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. Chec! "f the name pr"nte# on the brown envelope an# the content$ "n$"#e are your$. %. &etach 'n$wer Sheet No. ( an# procee# w"th the e)am"nat"on. *. +ar! Set ,o) -'. "f your Te$t ,oo!let "$ Set '/ Set ,o) -,. "f your Te$t ,oo!let "$ Set ,. 0. +ar! only one 112 bo) for each 3ue$t"on on your an$wer $heet. Two or +ore bo)e$ mar!e# w"ll "nval"#ate your an$wer. 6. STRICKLY NO ERASURES. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. -&o not teach too many $ub4ect$. What you teach5 teach thorou6hly.5 $a"# one ph"lo$opher. The pr"mary rea$on beh"n# the a#v"ce "$ to "n$ure that teacher$ '. ,. C. &. cover all the 789C$:7SC9$ relate the"r le$$on$ to the"r $tu#ent; #a"ly l"fe avo"# fa"l"n6 6ra#e$ avo"# $poon fee#"n6 the"r $tu#ent$

. ' $tu#ent pa$$e$ a boo! report poorly wr"tten but ornately pre$ente# "n a fol#er to ma!e up poor 3ual"ty of the boo! report content. Wh"ch <"l"p"no tra"t$ #oe$ th"$ pract"ce prove= '. -7orma. over $ub$tance ,. 'rt over aca#em"c$ C. Sub$tance over -7orma. &. 'rt over $c"ence

%. 8)treme author"tar"an"$m "n the home learner$ to '. wor! creat"v"ty ,. #epen# on the other$ for #"rect"on C. #"rect them$elve$ &. #o th"n6$ on the"r own "n"t"at"ve *. Wh"ch #"# the 'mer"can$ teach the <"l"p"no$ wh"ch the Span"ar#$ #"# not= '. the"r 6overnment C. the"r lan6ua6e ,. the"r art &. the"r rel"6"on C. 0. The bac!>to>ba$"c curr"culum "$ "n e$$ence a 1an2??????????. '. 8)"$tent"al"$t C. e$$ent"al"$t ,. 7ro6re$$"v"$t &. perenn"al"$t @. In the mo$t recent curr"culum "ntro#uce# "n (( 5 +a!abayan a$ a $ub4ect. '. $"n6le$ out Aalue$ 8#ucat"on ,. $erve$ a$ a pract"ce env"ronment for hol"$t"c learn"n6 C. compartmental"Be$ $ub4ect$ e)clu#"n6 8n6l"$h5 <"l"p"no5 Sc"ence5 an# +ath &. "nte6rate$ 8n6l"$h5 <"l"p"no55 Sc"ence an# +ath

C. -'pproach every pup"l a$ $he:he "$ w"thout allow"n6 your$elf to be "nfluence# by your fore!nowle#6e of h"$Dher home bac!6roun#. "$ an a#v"ce from a 1an2 '. e$$ent"al"$t ,. rat"onal"$t C. po$"t"v"$t &. e)"$tent"al"$t phenomenolo6"$t

E. The <"l"p"no learner env"$"one# by the &epartment of 8#ucat"on "$ one who "$ embe# w"th the #e$"rable value$ of a per$on who "$ '. ,. C. &. ma!abayan5 ma!a$ar"l"5 ma!a!al"!a$an5 at ma!a>&"yo$ ma!abayan5 ma!atao5 ma!ahalaman5 at ma!a>&"yo$ ma!abayan5 ma!a!ara6atan5 ma!atao5 at ma!a>&"yo$ ma!abayan5 ma!atao5 ma!a!al"!a$an5 at ma!a>&"yo$

F. Se) 8#ucat"on "n $chool$ "mpl"e$ that l. man "$ e#ucable ll. man "$ free "n the cho"ce of h"$ $e)ual e)pre$$"on lll. +an ha$ pure $e)ual "n$t"nct '. l5 ll5 lll ,. l5 ll C. ll5 lll &. l5 lll

1(. Gow "$ the late$t curr"culum "ntro#uce# "n the elementary an# $econ#ary School$ calle# '. The Re>$tructure# ,a$"c 8#ucat"on Curr"culum ,. (( 8lementary an# Secon#ary 8#ucat"on Curr"cula C. +"llenn"um Curr"culum &. (( ,a$"c 8#ucat"on Curr"culum 11. -Somet"me$ "t may be better to ma!e wron6 #ec"$"on$ when a #ec"$"on "$ ur6ent than to ma!e a -r"6ht. #ec"$"on too late. "$ a thou6ht encoura6e# by the '. rat"onal"$t C. real"$t ,. pro6re$$"v"$t &. e)"$tent"al"$t 1 . Wh"ch #oe$ pataa$an n6 "h" mental"ty ne6ate= '. In"t"at"ve C. teamwor! ,. fle)"b"l"ty &. rel"6"ou$"ty 1%. To whom #o <"l"p"no$ owe the w"#e$prea# 7h"l"pp"ne e#ucat"onal $y$tem to#ay= '. the f"r$t <"l"p"no pol"t"cal lea#er$ ,. the 'mer"can$ C. the Hapane$e &. the Span"ar#$

1*. Wh"ch "$ NOT a character"$t"c of the (( ,a$"c 8#ucat"on Curr"culum= '. ,. C. &. more "nte6rate# more hol"$t"c more compartmental"Be# ma!e$ u$e of "nter#"$c"pl"nary approach

10. 'll of the$e prevent the emer6ence of the truth wh"ch learner$ an# teacher$ are "n $earch of 8IC87T a 1an2 '. +"n#$et ,. -ma$!. C. open m"n# &. #efen$e

1@. Teach"n6 of health "n $chool$ "$ bac!e# up by the concept that '. ,. C. &. man ha$ non>tan6"ble an# tran$cen#"n6 #"men$"on$ man;$ bo#y "$ the e)pre$$"on of h"$ $oul man ha$ a #ual nature man "$ noth"n6 but matter

1C. ,efore the Thoma$"te$ arr"ve# "n the 7h"l"pp"ne$5 who $erve# a$ teacher$ a tot eh colon"al$ #ur"n6 the 'mer"can re6"me= '. ,. C. &. The 8lementary Teacher;$ Cert"f"cate 6ra#uate$ of the normal $chool The 'mer"can $ol#"er$ The $electe# Gra#e C 6ra#uate$ The 6overnment off"c"al$

1E. Who were the Thoma$"te$= '. The $ol#"er$ who #oubte# the $ucce$$ of the publ"c e#ucat"onal $y$tem to be $et "n the 7h"l"pp"ne$ ,. The f"r$t 'mer"can teacher recru"t to help e$tabl"$h the publ"c e#ucat"onal $y$tem "n the 7h"l"pp"ne$. C. The f"r$t rel"6"ou$ 6roup who came to the 7h"l"pp"ne$ on boar# the US tran$port Thoma$. &. The #evotee$ to St. Thoma$ '3u"na$ who came to be evan6el"Be#. 1F. The 'mer"can teacher$ who were recru"te# to help $et the publ"c e#ucat"onal $y$tem "n the 7h"l"pp"ne$ #ur"n6 the 'mer"can re6"me were calle# Thoma$"te$ becau$e '. ,. C. &. They arr"ve# "n the 7h"l"pp"ne$ on the fea$t of St. Thoma$. They f"r$t tau6ht at the Un"ver$"ty of Sto. Thoma$. They were #evotee$ of St. Thoma$ '3u"na$. They #"$embar!e# from the CIS Tran$port calle# Thoma$.

(. ' 6roup of <"l"p"no ch"l#ren $erve# a$ re$pon#ent$ "n a re$earch con#ucte#. The ch"l#ren were a$!e# to tell what they wante# to be5 "f 6"ven the cho"ce. None of them $a"# -to be an 'mer"can5 to be a Hapane$e5 to be a Jorean5 etc.. What #oe$ th"$ f"n#"n6 $how= '. ,. C. &. "nfer"or"ty of other nat"onal"t"e$ $uper"or"ty of the <"l"p"no $uper"or"ty of other nat"onal"t"e$ <"l"p"no lac! of a $en$e of nat"onal pr"#e

1. 'n -I>thou. relat"on$h"p e)"$t$ between teacher an# $tu#ent$ when there "$ '. <avor"t"$m ,. 7reten$"on C. re$pect &. pre4u#"ce

. Wh"ch e#ucat"onal tren# "$ occurr"n6 "n all mo#ern $oc"et"e$ a$ a re$ult of Jnowle#6e e)plo$"on an# rap"# $oc"al5 technolo6"cal5 an# econom"c chan6e$= '. "nternat"onal e#ucat"on C. nuclear e#ucat"on ,. l"felon6 learn"n6 &. team teach"n6 %. One learn$ by a$$oc"at"on an# al$o by "n$"6ht. Th"$ $how$ that the a$$oc"at"on 'n# co6n"t"ve theor"e$ of learn"n6 are '. #"ametr"cally oppo$e# C. partly wron6 ,. complementary &. partly correct *. ' pup"l who ha$ #evelope# a love for rea#"n6 !eep$ on rea#"n6 for her en4oyment. G"$ mot"vat"on for rea#"n6 "$ '. both "ntr"n$"c an# e)tr"n$"c C. "ntr"n$"c ,. e)tr"n$"c &. "n$uff"c"ent 0. Wh"ch "$ the mo$t effect"ve way 1$2 of reta"n"n6 learner mater"al= l. hear"n6 ll. $ee"n6 "t lll. note$ complementat"on '. l an# ll ,. ll only C. 'll of the$e &. ll an# lll

