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Chapter I The Problem Introduction Modular arithmetic is the arithmetic of congruence, sometimes known informally as "clock arithmetic".

In modular arithmetic, numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a given fixed quantity, which is known as the modulus (which would be 12 in the case of hours on a clock, or 60 in the case of minutes or seconds on a clock). There are certain generalizations that you can make about the arithmetic of numbers based on which of these two classes they come from. For example, you know that the sum of two even numbers is even. The sum of an even number and an odd number is odd. The sum of two odd numbers is even. The product of two even numbers is even, etc. Formally, modular arithmetic is the arithmetic of any nontrivial homomorphic image of the ring of integers. For any such homomorphic image R of Z, there is an integer n such that R is isomorphic to the ring Z_n of integers modulo n. The addition in the ring Z_n is determined from addition in Z by computing the remainder, upon division by n, of the sum a+b of two integers a and b. Similarly, for multiplication in the ring Z_n, one multiplies two integers a and b, and computes the remainder upon division of ab by n. For each positive integer n, the ring Z_n has n elements, namely the equivalence relation R that is defined according to the rule aRb if n divides b-a. It is natural and common to denote the equivalence class [a] (under the equivalence relation R) of a non-negative integer a<n by a. The researchers define the notion of congruent integers (with respect to a modulus) and develop some basic ideas of modular arithmetic. Applications of modular arithmetic are given to divisibility tests and to block ciphers in cryptography. Modular arithmetic let's carry out algebraic calculations on integers with a systematic disregard for terms divisible by a certain number (called the modulus). This kind of "reduce algebra" is essential background for the mathematics of computer science, coding theory, primarily testing, and much more. Example calculations in arithmetic modulo 12 include statements like "11+1=0", or "7+8=3", or "5*7=11", although the equal sign = is commonly replaced with the congruence sign = in such statements to indicate that modular arithmetic is being used. More explicitly still, a notation such as 11+1=0 (mod 12) is frequently used. Arithmetic modulo 2 is sometimes referred to as "Boolean arithmetic", because the ring C_2 is the canonical example of a Boolean ring.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of? 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Civil Status 2. Do you enjoy solving math problems?
3. Who is better when it comes to answering math problems? Male or Female? 4. Do you apply the math situation in your life?


When we divide two integers we will have an equation that looks like the following: A / B = Q with remainder R A is the dividend B is the divisor Q is the quotient R is the remainder Sometimes, we are only interested in what the remainder will be when we divide A by B. For these cases there is an operator called the modulo operator (abbreviated as mod). Using the same A, B, Q, and R as above, we would have: A mod B = R We would say this as "A modulo B is congruent to R". Where B is referred to as the modulus. For example we know: 13/5 = 2 remainder 3 or 13 mod 5 = 3 Visualize modulus with clocks Observe what happens when we increment numbers by one and then divide them by 3. 0/3=0 remainder 0 1/3=0 remainder 1 2/3=0 remainder 2 3/3=1 remainder 0 4/3=1 remainder 1 5/3=1 remainder 2 6/3=2 remainder 0 ... The remainders start at 0 and increases by 1 each time, until the number reaches one less than the number we are dividing by. After that, the sequence repeats. By noticing this, we can visualize the modulo operator by using circles. We write 0 at the top of a circle and continuing clockwise writing integers 1,2 ... up to to one less than the modulus around the circle. For example, a clock with the 12 replaced by a 0 would be the circle for a modulus of 12. 3

To find the result of A mod B = ? we can follow these steps: 1. Construct this clock for size B 2. Start at 0 and move around the clock A steps 3. Wherever we land is our solution. (if the number is positive we step clockwise, if it's negative we step counter-clockwise)

Examples 8 mod 4 = ? With a modulus of 4 we make a clock with numbers 0,1,2,3 We start at 0 and go through 8 numbers in a clockwise sequence 1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0

We ended up at 0 so: 8 mod 4 = 0 7 mod 2 = ?

With a modulus of 2 we make a clock with numbers 0,1 We start at 0 and go through 7 numbers in a clockwise sequence 1,0,1,0,1,0,1

We ended up at 1 so: 7 mod 2 = 1

-5 mod 3 = ? With a modulus of 3 we we make a clock with numbers 0,1,2 We start at 0 and go through 5 numbers in counter-clockwise sequence (5 is negative) 2,1,0,2,1

We ended up at 1 so: -5 mod 3 = 1

Scope and Delimitation of Study The study focuses on the mathematical equations about modular arithmetic. The study also includes formulas to come up with the solutions and appropriate answer.

