! #ilitar, su!!ort -or <l Sal=adorBs #urderous rulers. 6arter i nored (o#ero5 3ut the !eo!le ;ho ran <l Sal=ador didnBt. Shortl, a-ter he sent the letter5 (o#ero ;as shot throu h the heart ;hile sa,in #ass. (o#eroBs assassination ;as ordered 3, (o3erto 2B)u3uisson Fda;-3;ee-S)9NG5 nic8na#ed Blo;torch Bo3 -or his -a=orite instru#ent o- torture. ) 3i ad#irer o- )dol7itler5 2B)u3uisson once said5 E@ou Ger#ans ;ere =er, intelli ent. @ou reali:ed that the /e;s ;ere res!onsi3le -or the s!read o- 6o##unis# and ,ou 3e an to 8ill the#.E 2B)u3uisson has !assed on5 3ut his )(<N) !art,5 su!!orted 3, the &S5 still rules <l Sal=ador. 2B)u3uisson ;as a 3i ;heel in the 9orld )nti-6o##unist 'ea ue. Or ani:ed in 1.*15 9)6' ser=es as a ;orld;ide u#3rella or ani:ation -or eAtre#e-ri ht #ilitants. )#on its #e#3ers are eA!atriate Na:is5 Italian terrorists5 /a!anese -ascists5 racist )-ri8aners5 'atin )#erican death s?uad leaders and a nu#3er o- &S con ress#en and E-or#erE 6I) a ents. <=en aside -ro# its !artici!ation in 9)6'5 the 6I) has done #uch to encoura e

3loodshed in <l Sal=ador. 9ith 3illions o- dollars in &S #ilitar, aid at its dis!osal5 itBs -lo;n air raids5 ;aded into co#3at and trained the #ilitar, units that -or#ed the death s?uads. The a enc,Bs s!in doctors ha=e also ;or8ed to i#!ro=e the o=ern#entBs i#a e. This o-ten consisted o- den,in that atrocities li8e the 1.82 #assacre at <l $o:ote e=er ha!!ened. ) enc, s,co!hants in the #edia !arroted this line sha#elessl, until5 in 1..35 the &N Truth 6o##ission in=esti ated <l $o:ote and deter#ined that 733 !easants had 3een #urdered there. )ll in all5 the Truth 6o##ission concluded5 *35000 Sal=adorans ;ere 8illed 3et;een 1.7. and 1..2. In 1.825 a-ter he ;as out o- o--ice5 /i##, 6arter called <l Sal=adorBs o=ern#ent the E3loodthirstiest in the he#is!here.E ItBs too 3ad he didnBt co#e to that reali:ation 3ac8 ;hen heCli8e his !redecessors and successorsC;as -undin it.

Hit #!!: @icaragua 02( once re#ar8ed o- Nicara uaBs dictator5 ESo#o:a #a, 3e a son o- a 3itch5 3ut heBs our son o- a 3itch.E So ;hen a later So#o:a Fthe son o- our son o- a 3itchG ;as o=erthro;n in 1.7.5 ;e s!ared no e--ort until Nicara ua ;as ours a ain. 9hen President 6arter sa; that the ,oun er So#o:aBs da,s ;ere nu#3ered5 he tried to ease hi# out o- !o;er5 una;are that retired 6I) a ents ;ere !ro=idin hi# ;ith -urther ;ea!onr,. 6arterBs !lan ;as to 8ee! So#o:aBs !ri=ate ar#,5 the National Guard5 in !o;er5 ;hile So#o:a esca!ed to enDo, his L.00-#illion -ortune. $ost Nicara uans5 ha=in su--ered "* ,ears o- the GuardBs unrelentin 3rutalit,5 ;ere not thrilled ;ith that !lan. 9hen So#o:a -ell5 so did his hated National Guard. $an, o- the Guard ;ere e=acuated on &S !lanes. 9e reassa#3led the#5 ar#ed and su!!lied the#5 had the# trained 3, )r entinian death s?uads and sent the# 3ac8 to harass the ne; re i#e. Because the Guard ;as so des!ised in Nicara ua5 the, ;ere i=en a ne; na#eCthe contras Fan a33re=iation o- the S!anish ;ord -or counterre=olutionariesG. The resultin 3loodshed ;as !erha!s the least co=ert o- all 6I) co=ert o!erations. President (ea an ;as !er-ectl, candid a3out the oalsCthe second-!oorest nation in the he#is!here ;as to 3e E!ressuredE until Ethe, sa, BuncleB.E The #ethods 3eca#e !art o- the !u3lic record tooCthou h not intentionall,C;hen the 6I)Bs 0reedo# 0i hters $anual ;as lea8ed to the !ress. It a=e detailed instructions on

assassination5 sa3ota e5 8idna!!in 5 3lac8#ail and the slau hter o- ci=ilians. The &S la=ished #ilitar, and -inancial aid on the contras5 ;ho# the, used to terrori:e rural Nicara ua. Since #an, !easants ;ere deli hted that the ne; o=ern#ent ;as !ro=idin the# ;ith teachers and doctors F-or the -irst ti#e e=erG5 the contras !articularl, tar eted those !ro-essionals. The 6I) #ined har3ors and 3le; u! -uel tan8s5 then told the contras to clai# credit. The a enc, -le; su!!lies to the contras5 atte#!ted to assassinate the Nicara uan leadershi! and !u#!ed #illions o- dollars into o!!osition !oliticians. )nd5 as in 6hile5 the, #ade the econo#, Escrea#E Fsee 7it J17G. 0inall,5 in 1.8.5 a-ter ten ,ears o- ;ar-areC 3oth econo#ic and #ilitar,Cthe Nicara uans a=e u! and =oted -or the &S-3ac8ed slate o- candidates. I- an, o- the# ;ondered ;hat ;ould ha!!en should the, -ail to do so5 the, onl, needed to loo8 south to Pana#a5 ;hich had Dust 3een in=aded 3, the &S the #onth 3e-ore Fsee 7it J3.G.

Hit #!": IranAcontra The (ea an ad#inistration 3rou ht out the ;orst in the 6I)Cits tendenc, to distort intelli ence to Dusti-, !olicies5 its -anatical enthusias# -or co=ert action and its disdain -or con ressional o=ersi ht. (ea anBs 6I) director5 9illia# 6ase,5 ;as runnin so #an, o---the-3oo8s o!erations that he utted the a enc,Bs counterintelli ence di=ision out o-ear that it ;ould -ind out ;hat he ;as u! to. This #ade it a3surdl, eas, -or #oles and traitors to continue o!eratin 5 and led to an e#3arrassin series o- s!, scandals that continue to this da,. The #ost -a#ous o- these ;as Iran>contra5 ;hich 3e an ;ith a series o- ar#s deals ;ith the $usli# theocrac, o- Iran. The ;ea!ons shi!#ents 3e an in $arch 1.815 ,ears 3e-ore there ;ere an, ne; hosta es to trade ar#s -or. This lends credence to the theor, that the ar#s ;ere actuall, a !a,o-- -or the Octo3er Sur!rise deal F7it J2.G. Oli=er North and his cronies char ed the Iranians ridiculousl, hi h #ar8-u!s on the ;ea!ons the, sold the#5 and so#e !ro-its -ro# this ;ere used to 3u, ar#s -or the Nicara uan contras Fsee 7it J33G5 in 3latant de-iance o- a 6on ressional 3an. F)ctuall,5 #ore o- the #one, ended u! in !ri=ate 3an8 accounts than e=er reached the contras.G )ll 6I) co=ert actions are su!!osed to 3e authori:ed 3, a !residential E-indin 5E 3ut Iran>contra ran -or ,ears ;ithout one. Once the !artici!ants reali:ed the, ;ere co##ittin i#!eacha3le o--enses5 the, had the !resident si n a Eretroacti=e -indin .E It ;as later destro,ed5 to !rotect (ea an.

