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Report Period: 1 quarter; 2nd quarter; 3rd quarter; 4th quarter 
(1st Qtr = Jan – Mar; 2nd Qtr = Apr – Jun; 3rd Qtr = Jul – Sept; 4th Qtr = Oct – Dec)
CWS Fiscal Year: 1st Qtr= Jul – Sep; 2nd Qtr = Oct – Dec; 3rd Qtr = Jan – Mar; 4th Qtr = Apr–Jun

CDC Quarterly Report for Year 2008

Project Name : Direct Services Program
Project No. in CDC Database Record : 980103
Project Start Date : 01 January 2007
Project Completion Date : 30 June 2011
Project Location : Svay Rieng, Kompong Thom and Preah Vihear Provinces
Project Staff Expatriate : 0
Local Staff : 39 (12 women)
Total project cost (USD) : N/A
Total Project Allocation for the year (USD): USD 729,409.00
Total Expenditures for this period (USD): USD 172,136.87

List of Donors:
Donors Expenditures for this Quarter
CWS/NY SED US 13,770.95
EED US$ 63,690.64
NCCA US$ 55,083.80
UMCOR US$ 39,591.48
Total: US 172,136.87

Detail Expenses
Project Activities
Direct Cost Indirect Cost
Direct Services Program (DSP)
Direct Services Program of CWS Cambodia has two sub-projects that currently operate in three
different provinces; Water and Sanitation project is covering two districts of Svay Rieng province and
Village Based Community Development project is covering Kompong Thom and Preah Vihear

1. Svay Rieng Water and Sanitation Cooperation Project (WatSan)

The overall objective is to expand the coverage of improved water supplies and sanitation facilities to
underserved population of Romeas Hek and Romduol Districts, Svay Rieng Province, and to improve
health and hygiene practices related to water bone diseases and diseases and sanitation.

 Attended 11 meetings on community based

disaster preparedness, Water Festival
Celebration, Wastewater Treatment Solution,
National Event to Review the Impacts of Poor
Sanitation and WatSan summary report which
organized/conducted by related/associated
Ministries and its provincial departments and

 Two times of a meeting with the Director of

Svay Rieng Provincial Department of Rural
Development (PDRD) on the success and
challenge of cooperation work was organized
during the reporting period in the same time
CWS were visited by inner and abroad visitors.

 Three meetings to discuss/feedback the current

implementation of the WatSan Project and next
month plan preparation with Commune
Development Facilitators (CDFs).

 202 Water and Sanitation Users Group

(WSUG) members (83 women), 3 Commune
Councilors (1 woman), 29 Village Leaders (3
women) and 1 CDF from 9 villages of Pong
Teuk Commune; 14 villages of Daung
commune; 13 village of Tras commune and 5
villages of Kokir commune attended the training
courses on Village Development Planning and
Simple Proposal Writing organized by the
WatSan Project.

 187 villagers (106 women) from 3 villages of

Bos Mon commune; 2 villages of Daung
commune and one village of Tras commune
attended several trainings on sanitation and
hygiene was organized during the reporting

 120 latrine beneficiaries (43 women) from 2

village of Tras commune; 4 villages of Kokir
commune; 9 villages of Daung commune; 2
villages of Pong Teuk commune and 2 villages
of Bos Mon commune attended the training on
latrine use, and sanitation and hygiene
organized by the WatSan project.

 22 Bio-Sand water filter beneficiaries

(8 women) from Prey Tayoun villages
Pong Teuk commune attended the
training on bio-sand water filter
operation and maintenance, and
sanitation and hygiene organized by
the WatSan Project.

 The village action plans of 20 villages

were completed conduct by the
WatSan. 120 families which 23
vulnerable, 38 poor and 59 above poor
need latrine; 710 families which 187
vulnerable, 246 poor and 277 above
poor need bio-filter.

 15 villagers including 6 women in 3

villages; one village of Tras commune
and 2 villages of Pong Teuk commune
were formed into 3 WSUGs in
collaboration between CWS’s WatSan
Project staff, CDFs and local
authorities (commune councils and
village chiefs).

 10 Bio-sand water filters were US$ 22,907.25 US$ 4,042.46

constructed and installed for 10
household in Bos Mon Leu village, Bos
Mon commune benefited to 49 family
members including 27 women and 17
children (7 girls)

2. Village Based Community Development Project (VBCD)

The overall objective is to develop the communities’ capacity to define their development direction
and improver them to meet their basic need; access to basic services; sustainable livelihood
opportunities and food security in Kompong Thom and Preah Vihear provinces.

 11 coordination meetings were attended and

conducted during the reporting period by the
Direct Services Program Office, the Kompong
Thom and Preah Vihear Project staff on various
subjects such as: Integrated Annual Planning
with PRDC/Excom and District Governor on how
to integrate commune plan with the
stakeholders, water and sanitation with UNICEF
and Provincial Department of Rural
Development (PDRD) for future collaboration,
HIV/AIDS home based care with Provincial
Health Department (PHD), international human
rights day and meet with Non-Formal Education
Department for the preparation of CWS square
table meeting at Kompong Thom and Svay
Rieng Province.

 56 key peoples (14 women) from 13 target

villages of Kompong Thom Project attended a
two-day Village Development Committees
(VDCs) annual planning workshop for
achievement of 2008 and work plan for 2009.

 Four Commune Council members, five village

leaders and 18 VDC members (4 women) of
Kompong Thom and Preah Vihear provided a
three-day training on “Leading and Managing
Rural Organization”. The purpose of training was
to improve knowledge and capacities of the
participants with effective manage their work in
position of VDCs, Village Leaders (VLs) or
Commune Councilors (CCs).

