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Prayer given to Vassula Ryden Sent by Fr. Iannuzzi www.TLIG.

org The Lord called me and gave me a prayer that I had to distribute, asking us to pray it and ask His Mercy. This is what our Lord said: Address Me in this way "Tender Father, lash not Your wrath on this generation, lest they perish altogether; Lash not on Your flock distress and anguish, for the waters will run dry and nature will wither; all will succumb at Your wrath leaving no trace behind them; the heat of Your Breath will put aflame the earth turning it into a waste From the hori!on a star will be seen; the night will be ravaged and ashes will fall as snow in winter, covering Your people like ghosts; take "ercy on us, #od, and do not assess us harshly; remember the hearts that re$oice in You and You in them %emember Your faithful and let not Your &and fall on us with force, but, rather in Your "ercy lift us and place Your precepts in every heart' (men" The Lord called me and gave me a prayer that I had to distribute, asking us to pray it and ask His Mercy. This is what our Lord said: Address Me in this way "Tender Father, lash not Your wrath on this generation, lest they perish altogether; Lash not on Your flock distress and anguish, for the waters will run dry and nature will wither; all will succumb at Your wrath leaving no trace behind them; the heat of Your Breath will put aflame the earth turning it into a waste From the hori!on a star will be seen; the night will be ravaged and ashes will fall as snow in winter, covering Your people like ghosts; take "ercy on us, #od, and do not assess us harshly; remember the hearts that re$oice in You and You in them %emember Your faithful and let not Your &and fall on us with force, but, rather in Your "ercy lift us and place Your precepts in every heart' (men"

The Lord called me and gave me a prayer that I had to distribute, asking us to pray it and ask His Mercy. This is what our Lord said: Address Me in this way "Tender Father, lash not Your wrath on this generation, lest they perish altogether; Lash not on Your flock distress and anguish, for the waters will run dry and nature will wither; all will succumb at Your wrath leaving no trace behind them; the heat of Your Breath will put aflame the earth turning it into a waste From the hori!on a star will be seen; the night will be ravaged and ashes will fall as snow in winter, covering Your people like ghosts; take "ercy on us, #od, and do not assess us harshly; remember the hearts that re$oice in You and You in them %emember Your faithful and let not Your &and fall on us with force, but, rather in Your "ercy lift us and place Your precepts in every heart' (men"

Prayer given to Vassula Ryden Sent by Fr. Iannuzzi Prayer given to Vassula Ryden Sent by Fr. Iannuzzi

The Prayer of Repentan e and !eliveran e This "#$or is% Prayer" was given to Vassula on &ove%ber '() *++, The Lord said: "Let them repent before Me with these words:"

Lord, you have endured me all these years with my sins, but nonetheless You pitied me; I was led astray in every way, but now I will sin no more; I have wronged You and I have been unjust; I will be so, no more; I renounce sin, I renounce the

Lord, you have endured me all these years with my sins, but nonetheless You pitied me; I was led astray in every way, but now I will sin no more; I have wronged You and I have been unjust; I will be so, no more; I renounce sin, I renounce the

Lord, you have endured me all these years with my sins, but nonetheless You pitied me; I was led astray in every way, but now I will sin no more; I have wronged You and I have been unjust; I will be so, no more; I renounce sin, I renounce the

Devil, I renounce iniquity that stains my soul; free my soul from all that is against Your holiness; I entreat You, Lord, to rescue me from all evil; Come esus now,

Devil, I renounce iniquity that stains my soul; free my soul from all that is against Your holiness; I entreat You, Lord, to rescue me from all evil; Come esus now,

Devil, I renounce iniquity that stains my soul; free my soul from all that is against Your holiness; I entreat You, Lord, to rescue me from all evil; Come esus now,

come now and abide in my heart; !orgive me, Lord, and allow me to rest in You, !or You are my "hield, my #edeemer and my Light and in You do I trust; !rom today I will bless You Lord at all times; I repudiate evil and all other gods and idols, for You are the $ost %igh over the world, far

come now and abide in my heart; !orgive me, Lord, and allow me to rest in You, !or You are my "hield, my #edeemer and my Light and in You do I trust; !rom today I will bless You Lord at all times; I repudiate evil and all other gods and idols, for You are the $ost %igh over the world, far

come now and abide in my heart; !orgive me, Lord, and allow me to rest in You, !or You are my "hield, my #edeemer and my Light and in You do I trust; !rom today I will bless You Lord at all times; I repudiate evil and all other gods and idols, for You are the $ost %igh over the world, far

transcending all other gods; &y Your mighty arm, rescue me from ill health, rescue me from being a captive, rescue me from trouble and defeat my enemy the Devil; come quic'ly to my help ( "aviour) *$+,)

transcending all other gods; &y Your mighty arm, rescue me from ill health, rescue me from being a captive, rescue me from trouble and defeat my enemy the Devil; come quic'ly to my help ( "aviour) *$+,)

transcending all other gods; &y Your mighty arm, rescue me from ill health, rescue me from being a captive, rescue me from trouble and defeat my enemy the Devil; come quic'ly to my help ( "aviour) *$+,)

