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Section 16.1 Notes: Thermal energy and Matter


A. work and Heat -heat is the transfer of thermal energy from 1 object to another because of a temperature difference. -heat flows from hot to cold objects spontaneously -heat affects work b/c friction converts some E into thermal E B. Temperature -measure of how hot or cold object is compared to certain reference point -i.e. celcius= boiling-freezing pts. of water; Kelvin. (absolute zero) -temperature is related +0 ave. KE of particles in object (due to random motions thru. space). -heated objects = more ave. KE of particles because particles move faster -heat flows from nights low temps. -collisions: high energy particles lose E, low-E particles gain E C. Thermal Energy -Depends on mass, temperature, and phase of object -total KE+PE of all particles of object -more particles-more thermal energy -highertemp= more thermal energy -combination of tempt mass determines thermal energy D. Thermal contraction & expansion 1. contraction -temp. decreases, particles move slowly closer together, so pressure decreases => thermal contraction 2. expansions -thermal expansion increase in volume of material due to temperature rise and particles moving farther apart. -gases expand more easily than liquids and solids be. they have looser atomic bonds. -used in glass thermometers and oven thermometers (unwinding metal coil) E. specific heat -Amount of neat needed to raise temp. Of 1 gram of material by 1 OC

-Lower specific neat = more temperature risen when energy is absorbed by given mass -measured in J/g* C - formula: Q = m*c* change T {heat = mass * specific heat * change in temperature.} F. Measuring Heat Changes -calorimeter measures with thermal energy -calorimeter uses principle that heat flows from hot => cold object until both temperatures are equal. -mass of sample is measured, sample is heated and put in water. law of conservation of energy : TE released = TE absorbed by surroundings calorimeter is sealed, water stirred to evenly distribute TE. when sample & water are same temperature. Change in temp. is measured, because it is used in specific heat calculation.

Summary: Heat flows spontaneously from hot objects to cold objects. Temperature is related to the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object due to their random motions through space. Thermal energy depends on the mass, temperature, and phase (either solid, liquid, or gas) of an object, Thermal expansion occurs when particles of matter move farther apart as temperature increases (and thermal energy increases) The lower a material's specific heat, the more its temperature rises when a given amount of energy is absorbed by a given mass. A calorimeter uses the principle that heat flows from a hotter object to a colder object until both reach the same temperature.

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