Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources "The Flag and a Few Punks." New York Times: n. pag. Print.

This newspaper article is a detailed description of what happened after the court case and the protesters reactions to it. It shows that the government tried to degrade our freedom of speech by taking away our right to burn the American Flag in public. The article improves my performance because it informs me of the short term effects of the flag burning, itself. This is considered a primary source because it was written by a person who was there and it was directly after the trial occurred. Greenhouse, Linda. "Justices, 5-4, Back Protesters Right to Burn the Flag." New York Times [Washington]: n. pag. The New York Times on the Supreme Court. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This article is a primary source that talks about the flag desecration laws in 48 states and also talks about the court case and the arguments of each ruling side in the Supreme Court. It also states some of the justices' opinions that were read aloud. This primary source assists me in the groundwork for my project because it gives me some background information and also some direct information from the Justices serving on the Supreme Court at the time of the trial. "Justices to Rule Whether Burning the Flag Is Legal." New York Times: n. pag. The New York Times on the Supreme Court. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This article explains Texas's argument against Gregory Johnson and why they were prosecuting him. It tells the ruling of the Supreme Court and that flag burning for protest is protected by the First Amendment Rights and he cant be punished. This source assists me because it proves that the ability to burn the American flag is our right.

Justice Brennan, et al. "Excerpts from High Court's Decision Barring Prosecution Flag Protest." New York Times [Washington]: n. pag. The New York Times on the Supreme Court. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. The source is four separate articles written by four separate Justices. They are articles about an opinion on the case, the concurring solution, and dissenting opinions. This primary source assists me in understanding both the dissenting Justices as well as the Justices who were for the winning ruling of the trial. Therefore, this source aids in rounding my knowledge on the topic. Justice Brennan, and Justice Stevens. "Courts Majority and Dissenting Opinions on the Flag Protection Act of 1989." New York Times [Washington]: n. pag. The New York Times on the Supreme Court. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This article states the two main opinions of the Supreme Court in vivid detail. It gives reasons and facts as to why Justice Brennan and Justice Stevens ruled the way they did. It is beneficial to me because it gives direct quotations that I can use in my project and gives me a broader view of their opinions on the subject. Also, it increases my knowledge on the case because they state numerous facts about the trial in this article. MacKENZIE, John P. "The Hard Case of the Flag: Apologies and Surprises." New York Times: n. pag. The New York Times on the Supreme Court. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This source is unique because it does not only state the opinions and positions of the Justices in this matter; it also states the position of President Bush. It shows that even the President realizes that the court is correct in saying that Gregory Lee Johnson has the right to burn the flag, but as his responsibility is to maintain its importance, it is wrong for him to do so. It assists me because it agrees with my thesis statement.

Texas v. Johnson. 491 US. Supreme Court of the US. Print. The court case gives out specific details and information about the trial and event the trial is over. It gives exact quotations of the Supreme Court Justices and their direct opinions. It also states reasons why Johnson had the right to invoke his First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech during his protest and the fact that Johnson was the only one arrested out of hundreds of people and he was arrested only for the burning of the flag, not obscene language. This source is very significant because it provides details that other documents do not and gives specific reasons behind why he is not convicted and charged. Texas v. Johnson. 491 US. Supreme Court of the US. 1989. Print. This source is another copy of the court case. It explains the reasons behind each judges decision and also tells the reason behind the ruling. The court case also tells me about the points Johnson and his lawyer made and also the points the State of Texas made against them. This source assists me because it gives me good facts and helps me better understand the court case and the reason the ruling was made. Toner, Robin. "Amendment Needed To Protect the Flag, Bork Tells Senators." New York Times [Washington]: n. pag. The New York Times on the Supreme Court. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This source provides information on other politicians views on the flag desecration issue. It also give direct quotes from important senators and politicians. This source assists me by showing me every viewpoint on the issue. Therefore, I know the good and the bad of each side and have facts that back both opinions up. "Two Centuries of Burning Flags, a Few Years of Blowing Smoke." New York Times: n. pag. The New York Times on the Supreme Court. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This article has a great amount of background information on the history of flag burning and how long it has