The application can be used by anyone in need of understanding the formulas, problems and solutions about modular arithmetic studies. Most probably, modular arithmetic can be use by future college student for their future references.

Definition of Terms Arithmetic - The branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers. Congruence - congruity: the quality of agreeing; being suitable and appropriate. Denote - Be a sign of; indicate: "this mark denotes quality". Stand as a name or symbol for. Divisible - (of a number) capable of being divided by another number without a remainder. Homomorphic - similarity of form Modulo - (in number theory) with respect to or using a modulus of a specified number. Nontrivial - Nontrivial is used formally as an antonym for trivial, in contexts where that word has a formal meaning. Notation - A series or system of written symbols used to represent numbers, amounts, or elements in something such as music or mathematics. Quantity - The amount or number of a thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement. Remainder - A part, number, or quantity that is left over.

Chapter II Review of Literature Arithmetic for college students According to Karl J Smith year 2000, (Modular arithmetic is a special type of arithmetic that involves only integers. This goal of this article is to explain the basics of modular arithmetic while presenting a progression of more difficult and more interesting problems that are easily solved using modular arithmetic. Motivation Let's use a clock as an example, except let's replace the at the top of the clock with a. Starting at noon, the hour hand points in order to the following:

This is the way in which we count in modulo 12. When we add


, we arrive back at . The same is

true in any other modulus (modular arithmetic system). In modulo, we count

We can also count backwards in modulo 5. Any time we subtract 1 from 0, we get 4. So, the integers from to , when written in modulo 5, are


is the same as

in modulo 5. Because all integers can be expressed as , , , , or


modulo 5, we give these integers their own name: the residue classes modulo 5. In general, for a natural number than : that is greater than 1, the modulo residues are the integers that are whole numbers less

This just relates each integer to its remainder from the Division Theorem. While this may not seem all that useful at first, counting in this way can help us solve an enormous array of number theory problems much more easily!

Congruence There is a mathematical way of saying that all of the integers are the same as one of the modulo 5 residues. For instance, we say that 7 and 2 are congruent modulo 5. We write this using the symbol : In other words, this means in base 5, these integers have the same last digit: 2(base 5) 12(base 5) 22(base 5) 32(base 5) 42(base 5)

The (mod 5) part just tells us that we are working with the integers modulo 5. In modulo 5, two integers are congruent when their difference is a multiple of 5. Thus each of the following integers is congruent modulo 5:

In general, two integers words, and

and when

are congruent modulo


is a multiple of

. In other

is an integer. Otherwise, .

, which means that

are not congruent modulo

Principles of Real Analysis By S.C. Malik (Author) One of the benefits of modular congruence is that it behaves an awful lot like the regular "equals" you're used to playing with. In fact, modular congruence is an equivalence relation, which means it has the following properties Reflexive: for any integer a and any modulus m, we have aamodm. Symmetric: for any integers a and b and any modulus m, if abmodm then bamodm. Transitive: for any integers a,b and c, and any modulus m, if abmodm and bcmodm, then acmodm. Proof: To prove the reflexive property, note that aamodm just means that we want to verify maa=0. We saw a while back, though, that any integer m divides 0, so this statement is valid. To prove symmetry, we need to show that abmodm implies bamodm. If abmodm, though, the definition of modular congruence tells us that mab, so that mk=ab. But then we have m(k)=(ab)=ba, and so mba. By the definition of modular congruence, we therefore have bamodm.

Finally, for transitivity we are supposed to assume that abmodm and bcmodm, and somehow conclude that acmodm. To prove this result, we note that the first two congruence conditions tells us that mab and mbc. Our result on divisibility of integral linear combinations, then, tells us that m(ab)+(bc)=ac. Hence the definition of modular congruence tells us that acmodm. The benefit of showing that modular congruence is an equivalence relation is that this tells us that congruence class partition the integers into distinct sets. For instance, when the modulus is 3, we know that every integer fits into one of the three collections (1) {xZ:x0mod3}{xZ:x1mod3}{xZ:x2mod3} We know this has to be true because the division algorithm tells us that any number has remainder either 0,1 or 2 after trying to divide by 3.