The Prayer of Repentan e and !eliveran e This "#$or is% Prayer" was given to Vassula on &ove%ber '() *++, The Lord said: "Let them repent before Me with these words:"

The Prayer of Repentan e and !eliveran e This "#$or is% Prayer" was given to Vassula on &ove%ber '() *++, The Lord said: "Let them repent before Me with these words:"

)romises "ade by *ur Lady + "arian "ovement of )riests

,-elestial .ueen of &eaven, with this %osary /chaplet0, 1 bind all members of my family, all sinners, and all

nations to Your 2orrowful and 1mmaculate &eart3' 4' "I will strengthen the bonds of matrimony." People in the occult FAST TO D ST!O" FA#I$I S. If you are married these days% you &I$$ 'OT #A( IT )'$ SS "O) P!A"* 5' "I will sa+e A$$ "O)! ,-I$D! '." For us mothers% this is +ery consoling. 6' "I will obtain all that is needed for you FI!ST spiritually. then materially." First and foremost Our $ady is concerned about our spiritual /ourney and you will find that Our $ady has this wonderful information networ0 that does not need anything but the power of the -oly Spirit to bring to us through many +arious ways the information we need for these times. #any people are losing their /obs for +arious reasons but Our $ady will A$&A"S pro+ide for her children* I am li+ing proof of that* 7' "I will be the $I1-T 'I'1 !OD T-AT D F$ ,TS T- P)'IS-# 'TS A&A" F!O# "O)! -O# S*" 2e it earth3ua0e% tornado4s% hurricanes% mudslides% floods% &-AT 5 !% you will find that Our $ady truly protects her own. I ha+e a story to tell of Our $ady4s protection for me and my family during and after the 'orthridge earth3ua0e and I am sure that all of you out there ha+e similar ones. I 0now it is Our $ady honoring - ! P!O#IS S. Aren4t these beautiful promises alone be all that we should need to inspire us to perse+ere and pray and continue to pray66 The promises listed abo+e hold all the concerns hea+en has for all of us in our daily li+es% otherwise She would not ha+e made them. It is our fault if we do not respond to Our $ady...we &I$$ PA" T- P!I, if we fall short of what Our $ady as0s of us. 7,ompiled Sadie 8arramillo% 9:;9<

4' "I will strengthen the bonds of matrimony." People in the occult FAST TO D ST!O" FA#I$I S. If you are married these days% you &I$$ 'OT #A( IT )'$ SS "O) P!A"* 5' "I will sa+e A$$ "O)! ,-I$D! '." For us mothers% this is +ery consoling. 6' "I will obtain all that is needed for you FI!ST spiritually. then materially." First and foremost Our $ady is concerned about our spiritual /ourney and you will find that Our $ady has this wonderful information networ0 that does not need anything but the power of the -oly Spirit to bring to us through many +arious ways the information we need for these times. #any people are losing their /obs for +arious reasons but Our $ady will A$&A"S pro+ide for her children* I am li+ing proof of that* 7' "I will be the $I1-T 'I'1 !OD T-AT D F$ ,TS T- P)'IS-# 'TS A&A" F!O# "O)! -O# S*" 2e it earth3ua0e% tornado4s% hurricanes% mudslides% floods% &-AT 5 !% you will find that Our $ady truly protects her own. I ha+e a story to tell of Our $ady4s protection for me and my family during and after the 'orthridge earth3ua0e and I am sure that all of you out there ha+e similar ones. I 0now it is Our $ady honoring - ! P!O#IS S. Aren4t these beautiful promises alone be all that we should need to inspire us to perse+ere and pray and continue to pray66 The promises listed abo+e hold all the concerns hea+en has for all of us in our daily li+es% otherwise She would not ha+e made them. It is our fault if we do not respond to Our $ady...we &I$$ PA" T- P!I, if we fall short of what Our $ady as0s of us. 7,ompiled Sadie 8arramillo% 9:;9<