@. Where are mult"me#"a re$ource$ an# computer$5 wh"ch "$ the mo$t favorable re$ult of the opt"mal u$e of e#ucat"onal me#"a technolo6y= '. "ncrea$e# learn"n6 ,. $pee# learn"n6 C. "nteract"ve learn"n6 &. more "ntere$t"n6 learn"n6

C. The r"6ht hem"$phere of the bra"n "$ "nvolve# w"th the follow"n6 funct"on$ 8IC87T '. nonverbal funct"on$. ,. "ntu"t"ve funct"on$. C. #eta"l>or"ente# funct"on$. &. v"$ual funct"on$

E. What funct"on$ are a$$oc"ate# w"th the r"6ht bra"n= '. v"$ual5 "ntu"t"ve5 lo6"cal ,. v"$ual5 "ntu"t"ve5 non>verbal C. v"$ual5 non>verbal5 lo6"cal &. v"$ual5 lo6"cal5 #eta"l>or"ente#

F. Hohn Wat$on $a"#: -+en are bu"lt not born.. What #oe$ th"$ $tatement po"nt to= '. ,. C. &. The "neffect"vene$$ of tra"n"n6 on a per$on;$ #evelopment. The effect of here#"ty. The ab$ence of 6enet"c "nfluence on a per$on;$ #evelopment. The effect of env"ronmental $t"mulat"on on a per$on;$ #evelopment.

%(. Un#er wh"ch type of 6u"#ance $erv"ce #oe$ the concern of $chool$ put $tu#ent$ "nto the"r mo$t appropr"ate cour$e$ fall= '. re$earch $erv"ce ,. "n#"v"#ual "nventory $erv"ce C. placement $erv"ce &. "nformat"on $erv"ce

%1. Wh"ch "$ an a#vanta6e of teacher>ma#e te$t$ over tho$e $tan#ar#"Be# te$t$= Teacher>ma#e te$t$ are '. h"6hly rel"able ,. better a#apte# to the nee#$ of the $tu#ent$ C. h"6hly val"# &. more ob4ect"vely $core

% . W"th the number of $en$e$ to be $t"mulate# a$ a cr"ter"on5 wh"ch one $houl# be the f"r$t "n the l"$t= '. au#"o a"# ,. au#"o>v"$ual a"# C. v"$ual a"# &. mult">$en$ory a"#

%%. Wh"ch refer$ to the <"l"p"no tra"t of pract"c"n6 confl"ct"n6 venue$ "n #"fferent an# w"th #"fferent $oc"al 6roup$= '. crab mental"ty ,. -!anya>!anya. mental"ty C. procra$t"nat"on &. $pl"t>per$onally

%*. R"char# e)cel$ "n cla$$"fy"n6 #"fferent type$ of leave$ an# roc!$. Ge love$ to Collect $pec"men an# catalo6$ them. G"$ $tren6th "$ '. natural"$t"c "ntell"6ence ,. "ntraper$onal "ntell"6ence C. $pat"al "ntell"6ence &. e)"$tent"al "ntell"6ence

%0. Stu#ent C cay$ -bahala na. an# brave$ the $torm for a te$t. In th"$ $"tuat"on Wh"ch "$ e)pre$$e# by the $tu#ent;$ -bahala na.= '. 9ac! of $elf>rel"ance C. lac! of fore$"6ht ,. W"ll"n6ne$$ to ta!e r"$!$ &. "n#olence %@. It "$ ea$y for ch"l#ren to learn lan6ua6e becau$e each per$on "$ a lan6ua6e 'c3u"$"t"on &ev"ce that pre#"$po$e$ one to ac3u"re lan6ua6e. Th"$ theory "$ e$pou$e# by?????????????. '. Wat$on ,. Gar#ner C. Chom$!y &. 7"a6et

%C. +"$$ CorteB "$ teach"n6 a three year>ol# but hot to put on h"$ $h"rt. She m"6ht <"r$t rewar# h"m for plac"n6 h"$ r"6ht arm "n the r"6ht $leeve5 then the left arm "n the left $leeve5 then button"n6 the front of the $h"rt then tuc!"n6 the $h"rt "nto h"$ pant$. Th"$ techn"3ue "$ calle# '. Con#"t"on"n6 ,. <a#"n6 C. cha"n"n6 &. re"nforcement

%E. 'ccor#"n6 to 8r"!$on;$ theory5 the ch"l# a6e# three to f"ve "$ lar6ely '. +"$ch"evou$ ,. 86ocentr"c C. laBy &. altru"$t"c

%F. Teacher S want$ to $how to the cla$$ a ma6n"f"e# p"cture of +ayon Aolcano mounte# on a bon#paper. Wh"ch one w"ll $he u$e= '. overhea# pro4ector ,. opa3ue pro4ector C. $l"#e &. f"lm$tr"p

*(. Teacher A want$ to chec! pr"or !nowle#6e of h"$ pup"l$ about water pollut"on. She wr"te$ the ma"n top"c water pollut"on "n the center of the chal!boar# an# enc"rcle$ "t. Then $he a$!$ the pup"l$ to prov"#e "nformat"on that can be clu$tere# aroun# the ma"n top"c. Wh"ch techn"3ue #"# the teacher employ= '. #e#uct"ve teach"n6 ,. #emon$trat"on C. $emant"c mapp"n6 &. vocabulary bu"l#"n6

*1. 'fter hav"n6 been hum"l"ate# by the teacher/ $tu#ent , evaluate$ that teacher very poorly #e$p"te the teacher;$ e)cellent performance. Wh"ch tra"t "$ #emon$trate# by the $tu#ent;$ behav"or= '. Rat"onal"$m ,. Imper$onal"$m C. per$onal"$m &. part"cular"$m

* . In her #e$"re to help the ch"l#ren bu"l# the"r vocabulary5 $he ma"nta"n a $mall boar# at the corner of her cla$$room for the Wor# of the #ay to teach the ch"l#ren one new wor# each #ay. Wh"ch metho# of vocabulary bu"l#"n6 #oe$ $he employ= '. "nc"#ental attent"on to bu"l#"n6 mean"n6 ,. all of the$e C. #"rect vocabulary "n$truct"on &. w"#e rea#"n6

*%. Con#uct"n6 follow>up $tu#"e$ of 6ra#uate$ an# #rop out "$ 6u"#ance $erv"ce that fall$ un#er '. "n#"v"#ual "nventory $erv"ce ,. re$earch $erv"ce C. coun$el"n6 $erv"ce &. placement $erv"ce

**. Teacher < help$ pup"l$ #eterm"ne the pronunc"at"on an# mean"n6$ of wor#$ by analyB"n6 root$5 aff")e$5 an# #er"ve# form$. Th"$ proce$$ "$ calle# '. conte)tual attac! ,. phonet"c analy$"$ C. blen#"n6 $oun#$ &. $tructural analy$"$

*0. Re$earcher$ con#ucte# $how that teacher;$ e)pectanc"e$ of $tu#ent$ often ,ecome $elf>fulf"ll"n6 prophec"e$. What "$ th"$ phenomenon calle#= '. R"pple effect ,. Gawthorne effect C. 7y6mat"on effect &. Galo effect

*@. '6e two1 2 "$ u$ually #e$cr"be# a$ the -terr"ble ;$. becau$e5 accor#"n6 to 8r"!$on5 at th"$ $ta6e the ch"l# ten#$ to be '. In3u"$"t"ve ,. S"c!ly C. playful &. a$$ert"ve "n wor#$ an# act"on$.