Because the hal--hearted 6on ressional !ro3e into Iran>contra had secretl, a reed in ad=ance to a=oid an, e=idence that #i ht lead to (ea anBs i#!each#ent5 it hardl, scratched the sur-ace. 0or eAa#!le5 it 3arel, touched on the 6I)Bs in=ol=e#ent in contra dru tra--ic8in Fsee 7it J22G5 nor did it del=e into co=ert #ani!ulation o- &S elections ;ith a =ariet, o- secret -undsCe=en thou h se=eral &S re!resentati=es o!!osed to the contra ;ar ;ere de-eated as a result o- it. The Iran>contra o!eration set u! so#ethin called the O--ice o- Pu3lic 2i!lo#ac,5 ;hich used taA!a,ersB o;n #one, to con=ince the# that the 6I)Bs secret ;ars ;ere a reat idea. FThis ;as reall, Dust an a3o=e round eAa#!le o- the 6I)Bs nor#al !ro!a anda e--orts5 as descri3ed in 7it J2".G Pro3a3l, the #ost dan erous !art o- the ;hole Iran>contra #ess ;as Oli=er NorthBs dra-t o- a !lan to sus!end the &S 6onstitution in case o- anti-;ar !rotests. One 6on ress#an tried to as8 a3out this5 3ut ;as a=eled do;n and told it could 3e onl, discussed in EeAecuti=e session.E

Hit #!$: 0an A# 3light 15! S,rian terrorist $on:er al-%assar had a reat setu!. 7e ran a 0ran8-urt-to-Ne; @or8 heroin s#u lin o!eration that netted hi# #illions5 and the ;hole thin ;as !rotected 3, the 6I). This ;as !a,3ac8 -or ser=in as a #iddle#an in Oli=er NorthBs Iran>contra deals Fsee 7it J3"G and also in the ho!e that heBd use his in-luence to secure the release o- &S hosta es in Beirut. )l-%assarBs acco#!lice at the 0ran8-urt air!ort re ularl, su3stituted a suitcase -ull o- heroin -or an identical suitcase chec8ed onto a Pan )# -li ht to Ne; @or8. $aDor 6harles $c%ee5 a 6I) a ent char ed ;ith rescuin &S hosta es in Beirut5 ;as outra ed ;hen he heard o- the s#u lin o!eration5 and -elt it could Deo!ardi:e his #ission. 7e co#!lained 3itterl, to the 6I)5 3ut ot onl, silence in re!l,. I#!ulsi=el,5 and a ainst 6I) !rocedures5 $c%ee and -our other #e#3ers o- his tea# decided to -l, ho#e and eA!ose the deal ;ith al-%assar. Their -li ht connected ;ith Pan )# 0li ht 103 in 'ondon. On 2ece#3er 205 1.8.5 a Ger#an o=ern#ent a ent in 0ran8-urt ;ho ;as !ri=, to the heroin deal noticed that the s;itched suitcase 3ein !ut onto Pan )# 0li ht 103 loo8ed co#!letel, di--erent than it usuall, did. );are that a 3o#3 threat had 3een #ade a ainst the -li ht5 he called his local 6I) contact and as8ed ;hat ;as u!. E2onBt ;orr, a3out it5E he ;as told. E2onBt sto! it. 'et it o.E

9hen 0li ht 103 le-t 'ondon5 not onl, ;as the $c%ee tea# on 3oard5 3ut also a &S /ustice de!art#ent Na:i hunter and a &N di!lo#at #ediatin con-licts in southern )-rica. South )-ricaBs -orei n #inister ;as 3oo8ed on the -li ht as ;ell5 3ut luc8il, cancelled at the last #inute. 9hen the !lane 3le; u! o=er 'oc8er3ie5 Scotland5 8illin 270 !eo!le5 a tea# o- 6I) a ents ;as on their ;a, to the ;rec8a e ;ithin the hour. 2is uised as Pan )# e#!lo,ees5 the, re#o=ed e=idence -ro# the crash site5 then later returned it For so#ethin si#ilarG to 3e redisco=ered. Initial in=esti ations -ocused on S,ria and Iran5 ;ith the !ossi3le #oti=e 3ein re=en e -or an Iranian !lane shot do;n 3, a &S ;arshi! the !re=ious /ul,. But ;hen S,riaBs coo!eration ;as needed durin the Gul- 9ar5 the 3la#e ;as shi-ted to our -a=orite ;hi!!in 3o,5 'i3,a Fsee 7it J30G. Pan )# conducted its o;n in=esti ation5 ;hich unco=ered the lin8s to al-%assar. But it ;as una3le to secure 6I) docu#ents on the case5 and lost a #assi=e la;suit -iled 3, the -a#ilies o- 0li ht 103 =icti#s. Soon a-ter5 it -iled -or 3an8ru!tc,.

Hit #!*: A/ghanistan 2urin the (ea an ,ears5 the 6I) ran nearl, t;o do:en co=ert o!erations a ainst =arious o=ern#ents. O- these5 )- hanistan ;as 3, -ar the 3i estI it ;as5 in -act5 the 3i est 6I) o!eration o- all ti#e5 3oth in ter#s o- dollars s!ent FL5-L* 3illionG and !ersonnel in=ol=ed. @et it not onl, enerated little contro=ers,5 3ut enDo,ed stron 3i!artisan su!!ort. ThatBs 3ecause its #ain !ur!ose ;as to E3leedE the So=iet &nion5 Dust as ;e had 3een 3led in 1ietna#. Prior to the 1.7. (ussian in=asion5 )- hanistan ;as ruled 3, a 3rutal dictator. 'i8e the nei h3orin Shah o- Iran5 he allo;ed the 6I) to set u! radar installations in his countr, that ;ere used to #onitor the So=iets. In 1.7.5 a-ter se=eral do:en So=iet ad=isors ;ere #assacred 3, )- han tri3es#en5 the &SS( sent in the (ed )r#,. The So=iets tried to install a !lia3le client re i#e5 ;ithout ta8in local attitudes #uch into account. $an, o- the #ullahs ;ho controlled chun8s o- )- han territor, o3Dected to So=iet e--orts to educate ;o#en and to institute land re-or#. Others5 outra ed 3, the &SS(Bs atte#!ts to su!!ress the heroin trade5 shi-ted their o!erations to Pa8istan Fsee 7it J22G. )s -or the 6I)5 its ai# ;as si#!l, to hu#iliate the So=iets 3, ar#in an,one ;ho ;ould -i ht a ainst the#. The a enc, -unnelled cash and ;ea!ons to o=er a do:en

uerrilla rou!s5 #an, o- ;ho# had 3een sta in raids -ro# Pa8istan ,ears 3e-ore the So=iet in=asion. Toda,5 lon a-ter the So=iet &nion le-t )- hanistan Fand5 in -act5 has ceased to eAistG5 #ost o- these rou!s are still -i htin each other -or control o- the countr,. Besides tossin 3illions o- dollars into the con-lict5 the 6I) trans-erred sensiti=e ;ea!ons technolo , to -anatical $usli# eAtre#ists5 ;ith conse?uences that ;ill haunt the &S -or ,ears to co#e. One nota3le =eteran o- the )- han o!eration is Shei8 )3del (ah#an5 -a#ous -or his role in the 9orld Trade 6enter 3o#3in . The 6I) succeeded in creatin chaos5 3ut ne=er de=elo!ed a !lan -or endin it. 9hen the ten-,ear ;ar ;as o=er5 a #illion !eo!le ;ere dead5 and )- han heroin had ca!tured *0M o- the &S #ar8et.

