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Primary Sources Ferris, G.T. "The Cleansing of Great Cities." HarpWeek 10 Jan. 1891: 33-36. HarpWeek. Explore History. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. < meId=1891&issueId=0110&page=33>. This article from HarpWeek is considered a primary resource because it was published in 1891. We accessed the electronic copy of the article through the University of Texas at Arlington database for students. This article is useful because it gives a descriptive and moving account on the filthiness of pollution in the late 1800s. Harper's Weekly. "Preventing the Pollution of Rivers." Harper's Weekly Advertiser 15 Jan. 1910: 33. Print. Since Harpers Weekly is a newspaper that was in circulation from 1857 to 1916 published by Harpers & Brothers it is a primary source. It contains valuable primary source documents that convey the environmental concern of people in the early days of industrialization as well as the prevailing social and economic attitudes regarding protecting the environment. Rogers, W.A. The Garbage Dump and the Headquarters of New York. 1891. Photograph. HarpWeek. Harpweek's Weekly, 10 Jan. 1891. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. < meId=1891&issueId=0110&page=35>. This image is considered a primary source because it is from the HarpWeek

magazine in 1891. We accessed this website from the University of Texas at Arlington online database and it provides electronic photocopies of newspaper issues from the 1800s until its discontinuance. We used this image along with the primary source article to prove that urban pollution was a problem.

American Lung Association Gasoline and Vehicle Standards Survey, Jan, 2013. Retrieved Jan-18-2014 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut. This poll is taken from the iPoll Databank and accessed from the University of Texas at Arlington database. 1,025 Interviews were conducted by telephone asking the public opinion regarding stringent EPA standards of air pollutants. This poll bolstered our argument that the public opinion generally favored EPAs policies in the social impacts tab. Ferris, G.T. "The Cleansing of Great Cities." HarpWeek 10 Jan. 1891: 33-36. HarpWeek. Explore History. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. < meId=1891&issueId=0110&page=33>. This article is a primary source because it from HarpWeek newspaper archive. We accessed the archive from the UTA database, it offered electronic copies of the newspaper entries from 1800 to 1920. The article an account of an outside observer commenting on the filth of New York City. We used this article in the backgrounds tab to explain that contamination was a problem in the 1890s also.

Gallup Poll, Mar, 2013. Retrieved Jan-18-2014 from the iPOLL Databank, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut. The survey results reported here were obtained from searches of the iPOLL Databank and other resources provided by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

Secondary Sources
Articles Association, Independence Hall. "Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <>. This website has a lot of detailed information about the Industrial Revolution and its impact to the environment. It was a very insightful basic background information regarding the revolutions effects and we included this in the background tab

Deutz, Pauline, and David Gibbs. "Eco-Industrial Development And Economic Development: Industrial Ecology Or Place Promotion?." Business Strategy & The Environment (John Wiley & Sons, Inc) 13.5 (2004): 347-362. Business Source Complete. Web. 7 Jan. 2014. This article makes connections with the profit made by businesses and the wellness of the environment. It advocates protection for the environment but it also concedes the rightful needs of business owners, and strategically plans to come to a satisfying midpoint for both groups. Unlike other sources, it strives to compromise the needs of the market and our environment.

"Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <> This website contains detailed information about the Industrial Revolution and was very helpful when researching basic background information in order to further explain the effects of air pollution. We used this article as an overview for our backgrounds tab. "Environmental Justice." Natural Resources Defense Council. NRDC, 12 Oct. 2006. Web. 07 Jan. 2014. <>. This official website of the Natural Resources Defense Council outlines their mission and contains recent scientific articles as well as current events regarding the protection of the environment. This source contains useful current information and policies regarding environmental protection.. undisturbed. . Smith, Harry Lee. "The Environment Since the Industrial Revolution." Environment Abstracts 13.2 (2009): 1-3. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management. Web. 7 Jan. 2014. This article establishes the damages done by the industrial revolution, the specific chemicals and pesticides that initially made to yield efficient results but actually resulted in crop failure, water and air pollution. This article would be helpful for us to view the industrial revolution as a turning point for factories and the environment.

Books Chairman, James Sharp. Industry and the Environment. N.p.: Practicing Law Institute, 1976. Print. Ser. 93.