*C. 7eter "$ ale to 6a"n a lot of fr"en#$. Ge "$ well>l"!e# an# popular amon6 other $tu#ent$. Ge ha$ a natural flare for ma!"n6 people lau6h an# "$ almo$t alway$ rea#y to help them. Ge po$$e$$e$ what "$ calle# '. natural"$t"c "ntell"6ence ,. $pat"al "ntell"6ence C. "ntraper$onal "ntell"6ence &. "nterper$onal "ntell"6ence

*E. Hone$5 a6e C5 wa$ foun# from her cla$$ for fre3uent f"6ht$ w"th other ch"l#ren. She refu$e# to be #"$c"pl"ne# an# wa$ to focu$ "n cla$$ only for a very $hort t"me. She al$o ha$ fre3uent tantrum$. She "$ $uffer"n6 from '. ,. C. &. mental retar#at"on &own;$ $yn#rome 'ttent"on>&ef"c"t>Gyperact"v"ty #"$or#er 9earn"n6 #"$ab"l"ty

*F. Wh"ch one are two>#"men$"on repre$entat"on$ of the earth;$ 6eo6raph"c an#:or pol"t"cal feature$= '. moc!>up$ ,. mo#el$ C. 6lobe$ &. map$

0(. Stu#"e$ "n the area of neuro$c"ence #"$clo$e# that the human bra"n ha$ l"m"tle$$ capac"ty. What #oe$ th"$ "mply= '. 7up"l$ can po$$"bly reach a po"nt where they have learne# everyth"n6. ,. 8very ch"l# "$ a potent"al 6en"u$. C. 8very pup"l ha$ h"$ own nat"ve ab"l"ty an# h"$ learn"n6 "$ l"m"t to th"$ Nat"ve ab"l"ty. &. Some pup"l$ are a#m"tte#ly not capable of learn"n6 01. Upon whom #oe$ the ch"ef re$pon$"b"l"ty of 6u"#ance re$t= '. home an# church ,. $chool an# church C. home an# $chool &. home an# commun"ty

0 . Wh"ch $tatement "$ wron6= '. One $houl# rea# "#ea$ not wor#$. ,. Span of reco6n"t"on can be w"#ene# throu6h phra$e rea#"n6. C. ' per$on who ma!e$ fewer f")at"on$ "$ a 6oo# rea#er. &. One who ma!e$ many re6re$$"on$ "$ a 6oo# lea#er. 0%. 7avlov;$ e)per"ment "nvolv"n6 the #o6;$ $al"vat"on a$ a react"on to the $oun# of the ball pave# the way for $tu#"e$ "n '. $oc"al learn"n6 C. operant con#"t"on"n6 ,. cla$$"cal con#"t"on"n6 &. re"nforcement C. 0*. <er#"e ha$ a h"6h level of $elf>awarene$$. Ge alway$ $pen#$ t"me reflect"n6 'bout h"$ $tren6th$ an# wea!ne$$e$ an# "$ able to u$e $trate6"e$ to further "mprove h"m$elf. G"$ $tren6th l"e$ "n h"$ '. emot"onal "ntell"6ence C. e)"$tent"al "ntell"6ence ,. "ntraper$onal "ntell"6ence &. "nterper$onal "ntell"6ence 00. Stu#ent$ ten# to re$ort to the ea$y mean$ of pa$$"n6 a $ub4ect. Th"$ pr"nc"ple "$ calle# '. pr"nc"ple of #"$cr"m"nat"on ,. pr"nc"ple of m"n#$et 0@. Wh"ch cam "mprove recall= '. ab$tract concept$ ,. "nteract"ve v"$ual "ma6ery C. ran#om"Be# lon6 l"$t of "tem$ &. lo6"c an# har# fact$ C. pr"nc"ple of e)t"nct"on &. pr"nc"ple of lea$t effort

0C. ,y wh"ch proce$$ #o ch"l#ren become part"c"pat"n6 an# funct"on"n6 member$ of $oc"ety by f"tt"n6 "nto an or6an"Be# way of l"fe= '. '$$"m"lat"on ,. 'cculturat"on C. accommo#at"on &. $oc"al"Bat"on

0E. The teacher;$ role "n the cla$$room accor#"n6 to co6n"t"ve p$ycholo6"$t$ "$ to '. ,. C. &. f"ll the m"n#$ of the learner w"th "nformat"on ma!e the learn"n6 ta$! ea$y for the learner #"ctate what to learn upon the learner. Gelp the learner connect what $:he !now$ new "nformat"on from the teacher.

0F. Stu#ent$ "n $chool ten#$ to 6roup them$elve$ by re6"on of or"6"n an# th"n! of them$elve$ a$ f"r$t an# above all a$ A"$aya$5 Ilocano5 Ta6alo6. Th"$ $how$ that <"l"p"no$ are 6enerally '. ,. C. &. more un"ver$al"$t"c than part"cular"$t"c more per$onal than "mper$onal. more part"cular"$t"c than un"ver$al"$t"c more "mper$onal than per$onal

@(. The ba$"c nee#$ "n the h"erarchy of nee#$ mu$t be met $o that learn"n6 w"ll effect"vely ta!e place. Th"$ e)pre$$e$ the theory of '. Ro6er$ ,. +urray C. Gorney &. +a$low

@1. The follow"n6 are $ynonymou$ to performance ob4ect"ve5 8IC87T: '. learner;$ ob4ect"ve ,. "n$truct"onal ob4ect"ve C. teacher;$ ob4ect"ve &. behav"oral ob4ect"ve

@ . The proce$$ of ta$! analy$"$ en#$ up "n the formulat"on of '. "n$truct"onal ob4ect"ve$. ,. 8nabl"n6 ob4ect"ve$ C. behav"oral ob4ect"ve$. &. 6oal$ of learn"n6.

@%. When a $chool #ec"#e$ to wor! on a thermat"c curr"culum wh"ch $houl# be>out of the p"cture= '. Inte6rat"on ,. 7eer collaborat"on C. Compet"t"on &. Team teach"n6

@*. Teacher K want$ to teach h"$ pup"l the techn"3ue on rea#"n6 for "nformat"on. Wh"ch techn"3ue $houl# he u$e= '. pr"or !nowle#6e ,. $tory map C. SL%R &. te)t $tructure

@0. One a"m of 9a 9"6a <"l"p"na5 ".e.5 to encoura6e popular e#ucat"on5 "$ "n l"ne w"th the pre$ent 7h"l"pp"ne 6overnment "n e#ucat"on to promote '. l"felon6 an# 3ual"ty ,. effect"vene$$ an# eff"c"ency C. relevance an# 3ual"ty &. acce$$ an# e3u"ty.

@@. Teacher T want$ 6roup member$ to 6"ve the"r full attent"on to what one In#"v"#ual want$ to e)pre$$. Th"$ "$ #one by the whole 6roup $eate# "n a c"rcle wh"le cha"r$ are place# "n the center of the c"rcle for two member$ to conver$e wh"le the other$ l"$ten. What "$ th"$ techn"3ue calle#= '. roun# table ,. $ympo$"um C. forum &. f"$h bowl techn"3ue

@C. Confuc"u$ a$$erte# that "n teach"n6 there $houl# be no #"$t"nct"on of cla$$e$. Confuc"u$; teach"n6 "$ "n $upport of '. +oral Recovery 7ro6ram C. 8#ucat"on of all 18<'2 ,. ,ac!>toMthe>ba$"c$ &. Aalue$ 8#ucat"on @E. The f"r$t 'mer"can teacher$ "n the 7h"l"pp"ne$ were?????????? '. elementary 6ra#uate$ C. m"$$"onar"e$ ,. 6ra#uate$ of the normal $chool &. $ol#"er$ @F. wh"ch "n$truct"onal a"# re3u"re$ pup"l to perform= '. moc!>up C. pantom"me ,. f"lm &. com"c boo!$ C(. Wh"ch amon6 the follow"n6 ob4ect"ve$ "n the p$ychomotor #oma"n "$ h"6he$t "n level= '. to contract a mu$cle ,. to run a 1((>meter #a$h C. to #"$t"n6u"$h #"$tant an# clo$e $oun#$ &. to #ance the ba$"c $tep$ of the waltB C1. The pro4ect metho# "$ con$"#ere# valuable for the follow"n6 rea$on$ e)cept '. 7up"l$ #evelop alertne$$5 open>m"n#e#ne$$5 an# tolerance. ,. 7up"l$ are tra"ne# to be re$pon$"ble C. +ot"ve for learn"n6 "$ #evelope#. &. +ovement amon6 pup"l$ "$ not free an# #"$cu$$"on "$ almo$t n"l. C . The u$e of #r"ll$ "n the cla$$room "$ roote# on Thorn#"!e;$ law of ???????? '. ,elon6"n6ne$$ ,. Rea#"ne$$ C. e)erc"$e &. effect

C%. <or hol"$t"c learn"n65 "t "$ ur6ent to ut"l"Be both $"#e$ of the bra"n5 the effect"ve a$ well a$ the co6n"t"ve5 alon6 w"th the ???????????? '. ,ehav"oral C. mu$"cal ,. Intu"t"ve &. rat"onal C*. Wh"ch "n$truct"onal a"# re3u"re$ pup"l$ to verbal"Be= '. &"orama ,. ,ra"n$torm"n6 C. $oc"o#rama &. 6raph

C0. 8#ucat"on #ur"n6 the revolut"onary per"o# "n the 7h"l"pp"ne$ then wa$ focu$e# on the '. ,. C. &. ma$tery of the Span"$h lan6ua6e. $tren6then"n6 of the moral f"ber of the people. +a$tery of the ba$"c $!"ll$. 8$tabl"$hment of nat"onhoo#.