Hit #!+: ;outh 0aci/ic In 1..35 &S citi:ens ;ere shoc8ed to learn that their o=ern#ent had !er-or#ed nuclear eA!eri#ents on innocent and un8no;in test su3Dects. To the residents o- &Sad#inistered Etrust territoriesE in the South Paci-ic5 this ;as an old stor,. <=er since ;e nu8ed /a!an in )u ust 1."55 the &S had re arded the Paci-ic as an E)#erican la8e.E 0or ,ears5 3oth the &S and 0rance tested nuclear ;ea!ons and lo33ed #issiles at =arious Paci-ic islands under their Etrusteeshi!5E hustlin the nati=es out othe ;a,. So#eti#es nati=es ;ere returned !re#aturel, to their irradiated ho#elands5 ;hich resulted in 3irth de-ects and cancers. Not sur!risin l,5 this led to !articularl, stron antinuclear senti#ents a#on the Paci-ic islanders. )lso not sur!risin l,5 the 6I) has done e=er,thin in its !o;er to counter the#. The &S has occu!ied the tin, island o- Belau since 9orld 9ar II and5 des!ite nati=e calls -or sel--deter#ination5 is unli8el, to de!art an,ti#e soon. In 1.7.5 the Belauans had the e--ronter, to !ass the ;orldBs -irst anti-nuclear constitution. Since then5 the &S has s!onsored ten elections in an unsuccess-ul e--ort to re=ise the docu#ent. Because the Penta on ;ants to 8ee! a #ilitar, 3ase on Belau -or the neAt 30 ,ears or so5 there ha=e 3een endless 3eatin s and assassinations o- Belauan anti-nuclear acti=ists. The island nation o- %ana8, Falso 8no;n as Ne; 6aledoniaG has 3een occu!ied 3, 0rench troo!s since a 3o us 1.87 election that Erati-iedE 0rench rule. %ana8,Bs eAiled

resistance #o=e#ent recei=es su!!ort -ro# the island nation o- 1anuatu F-or#erl, called Ne; 7e3ridesG5 ;hich has one o- the #ost !ro ressi=e o=ern#ents in the Paci-ic. The 6I) has 3een -unnellin #one, into desta3ili:in 1anuatu5 ;hich it char es is the =icti# o- E'i3,an su3=ersion.E In 0iDi5 a !ro-&S o=ern#ent ;as re!laced 3, a !ro ressi=e coalition in a 1.87 electionI less than a #onth later5 a 6I)-3ac8ed cou! de!osed the elected o=ern#ent. 6I) Ecou! eA!erts5E includin the head o- the 9orld )nti-6o##unist 'ea ue Fsee 7it J32G5 ;ere on hand 3e-ore5 durin and a-ter the cou!. The ne; rulin Dunta !urchased &S helico!ters to use a ainst an, 0iDians ;ho ha=e the all to i#a ine the, ha=e the ri ht to elect ;ho#e=er the, !lease.

Hit #!,: Crooked -anks Since British 3an8 eAa#iners -irst shut do;n its 'ondon 3ranch in 1..15 B66I Fthe Ban8 o- 6redit and 6o##erce InternationalG has 3eco#e 8no;n as Ethe ;orldBs croo8edest 3an8ECor5 as 6I) 2irector (o3ert Gates called it5 the Ban8 o- 6roo8s and 6ri#inals International. 7e5 o- all !eo!le5 should 8no;. Throu hout its entire histor,5 the 6I) has set u! an ela3orate shell a#e oE!ro!rietariesE F-ront co#!aniesG5 #one,-launderin o!erations and o---the-3oo8s !roDects so co#!leA that no outsiderC and -e; insidersCcould e=er 8ee! trac8 o- the#. B66I ;as neither the -irst nor the last o- these. )n i#!ortant !redecessor ;as the Nu an 7and Ban8 Fsee 7it J22G5 ;hich hel!ed the 6I) to!!le a !es8, o=ern#ent in its host countr,5 )ustralia. 6a!itali:ed ;ith 3oot, -ro# dru and ;ea!ons deals in the last ,ears o- the 1ietna# 9ar5 it hel!ed -inance a enc, o!erations in )n ola and the $iddle <ast. Nu an 7andBs 3oard ;as loaded ;ith s!oo8s5 includin -or#er 6I) 2irector 9illia# 6ol3,. 9hen )ustralian 3an8 eAa#iners closed in on the 3an8 in 1.775 Nu an 8illed hi#sel- and 7and disa!!eared ;ith 3illions in de!ositorsB -unds. The 6I) -lirted ;ith a si#ilar o!eration in 7a;aii5 3ut e=entuall, chose the Pa8istan3ased B66I. It ;elco#ed an,one ;ith lar e a#ounts o- cash to launder5 -ro# narcotics tra--ic8ers to ar#s #erchants5 terrorists to an ster o=ern#ents. Naturall,5 the 6I) -elt ri ht at ho#e. In -act5 one -or#er B66I o--icial clai#s to ha=e 3een told that the 6I)5 and 2irector (ichard 7el#s in !articular5 actuall, started the 3an85 and that it E;asnBt a Pa8istani 3an8 at all.E

Be-ore colla!sin 5 B66I #ana ed to -acilitate a host o- 6I) co=ert o!erations5 nota3l, Geor e BushBs e--orts to !u#! ;ea!ons to Sadda# 7usseinBs Ira? Fsee 7it J"0G and <d;in 9ilsonBs Eunauthori:edE ar#in o- 'i3,a Fsee 7it J30G. <--orts to unra=el all o- B66IBs #,steries ;ill ne=er succeed. Its directors had the ood sense to -eather the nests o- enou h !ro#inent &S !oliticians5 o- 3oth !arties5 to ensure that an, in=esti ation ;ill 3e hal--hearted at 3est. Not sur!risin l,5 6I)-connected lo33,ists ha=e ;or8ed to under#ine an, !ro3e. (ou hl, L20 3illion o- B66IBs assets re#ain unaccounted -or.

Hit #!1: 0ana#a 0or #ost o- his li-e5 $anuel Norie a ot alon =er, ;ell ;ith the 6I). )s -ar 3ac8 as 1.5.5 he ;as re!ortin on Pana#anian le-tists to the )#ericansI 3, 1.**5 he ;as on the 6I) !a,roll. 2es!iteCor #a,3e 3ecause o-CNorie aBs E!er=erseE treat#ent o!risoners5 he ;as dee#ed ;orth, to 3e trained at the notorious School o- the )#ericas Falso 8no;n as the ESchool o- 2ictatorsE or the ESchool o- )ssassinsE G5 run 3, the &S )r#, in Pana#a 6it, FitBs since #o=ed to 0t. Bennin 5 Geor iaG. )s earl, as 1.725 re!orts o- Norie aBs dru tra--ic8in ir8ed the 2<)5 and the State 2e!art#ent co#!lained o- his dealin s ;ith other intelli ence ser=ices5 nota3l, those oIsrael and 6u3a. 2onBt ;orr,5 said the 6I)CheBs our 3o,. In 1.7*5 Norie a !aid a =isit to 6I) 2irector Geor e Bush in 9ashin ton. BushBs successor ;as less co#-orta3le ;ith Norie a and too8 hi# o-- the 6I) !a,roll5 3ut ;hen Bush 3eca#e =ice-!resident in 1.805 Norie a ;ent 3ac8 on5 ;ith a siA--i ure annual salar,. In 1.815 Pana#aBs !o!ular head o- state5 O#ar TorriDos5 ;as 8illed in a !lane crashI 3, 1.835 Norie a had consolidated his control. In 1.875 a close Norie a aide corro3orated ;hat #an, sus!ectedCNorie a had sa3ota ed TorriDosB !lane. FThe 6I) has also 3een lin8ed to the assassination5 in 1.555 o- Pana#aBs !resident5 alle edl, ;ith the a!!ro=al o- then-1ice-President NiAonG. Nothin Norie a did see#ed to u!set the 6I). I- he s#u led cocaine on contra su!!l, !lanes Fsee 7its J225 33 K 3"G...;ell5 he ;asnBt the onl, one. I- he 3eheaded a !olitical o!!onent ;ho accused hi# o- dru runnin ... ;ell5 he ;as Dust 3ein -ir#. I- he used =iolence and -raud to steal the 1.8" Pana#anian elections...;ell5 ;e couldnBt ha=e 3een #ore !leased ;ith the outco#e.