 50 peoples (24 women) including 18 Commune

Red Cross Volunteers (CRVs), 13 village
leaders, and 19 VDC members of Preah Vihear
and Kompong Thom target areas were
attended a 3-day training course on
“Understand conflict and Building Peace in Our
 189 villagers (107 women) in Beng and Choam
Boeng village, Sraeung commune of Kompong
Thom project participated in White Ribbon Day
organized by CWS.

 There were three times of food nutrition

distribution to 836 children under 24 months
(481 girls), 200 pregnant women, 223 lactating
mothers, 803 mothers of children aged from 6-
24 months and 68 Village Health Volunteers
(VHVs) in 30 target villages of the Kompong
Thom and Preah Vihear Project. A total 18,138
Kg of CSB powder, 14,400 Kg of white rice, and
948 Kg of vegetable oil and 2,183 Kg of sugar
were distributed.

 480 peoples (260 women) representing various

groups such as school teacher, school
students, villagers, government officers from
education department, local authority and
health center of Kompong Thom and Preah
Vihear joined an International HIV/AIDS Day to
understanding of how HIV transmission and
how human can prevent it.

 118 villagers (114 women) in three villages of

Sraeung and Tipou commune of Kompong
Thom project attended awareness raising on
Safe Delivery and Birth Spacing from VHVs.
Additionally, the VHVs also had aware people
the Kompong Thom target areas about Malaria
and Dengue fever with 103 villagers (88
women) in two villages of Sroeung commune
attended. while, the 14 VHVs of Preah Vihear
Project received a two-day training on same
above topic plus acute respiratory infection in
collaboration with health center.

 370 mothers living in the Preah Vihear project’s

target area received education on various
topics such as how to prepare nutritious food
for their children, good hygiene and how to take
good care of them.

 Three platforms were founded three hand pump

wells located Preah Vihear project.

 Two community meeting halls, sala, and two

houses were built in Preah Vihear and
Kompong Thom project.

 Another NFE class was opened in the

Kompong Thom Project with 20 villagers (17
women) attended. The training materials
provided to teacher and class attendees
monthly basis.

 22 SHG committee members (16 women) and

36 villagers (32 women) in four villages of
Sraeung and Tipou communes attended a
three-day training course on SHG Concepts,
SHG formation and Book Keeping.

 61 ceramic water filters distributed to 61

households in six target villages of Tipou and
Sraeung commune. Additionally, one ceramic
water filter was provided to one NFE class in
Thmei village.

 117 villagers (93 women) in three villages of

Sraeung commune attended awareness raising
on Clean Water and Sanitation.

 14 key farmers (three women) from four villages

of Sraeung commune received a two-day
training course on IFM. Vegetable seed and
water containers also distributed.

 29 flood victimized families in Tnaot Chuor

village, Sraeung commune, received 580 Kg of
rice seeds to cultivate in dry season.

 Nine absolute poor families in Tipou and

Sraeung communes received materials to start
550 palm juice containers and 4 steam pots to
produce palm sugar with expecting generating
more income to effort their aliveness.

 16 absolute poor families in Trapeang Trom

village, Tipou commune received 96 mango and
jackfruit seedlings to plan at their home yards.

 120 absolute poor in 12 villages of Preah

Vihear and 8 villages of Kompong Thom target
villages received vegetable seeds such as
morning glory, long bean, white cabbage and
spinach for their home gardens purpose.

 21 absolute poor families in Tipou commune

received hen breeds, approximately 5kg per
family and fishing materials for domestic raise
and use.

 Five absolute poor families in three villages of

Sraeung and Tipou communes received 300 kg
of white rice, 10 bottles of fish sauce, 8 bottles
of soya sauce, 5 kg of vegetable oil, and 8 kg of
iodized salt. Additionally, another absolute poor
family in Trapeang Trom village received
US$30.00 for transportation means of health
care and treatment at Kompong Thom hospital.

 One set of water pump machine was provided

to dry season rice group consisted of 30
members in Thmei village, Sraeung commune,
Kompong Thom Project
 50 kg of rice, two dozens of fish sauce and
Soya sauce, 20 cases of drinking water, 50
krama (scarf), and US$ 50.00 in-cash were
donated to a long boat team in Choam Boeng
village to join water festival in Phnom Penh.

 155 primary school children (83 girls) from 1st -

6th grade for whose are from absolute poor
families of Preah Vihear and Kompong Thom
target villages were received study materials
comprising of 155 school bags, 495 note books,
449 pens, 331 pencils, 155 rulers, 155 pair of
slippers, 155 sets of school uniform, 44 hand
board, 65 rubbers and 155 pencils sharpener.

 222 reading books represent various subjects

such as Khmer culture, Khmer literature and
moral education provided to a high school and
two secondary school in Choam Khsant, Preah
Vihear Province, comprising of 657 students
( 328 girls) and 30 teachers ( 8 female teacher)
in coordination with District Education

 19 project staff (7 women) from Kompong Thom

and Preah Vihear attended twice a two-day
training course on Community Led Total
Sanitation and Bookkeeping at CWS office in
Phom Penh while other four project staff (1
woman) from Kompong Thom and Preah
Vihear projects attended workshop on “Low
Cost Sanitation” at CWS office in Phnom Penh.
Also 19 project staff (7 women) from Kompong
Thom and Preah Vihear and 9 Program staff (3
women) attended a three-day Community
Development Model Reflection Workshop at
Sihanouk Ville. US$ 123,409.09
US$ 21,778.07

Sub Total: US$ 146,316.34 US$ 25,820.53

Grand Total: US$ 172,136.87

Noted by: Approved by:

Date: / /2009 Date: / /2009

_____________________________ ___________________________________
Mao Sophal Chhouk Chantha
Direct Services Program Manager Director for Programming

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