Jan14c Snowden NSA Evening

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CBS NEWS POLL For release: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:30 PM ET

Edward Snowden, Government Surveillance, and the Fight against Terrorism

January 17-21, 2014

Most (54%) disapprove of Edward Snowdens leaking of information about the NSA program, and 61% say he should have to stand trial in the U.S. rather than be granted amnesty. 58% disapprove of the government collecting the phone records of ordinary Americans, and the public is now divided on whether that tool is necessary to combat terrorism. 59% are concerned about losing some of their own privacy in the fight against terrorism. 42% are concerned their own telephone records are being collected, but 57% are not concerned. Edward Snowden NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked information about the secret NSA program that collected the phone and internet records of people in the U.S. and abroad and his actions are not well-received by the public. 31% approve of Snowdens actions, while most, 54%, disapprove. Majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and independents disapprove. Snowden Leaking Surveillance Information Total 11/2013 Approve 31% 28% Disapprove 54 59 Most Americans 61% - think Edward Snowden should have to stand trial in the United States for his actions. Far fewer 23% - think he should be granted amnesty. Republicans, Democrats, and independents all agree on this as well. What Should Happen to Snowden? Total Reps Dems Ind Stand trial in the U.S. 61% 58% 64% 60% Granted amnesty in the U.S. 23 22 22 24 Americans are divided as to the impact on the country from making the NSA program public. While 40% think the disclosure has been good for the country, 46% think it has been bad. That the NSAs Surveillance Program Has Been Made Public Is Total Reps Dems Ind Good for the country 40% 38% 40% 42% Bad for the country 46 50 47 44

When asked to come up with a word that describes Edward Snowden, nearly a quarter volunteer either traitor or a similar word that questions his loyalty to his country, while 8% say he is brave or courageous or a hero. Just 2% volunteered that he is a patriot or patriotic, and another 2% say terrorist. What Word Would You Use to Describe Edward Snowden? Traitor/treason/unpatriotic/disloyal/un-American 23% Brave/courageous/fearless/hero 8 Whistle blower/informant 4 Idiotic/stupid/fool/dumb/jackass 3 Sneaky/snitch/scoundrel 2 Terrorist 2 Criminal/unlawful 2 Patriot/patriotic 2 Other 22 Dont know/no answer 31 Government Surveillance Americans have become more skeptical in the last few months about the need for the government to collect the phone records of Americans in order to help find terrorists. Now public opinion is divided: 47% think this is necessary, while 48% think it is not. Last July, a slight majority thought it was necessary. Is Government's Collection of Americans Phone Call Records Necessary to Find Terrorists? Now 7/2013 6/2013 Yes, necessary 47% 52% 53% No, not necessary 48 43 40 Mr. Obamas recent announcement that the NSA would have to turn over the collected data to a third party has not shifted public approval of the practice. 58% of Americans disapprove of federal government agencies collecting the phone records of average Americans, the same percentage as in June, when the secret NSA surveillance program was disclosed. Federal Government Collecting Phone Records of Ordinary Americans Now 6/2013 Approve 39% 38% Disapprove 58 58 It has been revealed that the NSA listened to phone calls made by some foreign leaders who are allies of the U.S. 50% think this is acceptable, while 44% do not. NSA Listening To Foreign Leaders Phone Calls Is Now 11/2013 Acceptable 50% 45% Unacceptable 44 48

Mr. Obamas speech last Friday didnt reassure Americans about his handling of this issue: 49% disapprove of the Presidents handling of the NSAs surveillance activities, and just 35% approve. A slight majority of Democrats approve. President Obamas Handling of NSA Surveillance Total Reps Dems Ind Approve 35% 17% 52% 33% Disapprove 49 68 32 51 Fighting Terrorism and Privacy 59% of Americans remain at least somewhat concerned about losing some of their privacy as a result of steps taken by the federal government to fight terrorism. 42% are concerned that the government might be collecting their own phone call records, while 57% are not concerned about that. In Governments Efforts to Fight Terrorism, How Concerned Are You that.? Concerned Youll lose some of your privacy 59% Your own phone records are being collected 42%

