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The Gerson therapy has proved effective.

This therapy consists of an eight ounce glass of fruit and vegetable juice per hour. Colonics and chelation are also included. One of the reasons the juice is important while taking the Vitamin B ! is for the purpose of carrying out the dead cancer cells from the body. The cancer can die so "uickly as to try to come out through the skin# besides the urine and bowels. $emember that the skin is the largest organ in the body and if the cancer is dying rapidly it will come out through the sweat glands causing hives and rashes. %the preceding is a good sign yet can cause discomfort.& These therapies are only allowed in 'e(ico even though their success rate is far superior to the ).*. +ospital,s conventional methods. -t is "uite easy for a cancer patient to follow similar therapies in their own home at a fraction of the cost.

Gerson Therapy Protocol Dietary Healing in Cancer and Chronic Degenerative Disease The main thrust of a dietary healing program is to restore intracellular potassium and o(idative metabolism within the cell. .hen tissues lose their o(idative capacity or have been subject to infectious# chemical or physical insult trauma# we see a build/ up of acidity and a loss of intracellular potassium. *odium# water and to(ins enter the cells / commonly termed the 0Tissue 1amage *yndrome0 2 and as sodium is a potent en3yme inhibitor it will contribute to the rising acidity. )nder these circumstances o(ygen will not be able to enter the cell and the cell will fall into fermentation. This heralds the onset of disease. 1ietary healing protocols based on high vegetable4low protein regimes have been used throughout the centuries to promote healing. They not only reduce the daily burden# but their alkaline contribution counteracts acidity and stimulates the cellular uptake of potassium. Once this occurs o(idation is re/established and sodium along with to(icity and e(cess water is drained from the tissues. Then the healing commences. Increasing Cellular Oxidation 5lthough there has been plenty of observational evidence of the healing potential of such diets# it was not until the second half of the 67th century that we have been able to scientifically prove this. .ith the development of 8'$- %nuclear magnetic resonance imaging& we can now measure the electrical state of the cell. -n the early 9:7s# Gilbert ;ing %biophysicist / won the Bo(er award in Biology 9<7# invented the intracellular micro/electrode# head of molecular biology ;ab of =ennsylvania hospital in =hiladelphia& advanced his >5ssociation/-nduction? theory. +e identified the cell as being a solid/state electronic device. +e maintained that when potassium was present and bound at specific sites within the cell# an electrical field was generated which caused a structuring of water and an e(pulsion of sodium and to(ins from the cell. This model was tested and proved by 1amadian %=residential medal of honour for science and discovery in 8'$-& and @reeman Cope '1 %Chief of Biochemistry of the 8aval 5ir 1evelopment Centre# =ennsylvania# )*5&# who showed that this structuring did indeed e(ist# and that bombarding cells with large amounts of potassium encouraged its uptake# led to the recovery of its electrical state and hence the restoration of cellular o(idation and

energy production. -t is now recognised that any to(ic insult# trauma or o(ygen deprivation to the tissues causes the tissue damage syndrome where potassium is lost and sodium and water gain entry. -t is critical that this process is reversed to restore the function of the tissues. On a dietary healing program it is often necessary to add additional potassium to the already high potassium diet. The specific blend of potassium salts not only increases the hourly bombardment of potassium to the cells but contributes to the alkaline reserves within the cells. -t is the rising alkalinity which neutrali3es the acidity and draws o(ygen into the cell. 5n acidic cell will repel o(ygen. -n addition to application of the potassium compound# we may need to further increase the free energy and o(idi3ing capacity of the cell. -nvariably patients with chronic degenerative disease have low thyroid function and therefore glandular thyroid and ;ugolAs B strength solution may be applied. These products increase energy production by signaling cellular mitochondria to replicate and increase cellular o(idation of sugar to generate 5T=. CoC 7 may also be recommended to enhance o(idative capacity. Protein restriction *tudies conducted since the 9D7s and to the current day# have repeatedly shown that calorie and protein restricted diets cause a regression of tumours and remission of auto/immune disease. -t has been observed since the 9E7,s that protein restriction enhances the T cell count of the immune system and hence immunity specifically against tumour tissue. 'ore recently the work of 1r. $obert Good %the most published pathologist in .estern medical literature& noticed that malnourished children# deficient in protein and calories# had a disturbed immune profile. *ubse"uent studies on animals showed that protein and calorie restriction in animals produced increased T cell activity and depressed B cell activity. *pecifically# mice genetically predisposed to developing mammary tumours# on a protein and calorie restricted diet did not go on to develop tumours and even if the cancer was allowed to develop it could be regressed by initiating protein and calorie restriction. This obviously has very important ramifications for both enhancing the immune system in cancer and subduing its effects in auto/immune disease. =rotein restriction has a synergistic effect on the elimination of sodium and to(ins from the body. =rotein yields strong acids which are only slowly removed from the body# being buffered by the cells for around ! days. Flimination of these the acids via the kidneys occurs in e(change for sodium. *o if dietary protein remains above an acceptable level for healing# then sodium is retained and healing will not occur. 5dditionally# tumours do not handle protein well. They do not metabolise protein# instead producing to(ins from the protein that seep into the surrounding environment causing local trauma %to(icity& to the adjacent healthy tissue. The oedema increases around the tumour 0protecting0 it from the immune system and the adjacent tissue becomes susceptible to invasion4metastases. Fat restriction @at is restricted# particularly on the cancer program. @at feeds tumours# and even low fat products can mad tumours reappear. +owever# limited amounts of fla(seed oil are allowed. Pancreatic enzymes =ancreatic en3ymes not only assist the digestion %imperative on a nutritional therapy& but are known to debaulk tumour tissue within the system. The living en3ymes in the raw juices also contribute to this.

