Energy Plus Tutorial For Masters Students

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Part 13 OpenStudio

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

Part 13 Outline
New File Template Creating Zones
Slides courtesy of Simge Andolsun, Energy Systems Laboratory,Texas A&M University

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

New File Template

NewFileTemplate.idf Used as starting point when New is

selected in OpenStudio

Located in C:\Program Files\Google\

Google SketchUp 7\Plugins\OpenStudio constructions, or other objects.

Edit as desired to add new materials,

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

New File Template

Default contents

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


1. Open an e+ zone

3. Make sure that the prism defined by black dotted lines is always open while you are using OpenStudio. 2. Doubleclick on the SketchUp screen, you should be seeing a + sign and a prism Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. defined by black dotted lines.

Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

4. Select push/pull tool. 1. Select the rectangle tool. 2. Draw a rectangle by single clicking on a point and dragging the mouse to one direction. 3. Enter the dimensions of the rectangle from the keyboard. 5. Select the rectangle on the ground Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. by clicking on it.
Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 6


1. Pull the selected surface up with push/pull tool

3. Press Enter 2. Enter the height of the prism while pulling the surface up. 4. The colors of the surfaces should 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. turnOct from gray tones to brown tones.
Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 7


4. Check each feature, change them if necessary. 2. Rightclick on a surface. 3. Select OpenStudio/Object Info.

Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 5. Do the same thing for all the surfaces you can see.


1. To see the back surfaces, click on Orbit tool

2. Rotate the object by clicking on a point and sliding the mouse in opposite direction

4. Rightclick on the surfaces that you can see now & check their properties.

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


For the surfaces blocked by other surfaces

1. Rightclick on a blocking surface 2. Select Hide to hide the surface.

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.



Now you can see the inner surfaces

1. Rightclick on the floor & check its properties

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


To unhide the blocking surfaces 1


Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.



and the hidden surface comes back !!!

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


To save the EnergyPlus input file 1


Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 14

A warning


If you accidentally click on somewhere on the screen outside of the box with dotted lines, the box disappears. If this happens

Oct 2009

Find the plus sign you located to define the e+ zone in the beginning or select a surface in that zone & doubleclick on either one of them to reopen the box. Otherwise the surfaces you define from that point on would not be read by e+ !!!!
Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


Opening a second zone


2. Click somewhere on the screen to locate the plus sign of the new zone. This will turn the other zone into green and will make it unselectable.
Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 16

2. Draw the floor of the upper new zone with the rectangle tool.

4. Press ENTER
Oct 2009

3. Enter the dimensions of the rectangular floor as 10m x 40m.

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


1. New floor looks like this when completed. 2

3. Select the floor surface to extrude!

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


1. Pull the surface up

2. Enter the height of the surface = 3m 3. Press ENTER

Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 19

1. Color of the surfaces turns into brown after ENTER is hit. 2

3. Rightclick on the exterior surfaces and check their features.

Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 20


1 2 Use the Orbit & Pan tools to obtain this view

4. Doubleclick on any of the surfaces in the first zone.

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.



1. This will activate the first zone. 3. Draw a line to separate the terrace from the Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 22 interzone surface.

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13.

4 2. Doubleclick on any of the surfaces in the upper zone to activate the upper zone

1 5

3. Select the roof & the side wall

Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 23


2 1. This will allow you to see the floor of the 2nd story 3. Draw a line that separates the cantilever surface from the interzone surface

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.



1 3 2

Now we have three different surfaces: 1) a cantilever , 2) a terrace , 3) an interzone Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. surface.

Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


4. Make sure that the cantilever is defined as a FLOOR 1. Rightclick on the cantilever


5. Make sure that the cantilever is exposed to outside air. It is Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. sun & wind exposed

2. Click on OpenStudio/ Object Info to check its features

Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 26

5. Make sure that the terrace is defined as a ROOF 1. Doubleclick on any surface in the 1st floor to activate the 1st zone 4 7. EXTERIOR ROOF 2. Rightclick on the terrace

6. Make sure that the terrace is exposed to outside air. It is sun Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. & wind exposed.

Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

3. Click on OpenStudio/ Object Info to check its features 27

5. Make sure that the interzone surface in the 2nd story is defined as a FLOOR. 1. Doubleclick on any surface in the 2nd floor to activate the zone 4 7. INTERIOR FLOOR 2. Rightclick on the interzone surface 3. Click on OpenStudio/ Object Info to check its features 6. Make sure that the interzone surface in the 2nd story faces a surface: Ceiling of the 1st floor (6496D9). This interzone Oct 2009 to EnergyPlus - Part 13. surface is neither sun nor Introduction wind exposed.

Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


5. Make sure that the interzone surface in the 1st floor is defined as a CEILING. 1. Doubleclick on any surface in the 1st floor to activate the zone 2. Rightclick on the interzone surface 3. Click on OpenStudio/ Object Info to check its features 6. Make sure that the interzone surface in the 1st floor faces a surface: Floor of the 2nd floor (FDF799). This interzone Oct 2009 to EnergyPlus - Part 13. surface is neither sun nor Introduction wind exposed.


Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


4. Make sure that all the exterior walls are defined as a wall.


1. Rightclick on an exterior surface

5. Make sure that all the exterior walls face Outdoors and they are sun & wind Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. exposed.

Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

2. Click on OpenStudio/ Object Info to check its features 30

4. Make sure that all the floors that sit on the ground are defined as a floor


1. Rightclick on the floor

5. Make sure that all the floors that sit on the ground face the Ground. They Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. are neither sun nor wind exposed.

Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

2. Click on OpenStudio/ Object Info to check its features 31


1. Doubleclick on any surface in the 2nd floor to activate the zone 3 4

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


1. Make sure you have saved the EnergyPlus input file.

and all the surfaces come back.

Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 33


when it comes to windows & doors

3. Draw another rectangle on another wall surface. If it touches the floor, it is Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. simulated as a DOOR.

2. Draw a rectangle on a wall surface. If it does not touch the floor, it is simulated as a Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 34 WINDOW.

3 4. Draw a 7.12m long 1m wide shade over the window using the rectangle tool.


Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13.

2. Doubleclick at a point closer to the window that needs a shade to open a Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 35 shading zone.

3. Record the name OpenStudio assigned for the 1st floor


1. Select the 1st floor

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

2. Right click on the zone to check its features 36

3. Record the name OpenStudio assigned for the 2nd floor


1. Select the 2nd floor

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.

2. Right click on the zone to check its features



3. Google SketchUp brings back the building

1. Click on Open EnergyPlus input file

2. Open the EnergyPlus input file that was modified in IDFEditor.

Oct 2009 Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E. 38

3. Realize that the zone name is different now! It is the zone name you assigned in the IDFEditor! 1. Singleclick on the 1st FLOOR

2. Click on OpenStudio/ Object Info to check its features

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


3. Realize that the zone name is different now! It is the zone name you assigned in the IDFEditor! 1. Singleclick on the 2nd FLOOR

2. Click on OpenStudio/ Object Info to check its features

Oct 2009

Introduction to EnergyPlus - Part 13. Copyright 2009 U.S.D.O.E.


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