B, 1.8.5 ho;e=er5 the lo=e a--air ;as o=er. Norie a had an ered his handlers 3, ;a--lin on his o!!osition to the Sandinistas in Nicara ua and he ;as sho;in other dis?uietin si ns o- diso3edience. In 2ece#3er 1.8.5 &S troo!s in=aded Pana#a to EarrestE Norie a5 slau hterin 25000-"5000 innocent ci=ilians in the !rocess. 9hat chan ed a-ter the in=asionQ 1iolence5 -raud and dru tra--ic8in continued una3ated. But5 unli8e Norie a5 Pana#aBs ne; rulers 8ne; ho; to -ollo; orders5 and a reed to reconsider the TorriDos treaties5 under ;hich all &S #ilitar, 3ases in Pana#a ;ould 3e shut do;n 3, the ,ear 2000. FIn 1.."5 TorriDosB and Norie aBs old !art, ;as =oted 3ac8 inCso loo8 -or #ore 6I) sa3ota e.G

Hit #"5: IraB The Gul- 9ar o- earl, 1..1 didnBt chan e #uch. Our old 3udd,5 the des!otic <#ir o%u;ait5 is 3ac8 on his throne. Our -or#er 3udd,5 Sadda# 7ussein5 ;hile 8noc8ed do;n a !e or t;o5 is still in !o;er and as 3rutal as e=er. 7undreds o- thousands o- Ira?is are dead5 hundreds o- &S =eterans are su--erin -ro# a #,sterious disease5 and the Persian Gul- has 3een ra=a ed 3, the lar est oil s!ill in histor,. The ?uestion naturall, arises5 could an, o- this ha=e 3een a=oidedQ The ;hole dis!ute started 3ecause %u;ait ;as slant-drillin . &sin e?ui!#ent 3ou ht -ro# National Securit, 6ouncil chie- Brent Sco;cro-tBs old co#!an,5 %u;ait ;as !u#!in out so#e L1"-3illion ;orth o- oil -ro# underneath Ira?i territor,. <=en the territor, the, ;ere drillin -ro# had ori inall, 3een Ira?Bs. Slant-drillin is enou h to et ,ou shot in TeAas5 and itBs certainl, enou h to start a ;ar in the $ideast. <=en so5 this dis!ute could ha=e 3een ne otiated. But itBs hard to a=oid a ;ar ;hen ;hat ,ouBre actuall, doin is tr,in to !ro=o8e a ;ar. The #ost -a#ous eAa#!le o- that is the #eetin 3et;een Sadda# and the &S )#3assador to Ira?5 )!ril Glas!ie5 -i=e da,s 3e-ore Ira? in=aded %u;ait. )s 6I) satellite !hotos sho;ed an Ira?i in=asion -orce #assin on the %u;aiti 3order5 Glas!ie told 7ussein that Ethe &S ta8es no !ositionE on Ira?Bs dis!ute ;ith %u;ait. ) -e; da,s later5 durin last-#inute ne otiations5 %u;aitBs -orei n #inister saidH E9e are not oin to res!ond to NIra?O...I- the, donBt li8e it5 let the# occu!, our territor,...9e are oin to 3rin in the )#ericans.E The &S re!ortedl, encoura ed %u;aitBs attitude. Pittin the t;o countries a ainst each other ;as nothin ne;. Bac8 in 1.8.5 6I) 2irector 9illia# 9e3ster ad=ised %u;aitBs securit, chie- to Eta8e ad=anta e o- the deterioratin econo#ic situation in Ira? !ut !ressure on NIra?O.E )t the sa#e ti#e5 a

6I)-lin8ed thin8 tan8 ;as ad=isin Sadda# to !ut !ressure on the %u;aitis. ) #onth earlier5 the Bush ad#inistration issued a secret directi=e that called -or reater econo#ic coo!eration ;ith Ira?. This ulti#atel, resulted in 3illions o- dollars o- ille al ar#s sales to Sadda#. The Gul- 9ar -urther desta3ili:ed the re ion and #ade %u;ait #ore de!endent on us. &S oil co#!anies can no; eAert #ore control o=er oil !rices Fand thus 3oost their !ro-itsG. The &S #ilitar, ot an eAcuse to 3uild #ore 3ases in the re ion F;hich Saudi )ra3ia5 -or one5 didnBt ;antG and the ;ar also hel!ed Dusti-, the EneedE to continue eAor3itant le=els o- #ilitar, s!endin . 0inall,5 it sent a #essa e to Third 9orld leaders a3out ;hat the, could eA!ect i- the, dared to ste! out o- line.

Hit #"1: Haiti &S troo!s in=aded 7aiti -i=e ti#es5 once sta,in -or al#ost t;ent, ,ears F1.15-35G. )t the end o- that !rolon ed =isit5 durin ;hich ;e 8illed thousands o- 7aitians -or darin to re3el5 ;e le-t the countr, in the hands o- the local National Guard5 con-ident that the,Bd carr, on our ood ;or8. 0ro# this arran e#ent e#er ed the 2u=alier -a#il, d,nast, and their !ri=ate terrorist -orce5 the #achete-;ieldin Tontons $acoutes. EPa!a 2ocE 2u=alier Fhe ;as a #edical doctorG also relied on =oodoo incantations and5 durin a 1.5. u!risin 5 the ti#el, assistance o- the &S #ilitar,. 9hen Pa!a 2oc died in 1.715 his 1.-,ear-old son5 called Ba3, 2oc5 3eca#e E!resident--or-li-e.E Throu hout the 3lood-drenched rule o- the 2u=aliers Fnearl, 1005000 8illed 3, the Tontons $acoutes aloneG5 the &S 3arel, uttered a !ee! a3out hu#an ri hts =iolations. In 1.8*5 ho;e=er5 ;hen it 3eca#e a!!arent that Ba3, 2ocBs !residenc, could not in -act 3e sustained -or his entire li-e Funless he died soonG5 the (ea an ad#inistration airli-ted hi# to a retire#ent =illa in 0rance and started tal8in a3out the Ede#ocratic !rocess.E Be-ore that could 3e in5 ho;e=er5 the 7aitian #ilitar, had to 3e -urther stren thened. 6I) #one, 3e an -lo;in to 7aiti5 ;hich had alread, seen &S aid dou3le durin the (ea an ,ears. The 6I) set u! an antinarcotics ser=ice calledCa!!ro!riatel,CSIN FEnational intelli ence ser=iceEG. )s one 6I) #an ad#itted5 SIN used its #illions in 6I) su3sidies #ainl, to su!!ress !o!ular #o=e#ents 3, #eans o- torture and assassination. 0ar -ro# co#3attin dru s5 #an, SIN o--icers en a e in the dru trade the#sel=es. In 1..05 elections ;ere -inall, allo;ed. 7aitians stunned the &S 3, reDectin the candidate ;e !re-erred in -a=or o- a le-t-;in 6atholic !riest5 /ean-Bertrand )ristide.