married these days% you &I$$ 'OT #A( IT )'$ SS "O) P!A"* 5' "I will sa+e A$$ "O)! ,-I$D! '." For us mothers% this is +ery consoling. 6' "I will obtain all that is needed for you FI!ST spiritually. then materially." First and foremost Our $ady is concerned about our spiritual /ourney and you will find that Our $ady has this wonderful information networ0 that does not need anything but the power of the -oly Spirit to bring to us through many +arious ways the information we need for these times. #any people are losing their /obs for +arious reasons but Our $ady will A$&A"S pro+ide for her children* I am li+ing proof of that* 7' "I will be the $I1-T 'I'1 !OD T-AT D F$ ,TS T- P)'IS-# 'TS A&A" F!O# "O)! -O# S*" 2e it earth3ua0e% tornado4s% hurricanes% mudslides% floods% &-AT 5 !% you will find that Our $ady truly protects her own. I ha+e a story to tell of Our $ady4s protection for me and my family during and after the 'orthridge earth3ua0e and I am sure that all of you out there ha+e similar ones. I 0now it is Our $ady honoring - ! P!O#IS S. Aren4t these beautiful promises alone be all that we should need to inspire us to perse+ere and pray and continue to pray66 The promises listed abo+e hold all the concerns hea+en has for all of us in our daily li+es% otherwise She would not ha+e made them. It is our fault if we do not respond to Our $ady...we &I$$ PA" T- P!I, if we fall short of what Our $ady as0s of us. 7,ompiled Sadie 8arramillo% 9:;9<

F% #*BB1 L(2T 81LL9 T:2T(":;T )romises "ade by *ur Lady + "arian "ovement of )riests
== 9>th 8une 9:;; ==

)romises "ade by *ur Lady + "arian "ovement of )riests

,-elestial .ueen of &eaven, with this %osary /chaplet0, 1 bind all members of my family, all sinners, and all nations to Your 2orrowful and 1mmaculate &eart3'

,-elestial .ueen of &eaven, with this %osary /chaplet0, 1 bind all members of my family, all sinners, and all nations to Your 2orrowful and 1mmaculate &eart3' 4' "I will strengthen the bonds of matrimony." People in the occult FAST TO D ST!O" FA#I$I S. If you are

Fr Stefano Gobbi, the founder of the Marian Movement of Priests, died on the Feast of Sts Peter & Paul at 3pm in the afternoon, the Hour of Mercy. A very touchin tribute to Fr. Gobbi from Father !oseph

"annu##i, an $fficial %&orcist ' June 29th, 2011

I, Rev. Joseph Leo Iannuzzi, affirm that Fr. Steffano Gobbi is and was a true locutionist and a messenger from Mary, who shared with us a timely instrument from the Mother of God who is calling me and you to prayer and fasting from the heart. Time is short...The great chastisement awaits the planet that will be knocked off of its axis and send us into a moment of global darkness and the awakening of consciences...Fr. Gobbi's messages presently bear the Church's official seal of approval, the imprimatur !hus he is ecclesiastically recogni"ed. So, prepare yourselves with the weapons of the #rown Scapular, the Miraculous medal, the #enedictine medal, the prayers of the Most $oly %osary, the Chaplet of &ivine Mercy and the fre'uent reception of the Sacraments of Confession and $oly Communion. (s God loves you, I love you, and love one another. Forgive one another form the heart. )othing else really matters in this life.
In Domino. Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi **

"annu##i, an $fficial %&orcist ' June 29th, 2011

I, Rev. Joseph Leo Iannuzzi, affirm that Fr. Steffano Gobbi is and was a true locutionist and a messenger from Mary, who shared with us a timely instrument from the Mother of God who is calling me and you to prayer and fasting from the heart. Time is short...The great chastisement awaits the planet that will be knocked off of its axis and send us into a moment of global darkness and the awakening of consciences...Fr. Gobbi's messages presently bear the Church's official seal of approval, the imprimatur !hus he is ecclesiastically recogni"ed. So, prepare yourselves with the weapons of the #rown Scapular, the Miraculous medal, the #enedictine medal, the prayers of the Most $oly %osary, the Chaplet of &ivine Mercy and the fre'uent reception of the Sacraments of Confession and $oly Communion. (s God loves you, I love you, and love one another. Forgive one another form the heart. )othing else really matters in this life.
In Domino. Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi **

"annu##i, an $fficial %&orcist ' June 29th, 2011

I, Rev. Joseph Leo Iannuzzi, affirm that Fr. Steffano Gobbi is and was a true locutionist and a messenger from Mary, who shared with us a timely instrument from the Mother of God who is calling me and you to prayer and fasting from the heart. Time is short...The great chastisement awaits the planet that will be knocked off of its axis and send us into a moment of global darkness and the awakening of consciences...Fr. Gobbi's messages presently bear the Church's official seal of approval, the imprimatur !hus he is ecclesiastically recogni"ed. So, prepare yourselves with the weapons of the #rown Scapular, the Miraculous medal, the #enedictine medal, the prayers of the Most $oly %osary, the Chaplet of &ivine Mercy and the fre'uent reception of the Sacraments of Confession and $oly Communion. (s God loves you, I love you, and love one another. Forgive one another form the heart. )othing else really matters in this life.
In Domino. Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi **

** Fr Iannuzzi, ExorcistExpert in the writings of Luisa Piccerrata Divine Wi ! teachings"" ""#ssociate of True Life In God, $assu a %&'en" # (an of profoun' 'iscern(ent, an' )ua ifications
F% #*BB1 L(2T 81LL9 T:2T(":;T
== 9>th 8une 9:;; ==

** Fr Iannuzzi, ExorcistExpert in the writings of Luisa Piccerrata Divine Wi ! teachings"" ""#ssociate of True Life In God, $assu a %&'en" # (an of profoun' 'iscern(ent, an' )ua ifications
F% #*BB1 L(2T 81LL9 T:2T(":;T
== 9>th 8une 9:;; ==

** Fr Iannuzzi, ExorcistExpert in the writings of Luisa Piccerrata Divine Wi ! teachings"" ""#ssociate of True Life In God, $assu a %&'en" # (an of profoun' 'iscern(ent, an' )ua ifications
!-IL. PR-.#RS

Fr Stefano Gobbi, the founder of the Marian Movement of Priests, died on the Feast of Sts Peter & Paul at 3pm in the afternoon, the Hour of Mercy. A very touchin tribute to Fr. Gobbi from Father !oseph

Fr Stefano Gobbi, the founder of the Marian Movement of Priests, died on the Feast of Sts Peter & Paul at 3pm in the afternoon, the Hour of Mercy. A very touchin tribute to Fr. Gobbi from Father !oseph

// -*;2:-%(T1*; #y ?ueen% my #other% I gi+e myself entirely to thee% and to show my de+otion to thee% I consecrate to thee this day% my eyes% my ears% my mouth% my heart% my whole being without reser+e. &herefore good mother% as I am thine own% 0eep me%

guard me as thy property and possession. A# '. "(%Y 1""(-<L(T: "O4 #aria% transform my heart unto thine% Place around it a wreath of purity% adorned in +irtue. Ta0e my heart% dear #other% consecrated as your own. Present it to 1od Father as an offering from me to you. -elp me O4 #aria% in each day to ma0e your heart more 0nown."
-*;2:-%(T1*; )%(Y:% 9 - #allagher

O Mary, Queen of Peace, today I consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart. Cover me with the protective mantle of your Motherly Love and place me in the open wound of your Son's beating Heart. ash me in the !recious "lood flowing from #our weeping Hearts united in perfect love. I abandon my entire life into your Hands to be united in your Love and $race by means of your Matri% Medal, which I lovingly wear as a sign of my surrender to your care. Mold my heart to reflect the image of your Son until I, too, have learned to love Him, as you do, with a true and perfect love. Amen Then to be said by young people: "y this solemn act I offer you my whole life, my heart, my soul, my body and especially this time of my youth which I am living now. Help me to avoid sin, evil and selfishness and to re&ect temptations to violence, impurity and drugs.

I promise you to go to confession often and &oyfully receive 'esus into my heart as the spiritual food of my life( to observe the )en Commandments and to turn my life unto the road of Light by living )ruth and praying #our *osary every day. I love you, my dearest Mother, and I offer you my youth for the tiumph of

#our Immaculate heart in the world. Amen ):;T:-*2T )%(Y:% "Spirit of ,hrist% stir me. Spirit of ,hrist% mo+e me@ Spirit of ,hrist% fill me@ Spirit of ,hrist% seal me. ,onsecrate in me "our heart and will O -ea+enly Father. ,reate in me a fountain of +irtues. Seal my soul as "our own% that "our reflection in me may be a light for all to see. A# '.
)rayer to the &oly 2pirit= -ome &oly

Spirit% enlighten my heart% to see the things which are of 1od. ,ome -oly Spirit% into my mind% that I may 0now the things that are of 1od. ,ome -oly Spirit% into my soul% that I belong only to 1od. Sanctify all that I thin0% say and do% That all will be for the glory of 1od. A# '. -&()L:T *F >1%T<:2 (postles -reed, then 99 4 *ur Father ? 4 #lory be ?4 )rayer to &oly 2pirit' @@ %epeat for each >irtue= @@ Faith &ope -harity ? &umility )atience )erseverance A *bedience 9 Finish with AO #aria..B or a #arian ,onsecration Prayer and Pentecost Prayer.

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