Toxicity and the coffee enema On any deto(ification protocol serum to(icity will be increased. 5dded to this# the patient with a chronic disease or cancer# may be unable to effectively deal with the waves of to(icity as liver capacity is invariably impaired. -t is therefore critical that the liver is supported at regular intervals# and the coffee enema is routinely recommended. =atients can worsen if ade"uate steps are not taken to support the liver and the liver may become more damaged. This is particularly pertinent nowadays when treating patients who have either undergone chemotherapy or been e(posed to environmental chemicals# as the to(ic effects of releasing these can be "uite dangerous if the liver is pushed too hard. 'edications and the pace of the therapy is monitored closely to take this into account. $esearch on the coffee enema dates back to the 9E7s when it was beginning to be routinely applied for pain management. F(periments undertaken by +eubner and 'eyer at the Gottenberg university# on the rectal administration of caffeine in animals showed that it caused the dilatation of bile ducts and an increased flow of bile for elimination. -n 9!7s and G7s further research by .attenberg identified in mice e(periments that the palmitates e(tracted from coffee increased the glutathione * transferase system / an en3yme system responsible for deto(ifying carcinogens and free/radicals in the liver and small intestine. -ts activity was increased :77H in the liver and !77H in the small intestine. This is critical for the removal of serum to(ins and to facilitate the removal of to(ic cancer breakdown products %ammonia# to(ic bound nitrogen / protein derivatives&. -n addition 1r. =eter ;echner %Gra3# 5ustria& has undertaken a : year program on post/operative patients suffering with liver metastasised colorectal cancer with positive results with coffee enemas. Clic!
here for the coffee enema"

I Caffeine# theobromine and theophylline dilate bile ducts and causes increased bile flow %also counteract inflammation in the gut&. Choleretic. I =almitates increase glutathione * transferase. This increases the conjugation of to(ic elements and delivery to the bile for elimination. Fssential in deto(ifying. Bile is normally reabsorbed 9/ 7 times before making its way out via the colon. +owever# the en3yme enhancing ability of the coffee in the liver and small intestine does not allow re/absorption of the to(ic bile. 'ost cholerectic agents do not ensure removal of to(ins / only increase the bile flow. I The litre of fluid dilutes the portal blood and the bile and causes a flushing of to(ic bile. -t also encourages a peristalsis which ensures the transit of to(ic bile from the duodenum to the outside. I D mins retention / ensures the cleansing of the blood five times. The whole blood volume passes through the liver every E minutes. Generally speaking# the greater the to(icity and during periods of flare/up or when the body is reabsorbing malignancies %necrotic tissue in the blood stream&# then you need to apply fre"uent enemas to enable the body to clear the to(icity. -t relieves pain %97H of patients&# depression# confusion and nervous tension. =ain is often caused by circulating to(ins irritating the nervous system. These to(ins can also set up an inflammatory response. =atients who have not undergone chemotherapy are also re"uired to take a castor oil treatment %castor oil by mouth and by enema& as this has an even stronger releasing effect of to(icity from the liver.