Instructor's resource manual, Basic mathematics for college students, seventh edition, D. Franklin Wright By William Naegele, D. Franklin Wright (Author) Modular arithmetic concepts and associated computation techniques and organization are outlined. Fundamental operations of modular arithmetic discussed include sign or relative magnitude determination and division, mathematical solution using modular arithmetic, techniques for efficient mechanization of modular arithmetic adders and multipliers, and organization and control of a modular arithmetic computer. Numerical analysis studies yielded novel results including the introduction of signed residues, overflow detection techniques, and a division algorithm 3 times as fast as any previously disclosed. A square-root algorithm which is considerably faster than the Newton-Raphson algorithm is discussed. Implementation techniques are described for trading speed for complexity, programming a computer to extend its range, and design techniques for reducing component counts in adders and multipliers. A functional simulation of modular arithmetic computation in a conventional computer is described, and statistical data on the operation of the various algorithms is included.


Fundamental College Mathematics by Marvin L. Bittinger

We consider integer arithmetic modulo a power of 2 as provided by mainstream programming languages like Java or standard implementations of C. The difficulty here is that, for w > 1, the ring Zm of integers modulo m = 2w has zero divisors and thus cannot be embedded into a field. Not with standing that, we present intra- and interprocedural algorithms for inferring for every program point uaffine relations between program variables valid at u. If conditional branching is replaced with nondeterministic branching, our algorithms are not only sound but also complete in that they detect all valid affine relations in a natural class of programs. Moreover, they run in time linear in the program size and polynomial in the number of program variables and can be implemented by using the same modular integer arithmetic as the target language to be analyzed. We also indicate how our analysis can be extended to deal with equality guards, even in an interprocedural setting.

College Mathematics 2009 by Cheryl Cleaves Ph.D., Margie Hobbs Ph.D. Modular arithmetic is the arithmetic of congruences, sometimes known informally as "clock arithmetic." In modular arithmetic, numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a given fixed quantity, which is known as the modulus (which would be 12 in the case of hours on a clock, or 60 in the case of minutes or seconds on a clock). Formally, modular arithmetic is the arithmetic of any nontrivial homomorphic image of the ring of integers. For any such homomorphic image the ring of , there is an integer such that is isomorphic to by

of integers modulo . The addition in the ring

is determined from addition in of two integers

computing the remainder, upon division by , of the sum multiplication in the ring division of by . has , one multiplies two integers

and . Similarly, for

and , and computes the remainder upon

For each positive integer , the ring

elements, namely the equivalence classes of each of the that is defined according to the (under the

nonnegative integers less than , under theequivalence relation rule iff divides

. It is natural and common to denote the equivalence class ) of a nonnegative integer by .

equivalence relation

For example, in arithmetic modulo 12 (for which the associated ring is

), the allowable numbers are

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. This arithmetic is sometimes referred to as "clock arithmetic" 11

because the additive structure here is the same as that used to determine times for a twelve-hour clock, except that 0 is often replaced, on a clock, by 12. Example calculations in arithmetic modulo 12 include statements like " ", or " ", or " ," although the equal sign is commonly

replaced with the congruence sign

in such statements to indicate that modular arithmetic is being

used. More explicitly still, a notation such as is frequently used. Arithmetic modulo 2 is sometimes referred to as "Boolean arithmetic", because the ring canonical example of a Boolean ring. is the


Chapter III Methods and Materials Research Design Describe the research design as a blueprint, or outline, for conducting the study in such a way that maximum control will be exercised over factors that could interfere with the validity of the research results. The research design is the researchers overall plan for obtaining answers to the research questions guiding the study. The research design study helps researchers to plan and implement the study in a way that will help them obtain the intended results, thus increasing the chances of obtaining information that could be associated with the real situation. This study used a quantitative exploratory descriptive design to identify, analyse and describe factors a framework for collecting data in the analysis of modular arithmetic properties. The identified factors could then be categorised into individual perceptions, contributing factors and variables. LITERATURE SEARCH AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE OF THE RATIONAL








Sources of Data Generally we can collect data from two sources, primary sources and secondary sources. Data collected from primary sources are known as primary data and data collected from secondary sources are called secondary data. Primary data are also known as raw data. Data are collected from the original source in a controlled or an uncontrolled environment. Experimental research where certain variables are being controlled by the researcher. On the other hand, data collected through observation. Secondary data are data obtained from secondary sources such as reports, books, journals, documents, magazines, the web and more. Planners commonly rely on a number of data sources for planning-related research. Knowing the "home" of a data source can make your research efforts substantially more efficient. Following is a brief list of typical data sources.

