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Universidad Tcnica de Ambato

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educacin

Carrera de Idiomas

Subject: Language Assessment Teacher: Cristina Jordn Name: Vanessa Villacs Level: Eighth U

TECHNIQUE: Survey INSTRUMENT: Objective Test UNIDAD EDUCATIVA SAGRADA FAMILIA FIRST PARTIAL EVALUATION NAME: LEVEL: . A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please read the instruction carefully before to answer the questions. 2. Use just pen (whiteout is not permitted in this evaluation) 3. Talking while giving the evaluation is not permitted. B. TEST QUANTIFICATION

DATE: ..

Short answer Alternative Answer Multiple Choice Simple Choice

From 1 to 5 From 6 to 10 From 10 to 15 From 15 to 20

1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0

5 5 5 5

Total: 1. SHORT ANSWER ITEMS 1. Who is your father? .

20 points

2. In which month do we celebrate the Day of the Family? . 3. The brother of your father is your. 4. The sister of your mother is your . 5. The son of your father is your . 2. ALTERNATIVE ANSWER 6. The mother of your mother is your grandmother 7. Your mother is your fathers wife 8. The husband of your sister is your brother 9. The wife of your brother is your sister-in-law 10. My best friend from school is my nephew 3. SIMPLE CHOICE Underline the correct answer 11. The sun is Yellow Brown Blue Black True ( ) True ( ) True ( ) True ( ) True ( ) False ( ) False ( ) False ( ) False ( ) False ( )

12. The sea is Yellow 13. The wheels are Orange 14. The moon is Gold 15. The plants are Orange 4. MULTIPLE CHOICE 16. The table is a a) Circle b) Square c) Triangle d) Rectangle 17. The window is a a) Triangle b) Square c) Circle d) Rectangle 18. The pyramid is a a) Square b) Circle c) Triangle d) Rectangle 19. The world is a a) Square b) Circle c) Triangle d) Rectangle 20. The laptop is a a) Square Sky-blue Purple Green Pink Grey White Black Green Pink Brown Blue Black

b) Circle c) Triangle d) Rectangle

TECHNIQUE: Survey INSTRUMENT: Questionnaire

A. In the following statements, write True or False according to the sentences

1. The horses have four legs 2. The birds can fly 3. Chickens have a mouth

. . .

B. In the following statements, complete the correct word in the gaps

Animals 4. The animals that walk with four legs are called., and the animals that do not put eggs are called.. 5. We have different kind of animals like: mammals, birds, sea animals and 6. Animals are domestic and.

Rooms of the House 7. The main object in the kitchen is the .. 8. The main object in the bedroom is the.. 9. The main object in the bathroom is the

C. Match the first column with the second column by writing the letters in parenthesis

10. ( ) Animals that have four legs 11. ( ) Animals that eats herbs 12. ( ) Animals that can jump

a. Cows b. Rabbits c. Dogs

D. In the following statements, there is one option that is not correct, cross (x) the option that you consider INCORRECT

13. The animals that eat meat are ( ) Tigers ( ) Donkeys ( ) Lions

14. The animals that can fly are ( ) Rhinos ( ) Owls ( ) doves

15. The animals that lives in the sea are ( ) whales ( ) snake ( ) seahorse


A. Evocation questions

Which day comes after Friday and comes before Sunday.

B. Superiority ordering questions

What is your opinion about the weather that changes a lot in every single day? .. ..
C. Distractor questions

Which day is in the middle of the whole week a. Wednesday b. Thursday c. Tuesday

TECHNIQUE: Observation INSTRUMENT: Checklist

INSTRUCTIONS: Mark the corresponding indicator according to your point of view about the students performance. Presentation observed Name: The student greets the audience The student introduces the topic The information presented is organized The student brainstorm ideas from his partners The student uses extra materials The student gives a conclusion of the topic presented The student was clear and concise The student evaluates the class The student promotes a good environment SUBTOTAL TOTAL Yes No

TECHNIQUE: Observation INSTRUMENT: Observation sheet

Competence: communicative appropriate way Indicator: Participation Activity: Conversation about likes and dislikes Students Observation Description Ana Beln Morales She did the She achieved a good Interpretation participate activities in in Time: English class an Date: 02-12-2013

conversation with their level in the rubric, so it partners group difficulties from with or the is considered as an any achievement bad competence in the

behavior in the period of class

TECHNIQUE: Observation INSTRUMENT: Anecdotic Register

Student: Beln Silva Place: Seventh Red Activity: English exercises Observation Description The students were doing Interpretation the Beln is an excellent student and Date: 02-12-2013 Time: 07:00

activities that the teacher asked to well-behaved girl. She had never do, when Beln started to cry and had problems with her classmates. cry. She said that Danilo hit her but I Recently, Danilo had problems with could not see anything, but the time his classmates and he played very passes and I could see Beln with a rude with them, so I consider that very huge bruise in her arm. So, she something happened in his house said that Danilo hit her with a ruler. with his parents in order to have this kind of behavior

TECHNIQUE: Observation INSTRUMENT: Self-Evaluation


NAME:______________________________ When I check my work I feel that: I complete my work It is well done

DATE: _________________________

I do not complete my work I need some help

It is excellent I did not work in class

Mark with a cross (x) I have improved: My speaking skill My writing skill My reading skill My listening skill My coloring My cutting I feel proud of: .. . The next time I will: .. .

TECHNIQUE: Observation INSTRUMENT: Co-evaluation Co-evaluation Read each statement and color the circle according to the appreciation that you have to your partner, considering the following code Always Almost always Hardly ever Never = = = = Aspects to value 1 He/She is open to help He/She is respectful with others He/She do the activities asked before He/She bring the materials asked He/She participate in the activities 2 red yellow orange black Classmates 3 4


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Excellent 5 points Classify organize Very good 5 points Good 5 points Needs improvement 5 points

and Classify all organize

and Classify

and The

the organize some documents of of documents and information the and information given in the first period of

the documents majority and information documents and

given in the information

first period of given in the given in the class are not the year first period of first period of organized nor the year the year classified.

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