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No time for understanding sufficient to know whether or not

You want to live If yes spread the word united a significant Holistic understanding from whence NOW New Order World leaders will surface Messiahs as you will UBIQUITOUS Unbiased Bias Intellectual Quotient United Invincible Triad One Unequivocal Sync
The messiahs have been waiting for you to show signs of coherency SASS - Standing Alone Self-justified Suicide never to know whether fell to STP Satanic Truth Prohibition or STIFFS Sentient Traditional Ignoramus Friendly Fire Sapience Holistic characterized by the view that a whole system of beliefs must be analyzed rather than simply its individual components taking into account all of somebody's physical, mental, and social conditions in the treatment of illness Holians one mother earth Reality almighty consecrated element HOME RACE
Truth Holistic Interactive Retrospect Transcendental Electromagnetism Enslaver's Nemesis

Close Encounters

Rising above the snow job awakening from the DAY Dark Abyss Yoke EONS Enemy One Naturality Subversives In the name of God of, for with the People WTF

Cancer Cure
If they are not headlining this they are PRICK mi FIBIB
Political Religious Insidious Charlatan Kleptocratic media inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss

AEIOU All Egalitarian Inform Ousting Usury Y If you have to ask Certifiably Insane or Legally Inane

Facts must have root 2 take root God coherency "Catch 22" must have semblance 2 catch doG chase tail Jesus Universal Socrates Tesla Intellect Confucius Electromagnetism

TuT Try understanding This

Significant Transitive Interactive Neutering Gist

STING Transitive logic describes a given relation between terms such that if it exists between "a" and "b" and between "b" and "c," then it also exists between "a" and "c." Typical transitive relationships include "is greater than," "is equal to," and "is similar to." BLIP Beware Lucifer Interact Prayer

Reality is the Truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception Truth that which God would observe whether or not He exists or whether or not one believes He exists

Reality sanely dealt with United Perception Solidarity UPS Ultimate Potential Society

The Jordan Maxwell Show

- April 19 2013 - Science & Some Great Minds

Science rarely discusses UFO's and Aliens. Most of which receive funding from those who control the power. A College Degree is nothing more than a Government Work Permit. Education has been arrested by the ones who want to control us, and they limit the knowledge we receive. When you look at a check, look at who signs the check, that is the one that counts. Science is funded by Government, or private groups that control Government. Is a Degree just a work permit? Some of the scientists that Jordan respects; Nikola Tesla, the great mind, who invented radio and many other amazing inventions. Stanton Friedman Nuclear Physicist- is a professional UfO-ologist who resides in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident. Royal Rife, reported that a 'beam ray' device of his invention could weaken or destroy the pathogens by energetically exciting destructive resonances in their constituent chemicals. This lead to the invention of the Rife Machine, which is an alternative way to treat several diseases . This amazing machine has been successful in

including treating Cancer.

Royal Rife could be the man who can kill all diseases with his Rife Machine. Which to this day the AMA discredited. Was this because there is more money in treatment rather than a cure? Paul LaViolette has also published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University and is currently president of the Starburst Foundation Manly Palmer Hall -who Jordan credits as one of his biggest influences. In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) in Los Angeles, California, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization[33] dedicated to the study of religion, mythology, metaphysics, and the occult. Are we all arrested by the educational system? Why are most Religious leaders corrupt? " Go Back to the old ways" The Occult Anatomy of Man by Manly P. Hall

The Secret Destiny of America [Paperback] by Manly P. Hall

Decoding the Message of the Pulsars: Intelligent Communication from the Galaxy Paul A. LaViolette Flying Saucers and Science: A Scientist Investigates the Mysteries of UFOs: Interstellar Travel, Crashes, and Government Cover-Ups Stanton T. Friedman My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Rife Machine Rife's World of Electromedicine: The Story, the Corruption and the Promise

Close Encounters I am Frank Neither Political Nor Religious Be 17:18 Hour See Humanity as simple as 1, 2 dont need 3 but surely that Frank cant be me JET Just Electromagnetic Transmitter Tesla Free energy Stanton Friedman Royal Rife

Cures Cancer Cosmos UFOs Paul LaViolette Galactic Superwave Calcs of Mayan Calendar off as Zecharia Sitchin explained Manly Palmer Hall Alien Genocidal Gold Ruler Enslavers Government Appropriating Tax Evaders

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