Libraries Websites Books Local agencies Other public and quasi-public bodies


Research Instruments As one purpose of the survey was to identify trends in mathematics education, the process of developing survey instruments began with the questionnaires that had been used in the survey. Preliminary drafts of the questionnaires were sent to a number of respondents for review. The survey instruments were revised based on feedback from the various reviewers, field tested and revised again. The instrument development process was a lengthy one, constantly compromising between information needs and data collection constraints. There were several iterations, including rounds of cognitive interviews with respondents and revision to help ensure that individual items were clear and unambiguous and that the survey as a whole would provide the necessary information with the least possible burden on participants.


Data Gathering Procedure The data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire. The survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions formed by the researchers. The survey was comprised of 10 questions, which were related to the participants perception regarding mathematics subject. After the professor validated the questionnaire, these were distributed to the students of Arellano University Manila. The researchers assured confidentiality of their survey sheets since the identities are not important. The researchers also understood that peoples consciousness may also affect their honesty and effectiveness in answering the survey, and so, the researchers gave people the option of being anonymous. Participants were given time to respond and then the researchers collected the surveys the next day. There were no incentives offered for participating in the research. Next, the researchers planned the questions that they would be asking to the interview. The researchers interviewed certain number of students regarding in mathematics subject.


Statistical Treatment of Data Significant Figures : number of digits know with certainty + the first in doubt. Rounding off: use the same number of significant figures. Addition and subtraction: 13.4+ 1478.224 = 1491.624 ~ 1491.6 Multiplication and division: 31x350.1=10,853.1~11,000

Kind of Errors: Systematic: instrument or the measuring technique. Random:judgementof the observer, fluctuations in conditions (temp., voltage, pressure, etc.)

Absolute Error: Relative Error:

E xi xtrue

xi xtrue 100 % xtrueaverage are synonyms. Mean, arithmetic mean, and E

Median: is the middle result when replicate data are arranged in order of size. Accuracy: indicates the closeness of the measurement to its true value or accepted value. It is expressed by the error.

Precision: describes the reproducibility of measurements. That is: the closeness of results that have been obtained in exactly the same way.

Precision: Describes the reproducibility of measurements. It can be represented by the deviation from the mean. That is:

di xi x

Chapter IV Results and Discussions Results Many complex cryptographic algorithms are actually based on fairly simple modular arithmetic. In modular arithmetic, the numbers we are dealing with are just integers and the operations used are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The only difference between modular arithmetic and the arithmetic you learned in your primary school is that in modular arithmetic all operations are performed regarding a positive integer, i.e. the modulus. Before going into modular arithmetic, let's review some basic concepts. The division theorem tells us that for two integers a and b where b 0, there always exists unique integers q and r such that a = qb + r and 0 r < |b|. For example, a = 17, b=3, we can find q = 5 and r = 2 so that 17 = 3*5+2. a is called the dividend, b is called the divisor, q is called the quotient and r is called the remainder. If r = 0, then we say b divides a or a is divisible by b. This establishes a natural congruence relation on the integers. For a positive integer n, two integers a and b are said to be congruent modulo n (or a is congruent to b modulo n), if a and b have the same remainder when divided by n (or equivalently if a b is divisible by n ). It can be expressed as a b mod n. n is called the modulus. For example: Two odd numbers are congruent modulo 2 because all odd numbers can be written as 2n+1; Two even numbers are congruent modulo 2 because all even numbers can be written as 2n+0; 38 23 mod 15 because 38 = 15*2 + 8 and 23 = 15 +8; -1 1 mod 2 because -1 = -1*2+1 and 1 = 0*2+1; 8 3 mod 5 because 8 = 5+3 and 3 = 0*5+3; -8 2 mod 5 because -8 = -2*5+2 and 2 = 0*5+2; 8 -8 mod 5 because 8 = 5+3 and -8 = -2*5+2. The remainders 3 and 2 are not the same. You need to be careful with negative numbers. They are usually not congruent to their positive counter parts, as you can see in the above examples. Congruence is an equivalence relation, if a and b are congruent modulo n, then they have no difference in modular arithmetic under modulo n. Because of this, in modular n arithmetic we usually use only n numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1. All the other numbers can be found congruent to one of the n numbers. So how to perform arithmetic operations with modulo? For addition, subtraction and multiplication, it is quite simple: calculate as in ordinary arithmetic and reduce the result to the smallest positive reminder by dividing the modulus.