The Bush ad#inistration could scarcel, conceal its Do, ;hen 7aitiBs &S-trained #ilitar, de!osed )ristide ei ht #onths later. 9hen Bill 6linton too8 o--ice5 he o--ered li! ser=ice to the idea o- returnin )ristide to !o;er. <=en this h,!ocritical !osturin ;as too #uch -or the 6I)5 ;ho lea8ed a E!s,cholo ical !ro-ileE that !ainted the coura eous5 dedicated )ristide as a E!s,cho!ath.E <ndless ;a=es o- re-u ees5 and &S e#3arrass#ent o=er #ore than "5000 8illin s 3, 7aitian securit, -orces5 ha=e led to e=en #ore =i orous &S li! ser=ice. But i- histor, is an, indication5 the chances o- a o=ern#ent co#in to !o;er that #eets the needs o- the 7aitian !eo!le are sli# to none.

Hit #" : Cugosla?ia The 3loodshed and chaos that ha=e en ul-ed @u osla=ia since its 3rea8u! ha=e 3een !ortra,ed as the ine=ita3le result o- 3ottled-u! ethnic tensions. But thereBs considera3le e=idence that 3oth the 3rea8u! and the ;ar-are ;ere encoura ed 3, 9estern intelli ence ser=icesCincludin Ger#an,Bs BN25 the successor to the Gehlen Or Fsee 7it J1G. Ger#an,Bs interests in the re ion date to 9orld 9ar II5 ;hen the Bosnians and 6roats allied ;ith the Na:is a ainst the Ser3s5 ;ho the Na:is re arded as unter#enschen Fsu3hu#ansG. )-ter Ger#an, reuni-ied in 1.8.5 it 3e an to ta8e a #ore eA!ansionist attitude to;ard <astern <uro!e5 and @u osla=ia in !articular. In 1..05 it ur ed the Bush ad#inistration to hel! it dis#antle @u osla=ia. Bush ;as ha!!, to co#!l,5 since the &S had lon standin !lans to o=erthro; @u osla=iaBs o=ern#ent. @u osla=ia had recentl, renounced the #ar8et-oriented Eshoc8 treat#entE !rescri3ed -or it5 ;hich had 3een causin social unrest5 so it ;as a !ri#e candidate -or -urther desta3ili:ation. The Ger#ans encoura ed 6roatia to secede -ro# @u osla=ia5 and Bosnia soon -ollo;ed. Ger#an, i##ediatel, reco ni:ed the ne; nations5 -orcin the hand o- the <uro!ean 6o##unit,5 ;hich had ;anted to ta8e a #ore cautious a!!roach. The ne; 6roatian state ado!ted the -la and anthe# o- its 99II Na:i !u!!et re i#eCand5 in so#e cases5 the sa#e !ersonnel. 1irulentl, -ascist 6roats had lon 3een acti=e in the 9orld )nti-6o##unist 'ea ue Fsee 7it J32G and other eAile rou!s nurtured 3, the 6I). $an, <astern <uro!ean Na:is had one on to ;or8 ;ith the 6I)5 either in the &S or in co=ert o!erations a3road. 9ith the colla!se o- 6o##unis# in <astern <uro!e5 #an, o- these a in chic8ens ca#e ho#e to

roost. Neo-ascist #o=e#ents are acti=e in 'ithuania5 7un ar, and (o#ania5 as ;ell as in #uch o- 9estern <uro!e Fnota3l, Ital,G. 2es!ite an o--icial ar#s e#3ar o a ainst 6roatia and Bosnia5 9estern !o;ers i##ediatel, 3e an co=ertl, ar#in the#5 ;hich ;ould ha=e 3een i#!ossi3le ;ithout the 8no;led e and ac?uiescence o- the 6I) and the BN2. $ercenaries -ro# Britain5 Ger#an, and the &S are said to 3e ser=in alon side the 6roat #ilitiasCa sure si n oan on oin co=ert o!eration. In -act5 in 1.."5 the 6I) o!ened a ne; 3ase in )l3ania to #onitor troo! #o=e#ents and E!otential tar ets.E

I relied on t;o sources #ore than othersH 9illia# Blu#Bs indis!ensi3le o=er=ie; The 6I)H ) 0or otten 7istor, F+ed Boo8s5 1.8*G5 re-erred to 3elo; si#!l, as Blu#5 and the !ast -i-teen ,ears o- 6o=ert )ction In-or#ation Bulletin5 a =ital !eriodical no; 8no;n si#!l, as 6o=ert )ction F1500 $assachusetts )=e N95 J7325 9ashin ton 26 20005G5 re-erred to 3elo; as 6)IB. Mark Zepezauer 7it J1H <.7. 6oo8rid e5 GehlenH S!, o- the 6entur,5 (ando# 7ouse5 1.71I 6arl O les3,5 EThe Secret Treat, o- 0ort 7unt5E 6)IB J35 F0all 1..0GI 6harles 7i ha#5 Tradin 9ith the <ne#,5 2elacorte5 1.83I 'adislas 0ara o5 )-ter#ath5 )=on5 1.7". 7it J2H 9arren 7inc8le5 EThe 6I)Bs Bsecret ar#,B acti=it, in Ital,5E San 0rancisco <Aa#iner5 11>22>.0I Patrice 6laude5 EStran e tale o- terroris#5 sa3ota e sha8es Ital,5E San 0rancisco 6hronicle5 11>1">.0I 9illia# Sco3ie5 ESecret ar#,Bs ;ar on the le-t5E 'ondon O3ser=er5 11>18>.0. 7it J3H Blu#5 6h. .. 7it J"H Ste!hen %in:er5 Bitter 0ruitH The &ntold Stor, o- the )#erican 6ou! in Guate#ala5 )nchor5 1.83I Blu#5 6h. 10. 7it J5H 9alter Bo;art5 O!eration $ind 6ontrol5 2ell5 1.78I /ohn $ar8s5 The Search -or the $anchurian 6andidate5 2ell5 1.7.. 7it J*H Blu#5 6h. 2* K "2. 7it J7H $ichael Beschloss5 $a,da,H <isenho;er5 %hrushche= and the &-2 )--air5 7ar!er K (o;5 1.8*I 0letcher Prout,5 /0%H The 6I)5 1ietna# and the Plot to )ssassinate /ohn 0. %enned,5 Birch 'ane5 1..2.

