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As one of the emerging services in cloud paradigm, cloud storage enables users to remotely store their data into the cloud so as to enjoy the on-demand high quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable computing resources. While cloud storage relieves users from the burden of local storage management and maintenance, it is also relinquishing users&#8 !"# ultimate control over the fate of their data, $hich may put the correctness of outsourced data into ris%s. &n order to regain the assurances of cloud data integrity and availability and enforce the quality of cloud storage service for users, $e propose a highly efficient and fle'ible distributed storage verification scheme $ith t$o salient features, opposing to its predecessors. (y utili)ing the homomorphic to%en $ith distributed erasure-coded data, our scheme achieves the integration of storage correctness insurance and data error locali)ation, i.e., the identification of misbehaving server*s+. ,nli%e most prior $or%s, the ne$ scheme further supports secure and efficient dynamic operations on outsourced data, including- bloc% modification, deletion and append. .'tensive security and performance analysis sho$s the proposed scheme is highly efficient and resilient against (y)antine failure, malicious data modification attac%, and even server colluding attac%s.


/o012 3loud data stores provide scalability and high availability properties for $eb applications, but at the same time they sacrifice data consistency. 4o$ever, many applications cannot afford any data inconsistency. 3loud560 is a scalable transaction manager $hich guarantees full A3&7 properties for multi-item transactions issued by Web applications, even in the presence of server failures and net$or% partitions. We implement this approach on top of the t$o main families of scalable data layers- (igtable and 0imple7(. 6erformance evaluation on top of 4(ase *an open-source version of (igtable+ in our local cluster and Ama)on 0imple7( in the Ama)on cloud sho$s that our system scales linearly at least up to 89 nodes in our local cluster and 89 nodes in the Ama)on cloud.

0emantic $eb is an emerging area to augment human reasoning. :arious technologies are being developed in this arena $hich have been standardi)ed by the World Wide Web 3onsortium *W;3+. <ne such standard is the =esource 7escription >rame$or% *=7>+. 0emantic $eb technologies can be utili)ed to build efficient and scalable systems for 3loud 3omputing. With the e'plosion of semantic $eb technologies, large =7> graphs are common place. 5his poses significant challenges for the storage and retrieval of =7> graphs. 3urrent frame$or%s do not scale for large =7> graphs and as a result do not address these challenges. &n this paper, $e describe a frame$or% that $e built using 4adoop to store and retrieve large numbers of =7> triples by e'ploiting the cloud computing paradigm. We describe a scheme to store =7> data in 4adoop 7istributed >ile 0ystem. ?ore than one 4adoop job *the smallest unit of e'ecution in 4adoop+ may be needed to ans$er a query because a single triple pattern in a query cannot simultaneously ta%e part in more than one join in a single 4adoop job. 5o determine the jobs, $e present an algorithm to generate query plan, $hose $orst case cost is bounded, based on a greedy approach to ans$er a 06A=12 6rotocol and =7> 1uery 2anguage *06A=12+ query. We use 4adoop@s ?ap=educe frame$or% to ans$er the queries. <ur results sho$ that $e can store large =7> graphs in 4adoop clusters built $ith cheap commodity class hard$are. >urthermore, $e sho$ that our frame$or% is scalable and efficient and can handle large amounts of =7> data, unli%e traditional approaches.


3loud computing has been envisioned as the de-facto solution to the rising storage costs of &5 .nterprises. With the high costs of data storage devices as $ell as the rapid rate at $hich data is being generated it proves costly for enterprises or individual users to frequently update their hard$are. Apart from reduction in storage costs data outsourcing to the cloud also helps in reducing the maintenance. 3loud storage moves the user@s data to large data centers, $hich are remotely located, on $hich user does not have any control. 4o$ever, this unique feature of the cloud poses many ne$ security challenges $hich need to be clearly understood and resolved. <ne of the important concerns that need to be addressed is to assure the customer of the integrity i.e. correctness of his data in the cloud. As the data is physically not accessible to

the user the cloud should provide a $ay for the user to chec% if the integrity of his data is maintained or is compromised. &n this paper $e provide a scheme $hich gives a proof of data integrity in the cloud $hich the customer can employ to chec% the correctness of his data in the cloud. 5his proof can be agreed upon by both the cloud and the customer and can be incorporated in the 0ervice level agreement *02A+. 5his scheme ensures that the storage at the client side is minimal $hich $ill be beneficial for thin clients.

&n recent years ad hoc parallel data processing has emerged to be one of the %iller applications for &nfrastructure-as-a-0ervice *&aa0+ clouds. ?ajor 3loud computing companies have started to integrate frame$or%s for parallel data processing in their product portfolio, ma%ing it easy for customers to access these services and to deploy their programs. 4o$ever, the processing frame$or%s $hich are currently used have been designed for static, homogeneous cluster setups and disregard the particular nature of a cloud. 3onsequently, the allocated compute resources may be inadequate for big parts of the submitted job and unnecessarily increase processing time and cost. &n this paper, $e discuss the opportunities and challenges for efficient parallel data processing in clouds and present our research project /ephele. /ephele is the first data processing frame$or% to e'plicitly e'ploit the dynamic resource allocation offered by today@s &aa0 clouds for both, tas% scheduling and e'ecution. 6articular tas%s of a processing job can be assigned to different types of virtual machines $hich are automatically instantiated and terminated during the job e'ecution. (ased on this ne$ frame$or%, $e perform e'tended evaluations of ?ap=educe-inspired processing jobs on an &aa0 cloud system and compare the results to the popular data processing frame$or% 4adoop.

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