For example: 12+9 21 1 mod 5 12-9 3 mod 5 12+3 15 0 mod 5 15-23 -8 2 mod 5 35*7 245 0 mod 5 -47*(5+1) -282 3 mod 5 373 50653 3 mod 5 (exponentiation is just a shorthand for repeated multiplication) Sometimes the calculation can be simplified because for any integer a1, b1, a2 andb2, if we know that a1 b1 mod n and a2 b2 mod n then the following always holds: a1+a2 b1+b2 mod n a1-a2 b1-b2 mod n a1*a2 b1*b2 mod n For example, 35 0 mod 5 therefore 35*7 0*7 0 mod 5. Also 37 2 mod 5 so 373 23 8 3 mod 5. But for division, it is not so simple because division is not defined for every number. That means that it is not always possible to perform division in modular arithmetic. First of all, as in ordinary arithmetic, division by zero is not defined so 0 cannot be the divisor. The tricky bit is that the multiples of the modulus are congruent to 0. For example, 6, -6, 12, -12, ... are all congruent to 0 when the modulus is 6. So not only 4/0 is not allowed, 4/12 is also not allowed when the modulus is 6. Secondly, going back to the very basics: what does "division" mean in ordinary arithmetic? When we say 12 divided by 4 equals 3, we mean that there is a number 3 such that 3*4 = 12. So division is defined through multiplication. But you run into problems extending this to modular arithmetic.


Discussions Modular arithmetic is quite a useful tool in number theory. In particular, it can be used to obtain information about the solutions (or lack thereof) of a specific equation.

Everyone knows that set of integers can be broken up into the following two classes: the even numbers (..., 6, 4, 2, 0, 2, 4, 6,...); and the odd numbers (..., 5, 3, 1, 1, 3, 5,...). There are certain generalizations we can make about the arithmetic of numbers based on which of these two classes they come from. For example, we know that the sum of two even numbers is even. The sum of an even number and an odd number is odd. The sum of two odd numbers is even. The product of two even numbers is even, etc. Modular arithmetic lets us state these results quite precisely, and it also provides a convenient language for similar but slightly more complex statements. In the above example, our modulus is the number 2. The modulus can be thought of as the number of classes that we have broken the integers up into. It is also the difference between any two "consecutive" numbers in a given class. Now we represent each of our two classes by a single symbol. We let the symbol "0" mean "the class of all even numbers" and the symbol "1" mean "the class of all odd numbers". There is no great reason why we have chosen the symbols 0 and 1; we could have chosen 2 and 1, or 32 and 177, but 0 and 1 are the conventional choices. The statement "the sum of two even numbers is even" can be expressed by the following: 0 + 0 0 mod 2. Here, the "" symbol is not equality but congruence, and the "mod 2" just signifies that our modulus is 2. The above statement is read "Zero plus zero is congruent to zero, modulo two." The statement "the sum of an even number and an odd number is odd" is represented by 0 + 1 1 mod 2. Those examples are natural enough. But how do we write "the sum of two odd numbers is even"? It is the (at first strange looking) expression 1 + 1 0 mod 2. Here the symbols "" and "mod 2" are suddenly very important! We have analogous statements for multiplication:


0 0 0 mod 2, 0 1 0 mod 2, 1 1 1 mod 2. In a sense, we have created a number system with addition and multiplication but in which the only numbers that exist are 0 and 1. You may ask what use this has. Well, our number system is the system of integers modulo 2, and because of the previous six properties, any arithmetic done in the integers translates to arithmetic done in the integers modulo 2. This means that if we take any equality involving addition and multiplication of integers, say 12 43 + 65 78 = 5586, then reducing each integer modulo 2 (i.e. replacing each integer by its class "representative" 0 or 1), then we will obtain a valid congruence. The above example reduces to 0 1 + 1 0 0 mod 2, or 0 + 0 0 mod 2. More useful applications of reduction modulo 2 are found in solving equations. Suppose we want to know which integers might solve the equation 3a 3 = 12. Of course, we could solve for a, but if we didn't need to know what a is exactly and only cared about, say, whether it was even or odd, we could do the following. Reducing modulo 2 gives the congruence 1a + 1 0 mod 2, or a 1 1 mod 2, so any integer a satisfying the equation 3a 3 = 12 must be odd. Since any integer solution of an equation reduces to a solution modulo 2, it follows that if there is no solution modulo 2, then there is no solution in integers. For example, assume that a is an integer solution to 2a 3 = 12, which reduces to 0 a + 1 0 mod 2, or 1 0 mod 2. This is a contradiction because 0 and 1 are different numbers modulo 2 (no even number is an odd number, and vice versa). Therefore the above congruence has no solution, so a couldn't have been an integer. This proves that the equation 2a 3 = 12 has no integer solution. Less trivially, consider the system of equations 21

