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Top 10 Unusual Bicycles

Editor: Morgan Ottman January 2, 2014 Pewaukee, WI

S your bicycle getting boring to ride? Do you buy a really cool bike, that you think no one else has, and later find out is not special? Well no need to worry about that

10! The Ba"boo cycle This ba"boo cycle is "ade out of ba"boo and is al"ost a nor"al bike! #nd if you$re trying to i"press a cute little friend, called a panda bear! %$" pretty sure it would lo&e it! '! The Beer Bike This here is what they call a (Beer Bike)! *ou can drink beer, and also when you want to go tra&el a few feet and not lea&e your chair this would be the perfect thing for you! +! The ,onference Bike This bike is great for when you want so"e group of people to build Tea" ,orporation! #nd it is also great for ha&ing conferences with other teachers! %t holds up to se&en people! -! The ,ouch Bike This bike is great for when you and your friend are watching tele&ision! #nd you don$t want to get up and.or do so"ething because you /ust got co"fortable! #nd it is good e0ercise for couch people! 1! The Skeleton Bike This skeleton logo bike is great for when 2alloween is co"ing up! 3r you are really into skeletons! This logo will definitely cause attention fro" "any people!

4! The Thisway Bike This bike you can lie down and rela0, instead of sitting on that boney seat! This bike also has a roof for when you$re out in rain and you don$t want to get wet! 5lus it has an uni6ue style! 7! The pi cycle The pi cycle is a cool looking red bike that can go &ery &ery fast! #nd has a cur&e on it instead of being straight! This can only fit one person on it and has a s"all seat for people to sit on! They co"e in different colors! 8! The ,ollapsible Bike ,oncept This bike would be one of "y fa&orites because it is one of the uni6ue bikes, that you would ha&e to ha&e! %ts seat is higher than a nor"al bike, and also they co"e in "any different colors! 9! B:W ,oncept Bike This bike you "ay feel a little s"aller than you usually feel because this bicycle is huge But don$t get "e wrong % would want to ride it, o&er and o&er and o&er again, /ust because 1!The #pple Bike This special and top bike of all the rest of bikes, is the "ost usual because the last thing you e0pect fro" apple is a brand new bike! %t e&en lights up on the outside of the storage, for the co"puter!

,itations; #pple Bike (#pple bicycle for a green ride with all #pple gadgetry. Designbuzz design ideas and concepts Apple Bicycle for a green ride with all Apple gadgetry Comments. <!p!, n!d! Web! 91 =an! 9017! http;..www!designbu>>!co".apple? bicycle?for?a?green?ride?with?all?apple? gadetry.@! ,onference Bike A,onferenceBike ? Bric Staller ? Bike!A ConferenceBike - Eric taller - Bike! <!p!, n!d! Web! 11 =an! 9017! Chttp;..www!conferencebike!co".bike!ht"l? bikeD17@! Beer Bike AEiga Beer Bike!A tag !eekends in "iga! <!p!, n!d! Web! 11 =an! 9017! Chttp;..www!rigastagweekend!co".stag?party? day?acti&ities.riga?beer?bike.@! BMW Conce t Bike AFowrider Bikes!A #owrider Bikes! <!p!, n!d! Web! 91 =an! 9017! Chttp;..hansib!wordpress!co".category.folding? bike.@! ,ollapsible Bike ,oncept AFowrider Bikes!A #owrider Bikes! <!p!, n!d! Web! 91 =an! 9017! Chttp;..hansib!wordpress!co".category.folding? bike.@! ,ouch Bike AThe Bicycle Gorest ;; ,ouch bike Eental!A $he Bicycle %orest && Couch bike "ental! <!p!, n!d! Web! 11 =an! 9017! Chttp;..www!bikeforest!co" AH,yber Gish$ Eecycled ,o"puter 5arts Sculpture by Eaffaele ,ornaggia!A En'ironment $eam " ! <!p!, n!d! Web! 11 =an! 9017! Chttp;..www!en&iron"enttea"!co"@!

The Skeleton Bike ADesign %deas and Tech ,oncepts ? To0el!co"!A $o(elcom " ! <!p!, n!d! Web! 11 =an! 9017! Chttp;..www!to0el!co"@! 5i ,ycle A1,940 "pg! The 5i:obility Blectric 2ybrid Bike Ee&isited IJideoK!A $ree)ugger! <!p!, n!d! Web! 91 =an! 9017! Chttp;..www!treehugger!co".bikes.1940?"pg? the?pi"obility?electric?hybrid?bike?re&isited? &ideo!ht"l@! Thisway Bike ADe>een!A Dezeen $his!ay by $orkel Dohmers Comments! <!p!, n!d! Web! 11 =an! 9017! Chttp;..www!de>een!co".900'.01.9-.thisway? by?torkel?doh"ers.@!

1! Why did you choose this topic? Because the cheese one didn$t see" interesting at all!

9! What font and si>e worked best for your newsletter? Did you &ary your choices? #rial because it looks better than the one % pre&ouly choose!

8! What is the na"e and classification of your Word #rt font? Iserif, sans serif, decorati&e or scriptK #rial is a sans serif 7! 2ow did the i"ages you selected Iclip art, water"ark M %nternetK add to the o&erall look of your newsletter? %t first looked really funny, so % changed it and now looks professinal!

4! 2ow did you use color to draw attention to certain aspects of your newsletter?

% used different colored bikes to "ake it "ore atacki&e!

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