C@. Ga6ne &el"neate$ F e)ternal event$ "n $e3uent"al "n$truct"onal plann"n6. wh"ch are the f"r$t an# la$t "n the $e3uence= '. Inform"n6 the $tu#ent of the le$$on ob4ect"ve$ N enhanc"n6 the retent"on an# tran$fer of learn"n6. ,. Inform"n6 $tu#ent$ of the le$$on ob4ect"ve$ N a$$e$$"n6 $tu#ent performance C. Ga"n"n6 attent"on N enhanc"n6 the retent"on an# tran$fer of learn"n6. &. St"mulat"n6 recall of prev"ou$ learn"n6 N a$$e$$"n6 $tu#ent performance. CC. Stu#ent$; non>verbal behav"or affect$ $tu#ent>teacher "nteract"on. 'n e)ample "$ a $tu#ent;$ cho"ce of $eat at the be6"nn"n6 of the year "nfluence$ the teacher;$ "mpre$$"on of how re$pon$"ve the $tu#ent "$. Un#er wh"ch cate6ory of non>verbal commun"cat"on #oe$ the e)ample fall= '. 'ttent"vene$$ C. t"m"n6 ,. locat"on:pro)"m"ty &. #"$rupt"ve behav"or CE. In "n$truct"onal plann"n65 wh"ch amon6 the$e three/ un"t plan5 cour$e plan5 le$$on plan "$ 1are2 mo$t $pec"f"c= ???????????? plan$. '. Cour$e C. le$$on ,. Un"t &. cour$e an# le$$on CF. If a $tu#ent th"n!$ about th"n!"n65 he "$ "nvolve# "n a proce$$ calle# ???????? '. creat"ve th"n!"n6 C. h"6her>or#er th"n!"n6 ,. meta co6n"t"on &. cr"t"cal th"n!"n6 E(. The follow"n6 are $ome #r"ll techn"3ue$5 8IC87T '. '$$"6n"n6 e)erc"$e$ from a wor!boo!. ,. Challen6"n6 $tu#ent$ to be above the level of the cla$$. C. G"v"n6 $hort 3u"B an# hav"n6 $tu#ent$ 6ra#e paper$. &. '$!"n6 pup"l$ to repeat an$wer$. E1. <or "n$truct"on to be effect"ve "t mu$t be "nteract"ve. Wh"ch5 then $houl# be avo"#e# by teacher$= '. teacher ep"$o#e ,. teacher a$!"n6 3ue$t"on$ C. non>verbal cue$ &. teacher monolo6ue

E . Wh"ch "$ NOT a ba$"c component of a le$$on plan= '. 8valuat"on C. re$ource$ ,. '$$"6nment &. content E%. One cr"ter"on for content to be #evelope# "n a le$$on "$ 98'RN',I9ITO. What #oe$ the cap"tal"Be# letter wor# mean= '. ,. C. &. The content $houl# be worthwh"le. The content $houl# be w"th"n the capac"ty of the $tu#ent$ to learn. Re$ource$ an# mater"al$ for the #evelopment of the content are ava"lable. The content $houl# be u$eful or pract"cal "n $ome $"tuat"on.

E*. 9earn"n6 "$ enhance# when '. ,. C. &. the learner compete$ w"th h"$ cla$$mate$. The teacher e)pre$$e$ h"$ #"$appo"ntment w"th low $core$. The e)pectat"on of $ucce$$ "$ h"6h. The learner "$ un#er $tre$$ an# "$ challen6e#.

E0. Teacher A teache$ the pup"l$ to ma"n "#ea5 $e3uence event$5 f"n# the #eta"l$ an# rea# creat"vely an# cr"t"cally. What $!"ll$ #oe$ Teacher A teach= '. ut"l"Bat"on $!"ll$ ,. $tu#y $!"ll$ C. comprehen$"on $!"ll$ &. wor# reco6n"t"on $!"ll$

E@. Ay6ot$!y cla"me# that $oc"al "nteract"on "$ "mportant for learn"n6. What #oe$ th"$ "mply= '. ,. C. &. ch"l#ren are "n#epen#ent problem $olver$. Ch"l#ren learn from a#ult$ an# other ch"l#ren. S"nce they are not capable of "nteract"on5 ch"l#ren "n the cr"b ha$ no learn"n6 yet. Ch"l#ren learn well by pa$$"ve pre$entat"on of "nformat"on.

EC. Teacher K ha$ a var"ety of "n$truct"onal mater"al$ at her #"$po$al for a le$$on on mar"ne l"fe. Wh"ch one $houl# $he con$"#er f"r$t an# foremo$t= '. pup"l;$ ab"l"ty ,. le$$on ob4ect"ve C. pup"l;$ "ntere$t &. top"c

EE. Wh"ch were feature$ of the 8#ucat"onal &ecree of 1E@%= l. The Church;$ act"ve "nvolvement "n the publ"c e#ucat"onal $y$tem. ll. Se6re6at"on of boy$ an# 6"rl$ "n the $chool. lll. <ew benef"t$ an# pr"v"le6e$ for teacher$. lA. 'b$ence of a $y$tem of teacher promot"on. '. ll5 lll ,. l5 ll C. l5 lA &. l5 lll

EF. Wh"ch one e)pla"n$ curr"culum al"6nment correctly= '. Teacher$ empha$"Be #"fferent learn"n6 e)per"ence$ ba$e# upon the"r $!"ll$ an# "ntere$t. ,. Teacher$ plan act"v"t"e$ con$"#er"n6 learner;$ mult"ple "ntell"6ence an# var"e# learn"n6 $tyle$. C. Ob4ect"ve$ match w"th a$$e$$ment. &. Ob4ect"ve$ match w"th "n$truct"on an# a$$e$$ment. F(. 7o$"t"ve "nter#epen#ence a$ an element of collaborat"ve learn"n6 mean$ that the $tu#ent$ mu$t '. ,. C. &. help one another "n the "n#"v"#ual te$t for everyone to pa$$. &epen# on the #"l"6ent $tu#ent. ,e 6roupe# hetero6eneou$ly. 9earn to #epen# on each other to ach"eve a 6oal.

F1. Teacher 8 want$ to encoura6e collaborat"ve learn"n6 "n her cla$$. Wh"ch one Shoul# $he #o to he"6hten po$"t"ve "nter#epen#ence= '. ,. C. &. 8mpha$"Be the "#ea that the $ucce$$ of the 6roup #epen#$ on the #"l"6ent $tu#ent. Wor!$ for homo6enou$ 6roup"n6. 7rov"#e each $tu#ent w"th one $et of re$ource$. 7rov"#e only one an$wer $heet.

F . Wh"ch one can help $tu#ent$ #evelop the hab"t of cr"t"cal th"n!"n6= '. ,. C. &. '$!"n6 low level 3ue$t"on$. ' w"ll"n6ne$$ to $u$pen# 4u#6ment unt"l $uff"c"ent ev"#ence "$ pre$ente#. '$!"n6 conver6ent 3ue$t"on$. ,l"n# obe#"ence to author"ty.

F%. Wh"ch mater"al$ con$"$t of "n$truct"onal un"t$ that cater to the #"fferent nee#$ an# the vary"n6 mental level$ of pup"l$= '. ,. C. &. m"n"mum learn"n6 competenc"e$ mult">level mater"al$ plant"lla mult">6ra#e mater"al$

F*. Wh"ch "$ a teach"n6 approach for !"n#er6arten$ that ma!e$ real worl# e)per"ence$ of the ch"l# a focal po"nt of e#ucat"onal $t"mulat"on= '. +onte$$or" approach ,. Tra#"t"onal approach C. 8clect"c approach &. S"tuat"on approach

F0. Gray #ef"ne$ rea#"n6 a$ a four>$tep proce$$= In wh"ch or#er #o the four $tep$ come= l. "nte6rat"on ll. percept"on '. l>ll>lll>lA ,. ll>lll>lA>l lll. react"on lA. Comprehen$"on C. lll>lA>l>ll C. ll>lA>lll>l

F@. Teacher + want$ to #evelop "n her pup"l$ comprehen$"on $!"ll$. What or#er of $!"ll$ w"ll $he #evelop= 9 l"teral comprehen$"on ll. "nterpretat"on '. ll>lll>lA>l ,. lA>lll>ll>l lll. cr"t"cal evaluat"on lA. Inte6rat"on C. lll>lA>l>ll &. l>ll>lll>lA

FC. 'n "nte6rat"ve5 conceptual approach "ntro#uce# y Rol#an ha$ a$ "t$ h"6he$t level "$ the #evelopment of ??????????? th"n!"n6 $!"ll$. '. Interpretat"ve C. creat"ve ,. 9"teral &. cr"t"cal FE. The u$e of mnemon"c$ help$ a pup"l ??????????? "nformat"on. '. 'nalyBe C. apply ,. Un#er$tan# C. remember 1((. Wh"ch $chool$ are $ub4ect to $uperv"$"on5 re6ulat"on an# control by the $tate= '. ,. C. &. publ"c5 pr"vate $ectar"an an# non>$ectar"an $chool$ publ"c $chool$ pr"vate $chool$ $ectar"an an# non>$ectar"an $chool$