This book by James Chairman describes the intrinsic and fragile relationships between the harmful chemicals dumped from the factories and the damage it could do to the environment and lists the political actions done in the past. This source helped to connect the issues of environment the response of the government. Law, Kevin. The Environmental Protection Agency. New York, NY: Chelsea House, 1988. Print. This book regarding the EPA was extremely helpful as it offered various comprehensive quotes and covered a wide range of topics including the background of EPA, administrator biographies, notable cases involving the EPA, and a timeline of all the acts passed by the agency. This book helped us the most regarding the timeline of acts and the development of EPA through the years.Various quotes were also taken from this book to include throughout our website.

Tu, Yingyi Si, and David Emmons. Environmental Crime " The Criminal Justice System's Role in Protecting the Environment" N.p.: Sage Publications, 2000. Print. In this book, crimes, acts, and laws regarding the business sectors and environments are clearly explained. Unlike other secondary source, it contains primary sources of acts such as the Clean Air Act and the Oil Act as well as many others. This source would serve as a basis for governmental regulations in the environment. Markowitz M.D, Steven. "Toxic Substances." Subcommittee on Toxic Substances, Environmental Oversight, Research and Development. Washington: U.S. Gov. Printing Office, 1989. 155-60. Print. This book discusses the effect of toxic substances emitted by the factories in to the environment and the long term effects it has on the environment for the whole. Since this book was published in 1989 it also shows the growing concern of people

regarding maintaining the equilibrium in our environment which was the effect of other various environmental acts were also put into place at this time. Walker, Bailus, Ph.D. "Opening Statement of Hon. Max Baucus." Health Effects of Air Pollution. Washington: U.S. Gov. Printing Office, 1989. N. pag. Print. This book was published by the U.S Government Printing Office so it offered a comprehensive coverage of the congressional hearing regarding the severity of air contaminants in the air. The opening statement clarifies the overview of air pollution, types of contaminants involved. Wolf, Sidney M. "A Guide to Federal Environmental Laws." Pollution Law Handbook. N.p.: Quorum, 1988. N. pag. Print. This book from the know your government series was by far the most helpful and insightful in providing useful information regarding the EPA and its role in the society. The book primarily focuses on the development of EPA, background information of pollution, and the organizational offices. Weve taken out several quotes from the book as it is concise and pertinent to our topic.


Bush, Jim. Love Canal. 1995. Photograph. Buffalo Spree Magazine. Buffalo Spree, 1995. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. < als.html>. This image shows a picture of a woman and her child who were victims of the chemical disaster of Love Canal. This image was originally from the Buffalo Spree

Magazine. We used this image in the responsibilities tab in our website because it portrayed the agony and suffering from the result of the chemical disaster. Doug. Landscape. 2009. Photograph. Flickr., 12 Nov. 2009. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. <>. This image shows a photo of a corn field at sunset, we got this image from through the account of Doug. We used this image as a header page for the structure of EPA. It helps to bolster our argument that EPA is essential to our society. Greenwhich. "Children Playing in the Park." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. <>. Gymbuddynz. "Compounds Broken down." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <

8g1oBA-hDHNcF-hDGoFM-hDH5p3-aPwdAz-aqKqFt-9jP75V-9jRDWA-9jP8CX9jRCyN-8TABGc-eJb5o4-eK8Mzf-8Fu6Bs-a5fyU4-7Rc1xE-7Rc1mo-9a8JsC7JjSfJ-7X9sTA-7X9sx7-dcSfBR-89mgDa-bwAJTe-eqMR4b-awoWEt-gVSzGBcGwyC1-cPnFWL-dKF93q-cYAweh-dzT9Pe-bbBbar/>. This is a picture from Flickr that we obtained to show a visual of one of the harsh chemicals that are in the air that we breathe. The image gives more of a dramatic effect to the crisis page on our webpage, it prompts the reader to learn more about its toxic quality and its effects. We used this image in the chemical slideshow along with various others. Hiser, David. Oil Spill. 1972. Photograph. Flickr. The U.S. National Archive, Oct. 1972. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>. This photograph shows the a oil spill that occurred in Santa Barbara, 1970. This image was found on through the account of The U.S. National Archive. We used this photograph as a visual in the timeline of the development of EPA for it galvanized its creation. Leidorf, Kalus. Power Plant. 2006. Photograph. Flickr. Aerial Photography, 11 Dec. 2006. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>. This photograph shows a picture of a Powerplant from an aerial perspective. We found this on through the account of Aerial Photography. This image shows pollution from the power plants from an aerial view, and we included this in our backgrounds tab.