#ssentials of the diet $odified Gerson Diet" . *altless %no salt# no sodium bicarbonate# nor other minerals belonging to the 8a/ group&. 6. @atless %all vegetables or foods containing fats# fatty acids or lecithin are e(cluded&. E. =oor in animal proteins %the first si( weeks without any protein# later milk products in limited "uantities&. <. $ich in mineral of the J/group %1icalcium phophate and selected fruits and vegetables rich in the minerals of the J/group&. D. $ich in carbohydrates from plants and fruit. :. 5bundant fluid %vegetable soup and various juices&. !. $ich in vitamins %by adding BrewerAs Keast# fresh fruit and vegetables as well as fruit juice and vegetable juices&. G. $ich in some liver substances and en3ymes %including defatted liver powder from young animals# E/D capsules a day# and liver injections of Crude ;iver F(tract L 7 cc. F"ual to 7 ).*. units. The first few weeks# 6 cc. 1aily# then every other day# later twice weeklyM injected intra/muscularly# best in the glutacus medius&. The treatment may %e divided into four stages& Forbidden: 8icotine# salt# sodium bicarbonate and other sodium compounds# alcohol# coffee# tea# cocoa# chocolate# spices with certain e(ceptions# pickles# smoked fish# sausagesM all canned# preserved and bottled foodsM white flour# refined sugar# candies# cakes# ice/ cream# butter# all animal and vegetable fats# nuts. Temporarily forbidden: 'eat# fish# eggs# milk# cheese# bread. 'tage One& necessary daily Fruits %all kinds permitted e(cept alligator pears# pineapples# berries# pomegranates&M pears and plums when stewed. Fspecially re"uired areN apples in every form# such as raw# grated# baked# stewed# and in the form of apple sauceM also spinach# lettuce# carrots# and potatoes. (llo)ed are& some dried fruits# such as prunes# peaches# apricots# soaked and stewed unsulphured or carefully washed off. ( 'pecial 'oup& One to one and a half "uarts a day. +alf consists ofN parsley root# leek# and celery knobM the other half# of tomatoes and potatoes. The vegetables are to be diced# covered with water and cooked for two hours. The soup may be taken as ordinary soup or as a thick mash. -t may be prepared in "uantity for one or two days use and kept well covered in a refrigerator. To make it 0tasty0 add the followingN onions# chives# horseradish# garlic# thyme# any fresh garden herbs and green pepper. *pread parsley leaves on it or powdered yeast# or add a few drops of lemon in the plate.

Potatoes& baked potatoes L as many as possibleM potato and celery salad mi(ed# or mashed potatoes made from the baked potatoes# mi(ed with a little of the special soup. Fruit salad# preferably consisting of some of the followingN oranges# grapefruit# apples# grapes# tangerines# cherries# apricots# peaches# mangoes. 'elon# banana or persimmons may be added. *tewed fruit or compotes# such as apple sauce with raisins or prunes or certain other dried fruitM if they are to be sweetened# use brown sugar or molasses. *ome patients are hypersensitive to dark honey# and prefer maple sugar# maple syrup# glucose# Jaro# light honey or molasses. 'alad& lettuce# watercress# tomato %less important areM endive# chicory# escarole# romaine# radishes&# mi(ed with finely grated raw vegetables# such as carrots# cauliflower# red beets# kohlrabi# etc. Dressings& lemon juiceM also if desired# a few drops of wine/vinegar. 8o salad oil or other oil or fat. Fluids& *ince large amounts of other fluids are given# it is preferable not to give water but# instead# three to four glasses of orange juice and two to three glasses of grapefruit juice. 5dd the juice of half a lemon to each and# if possible# add one glass of tomato juice or grape juiceM in further advanced cases a few glasses of apple and carrot juice# also a preparation consisting of mashed apples and carrots# mi(ed half and half L all freshly pressed. 1o not use metal s"uee3er or one with a cap %the latter tends to press undesirable aromatic oils of the skin into the juice&. Oatmeal# at least twice daily# milled without bleaching and with no milk or cream# cooked in water# served with brown sugar or fresh or stewed fruit. .hen using this diet the patient needs larger portions and more fre"uent meals. +e may take food every hour starting early in the morning# and continuing until the hour of retiring. @eedings may continue during the night if for any reason the patient is awake. 'tage T)o after * )ee!s" The same diet as above with additionsN 5mong these# all vegetables are allowed %e(cept mushrooms&M to be stewed very slowly in their own juices according to the following rulesN . .ith no added water or steam. 6. The vegetables are not to be scraped but washed with a brush. E. The pot must be tightly covered so that the steam cannot escapte. 5dhesive tape may be used but not pressure cooker %F(ceptionN it is not necessary to cover spinach tightly&. <. 1o not use aluminium pots or other aluminium utensils. )seN stainless steel# =yre(# enamel# earthenware# iron with enamel# or enamel pots with glass cover. D. ;et the vegetables cook slowly with a low flame about one to one and a half hours# without water and without salt. -f the vegetables are too dry and have been stored too long# soak them before cooking in lukewarm water not more than fifteen minutes so that they can re/absorb the lost fluid. %-t is important not to soak