7it J8H 9arren 7inc8le K 9illia# Turner5 2eadl, SecretsH The 6I)-$a-ia 9ar ) ainst 6astro and the )ssassination o- /0%5 ThunderBs $outh5 1..2I Blu#5 6h. 30. 7it J.H Phili! $elanson5 S!, Sa aH 'ee 7ar=e, Os;ald and &S Intelli ence5 Prae er5 1..0I /i# $arrs5 6ross-ireH The Plot That %illed %enned,5 6arroll K Gra-5 1.8.. 7it J10H $aril,n B. @oun 5 The 1ietna# 9ars 1."5-1..05 7ar!er Perennial5 1..1. 7it J11H Blu#5 6h. 2.. 7it J12H %arl <=an::5 The /udas 0actorH The Plot to %ill $alcol# 45 ThunderBs $outh5 1..2. 7it J13H Blu#5 6h. 1" K 31. 7it J1"H Blu#5 6h. 3 K 35. 7it J15H Phili! $elanson5 9ho %illed $artin 'uther %in Q5 Odonian5 1..3I 6)IB J3" FSu##er 1..0G. 7it J1*H Phili! $elanson5 9ho %illed (o3ert %enned,Q5 Odonian5 1..3I 9illia# Turner K /onn 6hristian5 The )ssassination o- (o3ert 0. %enned,5 ThunderBs $outh5 1..3I (o3ert $orro;5 The Senator $ust 2ie5 (oundta3le5 1.88. 7it J17H Blu#5 6h. 3". 7it J18H @oun Fsee 7it J10GI Blu#5 6h. 1.. 7it J1.H 9illia# Sha;cross5 Sidesho;H NiAon5 %issin er and the 2estruction o6a#3odia5 Si#on and Schuster5 1.7.I Blu#5 6h. 20. 7it J20H Blu#5 6h. 21. 7it J21H 1erne ',on5 EThe 7istor, o- O!eration 67)OS5E 6)IB J3" FSu##er 1..0G. 7it J22H )l-red $c6o,5 The Politics o- 7eroin in Southeast )sia5 7ar!er 6olo!hon5 1.73I Peter 2ale Scott K /onathan $arshall5 6ocaine Politics5 &ni=ersit, o- 6ali-ornia5 1..2. 7it J23H /i# 7ou an5 Secret ) endaH 9ater ate5 2ee! Throat and the 6I)5 (ando# 7ouse5 1.8"I 2e3orah 2a=is5 %atherine the GreatH %atherine Graha# and the

9ashin ton Post5 7arcourt Brace /o=ano=itch5 1.7.I 'en 6olodn, K (o3ert Gettelin5 Silent 6ou!H The (e#o=al o- a President5 St. $artins5 1..1. 7it J2"H 6arl Bernstein5 EThe 6I) and the $edia5E (ollin Stone5 10>20>77. 7it J25H /ohn Stoc8;ell5 In Search o- <ne#ies5 Norton5 1.78I Blu#5 6h. "1. 7it J2*H 2onald 0reed K 0red 'andis5 2eath in 9ashin tonH The $urder o- Orlando 'etelier5 'aurence 7ill5 1.80. 7it J27H $ar8 Perr,5 The 'ast 2a,s o- the 6I)5 9#. $orro;5 1..2. 7it J28H /ohn /ud e5 EThe Blac8 7ole o- Gu,ana5E in Secret and Su!!ressed5 edited 3, /i# %eith5 0eral 7ouse5 1..3. 7it J2.H Bar3ara 7onne er5 Octo3er Sur!rise5 Tudor5 1.8.I (o3ert Parr,5 Tric8 or Treason5 Sheridan S?uare5 1..3. 7it J30H /ac8 )nderson5 0iasco5 Ti#es Boo8s5 1.83I /ohn $. Blair5 The 6ontrol o- Oil5 1inta e Boo8s5 1.7*I Peter $aas5 $anhunt5 (ando# 7ouse5 1.8*. Geor e Tre#lett5 Gada--iH The 2esert $,stic5 6arroll K Gra-5 1..3. 7it J31H <llen (a, K Bill Schaa!5 E&S 6rushes 6ari33ean /e;el5E 6)IB J20 F9inter 1.8"GI Blu#5 6h. "5. 7it J32H Blu#5 6h. "8I Scott K /on 'ee )nderson5 Inside the 'ea ue5 2odd5 $ead5 1.8*. (a,#ond Bonner5 9ea8ness and 2eceit5 Ti#es Boo8s5 1.8". 7it J33H Peter %orn3luh5 Nicara uaH The Price o- Inter=ention5 IPS5 1.87I 'eslie 6oc83urn5 Out o- 6ontrol5 )tlantic $onthl, Press5 1.87. 7it J3"H Theodore 2ra!er5 ) 1er, Thin 'ine5 7ill and 9an 5 1..1I 2ou 1au hn5 E9alshBs 0inal Iran-6ontra (e!ort5E 6)IB J"85 FS!rin 1.."G. 7it J35H $a ie $ahar5 E&n;ittin )cco#!licesQ5E Barrons5 12>17>.05 (o, (o;an5 EPan )# 103H 9h, 2id The, 2ieQE Ti#e5 ">27>.2I /e-- /ones5 EThe Bo#3in o- Pan )# 1035E 6)IB J3" FSu##er 1..0G. 7it J3*H E&nder the Bush ;ith the 6I)E Finter=ie; ;ith /ohn Stoc8-;ellG5 + $a a:ine5 Se!te#3er 1.8.. 7it J37H Glen )lcala,5 EBo#3ed5 ro33ed5 relocated5 irradiated 3, &S5 0rance5E National

Guardian F&SG5 11>25>87I 6)IB J2. F9inter 1.88G. 7it J38H /onathan %;itn,5 The 6ri#es o- Patriots5 Touchstone Boo8s5 1.88I $ar8 Potts5 2irt, $one,H The 9orldBs Slea:iest Ban85 National Press5 1..2I /ac8 6alhoun5 EB66IH Ban8 o- the 6I)5E 6)IB J"" FS!rin 1..3G. Ne;s;ee85 12>7>.2. 7it J3.H Inde!endent 6o##ission o- In?uir, on the &S In=asion o- Pana#a5 The &S In=asion o- Pana#aH The Truth 3ehind O!eration E/ust 6ause5E South <nd5 1..1. 7it J"0H (a#se, 6lar85 The 0ire This Ti#eH &S 9ar 6ri#es in the Gul-5 ThunderBs $outh5 1..2. 7it J"1H /ohn 6anha#-6l,de5 E7aitiH Sellin Out 2e#ocrac,5E 6)IB J"8 FS!rin 1.."G. 7it J"2H Sean Ger=asi5 EGer#an,5 &S and the @u osla=ia 6risis5E 6)IBJ"3 F9inter 1..2-.3G.

)- hanistan5 ".5 7*-77 )ir )#erica5 "8 )l3ania5 8. al-%assar5 $on:er5 7"-75 )llende5 Sal=ador5 38-3. )lso!5 Ste;art5 53 )n ola5 5"-55 )r3en:5 /aco3o5 12-13 )ristide5 /ean-Bertrand5 87 )r#as5 6astillo5 13 )r#Se 6landestine5 "2-"3 ar#ies5 secret5 8-.5 "2-"3 ar#s deals5 72-735 85 assassinationsH )llende5 38-3.I Belau5 78I 2ie#5 25I do#estic5 "7I /0%5 22-235 3*5 51I %in 5 3"-35I 'etelier5 5*-575 *"I 'u#u#3a5 1*5 28I $c%ee tea#5 7"I $alcol# 45 282.I $il85 *1I #ind control and5 15I $oscone5 *1I O!eration PhoeniA5 "0-"1I (0%5 3*37I (o#ero5 *8-*.I (,an5 *1I Schneider5 38I TorriDos5 82I TruDillo5 2*-27 EBa3, 2oc5E 8* Banister5 Gu,5 23 3an8s5 croo8ed5 80-81 Bar3ie5 %laus5 7

