Lesson Plan Nation of Immigrants

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Lesson Plan: A Nation of Immigrants

Name: Erin McGinnis Class/Subject: 11th Grade US History Date: 1/30/14 Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: Students will review reasons why people immigrate to the United States Students will review di ering attitudes toward immigration Students will use analysis o documents in order to de!ate the pros and cons o immigration policies o the 1"#0s Content Standards: $$SS%E&'(&iteracy%)H%11(1#%# *etermine the central ideas or in ormation o a primary or secondary source+ provide an accurate summary that ma,es clear the relationships among the ,ey details and ideas% $$SS%E&'(&iteracy%)H%11(1#%- Evaluate authors. di ering points o view on the same historical event or issue !y assessing the authors. claims/ reasoning/ and evidence Materials/ esources/!ec"nolog#: *ocument pac,et or political cartoons/ poetry/ and de!ate with guided 0uestions !ime/Lesson 1 minutes Start of Class2 )eview !asic acts o immigration rom chapter reading Introduction of Lesson2 3% 4pening 'ctivity5)eading cartoons '% Students will study two 6% 7eppler cartoons 8*ocument '9 1% 6% 7eppler drew the irst cartoon in 1::0 and th second in 1:"3% *escri!e the two cartoons% ;hat are the di erences in point o view !etween them< ;hy do you thin, attitudes on immigration changed< #% *o you thin, that there has !een a change o attitudes on immigration recently in this country< 3n what way did the attac,s o "/11 immigration policies< 3n what way has su!=ect o >illegal immigration? in luenced attitudes toward immigrants< - Students will wor, with partners around them to discuss the 0uestions a!out the polticial cartoons% @here is a space provided or them to write down their possi!le answers and thoughts% - )econvene as a class to discuss

10(11 minutes

11(#0 minutes

Lesson Instruction2 33% Aoetry 'nalysis Students will read two poems on attitudes towards immigration 8*ocuments B C $9 1% How does Emma &aDarus portray immigrants in >@he Eew $olossus?< ;hy is her poem on the Statue o &i!ery< #% How does @homas Bailey 'ldrich portray immigrants in >Unguarded Gate?< ;hy is he concerned with immigration< - Students will again wor, with partners near!y to read the poems and analyDe the content !ased on the 0uestions and prior ,nowledge% - )econvene as a class to discuss material Assessments/C"ec$s for %nderstanding: Formative assessment2 Students will hand in the wor,sheet or the day with their responses written !ased on their partner wor, and class discussion% ( @his lesson gives a !road overview o the two sided perspective o immigration to the United States during the 1"#0s5!oth positive and negative% Closure/&ra'(%'/ evie): Hand out the eGcerpt o the 3mmigration 'ct o 1"#4 and descri!e the de!ate or tomorrow on whether or not to pass this act% ( Sides will !e assigned

1 minutes

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