1(1.Wh"ch 6raph"c or6an"Ber$ arte u$e# to $how event "n chronolo6"cal or#er= '. $er"e$ of event$ chart an# $tory map ,. t"me l"ne an# cycle C. t"me l"ne an# $er"e$ of event$ chart &. t"me l"ne an# $tory map 1( . Wh"ch pro6ram wa$ a#opte# to prov"#e un"ver$al acce$$ to ba$"c e#ucat"on to era#"cate "ll"teracy= '. -7aaralan>$a>,awat>,aran6ay. ,. 8#ucat"on for 'll C. Aalue 8#ucat"on framewor! &. Sc"ence an# 8#ucat"on &evelopment 7lan 1(%. Teacher + "n$truct$ her cla$$ to refer to the #"ct"onary "n correct"n6 the"r $pelle# wor#$/ Wh"ch pract"ce "$ e)empl"f"e#= '. curr"culum "n#"6en"Bat"on C. mult">level "n$truct"on ,. computer>a$$"$te# "n$truct"on &. $elf>evaluat"on 1(*. Wh"ch note>ta!"n6 techn"3ue "nclu#e$ the u$e of var"ou$ $"Be$ of c"rcle to "n#"cate the #e6ree of the "mportance an# connecte#ne$$ of "#ea$= '. Aenn #"a6ram C. compar"$on matr") ,. <"$hbone #"a6ram &. Webb"n6 1(0. The free publ"c elementary an# $econ#ary e#ucat"on "n the country "$ "n l"ne w"th the 6overnment effort to a##re$$ e#ucat"onal problem$ of??????? '. effect"vene$$ an# eff"c"ency ,. relevance an# 3ual"ty C. pro#uct"v"ty &. acce$$ an# e3u"ty

1(@. Cla$$room #"$cu$$"on $houl# en# w"th a f"nal $ummary al$o !nown a$ ??????????????? '. "nternal $ummar"e$ ,. me#"al $ummar"e$ C. or6an"Ber$ &. po$t or6an"Ber$

1(C. Teacher want$ h"$ pup"l$ to ma$ter the $!"ll "n a##"n6 unl"!e fract"on$. Wh"ch metho# $houl# he u$e= '. un"t metho# ,. #r"ll metho# C. laboratory metho# &. #"$covery metho#

1(E. wh"ch "$ the correct $tatement about teach"n6 metho#= '. ,. C. &. There "$ one be$t metho# for teach"n6 In#"rect "n$truct"onal metho# "$ teacher>centere#. There "$ a be$t metho# of teach"n6 No one teach"n6 metho# can accompl"$h every 6oal.

1(F. Sc"ence Teacher C "ntro#uce$ a top"c on earth3ua!e$5 then help her $tu#ent$ #eterm"ne what they nee# to !now about earth3ua!e$ an# the act"v"t"e$ an# re$ource$ that help them learn. Wh"ch techn"3ue #oe$ Teacher C employ= '. "n#"v"#ual"Be# "n$truct"on ,. computer>a$$"$te# "n$truct"on C. $elf>#"recte# learn"n6 &. collaborat"ve learn"n6

11(. Teacher I a$$e$$e$ her pup"l;$ nee#$ then create$ an act"v"ty that allow$ everyone to $hare an# learne# from one another. What "$ the teacher prepar"n6 the cla$$ for= '. buBB 6roup"n6 ,. reme#"al "n$truct"on C. peer tutor"n6 &. 'b"l"ty 6roup"n6

111. Teacher a$!e# the pup"l$ the$e 3ue$t"on$ after rea#"n6 ' New Gome for Ruben5 -What 6l"mp$e of rural l"fe #"# you 6et from the $tory= Gow #o you compare them w"th your$= The$e 3ue$t"on$ are cate6or"Be# un#er ?????????= '. cr"t"cal evaluat"on C. Interpretat"on ,. appl"cat"on &. l"teral comprehen$"on 11 . In the J>W>9 techn"3ue$ J $tan#$ for what the pup"l alrea#y !now$. W for he want$ to !now an# 9 for what he ??????????= '. <a"le# to learn C. nee#$ to learn ,. Ge l"!e$ to learn &. learne# 11%. Teacher K $how$ a h"$to6ram on <"l"p"no populat"on 6rowth from 1FF( to ((1. See"n6 the pattern of 6rowth5 pup"l "$ a$!e# to tell what w"ll happen "n the ne)t two year$. What $!"ll "$ the pup"l a$!e# to #"$play= '. Inferr"n6 C. "ntrapolat"n6 ,. pre#"ct"n6 &. #raw"n6 conclu$"on 11*. Wh"ch theory $tre$$e$ the "mportance of u$"n6 a pre>rea#"n6 $trate6y that encoura6e$ $tu#ent$ to u$e the"r own e)per"ence$ to pre#"ct an# evaluate the problem$ an# act"on$ of the character$ "n the $tor"e$ they rea#= '. +eta co6n"t"on theory C. vocabulary theory ,. te)t $tructure theory &. Scheme theory 110. Wh"ch 3ue$t"on"n6 techn"3ue woul# be appropr"ate for "n#uct"ve le$$on$= '. ,. C. &. U$e 3ue$t"on$ re3u"r"n6 only memory re$pon$e$. 8)pect part"c"pat"on only amon6 the mot"vate# $tu#ent$. Involve $tu#ent$ act"vely "n the 3ue$t"on"n6 proce$$. '$ teacher5 you a$! no 3ue$t"on$.

11@. The 7h"l"pp"ne Con$t"tut"on #"rect$ the teach"n6 of rel"6"on "n publ"c $chool$ on the follow"n6 con#"t"on$ 8IC87T '. opt"on "$ e)pre$$e# "n wr"t"n6. ,. W"thout co$t to the 6overnment. C. W"th co$t $houl#ere# by the parent$ or 6uar#"an$ &. G"ven only at the opt"on of the parent$ or 6uar#"an. 11C. What type of le$$on ta!e$ place when a teacher #well$ on the $ame le$$on but pre$ent "t "n a #"fferent way= '. &evelopmental C. rev"ew ,. #e#uct"ve &. "n#uct"ve 11E. +arv"n ha$ ha# a #"ff"culty 6ett"n6 the r"6ht $olut"on to a problem "n 'l6ebra. Su##enly he -$aw. how to $olve the problem. Wh"ch of the <ollow"n6 e)pla"n$ th"$ $"tuat"on= '. Revelat"on ,. In$"6ht C. retent"on &. memory

11F. Wh"ch one w"ll l"!ely contr"bute to the effect"vene$$ of $mall #"$cu$$"on= '. Repeat"n6 #"rect"on$ over an# over ,. &evelop"n6 a plan for 6ett"n6 non>volunteer$ to re$pon# C. Threaten"n6 atmo$phere. &. Aolunteer$ "$ the rule for contr"but"n6 to the #"$cu$$"on 1 (. Wh"ch "$ one benef"t #er"ve# from the u$e of performance ob4ect"ve$= A. B. C. D. ' panacea to cla$$ mana6ement problem$ +a!e$ "t ea$"er to mea$ure$ $tu#ent ach"evement. +a!e$ po$$"ble value "nte6rat"on. +a!e$ $elect"on of "n$truct"onal mater"al$ ea$"er.

1 1. In $earch5 the #ef"n"t"on of !ey term$ u$e# "$ '. 9"teral ,. Conceptual 1 C. operat"onal &. f"6urat"ve

. 'fter a le$$on on 'I&S5 the $tu#ent$ are a$!e# to $ummar"Be the le$$on "n one lon6 $entence by an$wer"n6: Who= &oe$ what=/ To what or whom=/ When=/ Where=/ Gow=/ why=. Th"$ a$$e$$ment techn"3ue evaluate$ Stu#ent$; ab"l"ty to ??????????????????? '. 8valuate ,. 'nalyBe C. $ynthe$"Be &. recall

1 %. On the f"r$t #ay of cla$$ after "n"t"al "ntro#uct"on$5 the teacher a#m"n"$tere# a +"$concept"on:7reconcept"on chec!. She e)pla"ne# that $he wante# to !now what the cla$$ a$ a whole alrea#y !new about the 7h"l"pp"ne$ before the Span"ar#$ came. Th"$ +"$concept"on:7reconcept"on chec! "$ a form of a ?????????? '. &"a6no$t"c ,. placement te$t C. cr"ter"on>reference# te$t &. ach"evement te$t

1 *. In $earch wh"ch "$ the #epen#ent var"able= '. St"mulu$ ,. Input C. 'ttr"bute &. 7re#"ctor

1 0. Wh"ch type of $tat"$t"c$ 6"ve 1$2 "nformat"on about the $ample be"n6 $tu#"e#= '. "nferent"al an# correlat"on ,. "nferent"al C. #e$cr"pt"ve &. corretat"onal

1 @. Wh"ch happen$ when $core #"$tr"but"on "$ po$"t"vely $!ewe#= '. ,. C. &. The me#"an w"ll be h"6her than the mean an# the mo#e. The mo#e corre$pon#$ to a low value. The mean w"ll have a h"6h level. The mo#e corre$pon#$ to a h"6h value.