Ba, o- Pi s5 20-215 235 51 B66I5 80-81 3eha=ior control5 1"-155 *0-*1 Belau5 78 Bel iu#5 8-. Bernstein5 6arl5 53 Bisho!5 $aurice5 235 **-*7 BN25 75 885 8. 3o#3in s5 "2-"55 5*-575 7"-75 Bor#ann5 $artin5 7 Bosch5 /uan5 2*-27 Bosnia5 885 8. Boston Stran ler5 37 Bradlee5 Ben5 51553 Bradle,5 <d ar5 3* 3rain;ashin 5 1"-15 British Petroleu#5 10 Br,an5 9illia#5 /r.5 37 B Tea#5 58-5. Buc8le,5 9illia# 0.5 53 Bur#a5 "8 Bush5 Geor e5 535 5*-5.5 *25 815 825 855 88-8. Butter-ield5 )leAander5 51 6a3ell5 6harles5 23 6a#3odia5 ""-"5 ca#!us sur=eillance5 "* 6arter5 /i##,5 *25 *85 *. 6ase,5 9illia#5 *25 72 6astro5 0idel5 205 21 6BS5 53 6esar5 Thane5 37 67)OS5 O!eration5 "*-"7 6hile5 38-3. 6linton5 Bill5 87 cocaine5 ". 6ol3,5 9illia#5 "1580 6olonia 2i nidad5 3. 6o##ittee on the Present 2an er F6P2G5 58-5. 6on o5 1*-17 6onstitution endan ered5 73 contras5 70-735 82

cou!s5 see o=erthro;n o=ern#ents couriers5 #ind control o=er5 15 6roatia5 885 8. 6u3a5 20-215235 **-*7 c,anide at /onesto;n5 *0-*1 2B)u3uisson5 (o3erto5 *8-*. 2ee! Throat5 51 2eGaulle5 6harles5 . de#ocrac, su3=ertedH 6hile5 38-3.I 2o#inican (e!u3lic5 2*-27I Greece5 32-33I Guate#ala5 12-13I 7aiti5 8*-87I Iran5 10-11I Ital,5 8-.I Nicara ua5 70-71I Pana#a5 8283I 1ietna#5 2"-25 de $orhenschildt5 Geor e5 23 2ie#5 N o 2inh5 25 2o#estic 6ontacts 2i=.5 "* do#estic o!erations5 "*-"7 2o#estic O!erations 2i=.5 "* 2o#inican (e!u3lic5 2*-27 dru tra--ic8in 5 1"-155 "35 "8-".5 735 7"5 82-835 8* 2ulles5 )llen5 *5 125 1*5 185 23 2ulles5 /ohn 0oster5 12 2u=aliers5 the5 8* <ast Ti#or5 31 <isenho;er5 2;i ht5 18-1. elections5 see de#ocrac, su3=erted <l $o:ote #assacre5 *. <l Sal=ador5 *8-*. <#ir o- %u;ait5 8" <uro!ean 6o##unit,5 8. 0BI5 2.5 57 0errie5 2a=id5 235 35 0iat5 *" 0iDi5 7. 0odorBs Tra=el Guides5 52 0ord5 Gerald5 58-5. 0rance5 8-.5 2" 0reedo# 0i hters $anual5 70 0rench connection5 "8 Gates5 (o3ert5 5.5 80

Gehlen Or 5 *-75 88 Gehlen5 (einhard5 * Gene=a )ccords F1.5"G5 2" enocide and #ass slau hterH )n ola5 55I 6a#3odia5 "5I 6hile5 3.I <ast Ti#or5 31I <l Sal=ador5 *.I Guate#ala5 13I 7aiti5 8*-87I Indonesia5 30I /onesto;n5 *0-*1I Pana#a5 83I 1ietna#5 "1 Gladio5 O!eration5 8-. Glas!ie5 )!ril5 85 Golden Trian le5 "8 Graha#5 %atherine5 51 Greece5 32-33 Grenada5 **-*7 Guate#ala5 12-13 Gul- 9ar5 8"-85 Gu,ana F/onesto;nG5 *0C*1 7aiti5 8*-87 7alde#an5 Bo35 51 7and5 $ichael5 ".5 80 7ar=e,5 9illia#5 23 7el#s5 (ichard5 1"5 515 80-81 heroin5 "8-".5 7"5 77 7#on tri3es!eo!le5 "8 7o 6hi $inh5 25 7oo=er5 /. <d ar5 "* hosta es5 *2-*3 7u#!hre,5 7u3ert5 32 7unt5 7o;ard5 235 51 7uston Plan5 "7 h,!nosis o- Sirhan5 155 37 Indonesia5 30-31 Iran5 10-115*2-*35 72-73 Ira?5 815 8"-85 Ital,5 8-. ITT5 38 /ohnson5 ',ndon B.5 335 "05 "* /ones5 /i#5 *0-*1 /onesto;n5 *0-*1 Dournalists e#!lo,ed5 53

%ana8,5 78-7. %enned,5 /ohn 0.5 20-235 275 3*551 %enned,5 (o3ert5 3*-37 %h#er (ou e5 "5 %hrushche=5 Ni8ita5 18-1. %illin 0ields5 The5 "5 %i#3le5 /ules5 3"-35 %in 5 $artin 'uther5 2.5 3"-35 %issin er5 7enr,5 5"5 *" %u;ait5 8"-85 'ansdale5 <d5 2" 'aos5 "2-"35 "8 'etelier5 Orlando5 5*-575 *" 'i3,a5 *"-*55 81 'on Nol5 "" 'os )n eles Police 2e!t.5 3* 'S25 15 'uce5 7enr,5 53 'u#u#3a5 Patrice5 1*5 28 $c6one5 /ohn5 1. $c6ord5 /a#es5 50-51 $c%ee5 6harles5 7" $a-iaH and assassinations5 215 235 3"-355 3*5 37I 6orsican5 "8I and NiAon5 20I and P-25 . #a a:ines5 6I)-o;ned5 52-53 $alcol# 45 28-2. $anchurian 6andidate5 The5 15 #edia control5 52-53 #i ht, 9urlit:er5 the5 52-53 $il85 7ar=e,5 *1 #ind control5 1"-155 *0-*1 $iora5 (aoul5 3"-35 $itrione5 2an5 *0 $%S<)(675 15 $%-&'T()5 1"-15 $o3utu5 /ose!h5 1*-17 $o--it5 (onni5 5* #one, launderin 5 "8-".5 80-81 $orro;5 (o3ert5 37 $oscone5 Geor e5 *1 $ossade h5 $oha##ed5 10-11

$o,ers5 Bill5 53 $P')5 5"-55 $s. #a a:ine5 53 #urders5 see assassinationsI enocide and #ass slau hter $, 9ar ;ith the 6I)5 "" National GuardH o- 7aiti5 8*I o- Nicara ua5 70-715 82 National 'i3eration 0ront5 "0 National (e=ie;5 53 National Securit, )ct5 8 National Securit, 6ouncil5 8-.5 8" Nation o- Isla#5 2. Na:is5 *-75 235 3.5 88-8. Neo-ascist #o=e#ents5 8. Netherlands5 8-. Ne; 6aledonia5 78-7. Ne; 7e3rides5 7. ne;s!a!ers5 6I)-o;ned5 52-53 Ne; @or8 Police 2e!t.5 2. Ne; @or8 Ti#es5 53 Nicara ua5 70-71 NiAon5 (ichardH )llende o!!osed 3,5 38I 7uston Plan5 "7I $o3 ties5 205 "8I and Pana#a5 82I and Rada--,5 *"I 9ater ate5 "75 50-51 N8ru#ah5 %;a#e5 1* N'0 F1ietna#G5 "0 Norie a5 $anuel5 82-83 North5 Oli=er5 72-735 7" nuclear eA!eri#ents5 78-7. Nu an 7and Ban85 ".5 80 O))&5 2. Octo3er Sur!rise5 *2-*35 72 Octo!us5 The5 52 oil and %u;ait5 8" O!eration 67)OS5 "*-"7 O!eration Gladio5 8-. O!eration PhoeniA5 "0C"1 o!iu#5 "8-". OSS5 * Os;ald5 'ee 7ar=e,5 22-23 o=erthro;n o=ern#entsH 6a#3odia5 ""I 6hile5 38-3.I 2o#inican (e!u3lic5 2*-27I 0iDi5