Mwahlesten. "Colorful Compounds in Chemistry Lab." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <>. Smithsonian Institution. Rachel Carson. 2009. Photograph. Flickr., 13 Mar. 2009. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. <>. This is a black and white portrait of Rachel Carson. This image was found on by the Simthsonian Institution. We used this portrait to serve as a visual in the timeline of EPA development Studios, Paul Hey. "Chemical Compounds." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <

aemBcy-eKDuJv-dgFYoB-bbBaft-bbBaHv-cYAwUj-bx8d9i-9QM7bQ-bbBbLV9QM7kG-9QM6z7-aqQCfk-cKb3WL-bgp8tg/>. This image we used in our project demonstrates the danger of combining hazardous chemicals can be extremely dangerous to the human body. The chemicals in each of the cylinders represent the chemicals and the mixed chemicals gives a visual of what the pollution is composed of. Since its not possible to visually see how its happening, the image was chosen to represent to process or meaning of the pollution. Steve. Environmental Protection Agency. 2013. Photograph. Flickr., 20 Mar. 2010. Web. 17 Jan. 2014.<> This image of the Environmental Protection Agency is found on from the account Steve. This image shows the official badge of the EPA, which we found it useful to include under the impact of the EPA tab as it associates with the agency. Tover, Ru. Lake Tahoe. 2004. Photograph. Flickr., 3 Apr. 2004. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. <>. This image shows a pristine view of Lake Tahoe. The source of this image is from the account of Ru Tover on We used this image because it captured the undisturbed beauty of nature and used it in our homepage slideshow. Tover, Ru. What. 2013. Photograph. Flickr., 4 Aug. 2013. Web. 17 Jan.

2014. <>. This image shows a picture of a deer in Yosemite National Park in California. We found this image on through the account of Ru Tover. We used this image to further provide visuals that capture the beauty of wildlife and nature. Tover, Ru. Yellow-billed Magpie. 2013. Photograph. Flickr., 27 Dec. 2013. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. <>. This image shows a picture of a yellow beaked magpie bird, we found this image on from the account of Ru Tover. This picture was from a series of images of birds, and we included this image in our homepage slide show to provide a visual for wildlife. United States Government Work. President Richard Nixon. 1973. Photograph. Flickr., Oct. 1973. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. <>. This image shows a portraint of President Nixon in the white house, it was found on from the the account of U.S. Government work. We used this image in the timeline of the development of the EPA and it helped to provide a visual when President Nixon created the EPA. Varlan, Horia. "Graduated Cylinders of Compounds." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <

9jP75V-9jRDWA-9jP8CX-9jRCyN-8TABGc-eJb5o4-eK8Mzf-8Fu6Bs-a5fyU47Rc1xE-7Rc1mo-9a8JsC-7JjSfJ-7X9sTA-7X9sx7-dcSfBR-89mgDa-bwAJTeeqMR4b-awoWEt-gVSzGB-cGwyC1-cPnFWL-dKF93q-cYAweh-dzT9Pe-bbBbar9SawbE-7YHRUm-aeiNPg-aemBcy-eKDuJv-dgFYoB/>. These colorful compounds are included in our website because they stand out from the picture and represented as particles. The image clearly represents the structure of the component in the air we breath. The chemical compounds in the cylinders are a few of the compounds are dangerous when combined. We used this image in our component slideshows to present the components visually.

Yan, Wei, M.D. "Environmental Science." Personal interview. 17 Jan. 2014. This interview from a certified internal medicine practitioner provided abundant amount of information regarding the negative effects of Nitrogen oxide, Ozone and other EPA prohibited air pollutants as well as traces of Mercury and lead particles from power plant emissions. We were able to use this information on our The crisis tab to bolster our argument about the impact of the air pollutants.

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