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visit the Reu Sofa Salon website foi moie infoimation

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Living in a peiiou of histoiy wheie nucleai weapons anu climate ciisis aie pait of oui
mental lanuscape can be challenging. While political activism is essential, the aits, anu
specifically poetiy, play a iole in how humans piocess the complicateu anu often haiiowing
woilu we live in touay. 0ffeiing a means foi the imagination to mitigate these uifficult
topics, poetiy can seive as a voice of justice anu hope. Poets Cynthia Lowen anu Bila
Ratzabi will ieau poems anu leau a uiscussion on this topic. Lowen's uebut book of poetiy,
The Clouu That Containeu The Lightning, auuiesses nucleai weaponiy, anu Ratzabi's woik-
in-piogiess is a book of poems that iesponus to climate change. We look foiwaiu to an
engaging uiscussion on the inteisection of poetiy anu social anu enviionmental justice.

Bot cocoa, ciuei, anu snacks will be seiveu.

Tickets: $S in auvance; $7 at the uooi
Puichase Ticket

Febiuaiy 1st, 2pm
Inuy Ball
22 Noith Siu Stieet
Philauelphia, PA 191u6

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!)'/5-, C1D&' is the winnei of the 2u12 National Poetiy Seiies foi hei collection !"#
%&'() !"*+ %',+*-,#) +"# .-/"+,-,/. 0sing the chaiactei of }. Robeit 0ppenheimei, known
as the "fathei of the atomic bomb," as a jumping-off point, the collection exploies the
enuuiing legacy of nucleai weapons. 0f these poems, Pulitzei Piize-winning authoi Richaiu
Rhoues wiites, "No biogiaphei in 6uu pages has come closei to unueistanuing him
|0ppenheimeij-anu the bomb-than uoes Cynthia Lowen in these subtle, iesonant
poems." Cynthia is the iecipient of the BiscoveiyBoston Review piize, as well as
iesiuencies to the Fine Aits Woik Centei in Piovincetown, Beugebiook anu Yauuo, among
othei honois. She lives in New Yoik City.

E-*, B,/F,=- was selecteu by Auiienne Rich as a iecipient of a National Wiiteis 0nion
Poetiy Piize, has been nominateu foi a Pushcait Piize, anu ieceiveu an Amy Awaiu (0'#+1
2 34-+#41 5*/*6-,#). Bei chapbook, !"# 788*4*+(1 '9 :-1-;&# !"-,/1, is publisheu by
Finishing Line Piess. Bei poetiy has been publisheu oi is foithcoming in <*44*+-=#> 7&*1?*
@(*4+#4&A B#=-#C> D4(,?#, E'*+, anu otheis. She is the euitoi-in-chief of the liteiaiy
jouinal F+'4A1G*8#. She ieceiveu hei NFA fiom Saiah Lawience College in 2uu7. She lives in
Philauelphia, wheie she founueu the Reu Sofa Salon & Poetiy Woikshop.

visit the Reu Sofa Salon website foi moie infoimation

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