7.I Greece5 32-33I Grenada5 **-*7I Guate#ala5 12-13I 7aiti5 87I Indonesia5 30-31I Iran5 10-11I 'aos5 "2I Nicara ua5 70-71I 1ietna#5 25I @u osla=ia5 8.I +aire5 1*-17 O;en5 /err,5 3* P-25 . Pa8istan5 80-81 Pale,5 9illia#5 53 Pana#a5 82-83 Pan )# 0li ht 1035 7"-75 EPa!a 2oc5E 8* Pa!andreou5 )ndreas5 325 33 Pa!andreou5 Geor e5 325 33 Pathet 'ao5 "2-"3 Patria , 'i3ertad5 38 Peni8o=s8, Pa!ers5 The5 52 Peo!leBs Te#!le5 *1 Philli!s5 2a=id )tlee5 23 PhoeniA5 O!eration5 "0-"1 Pinochet5 General5 3.5 5* Po!e /ohn Paul II5 52 !orno -il# o- ESu8arno5E 30 Po;ers5 0rancis Gar,5 18 !ro!a anda5 52-535 58-5. !ro!rietaries5 80 !rostitutes and dru s5 15 Rada--,5 $ua#ar al-5 *"-*5 (ah#an5 )3del5 77 (aoul5 3" (a,5 /a#es <arl5 3"-35 (ea an5 (onald5 5.5 *25 **5 705 72-73 (e3o:o5 Be3e5 20 (o3eson5 Paul5 28 (o#ero5 Oscar5 *8-*. (oselli5 /ohnn,5 23 (,an5 'eo5 *1 Sadda# 7ussein5 815 8"-85 Sandinistas5 83 Saudi )ra3ia5 85 S)1)%5 115 37 Schneider5 (ene5 38

School o- 2ictators5 82 School o- the )#ericas5 825 83 Sco;cro-t5 Brent5 8" secret ar#ies5 8-.5 "2-"3 Ser3s5 88 Shah o- Iran5 10-115 *"-*5 Sha;5 6la,5 23 Sihanou85 Norodo#5 "" SIN5 8* Sirhan Sirhan5 155 3*-37 Sa=i#3i5 /onas5 5"-55 S8or:en,5 Otto5 7 slant-drillin -or oil5 8" So#o:a5 70 South Paci-ic5 78-7. So=iets5 58-5.5 7*-77 Standard Oil5 * Steine#5 Gloria5 53 Sterlin 5 6laire5 52 Ste=enson5 )dlai5 32 Suharto5 General5 30-31 Su8arno5 30 Sulli=an K 6ro#;ell5 12 Sul:3er er5 )rthur5 53 Tea# B5 58-5. Ter!il5 0ran85 *" terroris#5 .5 385 *55 7"5 8* Ti#e>'i-e e#!ire5 53 Tontons $acoutes5 8* TorriDos5 O#ar5 82 torture5 1*5 325 3.5 "15 *05 8* To;nle,5 $ichael5 57 TruDillo5 (a-ael5 2*-27 Tru#an5 7arr,5 58 &-2 incident5 18-1. &NIT)5 5"-55 &nited 0ruit 6o.5 12 &N Truth 6o##ission5 *. &S )r#,5 *5 82 &SS(5 58-5.5 7*-77

1aca=ille State Prison5 15 1anuatu5 7. 1atican5 . 1iet 6on 5 "0 1ietna#5 2"-255 "0-"15 "8 =on Bolsch;in 5 Otto5 7 9ashin ton Post5 515 53 9ater ate5 "75 50-51 9e3ster5 9illia#5 85 9est Ger#an,5 8-. 9ilson5 <d;in5 *"-*55 81 9ood;ard5 Bo35 51 9orld )nti-6o##unist 'ea ue F9)6'G5 *.5 8. 9urlit:er5 the #i ht,5 52-53 @ear o- 'i=in 2an erousl,5 The5 30 @u osla=ia5 88-8. +aire5 1*-17 I3 CO' (I%>7 THI; -OO%: 97)T &N6'< S)$ (<)''@ 9)NTS NO)$ 67O$S%@ ) 3rilliant loo8 at the real #oti=ations 3ehind &S -orei n !olic,5 -ro# the #an the Ne; @or8 Ti#es called Ear ua3l, the #ost i#!ortant intellectual ali=e.E 111 !!. L8.50. 7i hl, reco##ended. CBoo8list T7< P(OSP<(O&S 0<9 )N2 T7< (<ST'<SS $)N@ NO)$ 67O$S%@ This ;ide-ran in state-o--the-;orld re!ort co=ers e=er,thin -ro# Bosnia to 3iotechnolo ,. 6ho#s8,Bs -astest-sellin 3oo8 e=er. .5 !!. L8. 6al#l, reasoned. $ost ;elco#e. -Ne;sda, S<6(<TS5 'I<S )N2 2<$O6()6@ NO)$ 67O$S%@ The third in 6ho#s8,Bs series o- state-o--the-;orld re!orts5 this -ascinatin 3oo8 concludes ;ith a list o- or ani:ations ;orth !uttin ti#e and e--ort into. 127 !!. L.. T7< 67O$S%@ T(I'OG@ ) 3oAed set o- the three titles a3o=e. L20. T7< 2<6'IN< )N2 0)'' O0 T7< )$<(I6)N <$PI(< GO(< 1I2)'

This deli ht-ul 3oo8 is the !er-ect introduction to 1idalBs ;itt, !olitical ;ritin . .5 !!. L8. 2eliciousl,5 #aliciousl, -unn,. -N@T Boo8 (e=ie; T)%< T7< (I67 O00 9<'0)(< $)(% +<P<+)&<( K )(T7&( N)I$)N 7o; ;e s!end at least L""8 3illion a ,ear on E;ealth-are.E 1.1 !!. L12. ) -ascinatin stor, e=er,one should read. -Gore 1idal 6oncise and clear....a =er, use-ul tool. -Noa# 6ho#s8, T7< 6O$$ON GOO2 NO)$ 67O$S%@ This illusion-shatterin #aster!iece discusses )ristotle5 the &S le-t and e=er,thin in 3et;een. 1.1 !!. L12. T7< )$<(I6)N P(<SI2<N6@ GO(< 1I2)' )n entertainin 5 insi ht-ul histor, o- the #en ;hoB=e held the o--ice5 3, our #ost char#in social critic. .5 !!. L8. <)ST TI$O(H G<NO6I2< IN P)()2IS< $)TT7<9 /)(2IN< INT(O2&6TION B@ NO)$ 67O$S%@ 6ho#s8, calls it E!erha!s the reatest death toll relati=e to the !o!ulation since the 7olocaust.E The &S su!!orts the enocide. .5 !!. L8. (eal Stor, 3oo8s should 3e a=aila3le at an, ood 3oo8store5 3ut i- ,ou canBt -ind the# there5 ,ou can also 3u, the# directl, -ro# 6o##on 6oura e Press5 BoA 7025 $onroe $< 0".51. Shi!!in ;ithin the &S is L2.50 -or 1 3oo85 L3.50 -or 2-" 3oo8s or L".50 -or 5-. 3oo8s. 0or shi!!in costs -or lar erCor -orei nCorders5 in-or#ation on ?uantit, discounts5 or to order 3, credit card5 !lease -aA 207 525 30*85 call 207 525 0.00 or 800 ".7 32075 e#ail odonianTrealstor,.co# or ;rite us at the address a3o=e. Than8s. A8out the Author $ar8 +e!e:auer is the author o- Ta8e the (ich O-- 9el-are Falso in the (eal Stor, seriesG and The NiAon Sa aI heBs also the editor and !u3lisher o- The Tucson 6o#ic Ne;s. 7e can 3e reached at co#icne; or at htt!H>>>6o#icNe;s.

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