been occurring. It states the problems flag burning has caused and talks about the reasons these things occurred. This assists me in my project because it informs me of the previous reasons people had resorted to burn the flag for protest or as a fight against the government or the country as a whole. It will help me understand the events leading up to the day Gregory Lee Johnson burned the flag. US Const. amend. I. Print. The first Amendment proves that the action of protesting by burning the American Flag is protected under the Constitution. This contradicts with the Flag Desecration laws that are in place in most states. This is significant to me because it proves the part of my hypothesis that states that Americans have the right to burn the American flag as a form of protest. Williams, Armstrong. "The flag-burning amendment." The New York Amsterdam News 28 Oct. 1999: n. pag. EBSCO eBook Collection. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This article states the reasons why the flag should not be burned. It is the dissenting opinion of the Supreme Court but has many good points. Its very significant to me because it proves that as American citizens we have the responsibility to reserve the importance of the American flag and the meaning it sustains to our country. Secondary Sources Babington, Charles. "Senate Rejects Flag Desecration Amendment." Washington Post 28 June 2006: n. pag. Print. This article is about the passing of the Flag Desecration Amendment years after Texas v. Johnson's trial was completed. It talks about how the Senate fell short of the two-thirds majority vote. This is significant because it shows that even years later that the burning of the American flag is still protected by the Constitution and the

Supreme Courts decision still stands correct. It will assist me because it shows a longterm effect of the court case on America. Britannica. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This reference source offers specific dates of the flag burning and court dates. It also contains specific details as to why Gregory Lee Johnson was protesting against the government during the nomination of President Ronald Reagan. This reference assisted in expanding our knowledge as to why Johnson decided to burn the flag as a protest against the government, which contributed to the content of our website. "Case Brief: Texas v. Johnson (1989)." Media Cultures and Expression. N.p., 20 Mar. 2008. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. <>. This blog informed me on the exact opinions of each Justice and their reasoning behind the ruling they held. Also, it briefs me on the significance of the ruling and how it affected the states. The significance of this source was that it assisted me in figuring out the short-term effects of the case and also helped me fully understand the reasoning behind each Justices ruling. Ely, John Hart. Flag Desecration: A Case Study in the Roles of Categorization and Balancing in First Amendment Analysis. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This case study goes into detail of the court case and talks about the ruling and opinions of many judges. It also restates what was said in the court case in more detail. This will assist me because it will help be better understand the specifics of the court case. Flag Burning and Free Speech. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This book talks about the history of the American flag itself. It also talks about the rise of the Flag Protection Movement and how flag burning started. This source will assist me because it will help show the significance

of the American flag to our nation and it will also assist with my overall knowledge of the background information on flag burning. "Flag burning Case Study: Texas v. Johnson." ACU Common Law. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. <>. Gregory Lee Johnson burned the American flag in front of Dallas City Hall. This website provides information on what happened to him after the incident occurred and what the rulings of each court were. It also gives vivid details on few of the Justices opinions on the issue and exact quotations of what was said. This information helps broaden my knowledge of the court case. "Flag Burning Laws- History of the U.S. Laws Against Flag Burning." N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. <>. This website provides me with the historical background of the laws the U.S. has placed against flag burning. It also explains why certain laws were repealed and considered unconstitutional. This source assists my project because it informs me of the history behind the flag laws and why it is now constitutionally acceptable to burn the American flag. The Free Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. <>. This website gives the details of the flag burning incident. By providing me with information on what exactly Gregory Johnson was chanting during the burning of the flag. This source assists my project by helping me understand the background of the situation and exactly what and why it happened.