Not concerned 41 57

Overall, 41% of Americans think the government has gone too far in infringing on peoples privacy in its efforts to fight terrorism, while 43% think the balance is about right, and 12% think the government has not gone far enough. Infringing on Peoples Privacy to Fight Terrorism: The Government Has Now 11/2013 6/2013 Gone too far 41% 43% 36% Not gone far enough 12 10 13 Balance about right 43 42 46 ______________________________________________________________________
This poll was conducted by telephone January 17-21, 2014 among 1,018 adults nationwide. Data collection was conducted on behalf of CBS News by Social Science Research Solutions of Media, PA. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups may be higher. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

CBS NEWS POLL Edward Snowden, Government Surveillance, and the Fight against Terrorism January 17-21, 2014 Q1-Q7 Held for future release. Q7a. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling surveillance activities by the National Security Agency? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 35 17 52 33 49 68 32 51 15 14 16 16

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer Q8.Q.39 Held for future release.

Q40. Overall, in its efforts to fight terrorism, do you think the U.S. government has gone too far in infringing on peoples privacy, has it not gone far enough, or has the balance been about right? Nov13c % 43 10 42 5

Too far Not far enough About right Dont know/No answer

41 12 43 4

43 13 40 3

37 12 45 5

42 12 44 3

Q41. How concerned are you about losing some of your privacy as a result of steps taken by the federal government to fight terrorism are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all concerned? Jun13a 28 31 20 20 1

Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not very concerned Not at all concerned Dont know/No answer

27 32 22 19 1

24 38 22 16 --

20 33 22 25 *

33 27 22 17 2

Q42. In order to reduce the threat of terrorism, do you approve or disapprove of federal government agencies collecting phone records of ordinary Americans? Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer 39 58 3 32 65 3 46 51 3 37 59 4 38 58 3

Q43. How concerned are you, personally, that the government might be collecting your phone call records--are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all concerned? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 20 18 17 24 22 26 22 20 22 24 24 20 35 30 36 36 1 1 1 --

Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not very concerned Not at all concerned Dont know/No answer

Jun13a % 19 19 24 38 *

Q43a. Do you think the government's collection of Americans phone call records is a necessary tool to help find terrorists, or do you think it is NOT necessary? Jul13b 52 43 5

Necessary tool Not necessary Dont know/No answer

47 48 5

42 54 4

52 44 5

45 49 6

Q44. As you may know, American Edward Snowden leaked information about a government program to help find terrorists that involved collecting phone and internet records in the United States and in foreign countries. From what you have heard or read, do you approve or disapprove of Edward Snowden's actions in leaking information about this government program? Nov13c 28 59 12

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer

31 54 15

33 54 13

28 57 15

31 52 17

Q45. What one word would you use to describe Edward Snowden? Traitor/treason/unpatriotic Brave/courageous/fearless/hero Whistle blower/informant Idiotic/stupid/fool/dumb/jackass Patriot/patriotic Criminal/unlawful Sneaky/snitch/scoundrel Terrorist Other Don't know/No answer 23 8 4 3 2 2 2 2 22 31 23 8 5 5 3 3 * 2 20 29 23 8 2 3 1 2 2 1 26 31 22 8 4 3 2 1 3 2 23 31

Q46. Do you think Edward Snowden should (be granted amnesty in the U.S.), or do you think Edward Snowden should (have to stand trial in the U.S.)? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 23 22 22 24 61 58 64 60 16 20 14 16

Granted amnesty Should stand trial Dont know/No answer

Q47. Do you think the fact that the program of collecting phone and internet records has been made public has been mostly (good) for the country, or mostly (bad) for the country? Good for the country Bad for the country Neither Dont know/No answer 40 46 3 11 38 50 2 10 40 47 1 12 42 44 4 10

Q48. It has been recently disclosed that the U.S. National Security Agency monitored the phone calls of some foreign leaders who are allies of the U.S. do you think it is acceptable or not acceptable for the U.S. to monitor the phone activities of foreign leaders who are allies of the U.S.? Nov13c % 45 48 7

Acceptable Not acceptable Dont know/No answer

50 44 7

49 45 6

57 38 6

45 48 8

Total Respondents Total Republicans Total Democrats Total independents

UNWEIGHTED 1,018 255 336 427


248 335 435

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