1 C. Teacher ' wrote of Genry: -When Genry came to cla$$ th"$ morn"n65 he $eeme# very t"re# an# $louche# "nto h"$ $eat. Ge too! no part "n cla$$ #"$cu$$"on an# $eeme# to have no "ntere$t "n what wa$ be"n6 #"$cu$$e#. Th"$ wa$ very unu$ual5 for he ha$ alway$ been ea6er to part"c"pate an# Often monopol"Be# the #"$cu$$"on t"me.. What Teacher ' wrote "$ an 8)ample of a 1an2 ?????????????. '. "nc"#ence report ,. anec#otal report C. per$onal"ty report &. ob$ervat"on report

1 E. What "$ a $"mple fre3uency #"$tr"but"on= ' 6raph"c repre$entat"on of ????? '. mean$ ,. $tan#ar# #ev"at"on$ C. raw $core$ &. lowe$t an# h"6he$t $core$D

1 F. 'bout what percent of the ca$e$ fall$ between P an# >1 "n a normal curve= '. *%.1Q ,. F0.*Q C. FF.EQ &. @E. Q

1%(. Wh"ch error #o teacher$ comm"t when they ten# to over rate the ach"evement of $tu#ent$ "#ent"f"e# by apt"tu#e te$t$ a$ 6"fte# becau$e they e)pect ach"evement an# 6"fte#ne$$ to 6o to6ether= '. 6enero$"ty error ,. central ten#ency error C. $ever"ty error &. lo6"cal error

1%1. What "$ the mean of th"$ $core #"$tr"but"on: *505@5C5E5F51(= '. E.0 ,. @ C. C.0 &. C.0

1% . Wh"ch $tatement correctly appl"e$ to a $tu#ent who 6ot a $core of C "n the te$t= '. ,. C. &. Ge $urpa$$e# the $core of C $tu#ent$. Ge correctly an$were# C Q of the "tem$ "n the te$t. Ge obta"ne# a raw $core of C . Ge an$were# only C "tem$ "n the te$t.

1%%. Wh"ch mea$ure1$2 of central ten#ency can be #eterm"ne# by mere "n$pect"on= '. +e#"an C. mean ,. +o#e &. mo#e an# me#"an 1%*. When a $"6n"f"cantly 6reater number from the lower 6roup 6et$ a te$t "tem correctly5 th"$ "mpl"e$ that the te$t "tem ????????? '. "$ very val"# ,. "$ not very val"# C. "$ not h"6hly rel"able &. "$ h"6hly rel"able to obta"n ??????????

1%0. Teacher C a##$ the number of ca$e$ an# 1 over '. mo#e ,. me#"an

C. me#"an an# mo#e &. mean

1%@. 9"!e a typewr"ter5 the computer ha$ a ??????????? '. #"$! #r"ve ,. !eyboar# C. $creen &. cur$or

1%C. The follow"n6 #eman# cr"ter"on>reference# te$t$5 8IC87T????????????? '. 7er$onal"Be# Sy$tem of In$truct"on ,. Outcome>ba$e# e#ucat"on C. Collaborat"ve learn"n6 &. +a$tery 9earn"n6 1%E. Rea# th"$ te$t "tem then an$wer the 3ue$t"on$ below. WG'T IS TG8 8N& 7UNCTU'TION <OR 'N INT8RROG'TIA8 S8NT8NC8= '. 3uotat"on mar!$ &. $em"colon ,. comma 8. 3ue$t"on mar! C. e)clamat"on po"nt 1%F. It "$ not w"$e to lau6h at a two>year>ol# ch"l# when he utter$ a ba# wor# becau$e "n h"$ $ta6e he "$ learn"n6 to ???????????? '. con$"#er one;$ v"ew$ ,. #"$t"n6u"$h r"6ht an# wron6 C. $oc"al"Be &. #"$t"n6u"$h $e) #"fference$

1*(. In wh"ch $ub4ect$ can learn"n6 outcome$ be be$t evaluate# by cr"ter"on> reference# te$t '. In $ecret$ where $pee# an# accuracy of learner;$ re$pon$e are empha$"Be#. ,. In all $ub4ect$ C. In $ub4ect where the ac3u"$"t"on of co6n"t"ve an# p$ychomotor ab"l"t"e$ are empha$"Be#. &. In $ub4ect$ where ob4ect$ are h"erarch"cally arran6e#. 1*1. In a Sc"ence cla$$ te$t5 one 6roup ha# a ran6e w"th"n the top 3uarter of 10 po"nt$ an# another 6roup on the $ame mea$urement ha# a ran6e of %( po"nt$. Wh"ch $tatement appl"e$= '. The f"r$t 6roup ha$ a var"ab"l"ty tw"ce a$ 6reat a$ the $econ# 6roup w"th"n the top 3uarter. ,. The f"r$t 6roup "$ more var"e# than the $econ# 6roup. C. The $econ# 6roup ha$ a var"ab"l"ty tw"ce a$ 6reat a$ the f"r$t 6roup w"th"n the top 3uarter. &. The $econ# 6roup #oe$ not #"ffer from the f"r$t 6roup "n var"ab"l"ty. 1* . Wh"ch appl"e$ when all h"6h fre3uenc"e$ are not a#4acent= '. ,. C. &. The $core #"$tr"but"on w"ll ne"ther be b"mo#al nor mult"mo#al. There "$ no po"nt of $core concentrat"on. The $core #"$tr"but"on w"ll be b"mo#al or mult"mo#al. There w"ll only be one po"nt of $core concentrat"on.

1*%. +other$ who #eman# the"r % to 0 ch"l#ren to $pen# the"r t"me "$ $er"ou$ aca#em"c $tu#y for6et that early ch"l#hoo# "$ the ?????????? '. 3ue$t"on"n6 a6e ,. pre$chool a6e C. "n"t"at"ve a6e &. toy a6e

1**. Teacher ' want$ to ma!e u$e of the mo$t $table mea$ure of var"ab"l"ty= Wh"ch one1$2 $houl# you recommen#= '. e)ternal ran6e an# 3uart"le ran6e ,. $tan#ar# #ev"at"on C. 3uart"le ran6e &. e)ternal ran6e

1*0. Wh"ch refer$ to a $"n6le wor# or phra$e that tell$ the computer to #o $ometh"n6 w"th a pro6ram or f"le= '. computer pro6ram ,. comman# C. pa$$wor# &. computer lan6ua6e

1*@. To #eterm"ne $tu#ent;$ entry !nowle#6e an# $!"ll$5 wh"ch te$t $houl# 6"ven= '. 'pt"tu#e ,. Stan#ar#"Be# C. #"a6no$t"c &. placement

1*C. Wh"ch "$ 1are2 $"6n$ of the $tu#ent w"th 'ttent"on &ef"c"t &"$or#er= '. ,. C. &. Care$ for h"$ per$onal th"n6$. Impat"ent wh"le wa"t"n6 for h"$:her turn #ur"n6 6ame$. Complete$ wor! before $h"ft"n6 to another. 8)ce$$"vely 3u"et.

1*E. 'fter $cor"n65 Teacher G 6ot the #"fference of the h"6he$t an# the lowe$t $core$ "n each cla$$. What #"# $he compute= '. ran6e of the lowe$t fourth ,. $tan#ar# #ev"at"on C. ran6e of the m"##le 0(Q &. e)ternal ran6e

1*F. Un#er wh"ch a$$umpt"on "$ portfol"o a$$e$$ment ba$e#= '. 7ortfol"o a$$e$$ment$ "$ #ynam"c a$$e$$ment. ,. '$$e$$ment $houl# $tre$$ the repro#uct"on of !nowle#6e. C. 'n "n#"v"#ual learner "$ "na#e3uately character"Be# by a te$t $core. &. 'n "n#"v"#ual learner "$ a#e3uately character"Be# by a te$t $core. 10(. What "$ the mo#e "n the follow"n6 $core #"$tr"but"on: F@5F@5FE5FC5F%5 F(5EF5FC5E15E(= '. F@ ,. FE C. FC &. E%

101. If a teacher "$ concerne# w"th the #evelopment of $tu#ent$; h"6her or#er th"n!"n6 $!"ll$5 h"$ le$$on ob4ect"ve$ mu$t 6o beyon# ????????. '. 'naly$"$ C. comprehen$"on ,. Recall &. appl"cat"on 10 . Wh"ch $tatement about 6u"#ance "$ <'9S8= '. ' 6u"#ance pro6ram "$ "nherent "n every $chool. ,. Gu"#ance "$ a funct"on of the ent"re $chool. C. The cla$$room teacher "$ not part of the $chool 6u"#ance pro6ram $"nce $:he "$ not tra"ne# to be 6u"#ance coun$elor. &. Gu"#ance embrace$ curr"culum5 teach"n65 $uperv"$"on5 an# all other act"v"t"e$ of the $chool.