Gelber, Katharine. Political Culture, Flag Use and Freedom of Speech. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This report informs how the flag can be used as a tool for freedom of speech. It also provides information on how the flag became a symbol of America and also how important it is to many citizens, especially people who have served our country. The Author explains how these people get away with "defacing" the importance of the flag. This is very useful to me because it gives specific reasons why people are able to desecrate the flag as a form of political protest. "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <>. I obtained all my images through Google images. These images helped improve my project by showing the event through the eyes of the camera. Holzer, Henry Mark. Texas v. Johnson. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This report is about the trial of Texas v. Johnson. It contains the specific details of the court case but goes into further explanation of the case. This will be beneficial to me because it gives plenty of facts on the case. Also, it contains direct quotations from the justices that were apart of the case. Hopkins, W. Wat. "Flag Desecration as Seditious Libel." Journalism Quarterly: n. pag. Print. This journal gives information on the fact that burning the American flag is regarded as protected political protest. The author states that Johnson's act was considered political protest. This is why he was not sentenced with a year of prison and a two thousand dollar fine. This journal will assist me by increasing my knowledge as to why Johnson was not convicted and helping me understand the law behind it. "Major Decisions- Texas v. Johnson." Constitution Law. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. <>. This website contains information on the civil penalties against Johnson and

what was done with the conviction after it was made. Also, it provides information on why Texas thought the action was unlawful and worth a conviction. Along with that information, this source provides the ruling of the Supreme Court and the reason behind its ruling. Ultimately, this source aides me in success with this project because it administers me with more information on why the State of Texas brought the case to the Supreme Court and what its reasons where. Recent Action in the Congress. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This source is a detailed report on the aftermath of the Texas v. Johnson case. The report talks about what laws and amendments Congress passed and tried to pass due to the increase in flag desecration activities. It assists my performance by providing short-term effects of the court case and the ruling of it. Supreme Court Cases Texas v. Johnson, 1989. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. Flag burning became a form of political protests against the Vietnam War. This report informed me on how flag burning came about. It also explained the effect the courts ruling on flag burning being constitutional affected the states and the reasoning the justices ruled the case the way they did. This source assists my performance by helping me understand how flag burning began and why the justices ruled that a law against flag burning is unconstitutional. Texas v. Johnson Flag Burning, Freedom of Speech. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. This report presents the information of how the case moved through the court system and also direct quotations from a few of the Supreme Court Justices. It also provides more in depth information about what exactly happened the day of the flag burning. This source assists me in making my project more efficient because it increases my knowledge of the

background on the case and also increases my knowledge of how the Supreme Court Justices viewed the incident. "Timeline of Flag Desecration Issues." EBSCO eBook Collection. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This source is a timeline of all the issues having to do with the flag. It informed me on the details of the adoption of the Flag Desecration Law before the court case of Texas v. Johnson. It also talks about the court case itself and the revision of the Flag Desecration Statute after the court case. These facts are important because they are short-term effects of the court case. Therefore, it assists me in determining the long and short-term effects of the ruling of Texas v. Johnson. Volokh, Eugene. "The Founding Fathers agreed that the First Amendment protected 'symbolic expression." Flag Burning and Free Speech: n. pag. Print. This article talks about one of the long-term effects of the court case. It explains that Congress is still trying to decide if burning the flag, as protest is constitutional or not. This article provides a good ending for my project because it proves that the discussion of whether American have to right to burn the flag or not is still a common topic today. Your Constitutional Rights. American Civil Liberties Union of Montana, n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. This website article implements information about the exact reasons that Gregory Lee Johnson burned the flag. He states that it was his right to protest against the republicans for the renomination of Reagan and burning the flag was a form of protest. The benefits I gain from this source are, it explains to me in detail why Johnson did what he did and also gives me direct quotations from Johnson. YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. <>. The videos on my website were all from Youtube. These assisted in my project because it shows the

protest and burning through film. I also found an interview of Johnson years after the verdict.

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