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Theresa Brostowitz, Katie Dabbs, & Alison Gomez

* First-generation college students

* students whose parents have not attended
college (Billson & Terry, 1982).

* More likely to come from a lower

socioeconomic background, be a person of color, and to speak a language other than English at home (Greenwald, 2012). institution rather than a four-year institution

* More likely to start college at a two-year

* Gaining respect/status * Bringing honor to their family * Helping their family out financially after

* These students have stronger desire to

accomplish degree goals than other students (Inman & Mayes) and a commitment to college equal to that of other college students (YorkAnderson & Bowman, 1991).

* Major choice * Access to student support services * Involvement in extra curricular activities * Financial need

* These courses aim to provide, Knowledge of

the curriculum, utilization of the career center, and an appreciation of the value of and involvement in co-curricular activities (Almaraz, Bassett, & Sawyerr, (2010). academic preparation (ex. Orientation) to include the facilitation of student-teacher partnerships in learning (I-BEST).

* Focus extended beyond the scope of typical

* Students who join TRIO-Student Success

Services (SSS) are more likely to be involved on campus, maintain higher GPAs, and graduate and transfer at higher rates. (South Seattle Community College (2012).

* TRiO Offers wide array of services including:

* Advising, Mentoring, Tutoring * Career and Transfer services * Financial Literacy and Scholarship assistance

* To ensure equal educational opportunity for

all Americans, regardless of race, ethnic background, or economic circumstances (Almaraz, Bassett, & Sawyerr, (2010).

* Two-thirds of TRIO participants are low-

income, first-generation-college studentsspecifically, students from families with incomes under $24,000/year.

* Yossos Community Cultural Wealth

* Asset based theory

* Astins Theory of Student Involvement

* Involvement leads to success

For Practitioners
1. gives students resources (how to apply for college, types of schools, who to talk to about college). Also provides parents with application procedures, frequently asked questions and the benefits of sending a child to college. Provides information to educators. provides networking opportunities for those working in the field. Online community advocating at the national level for better resources for low-income students. helps evaluate the effectiveness of programs utilized to reach out to students who want to go to college.

2. 3.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

For Students free advise from professionals in the field timeline of when to apply, what is needed to apply to college, videos, links, checklists. for parents of students-how to apply for financial aid, what financial aid is, who qualifies, application checklists. for students: track progress of college preparation, hear student success stories, questions and answers, find colleges. offers a glossary of college terms for parents. how to plan for college, how to find colleges, how to pay for colleges, where to find help after college. ***

Other Resources
-On-campus career services -High school and college counselors -Community Centers -In some cases, high school students may go to their college of choice and speak to a career counselor about how to get to college.

Almaraz, J., Bassett, J., & Sawyerr, O. (2010). Transitioning Into a Major: The Effectiveness of an Academic Intervention Course.Journal Of Education For Business, 85(6), 343-348. doi:10.1080/08832321003604953

* *

Greenwald, R. (2012). Think of First-Generation Students as Pioneers, Not Problems.. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 59(12), A37-A38. South Seattle Community College. (2013, October). Enrolling-South Seattle Community College. Retrieved from South Seattle Community College website

Van T. Bui, K. (2002). First-generation students of color: Background characteristics, reasons for pursuing higher education, and first year experiences. College Student Journal, 36(1), 3.

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