6a 5b = 4, 2a + 3b = 3. Modulo 2, these equations reduce to 0 + 1b 0 mod 2, 0 + 1b 1 mod 2. This says that b is both even and odd, which is a contradiction. Therefore we know that the original system of equations has no integer solutions, and to prove this we didn't even need to know anything about a. As shown by the preceding examples, one of the powers of modular arithmetic is the ability to show, often very simply, that certain equations and systems of equations have no integer solutions. Without modular arithmetic, we would have to find all of the solutions and then see if any turned out to be integers.

Survey graph

Question 1. No Yes Question 2.

Question 3.





According to the survey that we gathered the average percentage of the students that who enjoys and who are not is equal. So we conclude that many students enjoy computing but it is also said to the survey many some students dont want the subject.


Chapter V Conclusions

If you find yourself wondering how arithmetic sequence is used in everyday life, there are literally thousands of ways. Every time someone goes to the store, chances are when they are shopping they are doing the math in their head so they don't spend more than they have. People count everything, whether its cars driving by, or floors on the elevator. Millions of professionals use all types of arithmetic in their daily work.


Personal Information:
Name: Adrian A. Celestino Address: 116 M.Mariano St. Maypajo Caloocan City Email Address: Age: 20 yrs. old Date of Birth: September 26, 1993 Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Place of Birth: Caloocan City Mothers name: Renalyn A. Celestino Mothers occupation: Housewife Fathers name: Luis Z. Celestino Fathers occupation: Government Employee

Educational Background:
Primary: Secondary: Tertiary: Course: Francisco Benitez Elementary School (1999-2006) Arellano University Mabini Campus (2006-2011) Arellano University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science major in Information Technology


Personal Information:
Name: Julina S. Chavez Address: #0 Fortune Cor. Jasmin St., Payatas A. Quezon City Email Address: Age: 18 yrs. old Date of Birth: April 6, 1995 Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Place of Birth: Sta. Maria, Bulacan Mothers name: Myrna Chavez Mothers occupation: Area manager Fathers name: Julius Chavez Fathers occupation: Service Crew

Educational Background:
Elementary: Secondary: Tertiary: Course: Lorenza M. Tinio Elem. School (2000-2007) Batasan Hills National High School (2007-2011) Arellano University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science major in Information Technology


Personal Information:
Name: Carl David A. Faderon Address: 686 Gen. Luis St., Caybiga, Caloocan City Email Address: Age: 19 yrs. old Date of Birth: May 24, 1994 Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Place of Birth: Caloocan Mothers name: Nida Faderon Mothers occupation: Librarian Fathers name: Ulysses Faderon Fathers occupation: Supervisor

Educational Background:
Primary: Secondary: Tertiary: Course: Mother and Child Academy (2000-2007) Caybiga High School (2007-2011) Arellano University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science major in Information Technology


Personal Information:
Name: Erwin C. Guillermo Address: Engineering Office South Nagtahan, Manila Email Address: Age: 18 yrs. old Date of Birth: November 30, 1994 Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Place of Birth: Malacanang Park, Manila Mothers name: Susan Guillermo Mothers occupation: Housewife Fathers name: Errol Guillermo Fathers occupation: Engineer

Educational Background:
Primary: Secondary: Tertiary: Course: Carlos P. Garcia High school (2000-2007) Justo Lukban Elementary School (2007-2011) Arellano University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science major in Information Technology


Personal Information:
Name: Jay-Mar Q. Lucena Address: 43 H Marvex Drive, Balintawak, Quezon City Email Address: Age: 19 yrs. old Date of Birth: April 13, 1994 Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Place of Birth: Manila Mothers name: Susan Lucena Mothers occupation: Housewife Fathers name: Mario Lucena Fathers occupation: Company Driver

Educational Background:
Primary: Secondary: Tertiary: Course: Balingasa Elementary School (2000-2007) Balingasa High School (2007-2011) Arellano University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science major in Information Technology


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