10%. Wh"ch $tatement on coun$el"n6 "$ <'9S8= '. ,. C. &. The ult"mate 6oal of coun$el"n6 "$ 6reater happ"ne$$ on the part of the coun$elee. <or coun$el"n6 to be $ucce$$ful5 the coun$elee "$ w"ll"n6 to part"c"pate "n the proce$$. The $chool coun$elor "$ pr"mar"ly re$pon$"ble for coun$el"n6. Coun$el"n6 "$ the pro6ram that "nclu#e$ 6u"#ance.

10*. ' te$t "tem ha$ a #"ff"culty "n#e) of E1 an# a #"$cr"m"nat"on "n#e) of 1%. What $houl# the te$t con$tructor #o= '. Reta"n the "tem ,. +a!e a bonu$ "tem. C. Rev"$e the "tem &. Re4ect the "tem.

100. cont"nuou$ evaluat"on of the 6u"#ance pro6ram "$ one $erv"ce of 6u"#ance pro6ram$. Un#er wh"ch 6u"#ance $erv"ce #oe$ "t fall= '. In#"v"#ual "nventory $erv"ce ,. Re$earch $erv"ce C. 7lacement $erv"ce &. 8#ucat"onal $erv"ce

10@. Shown a p"cture of ch"l#ren "n $weater$ "n$"#e the cla$$room5 the $tu#ent$ were a$!e# th"$ 3ue$t"on: -In what !"n# of cl"mate #o the$e ch"l#ren l"ve=. Th"$ "$ a thou6ht 3ue$t"on on '. creat"n6. ,. Interfer"n6 C. pre#"ct"n6. &. apply"n6.

10C. Wh"ch "$ the f"nal5 "n#"$pen$able component of a le$$on plan= '. '$$"6nment ,. Reference$ C. act"v"ty &. evaluat"on

10E. Wh"ch mult"ple>cho"ce type of te$t ha$ opt"on$ that are ba$e# on a 6raph"cal pre$entat"on of #ata or on a para6raph or p"cture= '. $ett"n6>an#>opt"on$ te$t ,. $tructure#>re$pon$e te$t C. conta"ne#>opt"on$ te$t &. $tem>an#>opt"on$ te$t

10F. <or ma$tery learn"n6 wh"ch type of te$t"n6 w"ll be mo$t f"t= '. format"ve te$t"n6 ,. cr"ter"on>reference te$t"n6 C. apt"tu#e te$t"n6 &. norm>reference te$t"n6

1@(. Wh"ch "$ a character"$t"c of an "mperfect type of match"n6 te$t= '. ,. C. &. 'n "tem may have no an$wer at all. The "tem$ "n the r"6ht an# left column$. 'n an$wer may be repeate#. There are two or more #"$tracter$.

1@1. The follow"n6 are nece$$ary for $ucce$$ful coun$el"n65 8IC87T?????????? '. ,. C. &. coun$elee$; w"ll"n6ne$$ to part"c"pate atmo$phere of conf"#ent"al"ty profe$$"onal"$m bu##y>bu##y relat"on between coun$elor an# coun$elee

1@ . Wh"ch "$ "nclu#e# "n "tem analy$"$= '. ,. C. &. &eterm"n"n6 the percenta6e e3u"valent of the cut off $core. I#ent"fy"n6 the h"6he$t $core &eterm"n"n6 the cut off $core. &eterm"n"n6 the effect"vene$$ of #"$tracter$.

1@%. Teacher K want$ to chec! whether or not h"$ $tu#ent$ learne# what he "nten#e# to teach an# $o formulate# a 3u"B that $houl# be ba$e# on h"$ ???????????????. '. top"c1$2 ,. e)tra rea#"n6$ C. $tu#ent$; ab"l"ty &. "n$truct"onal ob4ect"ve$

1@*. If teacher want$ to te$t $tu#ent;$ ab"l"ty to or6an"Be "#ea$5 wh"ch type of te$t $houl# $he formulate= '. techn"cal problem type ,. e$$ay C. $hort an$wer &. mult"ple cho"ce type

1@0. ' teacher $houl# not be a $lave of h"$ le$$on plan. Th"$ mean$ that ?????????????. '. a teacher mu$t be rea#y to #epart from her le$$on plan "f $he remember$ $ometh"n6 more "ntere$t"n6 that what $he earl"er planne#. ,. The teacher "$ the be$t le$$on plan #e$"6ner C. ' le$$on plan mu$t be followe# by a teacher no matter what &. ' teacher mu$t be w"ll"n6 to #epart from her le$$on plan "f $tu#ent$ are "ntere$te# "n $ometh"n6 other than her "ntere$te# le$$on 1@@. The f"r$t th"n6 to #o "n con$truct"n6 a per"o#"c te$t "$ for a teacher to ????????????????. '. ,. C. &. #ec"#e on the type of te$t to con$truct 6o bac! to her "n$truct"onal ob4ect"ve #ec"#e on the number of "tem$ for the te$t $tu#y the content

1@C. The cr"ter"on of $ucce$$ "n Teacher &;$ ob4ect"ve "$ that -the pup"l$ mu$t be able to $pell F(Q of the wor#$ correctly.. 'na an# 1F other$ correctly $pelle# *( wor#$ only out of 0(. Th"$ mean$ that Teacher & ?????????. '. ,. C. &. atta"ne# h"$ ob4ect"ve becau$e of her effect"ve $pell"n6 #r"ll atta"ne# h"$ le$$on ob4ect"ve fa"le# to atta"n h"$ le$$on ob4ect"ve a$ far a$ the twenty pup"l$ are concerne# #"# not atta"n h"$ le$$on ob4ect"ve becau$e of the pup"l;$ lac! of attent"on

1@E. ' po$"t"ve #"$cr"m"nat"on "n#e) mean$ that ???????????????. '. ,. C. &. the te$t "tem coul# not #"$cr"m"nate between the lower an# upper 6roup$ more from the upper 6roup 6ot the "tem correctly more from the lower 6roup 6ot the "tem correctly the te$t "tem ha$ low rel"ab"l"ty

1@F. Why are te$t norm$ e$tabl"$he#= To have ba$"$ for ???????????????. '. comput"n6 6ra#e$ ,. e$tabl"$h"n6 learn"n6 6oal$ C. "#ent"fy"n6 pup"l;$ #"ff"cult"e$ &. "nterpret"n6 te$t re$ult$

1C(. When po"nt$ "n the $catter 6ram are $prea# evenly "n all #"rect"on$ th"$ mean$ that ??????????????. '. ,. C. &. the correlat"on between two var"able$ "$ po$"t"ve the correlat"on between two var"able$ "$ low the correlat"on between two var"able "$ h"6h there "$ no correlat"on between two var"able$

1C1. The more the learner feel$ what he "$ learn"n6 the better the learn"n6. Therefore5 the teacher$ $houl# ta!e up le$$on$ that ??????????????. '. ,. C. &. are ea$y to comprehen# appeal to the learner;$ "ma6"nat"on portray comple) "#ea$ have $"6n"f"cance for the learner

1C . The whole ch"l# concept of e#ucat"on "$ contrary to the '. ,. C. &. focu$ on the #"$a#vanta6e# approach to e#ucat"on the mental #"$c"pl"ne approach to e#ucat"on pro6re$$"v"$t approach to e#ucat"on aca#em"c e$$ent"al$ approach to e#ucat"on

1C%. The $tren6then"n6 of l"beral e#ucat"on wh"ch "nclu#e$ cla$$"cal l"terature "n the curr"culum "$ ba$e# on the thou6ht of the ??????????????. '. Rat"onal"$t$ ,. Ge#on"$t C. human"$t &. $to"c$

1C*. Wh"ch one "$ re4ecte# by commun"$m but "$ accepte# by fa$c"$m= '. &"ctator$h"p ,. pr"vate owner$h"p C. no oppo$"t"on &. per$onal l"berty

1C0. To prov"#e for "n#"v"#ual #"fference$ how "$ curr"culum #e$"6ne#= '. ,. C. &. Some #e6ree of fle)"b"l"ty "$ re3u"re#. Real"$t"c an# mean"n6ful e)per"ence$ are prov"#e#. +"n"mum learn"n6 competenc"e$ are "nclu#e#. Soc"al $!"ll$ are empha$"Be#.