vegetables for a longer period since their minerals tend to dissolve in the water. 'tage Three after + )ee!s" 5dd to the preceding listN pumpernickel rye bread# salt/less# 4E of a pound a day. *andwiches of pumpernickel withN tomatoes# radishes# chopped parsley# lettuce# raw finely grated vegetables# especially carrots %no butter&. Tomatoes or green peppers filled with brown or wild rice. 5pple pie made with rye flour# raisins# etc. 'tage Four after , )ee!s" -n additionN one glass of buttermilk and# after one week# two glassesM pot/cheese or farmerAs cheese %without salt or cream&# a "uarter of a pound a day# later half a poundM yoghourt or acidophilus milk without cream# one to two glasses a day. The description of the four successive diets given above# covers only the essentials. -t is obvious that they must and can be adapted to different conditions# especially when the gastrointestinal tract is involved. Then raw foods %e(cept juices& have to be e(cluded L the fruit must be stewed# the vegetables strained# the raw fruit and vegetable juices mi(ed with gruel# half and half# etc. 5s the patientAs digestive tolerance increases# a larger proportion of the vegetable juice is mi(ed with the gruel. The method of preparation of the above described diet will be reported in every detail in another article# as well as the fundamentals of further treatment# and tables showing the conte(t of the diet in minerals# vitamins# etc. $edication The patient receives in addition the following substancesN . 1icalcium phosphate with Viosterol# : tablets a day# well chewed. 6. 8iacin# D7 mg. G to 7 times a day# after meals or juices# dissolved on the tongue. -n severe cases we start with one tablet every hour# day and night for few weeks and then repeat this for three days in intervals of one week and during the flare/ups# but patients are not to be disturbed when asleep. E. ;ubile %dried powdered bile form young animals& or 1esicol# 6 capsules < to D times a day L after the first half of the special soup or juice. <. ;iver powder with iron# capsule E times a day. D. Vitamin 5 O 1 capsules# concentratedM twice 6 capsules. :. ;iver injections# crude liver e(tract %;illy&# 7 units per 7cc# 6 cc intramuscularly daily. !. 5fter si( weeks# 1icalcium =hosphate with Viosterol has to be changed to : teaspoons of =hosphorous Compound# which is the same composition without Viosterol. -n severe cases# we add at the beginning one teaspoon of =hosphorus Compound to each glass of juice for a few weeks in addition to the 1icalcium =hosphate.

Coffee #nemas

The use of coffee in enemas for detoxification purposes is well known. It is a common herbalogical remedy that has been suggested by holistic and alternative medicine professionals for many years. Why it works The effects of a coffee enema are different than a saline enema. The most important difference between a saline enema and a coffee enema is the presence of caffeine in the coffee. Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, combine to stimulate the relaxation of smooth muscles causing dilatation of blood vessels and bile ducts. The effects of having a coffee enema are not the same as drinking coffee. The veins of the anus are very close to the surface of the tissue. The caffeine is therefore absorbed more quickly (and in higher concentration than it is in when coffee is drunk. Liver benefits !dditionally, coffee has a chemical makeup that is stimulative. The en"ymes in coffee, known as palmitates, help the liver carry away the toxins in bile acid. The coffee is absorbed into the hemorrhoidal vein, then taken up to the liver by the portal vein. #ith the bile ducts dilated, bile carries toxins away to the gastro$intestinal tract. %imultaneously, peristaltic activity is encouraged because of the flooding of the lower colon. Thus, when the colon is evacuated, the toxins and bile are carried out of the body. Supplies & 'ou will need to buy a re$usable enema kit, available at most pharmacies. They are usually disposable (although they can be cleaned and reused for several months and they are inexpensive. & (istilled water. & )rganic coffee, any roasting level will do. & *rench +ress pot. Preparing the Coffee & ,ring - cups of water to a boil. & .rind eight heaping spoonfuls of organic coffee. +ut it in a *rench press pot. & +our the water over the coffee grounds and let it steep then cool for one hour. & !fter this amount of time, the liquid should be about body temperature. If you stick your finger in the water it should be lukewarm, but not hot. & +ress the coffee grounds to the bottom, and then pour the coffee liquid into the enema bag. Directions & *ollow the directions that accompany the enema kit. /ie on your right side, in0ect and retain the coffee for 12$32 minutes. & I recommend lightly massaging your abdomen from left to right (up the left side, and then left to right 0ust below the navel . & !dditionally, I recommend changing positions while retaining the coffee. !fter a few minutes turn over onto your back, a few minutes later switch to your left side before evacuating your bowels.

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