1C@. The empha$"$ 6"ven on re$pect an# care for the a6e# "n Aalue 8#ucat"on cla$$e$ 6oe$ alon6 w"th the teach"n6$ of an Or"ental ph"lo$opher by the name of ????????????????. '. G$un t$u ,. +o t$u C. Jun6 fu>t$u &. 9ao t$u

1CC. Wh"ch ph"lo$ophy approve$ of a teacher who lecture$ mo$t of the t"me an# re3u"re$ h"$ $tu#ent$ to memor"Be the rule$ of 6rammar= '. 7ra6mat"$m ,. 8)"$tent"al"$m C. real"$m &. "#eal"$m

1CE. The current empha$"$ on the #evelopment of cr"t"cal th"n!"n6 by the u$e of ph"lo$oph"c metho#$ that empha$"Be #ebate an# #"$cu$$"on be6an w"th ????????????. '. Confuc"u$ ,. Socrate$ C. 'r"$totle &. 7lato

1CF. The "nclu$"on of lo6"c "n the curr"culum "$ perhap$ an "nfluence of the "mportance of lo6"c that ??????????????? $tre$$e#. '. St. 'u6u$t"ne ,. The human"$t$ C. the he#on"$t$ &. the $chola$t"c$

1E(. Oou ob$erve that pup"l$ an$wer even when not calle#5 $hout -+';'+. to 6et your attent"on5 an# lau6h when $omeone comm"t$ m"$ta!e$. What $houl# you #o= '. ,. C. &. Sen# the m"$behav"n6 pup"l$ to the 6u"#ance coun$elor. Involve the whole cla$$ "n $ett"n6 rule$ of con#uct for the whole cla$$. +a!e a report to the parent$ about the"r ch"l#ren;$ m"$behav"or. Set the rule$ for the cla$$ to ob$erve.

1E1. ' pol"t"cal bo$$ bu"l#$ a $chool "n a #"$tant barr"o "n or#er to 6et the vote$ for an unworthy an# corrupt can#"#ate$ "$ the act"on of the pol"t"cal bo$$ moral= '. ,. C. &. No5 the can#"#ate "$ un#e$erv"n6. Oe$5 the vote$ were "n e)chan6e for the $chool bu"lt. Oe$5 "t wa$ h"$ #uty to $trate6"Be for h"$ can#"#ate to w"n. No h"$ mot"ve wa$ not meant for a 6oo# effect.

1E . Can an "n$ane per$on be blame# for !"ll"n6 a $tran6er= '. ,. C. &. Oe$5 becau$e an "n$ane per$on po$$e$$e$ a l"ttle #e6ree of voluntar"ne$$ No5 becau$e the one !"lle# "$ a $tran6er5 not "n any way relate# to h"m. Oe$5 becau$e an "n$ane per$on "$ not totally "6norant. No5 becau$e of h"$ "6norance an# lac! of voluntar"ne$$.

1E%. +y r"6ht en#$ where the other be6"n$. What #oe$ th"$ mean= '. R"6ht$ are ab$olute. ,. R"6ht$ are "nal"enable C. R"6ht$ are al"enable &. R"6ht$ are not ab$olute.

1E*. The teacher;$ f"r$t ta$! "n the $elect"on of me#"a "n teach"n6 "$ to #eterm"ne the ?????????????????. '. ava"lab"l"ty of the me#"a ,. techn"3ue to be u$e# C. ob4ect"ve$ of the le$$on &. cho"ce of the $tu#ent$

1E0. Wh"ch cr"ter"on $houl# 6u"#e a teacher "n the cho"ce of In$truct"onal $trate6y= '. 'ttract"vene$$ C. appropr"atene$$ ,. Novelty &. co$t 1E@. Wh"ch one #oe$ NOT "llu$trate the pr"nc"ple that r"6ht$ an# #ut"e$ are correlat"ve= '. The r"6ht to l"v"n6 wa6e "nvolve$ the #uty of the employer to 6"ve the $alary a6ree# upon an# the #uty of the employee to 6"ve a fa"r amount of wor!. ,. The r"6ht of the $tate to compel c"t"Ben$ to m"l"tary $erv"ce "$ rec"procate# by the #uty of the $tate to protect the c"t"Ben$. C. The r"6ht of an unmarr"e# pre6nant woman to abort her baby "n relat"on to her #uty to protect her name. &. The r"6ht to l"fe on the part of one per$on corre$pon#$ to the obl"6at"on on the part of other per$on$ to re$pect $uch a r"6ht. 1EC. Wh"ch econom"c $y$tem uphol#$ the unl"m"te# r"6ht to pr"vate property an# pur$u"t of prof"t to the e)clu$"on of other con$"#erat"on$= '. mo#erate cap"tal"$m C. e)a66erate# cap"tal"$m ,. mo#erate cap"tal"$m &. commun"$m 1EE. Wh"ch $tatement on human r"6ht$ "$ CORR8CT= '. Guman r"6ht$ are unl"m"te#. ,. Guman r"6ht$ "$ a moral power not a phy$"cal power C. 'll human r"6ht$ are "nal"enable. &. Guman r"6ht$ "$ m"6ht. 1EF. Wh"ch "$ the TRU8 foun#at"on of the $oc"al or#er= '. 83u"table #"$tr"but"on of wealth. ,. The rec"procat"on of r"6ht$ an# #ut"e$. C. Obe#"ent c"t"Benry. &. Stron6 pol"t"cal lea#er$h"p. 1F(. Wh"ch "$ an e)ample of an al"enable r"6ht= '. r"6ht to po$$e$$ a hou$e throu6h "nher"tance ,. r"6ht to l"fe C. r"6ht to alm$ &. r"6ht to marry 1F1. The wor!er;$ r"6ht$ to form un"on or to $tr"!e can be $urpa$$e# "n t"me$ of nat"onal emer6ency. On what norm "$ th"$ ba$e#= '. clearer t"tle N the certa"n before the t"tle ,. h"6her law N "nal"enable r"6ht$ before the al"enable C. w"#er $oc"al or#er N the fam"ly before the "n#"v"#ual &. nobler per$on N Go# before man. 1F . W"th wh"ch "$ true author"ty e3uate#= '. power C. coerc"on ,. $uppre$$"on &. $erv"ce 1F%. Why $houl# a teacher ta!e the obl"6at"on upon h"m$elf to $tu#y an# un#er$tan# the cu$tom an# tra#"t"on$ of the commun"ty where he wor!$= In or#er to ????????????????.

'. ,. C. &.

"#ent"fy the wea!ne$$e$ of the culture of the commun"ty have a $ympathet"c att"tu#e for the people of the commun"ty plea$e the people of the commun"ty chan6e the culture of the commun"ty

1F*. Wh"ch one $houl# the teacher 'AOI& to pro#uce an env"ronment con#uct"ve for learn"n6= '. Te$t$ ,. $eat plan C. "n#"v"#ual compet"t"on &. 6ame$

1F0. In a $tu#y con#ucte#5 the pup"l$ were a$!e# wh"ch nat"onal"ty they preferre# "f 6"ven a cho"ce. +a4or"ty of the pup"l$ wante# to be 'mer"can$. In th"$ ca$e5 "n wh"ch obl"6at"on relat"ve to the $tate are $chool$ $eeme# to be fa"l"n6= In the"r obl"6at"on$ to ??????????????????. '. ,. C. &. promote obe#"ence to the law$ of the $tate. In$t"ll alle6"ance to the Con$t"tut"on Re$pect for all #uly con$t"tute# author"t"e$ 7romote nat"onal pr"#e

1F@. Wh"ch $!"ll$ $houl# be tau6ht "f teacher want$ to e3u"p h"$ $tu#ent$ w"th the $!"ll$ to or6an"Be "nformat"on 6athere#= '. ,. C. &. noteta!"n65 outl"n"n65 u$"n6 the l"brary $ummar"B"n65 noteta!"n65 u$"n6 the l"brary noteta!"n65 outl"n"n65 $ummar"B"n6 outl"n"n65 $ummar"B"n65 u$"n6 the car# catalo6ue

1FC. Wh"ch pract"ce ne6ate$ teacher;$ role a$ fac"l"tator of learn"n6= '. ,. C. &. Teacher #oe more tal! $o learner$ tal! le$$. Teacher ma!e u$e of "nteract"ve teach"n6 $trate6"e$. Teacher cater$ to mult"ple "ntell"6ence$ "n the cla$$room. Teacher o#e$ le$$ tal! for learner$ to tal! more.

1FE. 'nnual me#"cal chec!>up re3u"re# of teacher$ "$ #one "n the "ntere$t of ???????????????. '. 7arent$ ,. $chool a#m"n"$trator$ C. <"l"p"no me#"cal #octor$ &. the $tate an# of every teacher

1FF. Wh"ch act"v"ty "$ mo$t f"t "$ teacher want$ h"$ $tu#ent$ to apprec"ate the value of teamwor!= '. ,ra"n$torm"n6 ,. 6roup 6ame C. f"el# tr"p &. buBB 6roup

((. The "nformat"on proce$$"n6 p$ycholo6y a$$ert$ that??????????????. '. ,. C. &. the learner "$ a pa$$"ve rece"ver of $t"mul" the learner "$ totally con#"t"one# by env"ronment learn"n6 "$ purely a con#"t"on"n6 proce$$ learn"n6 "$ an "nteract"ve proce$$ between the learner an# the env"ronment

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